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Ist es nicht eine tiefe Sehnsucht jedes Menschen die sichtbaren Grenzen zu überwinden und wieder ein Gefühl der Einheit zu erfahren? Es gibt eine verborgene Welt, die wir weder hören, schmecken, riechen noch sehen können. Sie entzieht sich unserer alltäglichen Wahrnehmung. Wir sehnen uns danach alle Begrenzungen hinter uns zu lassen, alle Schwierigkeiten endgültig aus dem Weg zu schaffen und vollends in der Güte der Liebe aufzugehen. Im Grunde wollen wir nur Gutes tun, scheitern aber öfter als uns das lieb ist an den Begrenzungen unserer selbst erschaffenen Realität. Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Was bedeutet Erlösung?- Erlösung durch den Sex?- Wer bin ich ohne Arbeit und ohne Familie?- Verantwortung - was genau bedeutet das?- Was unsere fünf Sinne nicht erfassen können- Die Liebe - der Urstoff unserer Existenz- Erfahrungsstufen auf dem Weg zur Erlösung Die Liebe ist kein anderer Ausdruck als das Verschwinden sämtlicher Grenzen. Es ist der Zustand, durch den unser Ich komplett in den Hintergrund tritt und wir den Anderen nicht länger als getrennt von uns sehen. Erfahrungsstufen auf dem Weg zur ErlösungDies ist die Geschichte meiner Begegnung mit der unsichtbaren Welt. Sie fügte meinem Leben eine völlig neue Dimension hinzu, die mir bis dahin gänzlich unbekannt war. Lernen Sie diesen größeren Zusammenhang der Dinge im Leben zu verstehen und auch zu erfahren. Sie werden gelassener, friedvoller, lebendiger, und die Liebe wird Ihr stetiger Begleiter. Je mehr Sie sich als Teil des Ganzen erfahren, desto weniger müssen Sie andere Meinungen, andere Menschen und Ereignisse ausgrenzen.
Erfahren Sie, weshalb Geschichten uns seit Jahrtausenden in den Bann ziehen, und erkennen Sie das Geheimnis warum Ihr Leben die perfekte Geschichte ist. Geschichten sind so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Form und Art des Erzählens haben sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte drastisch verändert. Von der Höhlenmalerei über die Sagen und Märchen, bis hin zu Romanen und Filmen haben uns Geschichten schon immer fasziniert. Geschichten sind ansteckend!Wir Menschen sind überaus emotionale Wesen und im Grunde nur wenig rational - auch wenn wir häufig glauben das Gegenteil sei der Fall. Emotionen sind eine Sprache, die jeder Mensch versteht, egal auf welchem Kontinent der Welt, egal wie alt wir sind. Weinen, Lachen, Trauern, Jubeln lösen in jedem von uns eine Reaktion aus - Gefühle sind ansteckend! Der Held in tausend GestaltenDer amerikanische Mythenforscher Joseph Campbell gilt als der Urheber und Begründer der 'Heldenreise'. Schon als Kind faszinierten ihn die Geschichten und Mythen der Indianer. Zuletzt erkannte er, dass eine Geschichte immer wieder in unterschiedlichen Varianten erzählt wird: 'Die Heldenreise'. Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Die 17 Stationen einer Heldenreise nach Campbell- Die Odyssee des Drehbuchschreibers- Was die Empathie mit Spiegelneuronen gemeinsam hat- Die 12 Stadien der Heldenreise anhand von Avatar- Die 12 Stadien der Heldenreise am Beispiel der Titanic- Wenden Sie die Reise des Helden auf Ihr eigenes Leben an- Haben wir unsere Rollen selbst geschrieben? In jedem Menschen steckt ein enormes kreatives Potenzial. Den meisten von uns wird es nicht auf einem silbernen Tablett geliefert, sondern zeigt sich meist von seiner Schattenseite, in Form von Angst. Die Angst ist der Ruf zum Abenteuer. Warum Geschichten uns seit Jahrtausenden in den Bann ziehen, und warum Ihr Leben die perfekte Geschichte ist, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch.
Weigern wir uns nur deshalb unser Schicksal anzunehmen, weil wir vergessen haben, wer wir wirklich sind? Der Begriff Schicksal erlangt für uns in dem Augenblick Bedeutung, in dem unser gewohntes selbstbestimmtes Leben aus den Fugen gerät. Eine schwere Krankheit, ein tragischer Unfall, der Tod eines Familienmitglieds, oder das abrupte Ende einer Liebesbeziehung. Unser Leben gerät außer Kontrolle. Der Wunsch zurück in die Normalität bleibt uns verwehrt, und selbst mit größtem Kraftaufwand lässt sich unsere Situation nicht mehr in den Griff bekommen. Das Schicksal scheint sich gegen unseren freien Willen zu stellen. Das Leben erinnert uns daran, das es einen eigenen Plan zu verfolgen scheint. Einen Hinweis darauf bekommen wir meist erst dann, wenn unser eigener Plan plötzlich nicht mehr funktioniert. Beruht unser Glaube an die Absolutheit des freien Willen nicht auf der Annahme, dass wir uns verweigern die Wahrheit jenseits des Sichtbaren zu erkennen? Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Meine Suche nach der Wahrheit- Der Schlüssel zum eigenen Schicksal- Das Verlassen der Komfortzone- Neue Erkenntnisse und Herausforderungen- Wohin steuert uns unser Schicksal?- Das Schicksal und der freie Wille vereint- Die Kraft jenseits des Sichtbaren Zurückblickend kann ich jetzt meine Erfahrungen in einem neuen Licht erkennen. Diese dramatischen Erlebnisse hatten mir meine Augen für eine mir bis dahin nicht sichtbare Dimension des Lebens geöffnet. Dies ist die bewegende und mitreißende Geschichte meiner Begegnung mit dem Schicksal. Es sollte mich in eine neue Richtung weisen, gegen die ich mich mit Händen und Füßen so lange vehement sträubte, bis es mich bewegungs- und tatenlos in die Knie gezwungen hat. Ist das Schicksal, das außerhalb unserer sichtbaren Kontrolle liegt, eine Botschaft für ein erfülltes und friedvolles Leben?
Haben Sie nicht auch das Gefühl, dass wir uns gerade in einem historischen Prozess des Umbruchs befinden? Die soziale, wirtschaftliche und auch die politische Ebene steht vor einer Reform. Erweiterte Auflage - enthält zusätzliche Fakten, Trends und Prognosen zur Rolle Deutschlands bis zum Jahr 2025. Spätestens Ende April 2020 muss jedem klar gewesen sein, dass wir in einer außerordentlichen Krise stecken. Covid-19 diente dabei als Brandbeschleuniger für die Wirtschaft, und hat eine weltweite wirtschaftliche Brandrodung, die schon Jahre zuvor loderte, in Gang gebracht. Was vielleicht nur wenige sehen können, ist das Ausmaß dieser Krise. Wir befinden uns inmitten einer Zeitenwende. Eine Zeitenwende stellt einen Umbruch im historischen Geschehen dar. Durch geeignete Prognosemethoden ist eine erweiterte Sichtweise zum aktuellen Zeitgeschehen möglich. Sie werden dadurch weitaus besser verstehen, weshalb bis ins Jahr 2025 massive globale Veränderungen auf uns zukommen werden. Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Das 5000 Jahre alte chinesische I-Ging- Der Maya Kalender als Schöpfungsgeschichte- Der Ab- und Aufschwung von Wirtschaftszyklen- Von der Mikrobiologie zu den Weltgesetzen- Ist die Astrologie eine geeignete Prognosemethode?- Die epochale Konstellation von 2020 und ihre Bedeutung- Digitales Geld, neues Gedankengut und Wertesysteme- Deutschland - Herausforderungen und Veränderungen Lösungen werden nicht entstehen, wenn wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit beharrlich auf das Problem fixieren und Schuldige suchen. Die Zeit der Selbstständigen und der innovativ lösungsorientierten ist angebrochen. Junge, dynamische und flexible Unternehmen, die nicht nur ihr eigenes Interesse und den Profit im Auge haben, sondern das Wohl der ganzen Menschheit.Die Spiritualität, mit ihren längst vorhandenen Erkenntnissen und metaphysischen Gesetzen, wird wieder stärker in den Vordergrund treten. Sie werden verblüfft sein, welche außerordentlichen Einsichten und Erkenntnisse diese Prognosemethoden zutage bringen können. Mit diesem Verständnis sind Sie besser auf die Zukunft vorbereitet.
Fragen Sie sich gelegentlich auch warum alles ständig teurer wird? Warum Wohnraum in den letzten Jahren unbezahlbar geworden ist, und weshalb Ihr Geld auf der Bank täglich weniger wird? Seit der Corona-Krise laufen die Druckpressen aller Zentralbanken heiß. Es wird weltweit mehr Geld gedruckt als je zuvor, und das weltweite Finanzsystem steht vor der größten Herausforderung seiner Geschichte. Der Finanzcrash von 2008 war bereits ein Indikator für die kommende Endphase. Wenn Banken zusätzliches Geld drucken, ohne dass mehr Waren und Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung stehen, dann wird das gesamte Geld auf dem aktuellen Markt abgewertet. Dieser Prozess wird Inflation genannt, und ist das Hauptinstrument der Banken, um Geld aus dem Nichts zu verdienen. Es ist außerdem die wirksamste und auch hinterlistigste Art Ihr Geld zu entwerten, und nichts anderes als Betrug. Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Ursprung und Entwicklung des Geldes- Wie Geld aus dem Nichts entsteht- Die Ursache der endlosen Konsumspirale- Warum Geld nicht Wohlstand erschafft- Warum die Banken eine stetige Inflation erschaffen- Der Unterschied zwischen Geld und Währung- Wie sieht die Zukunft des Geldes aus? Wie entsteht modernes Geld?Das weltweite Geldsystem ist mittlerweile äußerst komplex geworden, und Sie werden nur mit erheblichem Zeitaufwand und größter Anstrengung durchschauen, wie sie im Detail funktioniert. Wäre es einfach zu durchschauen, dann würde das Vertrauen in unser modernes Geld noch schneller als bisher schwinden, und ein globaler Aufstand gegen das bestehende Geldsystem würde sich beschleunigen. Wie moderne Geldschöpfung genau funktioniert, und weshalb wir vor der größten Revolution in der Geschichte des Geldes stehen, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch.
Wie lange möchten Sie leben? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie müssten nur ein Elixier einnehmen, um weitere 100 oder sogar 1000 Jahre zu leben? Hätte das wirklich nur Vorteile? Für Forscher, die sich mit dem Thema Langlebigkeit beschäftigen, ist der Alterungsprozess nur ein Patzer in der Evolution. Wie würde Ihr Leben wohl aussehen, wenn es nicht vergänglich wäre? Der Traum vom ewigen Leben scheint so alt zu sein wie die Menschheit selbst. Mythen, Religionen und Sagen ranken sich um magische Elixiere, mit denen wir den Tod überwinden können. Aber was genau bedeutet Unsterblichkeit eigentlich? Was Sie in diesem Buch lernen: - Warum altern wir?- Die erstaunlichsten Methoden ewig zu leben- Das Geheimnis der Hundertjährigen- Auswirkungen der Überalterung auf die Gesellschaft- Haben wir ein Problem mit dem Tod?- Der Tod als Lebensprinzip der Evolution- Das Ego - die Illusion des Ichs Die Idee von ewigem Leben, Tod und Wiedergeburt beflügeln unsere Fantasie und die wissenschaftliche Forschung gleichermaßen. Beinhaltet der Wunsch nach einem unendlichen Leben nicht auch, dass wir die Endlichkeit schätzen lernen? Wären wir wirklich glücklicher, wenn alle unsere Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen würden? Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise zu den spannenden Aspekten des ewigen Lebens. Warum leben wir heute viel länger als früher? Welche Methoden für ein längeres Leben gibt es mittlerweile, und warum ist der Tod eines der wichtigen Instrumente der Evolution?
What makes you wealthy? Are you, like most people, thinking: 'Money'? If so, get ready to turn that idea on its head - it's time to realize that wealth comes first. This book will transform your attitudes towards wealth and money and show you how to achieve financial freedom and lasting prosperity. In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a financial education. People who know about finance are using it to their advantage, right now. Wealth is flowing fast towards the financially informed. Governments and banks are exerting control and the middle class is being financially squeezed more than ever. It's time to open our eyes and get smart about wealth. Do you really understand the roots of the current financial crisis? More importantly, do you know what to do to preserve and grow your wealth? The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth is the book you need. - Packed with practical advice for wealth creation - Action-focused and motivating - Structured into bite-sized articles for effective learning - Clear and jargon-free Entrepreneur, financial advisor and personal development coach Thomas Herold has put together a set of profound insights and action-focused learning resources, which will transform your attitude to wealth and help you create abundance in your life. Herold, author of three previous books with 200,000 copies published worldwide, sets out simply and clearly how our financial system works, and how you can use it to your advantage. Change The Way You Think About Wealth What really makes us prosperous? Can you imagine a life where wealth doesn't simply equal the balance of your bank account? Changing your financial mindset opens up new, exciting ways to become wealthy. You'll learn: - How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions - Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now - The real difference between money and wealth - How to build habits for lasting financial success One of the most precious gifts you can give yourself these days is a financial education. Once you know why the current crisis is happening, you can do what you need to protect and grow your wealth. The Financial Advisor gives you invaluable, practical advice on how to think about wealth, and how to create wealth for yourself. Transform Your Attitudes And Your Actions It's time to think differently and the Financial Advisor is a perfect guide through the complexities of modern finance. You'll be surprised and delighted at the insights you'll encounter. This book will confirm what many have felt for a long time: the accepted wisdom of 'how to get rich' is just not working for most people. You'll discover: - What is really going on in the economy and markets - What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead - Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies - How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market The Financial Advisor it a resource you will dip into over and over. You'll find information on useful blogs and websites, apps for iPhone and iPad, workshops and other learning resources, to continue your valuable financial education. This edition of the Financial Advisor is based on the publications of the successful Online Wealth Building Course from the second quarter of 2011. Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on: - Understanding what's happening to you and your money - Changing what's not working based on new money rules - Shifting your mindset from money to wealth - Securing your retirement funds Up to date, relevant and practical, the Financial Advisor is an ideal primer for building real, sustainable wealth.
The first edition of the Financial Advisor is full of trans-formative ideas that will change your attitude to money and set you on a path towards building lasting wealth. Challenge Your Thinking! - Is your home really an asset? - Is the way you are working really working for you? - Does traditional financial advice lead you to wealth and prosperity? It's clear that established wisdom is not helping us through the current financial crisis, and this issue explains why. Wondering what happened to the American middle-class dream? Find out here. And on top of all that, there's a treasure trove of advice on surviving financially, investing wisely and the single, vital habit that will lead you to financial freedom. What makes you wealthy? Are you, like most people, thinking: 'Money'? If so, get ready to turn that idea on its head - it's time to realize that wealth comes first. This book will transform your attitudes towards wealth and money and show you how to achieve financial freedom and lasting prosperity. In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a financial education. People who know about finance are using it to their advantage, right now. Wealth is flowing fast towards the financially informed. Governments and banks are exerting control and the middle class is being financially squeezed more than ever. It's time to open our eyes and get smart about wealth. Do you really understand the roots of the current financial crisis? More importantly, do you know what to do to preserve and grow your wealth? The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth is the book you need. - Packed with practical advice for wealth creation - Action-focused and motivating - Structured into bite-sized articles for effective learning - Clear and jargon-free Change The Way You Think About Wealth What really makes us prosperous? Can you imagine a life where wealth doesn't simply equal the balance of your bank account? Changing your financial mindset opens up new, exciting ways to become wealthy. You'll learn: - How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions - Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now - The real difference between money and wealth - How to build habits for lasting financial success Transform Your Attitudes And Your Actions It's time to think differently and the Financial Advisor is a perfect guide through the complexities of modern finance. You'll be surprised and delighted at the insights you'll encounter. This book will confirm what many have felt for a long time: the accepted wisdom of 'how to get rich' is just not working for most people. You'll discover: - What is really going on in the economy and markets - What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead - Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies - How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market The Financial Advisor it a resource you will dip into over and over. You'll find information on useful blogs and websites, apps for iPhone and iPad, workshops and other learning resources, to continue your valuable financial education. This edition of the Financial Advisor is based on the publications of the successful Online Wealth Building Course from the third quarter of 2010. Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on: - Understanding what's happening to you and your money - Changing what's not working based on new money rules - Shifting your mindset from money to wealth - Securing your retirement funds Up to date, relevant and practical, the Financial Advisor is an ideal primer for building real, sustainable wealth.
Is the current asset investment bubble dangerous close to collapse? Learn why silver is a safe haven investment and will outperform gold by factor 10. We are all using dangerous, outdated, old economic strategies to protect and grow our money in the so-called
What makes you wealthy? Are you, like most people, thinking: 'Money'? If so, get ready to turn that idea on its head - it's time to realize that wealth comes first. This book will transform your attitudes towards wealth and money and show you how to achieve financial freedom and lasting prosperity. In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a financial education. People who know about finance are using it to their advantage, right now. Wealth is flowing fast towards the financially informed. Governments and banks are exerting control and the middle class is being financially squeezed more than ever. It's time to open our eyes and get smart about wealth. Do you really understand the roots of the current financial crisis? More importantly, do you know what to do to preserve and grow your wealth? The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth is the book you need. - Packed with practical advice for wealth creation - Action-focused and motivating - Structured into bite-sized articles for effective learning - Clear and jargon-free Entrepreneur, financial advisor and personal development coach Thomas Herold has put together a set of profound insights and action-focused learning resources, which will transform your attitude to wealth and help you create abundance in your life. Herold, author of three previous books with 200,000 copies published worldwide, sets out simply and clearly how our financial system works, and how you can use it to your advantage. Change The Way You Think About Wealth What really makes us prosperous? Can you imagine a life where wealth doesn't simply equal the balance of your bank account? Changing your financial mindset opens up new, exciting ways to become wealthy. You'll learn: - How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions - Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now - The real difference between money and wealth - How to build habits for lasting financial success One of the most precious gifts you can give yourself these days is a financial education. Once you know why the current crisis is happening, you can do what you need to protect and grow your wealth. The Financial Advisor gives you invaluable, practical advice on how to think about wealth, and how to create wealth for yourself. Transform Your Attitudes And Your Actions It's time to think differently and the Financial Advisor is a perfect guide through the complexities of modern finance. You'll be surprised and delighted at the insights you'll encounter. This book will confirm what many have felt for a long time: the accepted wisdom of 'how to get rich' is just not working for most people. You'll discover: - What is really going on in the economy and markets - What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead - Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies - How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market The Financial Advisor it a resource you will dip into over and over. You'll find information on useful blogs and websites, apps for iPhone and iPad, workshops and other learning resources, to continue your valuable financial education. This edition of the Financial Advisor is based on the publications of the successful Online Wealth Building Course from the third quarter of 2011. Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on: - Understanding what's happening to you and your money - Changing what's not working based on new money rules - Shifting your mindset from money to wealth - Securing your retirement funds Up to date, relevant and practical, the Financial Advisor is an ideal primer for building real, sustainable wealth.
What makes you wealthy? Are you, like most people, thinking: 'Money'? If so, get ready to turn that idea on its head - it's time to realize that wealth comes first. This book will transform your attitudes towards wealth and money and show you how to achieve financial freedom and lasting prosperity. In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a financial education. People who know about finance are using it to their advantage, right now. Wealth is flowing fast towards the financially informed. Governments and banks are exerting control and the middle class is being financially squeezed more than ever. It's time to open our eyes and get smart about wealth. Do you really understand the roots of the current financial crisis? More importantly, do you know what to do to preserve and grow your wealth? The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth is the book you need. - Packed with practical advice for wealth creation - Action-focused and motivating - Structured into bite-sized articles for effective learning - Clear and jargon-free Entrepreneur, financial advisor and personal development coach Thomas Herold has put together a set of profound insights and action-focused learning resources, which will transform your attitude to wealth and help you create abundance in your life. Herold, author of three previous books with 200,000 copies published worldwide, sets out simply and clearly how our financial system works, and how you can use it to your advantage. Change The Way You Think About Wealth What really makes us prosperous? Can you imagine a life where wealth doesn't simply equal the balance of your bank account? Changing your financial mindset opens up new, exciting ways to become wealthy. You'll learn: - How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions - Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now - The real difference between money and wealth - How to build habits for lasting financial success One of the most precious gifts you can give yourself these days is a financial education. Once you know why the current crisis is happening, you can do what you need to protect and grow your wealth. The Financial Advisor gives you invaluable, practical advice on how to think about wealth, and how to create wealth for yourself. Transform Your Attitudes And Your Actions It's time to think differently and the Financial Advisor is a perfect guide through the complexities of modern finance. You'll be surprised and delighted at the insights you'll encounter. This book will confirm what many have felt for a long time: the accepted wisdom of 'how to get rich' is just not working for most people. You'll discover: - What is really going on in the economy and markets - What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead - Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies - How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market The Financial Advisor it a resource you will dip into over and over. You'll find information on useful blogs and websites, apps for iPhone and iPad, workshops and other learning resources, to continue your valuable financial education. This edition of the Financial Advisor is based on the publications of the successful Online Wealth Building Course from the forth quarter of 2010. Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on: - Understanding what's happening to you and your money - Changing what's not working based on new money rules - Shifting your mindset from money to wealth - Securing your retirement funds Up to date, relevant and practical, the Financial Advisor is an ideal primer for building real, sustainable wealth.
What makes you wealthy? Are you, like most people, thinking: 'Money'? If so, get ready to turn that idea on its head - it's time to realize that wealth comes first. This book will transform your attitudes towards wealth and money and show you how to achieve financial freedom and lasting prosperity. In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a financial education. People who know about finance are using it to their advantage, right now. Wealth is flowing fast towards the financially informed. Governments and banks are exerting control and the middle class is being financially squeezed more than ever. It's time to open our eyes and get smart about wealth. Do you really understand the roots of the current financial crisis? More importantly, do you know what to do to preserve and grow your wealth? The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth is the book you need. - Packed with practical advice for wealth creation - Action-focused and motivating - Structured into bite-sized articles for effective learning - Clear and jargon-free Entrepreneur, financial advisor and personal development coach Thomas Herold has put together a set of profound insights and action-focused learning resources, which will transform your attitude to wealth and help you create abundance in your life. Herold, author of three previous books with 200,000 copies published worldwide, sets out simply and clearly how our financial system works, and how you can use it to your advantage. Change The Way You Think About Wealth What really makes us prosperous? Can you imagine a life where wealth doesn't simply equal the balance of your bank account? Changing your financial mindset opens up new, exciting ways to become wealthy. You'll learn: - How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions - Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now - The real difference between money and wealth - How to build habits for lasting financial success One of the most precious gifts you can give yourself these days is a financial education. Once you know why the current crisis is happening, you can do what you need to protect and grow your wealth. The Financial Advisor gives you invaluable, practical advice on how to think about wealth, and how to create wealth for yourself. Transform Your Attitudes And Your Actions It's time to think differently and the Financial Advisor is a perfect guide through the complexities of modern finance. You'll be surprised and delighted at the insights you'll encounter. This book will confirm what many have felt for a long time: the accepted wisdom of 'how to get rich' is just not working for most people. You'll discover: - What is really going on in the economy and markets - What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead - Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies - How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market The Financial Advisor it a resource you will dip into over and over. You'll find information on useful blogs and websites, apps for iPhone and iPad, workshops and other learning resources, to continue your valuable financial education. This edition of the Financial Advisor is based on the publications of the successful Online Wealth Building Course from the first quarter of 2011. Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on: - Understanding what's happening to you and your money - Changing what's not working based on new money rules - Shifting your mindset from money to wealth - Securing your retirement funds Up to date, relevant and practical, the Financial Advisor is an ideal primer for building real, sustainable wealth.
Poor Credit Score Could Cost You Hundreds of Thousands of DollarsA recent financial statistic revealed that increasing your score from 'fair' to 'good' saves you an average of $86,200* over a lifetime. Imagine what you could do with that extra money? Improve Your Credit Score in 45-60 Days or Even LessThis practical credit compendium starts off by demonstrating over 50 guaranteed methods of how you can almost immediately boost your credit score. Follow these simple, effective and proven strategies to improve your credit score from as low as 450 points to over 810. Understand the tactics to build excellent credit for yourself and how to guard that good score for a lifetime. A good credit score is essential if you want to achieve financial freedom. This book shows exactly you how to get there and see results quickly. The Only Credit Book You Ever Need- The startling benefits of good credit you never realized- Quick start guide with over 50 tested methods- Understand how your credit score is calculated- Straight-forward ways to build good credit fast- Step by step advice on how to repair your credit yourself- Best credit repair services and how to work with them- How to keep your good credit and protect it for a lifetime Understand the exact mathematical algorithm that all 3 major credit bureaus use to calculate your credit score. Learn what actions you can take to improve your credit score and what behavior will demote it. High Credit Score Secrets Reveals: - How to get free credit reports and monitoring services- Learn exactly what boosts and what lowers your credit score- Includes print-ready dispute letters to correspond with the credit bureaus- How to remove negative items with the section 609 credit repair- Most proven and effective ways to raise your credit score- Step-by-step process to settling your debts forever- How to safeguard your credit and become protected from identity theft Use simple and easy to follow instructions on how to handle credit bureaus if they refuse to remove inaccurate, unverifiable and questionable information. Learn about the recent consumer-friendly reforms in lending, credit score calculation, and credit bureau behavior. Do It Yourself Smart Credit RepairReveals the exact methods that the credit bureaus don't want you to know. Apply the simple step-by-step process the experts use to delete all derogatory items from your credit reports. Bankruptcies, late payments, repossession, collections, judgments, liens, etc. Start Saving Money - Improve Your Credit Score NowImagine being pre-qualified for your dream home, the car you always wanted, the lowest interest on any loan, and credit cards with zero interest rates over long periods of time. Don't let bad credit hold you back from achieving financial freedom. Your credit score not only influences all your future choices, but it also can save you thousands of dollars. In today's financial driven world it is the most critical decision to keep educating yourself. Free Bonus - Includes lifetime access to premium credit simulator!This amazing tool provides you with an estimated score, so you know what to expect before you take action. Explore actions like raising the limits on your cards, applying for new credit or extending your streak of on-time payments.
Most Important Personal Finance Terms You Should Know>Personal finance is an important area of knowledge to understand, but it can also be confusing for those who are not professionally trained financial advisors. A basic understanding of personal finance terminology can empower you to make more informed and educated personal finance decisions. Regardless of your age or earning power, it's important to understand how common personal finance terms apply to your financial life. It's easy to get hung up on confusing terms when making a big financial decision. This practical glossary demystifies personal finance so that you can focus on what's important - taking control of your money! This practical glossary book compiles a list of over 130 most common personal finance terms you're likely to encounter. Every term is explained in detail, with clear and concise article style description and practical examples. Understanding personal finance terminology, whether you have a dedicated financial planner or not, makes it easier to manage your money in a way that makes sense and works for you, and with no surprises due to lack of understanding. Make Personal Finance Less of a Mystery>Understanding the terminology can allow you to make decisions more quickly and easily. This is something that is important in the fast-moving world of personal finance. Buying a new car, deciding about retirement benefits, or even choosing which checking account to open can be time-sensitive decisions, and understanding the basic terminology can make it easier! With this knowledge, you'll be empowered to take control of your financial present and future.
Most Important Wall Street Terms You Should Know>Wall Street Jargon Has Been Designed to Confuse You>Understanding what they're actually saying will help you make smarter investing decisions. With that in mind, here's a primer on the A to Z of the Wall Street universe. This practical glossary of Wall Street terms covers everything from investment fundamentals to the sophisticated terminology of contemporary finance. Over 140 of the most important and common terms are explained in detail, with clear and concise article style description and practical examples. Make Wall Street Lingo Less of a MysteryWall Street stock market jargon has the potential to be confusing, which leads to apathy, which leads to you not paying enough attention to the markets and your money. Taking time to understand the Wall Street vocabulary can help you with your financial planning, eliminating confusion, and get you better prepared for any swift and smooth financial transaction.
99 Important Financial Terms You Should Know>You're not alone! For instance, feeling confident when discussing the business's financial needs should be a priority for every small business owner. After all, you represent the heart and soul of your business in the marketplace. Knowing the "language" of business finance is an integral part of your job as the owner. The good news is that you don't have to be an accountant or a financial planner to negotiate in the world of business finance. This practical glossary contains 99 important, and most commonly used business finance terms and definitions in alphabetical order. It was written with an emphasis to quickly grasp the context without using jargon. Every financial term is explained in detail, with clear and concise article style description and practical examples. Now, whether you are a salaried person, a startup enthusiast, a business owner or a common man, these set of 99 financial basics shall help you manage your money in a much better way. Make Financial Terms Less of a Mystery>Get Smart with the Financial IQ SeriesPlease also have a look at other titles in this series. The Herold Financial IQ series covers all major areas and aspects in the financial world. Starting with Personal Finance, Real Estate and Banking term. Covering Corporate Finance, Investment as well as Economics. Also includes Retirement, Trading, and Accounting terms. In addition, you'll find Debt, Bankruptcy, Mortgage, Small Business, and Wall Street terminology explained. Not to forget Laws & Regulations as well as important acronyms and abbreviations.
Double Your Book Sales on Amazon in Less Than 30 Days>Learn How to Advertise with Amazon and Sell More Books> Sadly, that also means your books will most likely collect dust without advertising! Fortunately, the rapid expansion of the Internet will soon add 2 billion more people that can buy your book with just one click. If they know how to find it... Make Amazon Book Advertising Work for You>This means Amazon offers the highest potential to turn book searches into book sales. In this essential book advertising guide, you will learn every single technique on how to use Amazons book advertising service to attract more readers and sell more books. - How to find the best keywords in less than 15 minutes- Includes a 70% discount code for the best keyword research tool- How to write a successful, targeted ad copy- Five selling secrets Amazon doesn't want you to know- How to optimize your campaign for maximum profit- How to set up Sponsored Product Ads and Product Display Ads- Three ad optimization techniques that instantly gets you more clicks- Free tools to get hundreds of relevant keywords- How to use GoodReads to build your keyword list- How to split test and find the best performing ad>Sell More Books on Amazon>If you have a little patience, you may even make a living by doing what you love - writing books. Thomas Herold is a successful entrepreneur and personal development coach. He is the author of 18 financial books with over 200,000 copies distributed worldwide, and the founder of seven online businesses.
Understand Financial Terms - Make Better Financial Decisions>Financial Terminology Made Simple>Financial Dictionary Series>Here are some reviews from readers: This Should Be in Every Home & Office Library!Whether you are a layperson or someone working within the various fields of finance itself, this is an indispensable reference book to have at your fingertips. It not only defines the specific words and phrases but clearly explains the concepts behind them. In our current world of nanosecond trading, wildly fluctuating global markets and ever more 'creative' financial instruments, this essential volume belongs in everyone's library, virtual or otherwise! Martin Steiner Great Resource!What a great resource! I had actually been through a short sale, but never really understood the process until I read Mr Herold's book. This book is equally valuable to the experienced and the novice reader. I particularly appreciated the easy to use-alphabetical table of contents. Susan M
Debt & Bankruptcy Terms You Should Know>The Importance of Understanding Debt & Bankruptcy Terminology>If you don't understand various financial terms may inadvertently damage their credit or even end up deeper in debt. Also, getting out of debt isn't something you learn about in school. As a result, when you start to have problems, it can be difficult to make the right choices because you may not even fully understand the terms that are being used about your debt and the various solutions available. There are many terms used when it comes to credit counseling, debt, debt collections, and debt relief. Knowing what the various terms mean can help when you're trying to get your finances back on track. This practical dictionary explains over 140 of the most important and commonly used dent & bankruptcy terms. Every term is explained in detail, with clear and concise article style description and practical examples. This dictionary should not be relied on as legal advice. Predicting how bankruptcy may affect any given situation requires a knowledge of the facts surrounding that situation. Specific questions should be directed to a bankruptcy attorney. Make Debt & Bankruptcy Less of a MysteryTaking time to understand the vocabulary can help you with your debt restructuring or bankruptcy planning, eliminating confusion, and get better prepared for a swift and smooth transaction.
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