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Bøger udgivet af 1517 Media

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  • af Greg Jarrell
    237,95 kr.

    Our Trespasses uncovers how race, geography, policy, and religion have created haunted landscapes in Charlotte, North Carolina, and throughout the United States. By carefully tracing the intertwined fortunes of First Baptist Church and the formerly enslaved North family, Jarrell opens our eyes to uncomfortable truths with which we all must reckon.

  • af John C Nugent
    357,95 kr.

    Priestly Presence explores five dimensions of priestly service as a model for church-world relations. Nugent explores the meaning of each dimension and fleshes out practical implications for local congregations. In so doing, he provides a compelling approach to church-world relations that today's fractured church desperately needs.

  • af Keri L Ladner
    297,95 kr.

    End Time Politics shows how popular beliefs about God's impending judgment on the world--rooted in millenarian ideologies, Cold-War grandstanding, racial antipathy, and nuclear build-up--shaped an economic movement that led to white evangelicals' unflinching support of Donald Trump.

  • af Ralph W. Klein
    282,95 kr.

    This volume is a literary and theological analysis of a biblical document left behind by a prophet known as Ezekiel. His message about judgment and hope came at a critical moment of Israel's history. Ralph W. Klein analyzes the shape of the book, deciphers its imagery, comments on its technical vocabulary, and relates its parts to one another.

  • af Terence E. Fretheim
    282,95 kr.

    Terence E. Fretheim guides readers through the intricacies of Abraham's story in Genesis, examines his family, and assesses the significant roles this family plays across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Fretheim frames the narrative as rooted in the trials of family and faith that define Abraham as the father of three religions.

  • af Volker Leppin
    382,95 kr.

    Leppin explores the four "solas" of the Reformation -- Christ, grace, faith, and scripture -- as both anchored in the culture of late-medieval devotion and representing new, firmly demarcated formulae. Leppin helps readers understand that in the journey toward new theological understandings, continuity and discontinuity were inextricably linked.

  • af James L. Crenshaw
    282,95 kr.

    James L. Crenshaw examines the mysteries of Ecclesiastes: the speaker's identity, his emphasis on hidden truths, and his argument of insubstantiality and futility. While exploring Ecclesiastes and its enigmatic author, Crenshaw joins the debate over the lasting relevance of Qoheleth's teachings and Ecclesiastes' place in the biblical canon.

  • af Joni Schwartz-Chaney
    227,95 kr.

    "Critical Faith insists that Critical Race Theory is a tool to grapple with the thorny issue of race in both society and the church. Schwartz-Chaney argues that CRT can help Christians can move past mischaracterizations and caricatures toward a more nuanced view of race, racism, and the tools available to make progress in the church and in society"--

  • af Eugene R Schlesinger
    412,95 kr.

    Ruptured Bodies is a systematic theological account of the divided church. It argues that no ecclesiology can ignore division, because in doing so, it fails to describe the church that actually is. Such an understanding must integrate the reality of division, while refusing to blunt its sharp edge.

  • af Helen T Boursier
    382,95 kr.

    Precious Precarity is a spirituality of borders that embraces the challenges, differences, contrasts, unpredictability, vulnerability, and difficult choices that exist where the Global South meets the Global North.

  • af Chloe Starr
    412,95 kr.

    The third volume in the series Modern Chinese Theologies expands the scope of "China" and Chinese theology. It addresses two distinct groups: scholarship by mainland Chinese academics, and the writings of Chinese-speaking theologians beyond China, including the diasporic Sinophone worlds of East and Southeast Asia.

  • af Robin A Leaver
    412,95 kr.

    We tend to remember hymns one at a time. We forget that the reason we can do so is because they have been made available throughout the centuries in hymnals. This edited collection explores the 500-year tradition of Lutheran hymnal production, illustrating how these books have influenced Lutheran faith and worship practice over time.

  • af Levi Checketts
    387,95 kr.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated such advancement that people ask if it should be granted the moral status of personhood. This book argues that this view assumes that personhood corresponds to how well one's thinking mirrors the biases, worldview, and intelligence of the middle class, relegating the poor to the status of "nonhuman."

  • af D Glenn Butner
    382,95 kr.

    Work Out Your Salvation demonstrates how participation in markets forms our moral character, perceptions, actions, and ideas. It argues that such formation varies based on market designs and our interactions within them. Undermining simplistic ideas about capitalism, Butler lays bare which features of markets make us better and which make us worse.

  • af Wayne L. Wold
    162,95 kr.

    Preaching to the Choir imparts practical and pastoral wisdom to church musicians in their vocation as choir directors. This updated second edition attends to recent challenges choir directors have encountered and provides guidance as they look to the future.

  • af Michelle Rapkin
    152,95 kr.

    Infused with hope, laughter, and advice, this book curates personal experience with priceless learning from interviews with cancer survivors around the country. Cancer Sucks will equip you with the non-medical tools and tips needed to make it through cancer treatment sanely.

  • af Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    152,95 kr.

    "The first book to center the voices of sexual abuse survivors while rethinking key Christian beliefs. Readers will discover new ways of thinking about God that are surprising, challenging, inspiring, and empowering, leading to deep healing for individuals and a transformed church that no longer contributes to the devastation of sexual abuse"--

  • af Bruce Reyes-Chow
    155,95 kr.

    "You know what you don't believe: about the Bible, the church, and God. But what if someone asked: "What do you believe?" Bruce Reyes-Chow helps us consider what it means to choose faith and how to create one's own "faith montage." What if we could articulate the gospel of love, humility, and justice? What if everything good about God is true?"--

  • af Herbert Brokering
    212,95 kr.

    A whimsical, earnest tribute to the hidden spiritual wisdom of our canine companions. Dog Psalms is a heartwarming illustrated book that celebrates the spiritual gifts our canine companions offer. By turns humorous, serious, and always deeply insightful, it is perfect for the dog-lover attuned to the insight of these loyal mystics in our midst.

  • af Herbert Brokering
    212,95 kr.

    A gentle, winsome tribute to the hidden spiritual wisdom of our beloved feline companions, Cat Psalms is an illustrated collection of meditations on the spiritual nature of the cats in our lives. By turns whimsical, serious, and deeply insightful, it is perfect for the cat lover attuned to the sagacity of these furry mystics in our midst.

  • af Shelia Burlock
    267,95 kr.

    Uplifting and authentic, My Divine Natural Hair helps Black women embrace the God-created beauty of natural hair through inspirational readings and salon chair guidance on how to heal, consistently care for, and grow their coils.

  • af Kevin Miguel Garcia
    204,95 kr.

    With wit and practical guidance, spiritual coach Kevin Miguel Garcia helps us create a new spiritual practice after our faith has fallen apart. Garcia shows us how we can connect with the Divine already inside us and cultivate meaningful spiritual practices that help us heal from the past, tap into the present, and imagine a delicious future.

  • af Leanne Friesen
    197,95 kr.

    Leanne Friesen thought she knew a lot about bereavement, but only when her own sister died from cancer did she learn what grieving people need. In these pages, Friesen writes with vulnerability, wisdom, and even wit about stark and sacred lessons learned in the face of death. When we lose someone, what we need most is grieving room.

  • af Julie A. Christiansen
    197,95 kr.

    The Rise of Rage explores the nature of anger and conceptualizes it as a primary emotion triggered by frustrated attempts to achieve one's ends. Counselor and psychotherapist Julie Christiansen walks us through a ten-step process to effectively and safely resolve our angry feelings, helping to free us from this much misunderstood emotion.

  • af Christine Valters Paintner
    257,95 kr.

    "Discover your truest hungers and your deepest spiritual reserves as Christine Paintner, aka The Online Abbess, shares 6 unique fasts helping reveal harmful patterns and re-orienting us toward nourishing fulfillment. Drawing on desert wisdom and contemplative practice, Paintner helps us enter our own journey of spiritual growth"--

  • af Angela P Dodson
    317,95 kr.

    A powerful and needed collection of essays by accomplished women writers on violence and injustice toward Black men. The catalyst for a national conversation, this book shines a new light on the dangers Black men face daily, and the emotional toll anti-Black violence takes on the women who love them, casting a vision for future activism.

  • af Taymullah Abdur-Rahman
    164,95 kr.

    American Imam explores the contemporary Black Muslim narrative by tracing Taymullah Abdur-Rahman's story, from child to pop performer to convert. Imam Abdur-Rahman takes us inside his work as a prison chaplain and beyond, asking us to consider our biases against Islam, the Black American experience, interreligious dialogue, and abolition.

  • af Jasmine L Harris
    211,95 kr.

    In this compelling exploration of what it means to be a Black woman pursuing higher education, Dr. Jasmine Harris moves beyond the "data points" to examine the day-to-day impacts of racism in education on Black women as individuals, the longer-term consequences to our personal and professional lives, and the generational costs to our families.

  • af T. C. Moore
    152,95 kr.

    In an era when our relationships with our families of origin are more complicated than ever, pastor T. C. Moore shows us how following the way of Jesus can lead us to a new kind of family--a forged family--and to a faith community that rejects hierarchical structures in favor of inclusive and loving friendships that last.

  • af Cedar Monroe
    185,95 kr.

    Daily, 66 million poor white people pay the price for failing whiteness. In Trash, activist and chaplain Cedar Monroe introduces us to the poor residents of a small town in Washington, who grapple with a collapsing economy and their own racism. Trash asks us to see the peril in which poor white people live and the choices we all must make.

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