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Bøger af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira

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  • af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira
    346,95 kr.

    The extraction of the essential oil from the peels of Citrus x sp was performed using the hydrodistillation technique and its chemical constituents were characterized by Gas (GC-MS). The total phenolic content (CFT) was quantified and the total flavonoid content (CFLT).The physical-chemical parameters of refractive index .The nanoemulsions were formulated .the anti-inflammatory method of protein denaturation, antioxidant capacity by the spectrophotometric and antiarthritic potentialby the BSA-induced .Through GC-MS it was possible to identify ten (10) constituents present in the essential oil of Citrus sp, with limonene being the major component (70.25%) For CFT and CFLT, 227.645 mg L-1 and the refractive index was and 86.57 mg L-1 were quantified, respectively, and the refractive index was quantified 1.475 For the results of the antioxidant capacity, the nanoemulsions presentand 86.57 mg L-1 were quantified,For anti-arthritic activity,it is noted that among the nine (9) synergies formulated, S1, S6 and S8,antioxidant capacity, the nanoemulsions the best EC50 result of 9.10 for NOE3,In anti-inflammatory activitysynergies S4, amounted to 4.63mg L-1.

  • af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira
    522,95 kr.

    Jeto issledowanie bylo naprawleno naocenit' himicheskij profil', opredelit' fenol'nye soedineniq (CFT), obschie flawonoidy (CFLT) i pokazatel' prelomleniq äfirnogo masla (JeM) Citrus x sp, a takzhe antioxidantnuü, protiwowospalitel'nuü i protiwoartritnuü aktiwnost' JeM, nanoämul'sij i sinergii. JeM kozhury Citrus x sp äxtragirowali metodom gidrodistillqcii, a nanoämul'sii gotowili metodom fazowoj inwersii. S pomosch'ü hromatografii udalos' identificirowat' limonen kak osnownoj komponent (70,25%). Opredelenie CFT i CFLT kolichestwenno dalo 227,645 mg EAT g-1 i 86,57 mg EQ g-1, a pokazatel' prelomleniq sostawil 1,475. Dlq antioxidantnoj sposobnosti nanoämul'sii imeüt znacheniq EC50 9,10; 10,18 i 11,28 mg l-1 dlq NOE3, NOE1 i NOE2. Po protiwowospalitel'noj aktiwnostisinergizm S4, S5 i S7, kolichestwenno 4,63; 11,12 i 11,03 mg l-1. Po antiartritnoj aktiwnosti S1, S6 i S8 predstawili znacheniq EC50 1,9; 1,69 i 1,98 mg l-1. Mozhno skazat', chto sformulirowannye nanoämul'sii i sinergii, poluchennye iz äfirnogo masla Citrus x sp, pokazali udowletworitel'nye rezul'taty, swidetel'stwuüschie ob äffektiwnosti sinergeticheskih swojstw, kotorye oni predstawlqüt.

  • af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira
    457,95 kr.

  • af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira
    379,95 kr.

  • af Wivianni Karinne Chaves Ferreira
    346,95 kr.

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