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  • af Yuyan Ni
    119,95 kr.

    每一个人都有其思想,每一段话都有其灵魂。在生活的摸爬滚打中,渐渐地悟透了生活。 这个世界每一个人都是矛盾体,在局外时清醒着,在局内却又迷失了自己。更可笑的是,局外人笑局内人,自己一会儿是局外人,一会儿又是局内人,自己笑话自己却不自知。我们来到这个世界上,本是一张白纸,很白很白,很纯净的,没有一丝的杂念。却入了红尘这个大染缸,它缤纷多彩,或好或坏,让每个入了局的人都无法自拔。红尘纷乱,或为了生存无法选择自由,或为了利益绞尽脑汁。无论是穷人还是富人,都活得很累很累。再加上这几年的疫情,人们需要喘息一下,需要同频一下,需要自省一下。从2018年至今,心里感触特别的深。这个世界啊,有时候令人太无助、太伤心。一颗受伤的心在沉淀着思想,慢慢地我想明白了,这个世界太复杂了,染得人心也太复杂了。有太多个夜晚,我都望着窗外,希望夜晚的宁静能带来一丝的安慰;希望这夜的幽静能带去我的忧思;更希望这静夜读懂了我的内心。就以此静思结束序言,以此来作为你我交流的开始。Every man has his mind, and every utterance has its soul. In the rolling of life, and gradually understand life. Everyone in the world is a paradox, awake on the outside but lost on the inside. What's ridiculous is that outsiders laugh at insiders. One minute they are outsiders, they are insiders, and they laugh at themselves without knowing it. We came into this world. This is a piece of white paper, very white, very pure, without a trace of distracting thoughts. But into the world of mortals, this giant VAT of dye, it is colorful, or good or bad, so that everyone into the bureau cannot extricate themselves. Chaos in the world of mortals, or to survive can not choose freedom or rack one's brains for interests. Both the rich and the poor live very tiredly. Coupled with the epidemic in recent years, people need to take a breather, need the same frequency, and introspect. From 2018 to the present, the feeling in my heart is intense. The world, AH, is sometimes too helpless, too sad. A wounded heart in the precipitation of thoughts, slowly I figured out that the world is too complex, and dyeing people's hearts is too complex. There are too many nights. I look out the window, hoping that the quiet of the night can bring a little comfort; hoping that the dead of the night can get me sorrow; hoping that the calm night can read my heart. This is the end of the preface to the meditation, to be you and I exchange the beginning.

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