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  • af Xiang Cai
    116,95 kr.

    《茶录(外十种)》作为《宋元谱录丛编》之一,共收宋代十一种谱录类茶学专著,包括蔡襄《茶录》、黄儒《品茶要录》、沈括《本朝茶法》、宋徽宗《大观茶论》、叶清臣《述煮茶小品》、唐庚《斗茶记》、熊蕃《宣和北苑贡茶录》和宋子安《东溪试茶录》等。俱为宋代重要的茶学专著。编撰方式系由主编约请各方专家选择精善且常见的版本,并参照其他存世版本,进行酌校整理,点校句读。其下曰小苦竹园。又西至于大园,绝山尾,踈竹蓊翳,昔多飞雉,故曰鸡薮窠。又南出壤园、麦园,言其土壤沃宜麰麦也。自青山曲折而北,岭势属如贯鱼,凡十有二。又隈曲如窠巢者九,其地利为九窠十二垄,隈深绝数里,曰庙坑,坑有山神祠焉。又焙南直东,岭极高峻,曰教练垄。东入张坑,南距苦竹带北,冈势横直,故曰坑。坑又北,出凤凰山,其势中跱,如凤之首,两山相向,如凤之翼,因取象焉。凤凰山东南至于袁云垄,又南至于张坑,又南最 高处,曰张坑头。言昔有袁氏、张氏居于此,因名其地焉。出袁云之北平下,故曰平园。绝岭之表,曰西际,其东为东际。焙东之山,萦纺如带,故曰带园;其中曰中历坑,东又曰马鞍山,又东黄淡窠,谓山多黄淡也....

  • - China's Socialist Literary and Cultural Imaginaries, 1949-1966
    af Xiang Cai
    390,95 - 1.270,95 kr.

    Published in China in 2010 and appearing here in English for the first time, Revolution and its Narratives is a historical, literary, and critical account of the cultural production of the narratives of China's socialist revolution that illuminates the complexity of socialist art, culture, and politics.

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