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  • af William von Peters
    337,95 kr.

    This is the preface of the Rheims New Testament of 1582. The King James was published in 1611 so the Rheims was 29 years earlier than it. When the Editor purchased a photocopy of the REAL Rheims in the 1980s He was astounded that the Preface and the Annotations answered the objections to Catholicism that he had learned as a Protestant young man and during Seminary.The Preface gives a true history of the Vulgate and English Bible and answers questions that the "Reformers" and their followers still vex Catholics with to this day. Most mangle the scriptures, create straw men arguments or otherwise use false arguments to convince the unlearned to follow their errors.The Rheims New Testament was published in 1582 to provide Catholics with an authentic translation of Holy Scriptures for their use rather than the polemical ones published in England at that time by Anglicans and Puritans. The Douay Rheims Bible was considered so dangerous to Anglicanism that it was a death sentence to be found with a copy.

  • af William von Peters
    797,95 kr.

    Hard Cover - This is volume 3 of a three volume set of the original Douay Old Testament. It has been transliterated into modern English from its old English script, and spelling has been updated. The Douay was originally published in 2 volumes, but due to Lulu's page limits is being published in 3 volumes at this time. Volume 3 contains Canticle of Canticles through IV Esdras.

  • af William von Peters & Gaston Ritter
    167,95 kr.

    This work was published in Graz, Austria in 1933 by the Catholic Priest Gaston Ritter. It received the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur; nevertheless in our age it would be considered controversial even though the Church has stated that there is nothing therein against the Catholic Faith. Judaism and the Shades of the Antichrist is both a book about the Jews, and about the Catholic Church and Catholic peoples - and the conflict between them as Judea seeks to bring about their "New World Order". This book was written for a Catholic Austrian audience. Hitler had come to power in Germany on January 30, 1933, but Fr. Ritter does not concern himself with National Socialist, German, or other volkish movements. He is focused upon the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, their seeming coming fulfillment in Europe and violently so in Russia in 1917 - and upon Our Lord's words and prophecies primarily in Matt. 24, as well as prophecies of various Saints, concerning the End Times. It is also a call to action for Catholics, and Christians of all stripes, to stand with Christ and against the Antichrist programs seeking to destroy countries and peoples. In many ways it fits our own days, as our culture and religion are under constant attacks using the same tactics as in Austria and Germany in the 1930's in the current Culture War.

  • af William von Peters & Theol Josef Alois Kofler
    136,95 kr.

    This book was published in 1928 and in 1931 as a new edition. The thrust of the book is the contrast between Catholicism (Christianity) and Judaism as noted by Church Law, history and precedent. In our age this distinction has been blurred or wiped out by the holocaust and the aftermath of World War II. The book is a needed corrective to present day errors relating to what the Church taught, what Catholics are obliged to understand and believe and to practice in a Christian society. It is written by Catholic Doctor of Theology Josef Alois Kofler to advise and help Catholics understand the issues and what is at stake. It was specifically written for the Catholic populace of Germany and Austria (both part of greater Germany of the Middle Ages), after the loss of World War I. It is supportive of national and ethnic German rebirth through the various Volkish (national ethnic) Associations that were working to overthrow the revolutionary Weimar Republic in Germany and the Austrian Republic in Austria and replace them with Catholic States. Dr. Kofler give much food for thought for our own days of ethnic and political strife and maps out a path to create a nation rather than a polyethnic union. He provides many thoughts for Catholics of our times on such subjects as proper marriage, abortion, the need for large families, etc.

  • af William von Peters
    237,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Soloviev & William von Peters
    342,95 kr.

    This is Vladimir Soloviev's great work on moral theology, and demonstrates why the Good is man's highest goal. He traces the history of good within society through to Christian Good, which comes from God. Soloviev provides answers to many questions on morals, society, punishment, the good life, and more that one rarely sees in our day.

  • af Michel D'Herbigny & William von Peters
    232,95 kr.

    Vladimir Soloviev was a philosopher, poet, theologian and prophet. He was widely recognized as Russia's greatest thinker of the 19th Century. Michel d'Herbigny's biography allows us to experience Soloviev the man, in his struggles against censorship, the Tsarist police, and others who sought to keep the Russian people uninformed of Soloviev's work. Soloviev has been recognized by John Paul II and Benedict XVI for his personal holiness. His fervent drive for the reunion of the Russian Orthodox with the Catholic Church, and life of asceticism led to his early death as he poured out his life for Christ. Hated by Lenin, forbidden in his homeland until the 1990s, and lost in the clutter of modern life in the West, Soloviev is only now beginning to rise again among Russian Orthodox, Catholics and other Christians. Vladimir Soloviev is a thinker that will remain with you, and help you realize God's plan for mankind and yourself.

  • af Vladimir Soloviev & William von Peters
    197,95 kr.

    Vladimir Soloviev's prophetic work for the 21st Century. A Russian philosopher, poet, and mystic; Soloviev was visited three times by the Blessed Virgin. Written at the end of his life, War, the Christian, and Anti-Christ predicts the European Union, the rise of Islam, of the Orient, and more. Soloviev gives us, by way of a short novella, a graphic picture of Anti-Christ, his life, work and fall that will amaze you.

  • af Vladimir Soloviev & William von Peters
    222,95 kr.

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