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  • - bank regulation and supervision a decade after the global financial crisis
    af World Bank
    463,95 kr.

  • - comparing business regulation in 190 economies
    af World Bank
    497,95 kr.

  • - urban and regional development policy note
    af World Bank
    438,95 kr.

    While Moroccan cities are the engines of today's demographic and economic growth, they face persistent challenges. This note identifies priority actions to be taken to allow public authorities help urban development boost economic growth and promote shared prosperity for all.

  • - an economic and social analysis
    af World Bank
    587,95 kr.

    The war in Syria, now in its eighth year, continues to take its toll on the Syrian people. More than half of the population of Syria remains displaced; 5.6 million persons are registered as refugees outside of the country and another 6.2 million are displaced within Syria's borders. The internally displaced persons include 2 million school-age children; of these, less than half attend school. Another 739,000 Syrian children are out of school in the five neighborhood countries that host Syria's refugees. The loss of human capital is staggering, and it will create permanent hardships for generations of Syrians going forward. Despite the tragic prospects for renewed fighting in certain parts of the country, an overall reduction in armed conflict is possible going forward. However, international experience shows that the absence of fighting is rarely a singular trigger for the return of displaced people. Numerous other factors--including improved security and socioeconomic conditions in origin states, access to property and assets, the availability of key services, and restitution in home areas--play important roles in shaping the scale and composition of the returns. Overall, refugees have their own calculus of return that considers all of these factors and assesses available options. The Mobility of Displaced Syrians: An Economic and Social Analysis sheds light on the 'mobility calculus' of Syrian refugees. While dismissing any policies that imply wrongful practices involving forced repatriation, the study analyzes factors that may be considered by refugees in their own decisions to relocate. It provides a conceptual framework, supported by data and analysis, to facilitate an impartial conversation about refugees and their mobility choices. It also explores the diversified policy toolkit that the international community has available--and the most effective ways in which the toolkit can be adapted--to maximize the well-being of refugees, host countries, and the people in Syria.

  • - country and regional assessments of services trade
    af World Bank
    592,95 kr.

    Presents selected applications of the new methodologies developed by the World Bank's Trade and Regional Integration Unit to assess the competitiveness of countries services sector, discern the types of barriers to services that exist in the regulatory environment, and identify the resulting policy implications.

  • - technology and productivity growth in agriculture
    af World Bank
    587,95 kr.

    Documents frontier knowledge on the drivers of agriculture productivity to derive pragmatic policy advice for governments, and development partners on reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

  • - realizing Indonesia's urban potential
    af World Bank
    587,95 kr.

  • - toward value, stability and security
    af World Bank
    509,95 kr.

    Provides the basic knowledge that policy makers and stakeholders need to embark on the task of petroleum sector policy formulation. While much of the material is pertinent to designing petroleum policies in general, special focus is given to the context of developing countries and fragile countries.

  • - how to regain modal share
    af World Bank & Bernard Aritua
    384,95 kr.

    This report captures ways in which policy makers and senior officials in railway organizations from emerging economies can accelerate modal shift to rail. Such officials, as well as the general public, aspire for more freight to be moved by rail. The environmental and societal benefits of such a shift are compelling. And yet investment in railways is often not followed by a corresponding increase in freight moved by rail. This report highlights the fact that, in a world of changing global supply chains and logistics, the approach to regaining modal share needs to be different. The expectation that lower cost and efficient rail service will automatically lead to modal shift from road to rail has not been a reality in most emerging economies. Modern railways focus on understanding the logistics of targeted freight and positioning rail transport services as part of an overall logistics system aimed at meeting the needs of customers.

  • - a synthesis of the evidence
    af Peter Barrett & World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    'The Impact of School Infrastructure on Learning: A Synthesis of the Evidence provides an excellent literature review of the resources that explore the areas of focus for improved student learning, particularly the aspiration for "accessible, well-built, child-centered, synergetic and fully realized learning environments." Written in a style which is both clear and accessible, it is a practical reference for senior government officials and professionals involved in the planning and design of educational facilities, as well as for educators and school leaders. --Yuri Belfali, Head of Division, Early Childhood and Schools, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills This is an important and welcome addition to the surprisingly small, evidence base on the impacts of school infrastructure given the capital investment involved. It will provide policy makers, practitioners, and those who are about to commission a new build with an important and comprehensive point of reference. The emphasis on safe and healthy spaces for teaching and learning is particularly welcome. --Harry Daniels, Professor of Education, Department of Education, Oxford University, UK This report offers a useful library of recent research to support the, connection between facility quality and student outcomes. At the same time, it also points to the unmet need for research to provide verifiable and reliable information on this connection. With such evidence, decisionmakers will be better positioned to accurately balance the allocation of limited resources among the multiple competing dimensions of school policy, including the construction and maintenance of the school facility. --David Lever, K-12 Facility Planner, Former Executive Director of the Interagency Committee on School Construction, Maryland Many planners and designers are seeking a succinct body of research defining both the issues surrounding the global planning of facilities as well as the educational outcomes based on the quality of the space provided. The authors have finally brought that body of evidence together in this well-structured report. The case for better educational facilities is clearly defined and resources are succinctly identified to stimulate the dialogue to come. We should all join this conversation to further the process of globally enhancing learning-environment quality! --David Schrader, AIA, Educational Facility Planner and Designer, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors, Association for Learning Environments (A4LE)

  • af World Bank
    532,95 kr.

    Explores critical entry points and areas of policy focus to accelerate poverty reduction in Africa. A pro-poor policy agenda requires growth where the poor work and live, while also addressing the many risks to which households are exposed and working to finance the poverty reduction and development agenda.

  • - evolution, drivers, and policies
    af World Bank
    642,95 kr.

    Provides the first comprehensive analysis of inflation in emerging market and developing economies. The book examines how inflation has evolved and become synchronized among economies; what drives inflation; where inflation expectations have become better-anchored; and how exchange rate fluctuations can pass through to inflation.

  • - how countries can afford the infrastructure they need while protecting the planet
    af World Bank
    432,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Gap: How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet aims to shift the debate regarding investment needs away from a simple focus on spending more and toward a focus on spending better on the right objectives, using relevant metrics. It does so by offering a careful and systematic approach to estimating the funding needs to close the service gaps in water and sanitation, transportation, electricity, irrigation, and flood protection. Exploring thousands of scenarios, this report finds that funding needs depend on the service goals and policy choices of low- and middle-income countries and could range anywhere from 2 percent to 8 percent of GDP per year by 2030. Beyond the Gap also identifies a policy mix that will enable countries to achieve key international goals--universal access to water, sanitation, and electricity; greater mobility; improved food security; better protection from floods; and eventual full decarbonization--while limiting spending on new infrastructure to 4.5 percent of GDP per year. Importantly, the exploration of thousands of scenarios shows that infrastructure investment paths compatible with full decarbonization in the second half of the century need not cost more than more-polluting alternatives. Investment needs remain at 2 percent to 8 percent of GDP even when only the decarbonized scenarios are examined. The actual amount depends on the quality and quantity of services targeted, the timing of investments, construction costs, and complementary policies. Finally, investing in infrastructure is not enough; maintaining it also matters. Improving services requires much more than capital expenditure. Ensuring a steady flow of resources for operations and maintenance is a necessary condition for success. Good maintenance also generates substantial savings by reducing the total life-cycle cost of transport and water and sanitation infrastructure by more than 50 percent."--Provided by publisher.

  • af World Bank
    557,95 kr.

    Provides actionable advice on how to design and implement fiscal policies for both development and climate action. Building on more than two decades of research in development and environmental economics, it argues that well-designed environmental tax reforms are especially valuable in developing countries.

  • af World Bank
    497,95 kr.

    Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula faces growing risks from environmental hazards. Oil spills, hurricanes, coral bleaching, extreme flooding, and erosion have all been experienced over the past decade. This report explores selected topics that aim to inform decision-making in the region.

  • - a multisector partnership to address TB in southern Africa's mining sector
    af World Bank, Patrick L. Osewe & Barry Kistnasamy
    497,95 kr.

    Presents key activities, promising practices, and lessons learned from the World Bank Tuberculosis in the Mining Sector Initiative - a multisectoral, multicountry, public-private regional initiative in southern Africa. It examines how ministries, sectors, and partners have been brought together to address the epidemic's varied dimensions.

  • - darkening skies
    af World Bank
    432,95 kr.

    A World Bank Group Flagship Report. Published semiannually, the report includes analysis of topical policy challenges faced by developing countries through in-depth research in the January edition, and shorter analytical pieces in the June edition.

  • - prospects and challenges
    af World Bank & Martin Humphreys
    527,95 kr.

    Assesses the capacity expansion needs, operating efficiency, and landside access gaps of the 15 main ports in East and Southern Africa. For each port, this book provides policy recommendations regarding needed port and access infrastructure, port sector regulations, and institutional and management approaches to port operation and development.

  • - a green growth framework for mobilizing mining investment
    af World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    A sustainable path to development has profound consequences for all economic activities and related policies. The mining industry, which provides input to almost every product and service in the world, is highly relevant to the goal of achieving sustainable development in mineral-rich countries and in the global economy. In addition, environmental sustainability is a critical concern for mining companies, whose growth is increasingly affected by climate change. Given the centrality of minerals and metals to our way of living, Building Resilience: A Green Growth Framework for Mobilizing Mining Investment investigates the extent to which the mining industry can contribute to green growth. Despite what ought to be a tight nexus of public and private interest in targeted green sector investment, this report finds that there is a misalignment between mining companies' investment in climate-sensitive production processes, and policy makers' efforts to develop a cohesive green economy framework for industry to navigate. The private and public sectors regard the climate agenda and the development of local economic opportunity as separate matters. Neither industry nor government have yet to effectively leverage their climate imperatives and mandates to seize green growth opportunities. To address this misalignment, this report proposes a framework to help mining companies and governments integrate climate change and local economic opportunity activities. Going further, the report offers examples of projects and policies that support green growth: particularly climate-related activities that create scalable economic value and invest in long-lasting green infrastructure.

  • - a green growth framework for mobilizing mining investment
    af Martha Lawrence, Richard Bullock & World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    Reviews China's high-speed rail experience and highlights key factors in the areas of planning, capacity building, markets, service design, construction and operations, finances, and economics. Countries considering investment in high-speed rail may find many aspects of China's experience relevant and useful.

  • - risk sharing for a diverse and diversifying world of work
    af World Bank
    463,95 kr.

  • - A Country Economic Memorandum for Malawi
    af Praveen Kumar, World Bank & Richard Record
    442,95 kr.

  • - key findings and lessons learned
    af World Bank & Harika Masud
    497,95 kr.

  • - socioeconomic challenges and a way forward
    af Anna O'Donnell & World Bank
    447,95 kr.

    This volume summarizes a series of studies undertaken to better understand the current socioeconomic context of the Northern and Eastern provinces in Sri Lanka. Nearly a decade after the end of the Sri Lankan civil war, the Northern and Eastern provinces lag in key social and economic measures. The study was made up of six background studies focused on (i) the provincial economies and economic structures of the North and East; (ii) labor force dynamics; (iii) demographic changes and impacts on vulnerability; (iv) the psychosocial needs of the local population; (v) community and social institutions; and (vi) livelihood trends and impacts of the war on productive assets. These studies were informed by both primary data collection, as well as secondary data sources and literature. The key findings from the assessment show that significant public investments in the Northern and Eastern provinces have resulted in growth and convergence between these provinces and the rest of the country. However, pockets of poverty and deprivation remain across these provinces, and the economic base of the region has yet to fully recover from the impacts of the civil war. Social vulnerabilities were persistent across the Northern and Eastern provinces, and were closely linked with poverty rates. With the demographic impacts of the war, vulnerabilities for women are growing in the region. There was a high rate of psychosocial needs recorded, and evidence that the social fabric has not been fully restored since the war. Citizen engagement, trust, and accountability remain important priorities, alongside economic revival, job creation, and restoring the social fabric and local institutions.

  • - engaging in the next generation of global value chains
    af World Bank
    497,95 kr.

    This volume supports Vietnam's path to economic prosperity by identifying policies and targeted interventions that will drive development through leveraging GVC participation that take major shifts in trade policy and rapid technological advances in ICT into account.

  • - a handbook for policy makers and practitioners
    af World Bank
    562,95 kr.

    Proposes a simple framework to understand the political economy of subsidy reform and applies it to four in-depth country studies covering more than 30 reform episodes. The most successful reforms involve active efforts by policy leaders to identify the political forces supporting energy subsidies and redirect or inoculate them.

  • - managing urban growth for productive and livable cities in Mexico
    af World Bank
    442,95 kr.

    Analyses the spatial development patterns of Mexican cities and examines how recent urban spatial growth has affected economic performance and livability. Based on the analysis, this report offers recommendations and instruments to support more sustainable spatial development and to make Mexican cities become more productive and inclusive.

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