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Bøger af Timothy Masters

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  • - Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Supervised Feedforward Networks
    af Timothy Masters
    298,95 kr.

  • - Algorithms in C++
    af Timothy Masters
    352,95 kr.

    This book provides the trading system developer with a powerful set of statistical tools for measuring vital aspects of performance that are ignored by most developers.All algorithms include intuitive justification, basic theory, all relevant equations, and highly commented C++ code for complete programs that run in a Windows Command Console.Reprogramming them in other languages should be easy, given the detailed explanations of each algorithm.The following topics are covered: Testing for overfitting at the earliest possible stageEvaluating the luckiness-versus-skill of a fully developed system before deploying itTesting the effectiveness and reliability of a trading system factoryRemoving selection bias when screening a large number of indicatorsProbability bounds for future mean returnsBounding typical and catastrophic future drawdownsIs the best indicator or model in a competition truly the best, or just the luckiest?Which markets provide truly superior profits for your trading system?What holding time for your system provides the best risk/return performance?

  • - A C++ Sourcebook
    af Timothy Masters
    352,95 kr.

    Imagine looking at a picture on a printed page or computer screen, adjusting your eyes in a manner that most people can learn easily, and suddenly having objects pop out at you in vivid 3D. Many people have already experienced this with the Magic Eye and related posters that were massively popular in the 90's. But what is not so well known is that this single-image stereogram technology has come a long way since those early days. The big breakthrough came when algorithms were discovered that could map textures onto the surface of single-image stereograms. I believe this is the only available book that delves deeply into stereogram algorithms, including highly documented C++ source code. These algorithms can be used to great effect by artists to create works of art that are far beyond the crude stereograms of yesteryear. Perhaps even more importantly, the ability to display depth maps in clear stereo using only a single printed image can be invaluable for scientific presentations. This book is an essential resource for anyone writing programs for stereogram generation.

  • af Timothy Masters
    122,95 kr.

    Civilizations on both ends of the galaxy want them, dead or alive. Mallory Milton Smith, small-time freight hauler and intergalactic cab driver, takes a job transporting a trio of ugly, smelly Ixinians (Ickies to him) to their home on the far side of the galaxy. Unfortunately, what should have been a simple journey turns into a breathless game of cat-and-mouse when a brazen fighter pilot with her own agenda enters the picture and takes command. With Nikita Marikolova, an elite Special Forces pilot at the helm, Mallory and an Ixinian criss-cross the galaxy, fleeing from the Earth Navy, the Ixinian Navy, mercenaries, and the commander of Nikita's Special Forces unit. Alone and unaided, Mallory and Nikita must deliver their passenger to the Ixinian home world if they are to avert intergalactic war.

  • af Timothy Masters
    227,95 kr.

    This book guides the reader through the construction of a Hauptwerk organ similar to the one built by the author. Detailed drawings and photographs, including all critical dimensions, are provided for a traditional compact console using stops and/or Novation LaunchPads. Issues with retrofitting a used console or using a desktop approach with touchscreens are also discussed. The book provides a MIDI tutorial, with special focus on how Hauptwerk uses MIDI messages to interact with your console electronics. Issues involving proper grounding and power distribution, vital topics often neglected, receive detailed coverage. Finally, an entire chapter is devoted to important Hauptwerk topics which the author believes are not thoroughly covered in the manual. These include things like optimal rank loading, adding output channels for solo stops, adopting a surround system for stereo organs, and simulating diatonic pipe chests. Anyone building a Hauptwerk organ will find a wealth of valuable material in this book.

  • - Programs for Artisans and Craftspeople
    af Timothy Masters
    237,95 kr.

    This book describes and provides instructions for four programs that can be downloaded for free, including complete source code, from my website. These programs are: Vortex - This program creates an image of a vortex plunging into an abyss. A black-and-white checkerboard is distorted in such a way as to give the appearance of a hole into which objects can be sucked. If this pattern is transferred to a large floor covering, examples of which can be seen for sale on the internet, the effect can be striking.Blocks - All you need is a quantity of three slightly differently shaped and colored parallelograms, easily mass produced, to create an impressive 3D illusion. I have seen woodworkers making and selling beautiful cutting boards in this pattern. A little careful veneer work can produce gorgeous covers for wood boxes. This program provides the exact shapes needed, and lets the artist visualize what the end product would look like. The size and shape of the illusory cubes, as well as the viewing angle, can be adjusted by the artist for maximum creative control.Julia - Programs for visualizing Mandelbrot and Julia sets were a dime a dozen in the 90's, and are still somewhat available on the internet. My program goes beyond the common versions in two ways. First, it uses a very advanced algorithm that can produce only binary (such as black and white) images of these sets, but it does so with extreme detail, reaching resolutions far beyond what can be obtained with the usual 'dwell escape' algorithm. Second, it generalizes Mandelbrot and Julia sets to the quaternion (four dimensional) domain, lets the uses define a 3D cross sectional object from the 4D set, and then it uses ray tracing to display this cross section with white or colored lights arrayed in any of several user-defined positions. Julia sets in four dimensions have a strange, almost creepy otherworldly appearance and can make for highly unusual decorative patterns.Lin - Aristid Lindenmayer devised a mathematical language that can be used to describe the growth and structure of plants. Just a few lines of Lindenmayer code can serve to rigorously describe trees, bushes, flowers, and even alien-looking plant-like creations. The Lin program supports three levels of Lindenmayer systems:1) Simple edge replacement algorithms produce snowflake curves, Koch curves, dragon curves, Sierpinski gaskets, and so forth. This primitive but often lovely family of curves makes fabulous decorative ornamentation.2) Two-dimensional axial generation produces flat but interesting plant-like objects, with strikingly realistic branching patterns. These simple plant representations make perfect focal points for handcrafted items.3) Three-dimensional axial generation can produce shockingly realistic plants and flowers, reminiscent of plant sketches made by professional artists and illustrators. The Lin program allows for an almost unlimited number of productions, up to ten different colors for different plant parts, and even up to three different versions of each production, with versions randomly selected according to user-specified probabilities. This lets the artist create entire fields of plants, all of the same 'species', but no two exactly alike.All of these programs run under 64-bit Windows. The source code compiles with Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 and probably most other modern C++ compilers. The executables as well as complete source code can be downloaded for free from my website, This book provides detailed explanations of the algorithms as well as tutorial examples.

  • af Timothy Masters
    237,95 kr.

    Tragedy inside mankind's first outpost on Mars triggers political intrigue, betrayal, murder, and the ultimate triumph of courage over greed. Glenn Station broadcasts a desperate call for help and then goes silent. A rescue crew sets out on the long journey to Mars, but mysterious accidents and injuries throw the operation into chaos. The pilot, John Hellman, soon concludes that someone on Earth has planted a traitor in their midst. As panic mounts among his shipmates, he struggles to identify the deadly phantom force that is terrorizing his crew. Back on Earth, John's wife Marie heads up the government lab studying peculiar artifacts from the red planet. When she uncovers the frightening truth behind the Glenn Station disaster, she realizes that the future of humanity may be in her hands. But the danger she now faces is far different from what she ever expected. A cabal of nationalistic zealots has taken control of the mission to Mars, and they are determined to destroy anyone who threatens their hold on power. Marie's only hope is to match wits with the player at the heart of the game, a ruthless renegade who will do whatever it takes to win. John and Marie Hellman are a world apart, yet together they are fighting the deadliest threat that mankind has ever seen.

  • - Algorithms in C++
    af Timothy Masters
    587,95 kr.

    NEWS FLASH... This book was just awarded "Book of the Year" by The Technical Analyst!In my decades of professional experience as a statistical consultant in the field of financial market trading, the single most important lesson that I've learned about trading is this: the quality of the indicators is vastly more important than the quality of the trading algorithm or predictive model. If you are sloppy about your indicator computation, no high-tech model or algorithm is going to bail you out. Garbage in, garbage out still rules.This book presents numerous traditional and modern indicators that have been shown to carry significant predictive information. But it will do far more than just that. In addition to a wealth of useful indicators, you will see the following issues discussed: There are simple tests that let you measure the potential information-carrying capacity of an indicator. If your proposed indicator fails this information-capacity test, you should consider revising it. This book describes simple transformations that raise the information-carrying capacity of your indicators and make them more useful for algorithmic trading. You will learn how to locate the regions in your indicator's domain where maximum predictive power occurs so that you can focus on these important values. You will learn how to compute statistically sound probabilities to help you decide whether the performance of an indicator is legitimate or just the product of random good luck. Most traditional indicators examine one market at a time. But you will learn how examining pairs of markets, or even large collections of markets simultaneously, can provide valuable indicators that quantify complex inter-market relationships. Govinda Khalsa devised a powerful indicator called the Follow-Through Index which reveals how likely it is that an existing trend will continue. This indicator is extremely useful to trend-following traders, but due to its complexity it is not widely employed. This book presents its essential theory and implementation in C++. Gary Anderson developed a detailed and profound theory of market behavior that he calls The JANUS Factor. This theory enables computation of several powerful indicators that tell us, among other things, when trading opportunities are most likely to be profitable and when we should stay out of the market. This book provides the fundamental theory behind The JANUS Factor along with extensive C++ code.Whether you compute a few indicators and trade by watching their plots on a computer screen, or do simple automated algorithmic trading, or employ sophisticated predictive models, this book provides tools that help you take your trading to a higher, more profitable level.

  • - Developing Predictive-Model-Based Trading Systems Using TSSB
    af Timothy Masters
    1.397,95 kr.

    This book serves two purposes. First, it teaches the importance of using sophisticated yet accessible statistical methods to evaluate a trading system before it is put to real-world use. In order to accommodate readers having limited mathematical background, these techniques are illustrated with step-by-step examples using actual market data, and all examples are explained in plain language. Second, this book shows how the free program TSSB (Trading System Synthesis & Boosting) can be used to develop and test trading systems. The machine learning and statistical algorithms available in TSSB go far beyond those available in other off-the-shelf development software. Intelligent use of these state-of-the-art techniques greatly improves the likelihood of obtaining a trading system whose impressive backtest results continue when the system is put to use in a trading account. Among other things, this book will teach the reader how to: Estimate future performance with rigorous algorithms Evaluate the influence of good luck in backtests Detect overfitting before deploying your system Estimate performance bias due to model fitting and selection of seemingly superior systems Use state-of-the-art ensembles of models to form consensus trade decisions Build optimal portfolios of trading systems and rigorously test their expected performance Search thousands of markets to find subsets that are especially predictable Create trading systems that specialize in specific market regimes such as trending/flat or high/low volatility More information on the TSSB program can be found at TSSBsoftware dot com.

  • - Recent Developments in Feature Extraction and Selection Algorithms for Data Science
    af Timothy Masters
    494,95 kr.

    Discover a variety of data-mining algorithms that are useful for selecting small sets of important features from among unwieldy masses of candidates, or extracting useful features from measured variables.

  • - Algorithms in C++
    af Timothy Masters
    448,95 kr.

  • - Convolutional Nets
    af Timothy Masters
    448,95 kr.

  • - Autoencoding in the Complex Domain
    af Timothy Masters
    691,95 kr.

  • - Theory and Algorithms in C++
    af Timothy Masters
    841,95 kr.

  • - Data Patterns and Algorithms for Modern Applications
    af Timothy Masters
    816,95 kr.

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