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  • af Leo Tolstoy & Inessa Medzhibovskaya
    244,95 - 1.574,95 kr.

  • - Jewish Women in the Pogroms of 1917 to 1921
    af Irina Astashkevich
    302,95 - 950,95 kr.

    Addresses the problem of mass rape of Jewish women during the pogroms in Ukraine during the Civil War (1917-1921). This book evaluates the traumatic impact of rape on both Jewish women and men through scrupulous analysis of the gendered narrative of the pogrom rape.

  • - Maimonides on the Enumeration, Classification, and Formulation of the Scriptural Commandments
    af Albert D. Friedberg
    302,95 - 980,95 kr.

    This book explores Maimonides' rationale for crafting the tradition of the Mishneh Torah and the surprising way he put it to use. It examines many of the philosophical and ethical ideas animating the composition of such a list and discusses the manner by which Maimonides formulated positive commandments in the Mishneh Torah, suggesting new dimensions in Maimonides' legal theory.

  • af Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen
    304,95 kr.

    ENGThis timely book analyses the status of hydrocarbon energy in Russia as both a saleable commodity and as a source of societal and political power. Through empirical studies in domestic and foreign policy contexts, Veli-Pekka Tykkynen explores the development of a hydrocarbon culture in Russia and the impact this has on its politics, identity and approach to climate change and renewable energy.RUSКнига «Энергия России: Углеводородная культура и изменение климата» рассказывает о том, как нефть и газ текут через российское общество. В работе исследуется и то, как зависимость от ископаемых источников энергии объясняется и оправдывается в глазах простых россиян и какую роль эти источники играют в политике страны. Хотя современная Россия полностью зависит от нефти и газа, ст&

  • af Henry Felix Srebrnik
    361,95 kr.

    ENG: The American Jewish Communist movement played a major role in the politics of Jewish communities in cities such as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia, as well as many other centers, between the 1920s and the 1950s. Making extensive use of Yiddish-language books, newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and other materials, Dreams of Nationhood traces the ideological and material support provided to the Jewish Autonomous Region of Birobidzhan in the far east of the Soviet Union by two American Jewish Communist-led organizations, the ICOR and the American Birobidjan Committee. By providing a detailed historical examination of the political work of these two groups, the book makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of 20th century Jewish life in the United States.RUS: Еврейское коммунистическое движение в период с 1920-х по 1950-е годы играло важную роль в политике еврейских общин в таких американских городах, как Бостон, Чикаго, Лос-Анджелес, Нью-Йорк, Филадельфия. Опираясь на книги, газеты, периодические издания, памфлеты и другие материалы на идише, Генри Сребрник рассказывает о той идеологической и материальной поддержке, которую Еврейской автономной области Биробиджана оказывали две американские организации -- Организация еврейской колонизации в России и Американский Биробиджанский комитет.

  • - Prospects for an Alternative Future
    af Andrew Kolin
    346,95 kr.

    ENG: The overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that planet Earth is in the process of undergoing dramatic climate change, which threatens to undermine the quality of life around the world. Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change demonstrates how the roots of humanity's assault on the environment are directly associated with the origins of capitalism, an irrational social system in which reproduction of capital on a global scale is destructive to the environment. The author begins with a philosophical analysis of the role that reason and passion assume in social systems., then traces the local and regional environmental effects of preindustrial social systems. The author argues that nations are faced with a global challenge, to construct life-affirming policy that functions as an alternative to the global devastation that the accumulation of capital causes. The book concludes by proposing rational socialism, a life-affirming social system that functions in harmony with the environment.RUS: Книга Эндрю Колина демонстрирует, что корни разрушения человеком природы напрямую связаны с происхождением капитализма - социальной системы, в которой воспроизводство капитала в глобальном масштабе разрушительно для окружающей среды. Автор начинает с философского анализа роли, которую разум и страсть играют в социальных системах, а затем прослеживает экологические последствия стимулируемой ими деятельности. Колин утверждает, что перед современными государствами стоит гло

  • af Ulrich Steltner
    347,95 kr.

    В противовес хорошо известным трактовкам романа «Доктор Живаго» в рамках литературно-политического контекста, исследование Ульриха Штельтнера сосредоточено исключительно на структуре произведения. Автор анализирует формальный язык прозаической и поэтической частей, чтобы определить роли обеих форм речи для текста Пастернака в целом. «Доктор Живаго» - экспериментальный роман, в котором метафиктически противопоставлены или связаны «хаос» и «порядок», «жизнь» и «искусство», а также «проза» и «стихи».

  • - From Climate Change to a New Age of Sustainability
    af Carolyn Merchant
    349,95 kr.

    ENGA wide-ranging and original introduction to the Anthropocene (the Age of Humanity) that offers fresh, theoretical insights bridging the sciences and the humanities. Using history, art, literature, religion, philosophy, ethics, and justice as the focal points, Merchant traces key figures and developments in the humanities throughout the Anthropocene era and explores how these disciplines might influence sustainability in the next century. Wide-ranging and accessible, this book from an eminent scholar in environmental history and philosophy argues for replacing the Age of the Anthropocene with a new Age of Sustainability.RUSМогут ли история, искусство, литература, религия, философия, этика и правосудие повлиять на экологическую устойчивость в следующем столетии? Задаваясь этим вопросом, Кэролин Мёрчант исследует взаимодействие традиционных областей человеческой мысли и экологии. Ее масштабная и доступная книга позволяет увидеть неизбежность смены эпохи антропоцена новой эпохой устойчивого развития.

  • af Rebecca Friedman
    351,95 kr.

    ENGThis is the first book-length study of masculinity in Imperial Russia. By looking at official and unofficial life at universities across the Russian empire, this project offers a picture of the complex processes through which gender ideologies were forged and negotiated in the Nineteenth Century. Masculinity, Autocracy and the Russian University, 1804-1863 demonstrates how gender was critical to political life in a European monarchy.RUSРассматривая официальную и неофициальную жизнь университетов Российской империи, Ребекка Фридман показывает картину сложных процессов, в ходе которых формировались и обсуждались гендерные идеологии в XIX веке. Книга «Маскулинность, самодержавие и российский университет. 1804-1863» демонстрирует, насколько эти аспекты были важны для политической жизни европейской монархии.

  • af Xuefei Ren
    353,95 kr.

    ENG: "Currently there are more than 125 Chinese cities with a population exceeding one million. The unprecedented urban growth in China presents a crucial development for studies on globalization and urban transformation. This concise and engaging book examines the past trajectories, present conditions, and future prospects of Chinese urbanization, by investigating five key themes - governance, migration, landscape, inequality, and cultural economy.Based on a comprehensive evaluation of the literature and original research materials, Ren offers a critical account of the Chinese urban condition after the first decade of the twenty-first century. She argues that the urban-rural dichotomy that was artificially constructed under socialism is no longer a meaningful lens for analyses and that Chinese cities have become strategic sites for reassembling citizenship rights for both urban residents and rural migrants."RUS: В современном Китае насчитывается более 125 городов с населением свыше миллиона человек. Беспрецедентный их рост представляет собой важнейшее явление для исследований глобализации и трансформации Китая. В этой книге на основе изучения пяти ключевых тем -- управления, миграции, ландшафта, неравенства и культурной экономики -- рассматривается прошлое, настоящее и будущее китайской урбанизации.

  • - 1905-1939. Transcultural Dialogues
    af Lynn C Purkey
    357,95 kr.

    ENGDrawing upon theories on the novel in Bakhtin's Dialogic Imagination, this book examines Nuevo Romanticismo through the lens of Russo-Soviet littérature engagée. The term Nuevo Romanticismo originated in José Díaz Fernández's eponymous essay and has been applied to a group of writers who exemplified a rehumanization of the field of Spanish cultural production. In contrast with the dehumanized tendencies noted by Ortega y Gasset, writers César Arconada, Ramón J. Sender, and Lusia Carnés combined avant-garde aesthetics and a deep preoccupation with the human condition, creating a model of politically engaged art in part through transcultural dialogues with Russian literary models. This study explores the deep connection between Spanish and Russian narratives immediately before and during the Second Republic, as well as themes as relevant today as nearly a century ago: the ethics of war, the new woman, and responses to machine culture in the modern age. Lynn C. Purkey is an Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.RUSТермин Nuevo Romanticismo («новый романтизм») возник в одноименном эссе Хосе Диаса Фернандеса как обозначение группы писателей, ставшей рупором регуманизации в испанской культуре. Опираясь на теорию романа, представленную в работах Бахтина, Линн Пёрки рассматривает Nuevo Romanticismo сквозь призму русской и советской литературы. В противовес дегуманизированным тенденциям, отмеченным Ортегой-и-Гассетом в испанской литературе, писатели Сесар Арконада, Рамон Х. Сендер и Лусия Карнес соединили в своих текстах авангардную эстетику и сосредоточенность на человеке, создав модель политически ангажированного искусства -- отчасти благодаря транскультурному диалогу с русскими литературными текстами. В книге исследуется глубокая связь между испанскими и русскими нарративами, созданными непосредственно до и во время Второй республики, а также неизменно актуальные для обеих культур в последнее столетие темы этика войны, феминизм, растущая механизация цивилизации.

  • af Julie McBrien
    359,95 kr.

    ENG: From Belonging to Belief presents a nuanced ethnographic study of Islam and secularism in post-Soviet Central Asia, as seen from the small town of Bazaar-Korgon in southern Kyrgyzstan. Opening with the juxtaposition of a statue of Lenin and a mosque in the town square, Julie McBrien proceeds to peel away the multiple layers that have shaped the return of public Islam in the region. She explores belief and nonbelief, varying practices of Islam, discourses of extremism, and the role of the state, to elucidate the everyday experiences of Bazaar-Korgonians. McBrien shows how Islam is explored, lived, and debated in both conventional and novel sites: a Soviet-era cleric who continues to hold great influence; popular television programs; religious instruction at wedding parties; clothing; celebrations; and others. Through ethnographic research, McBrien reveals how moving toward Islam is not a simple step but rather a deliberate and personal journey of experimentation, testing, and knowledge acquisition. Moreover she argues that religion is not always a matter of belief--sometimes it is essentially about belonging.RUS: Эта книга -- тонкое этнографическое исследование ислама и секуляризма в постсоветской Центральной Азии на примере небольшого городка Базар-Кор- гон на юге Кыргызстана. С помощью этнографического подхода Джули Макбрайен показывает, что переход местных жителей к исламу -- это сознательный и личный путь экспериментов, испытаний и приобретения знаний.

  • af Yuka Hiruma Kishida
    304,95 kr.

    ENG: Kenkoku University and the Experience of Pan-Asianism makes a fresh contribution to the recent effort to re-examine the Japanese wartime ideology of Pan-Asianism by focusing on the experiences of students at Kenkoku University or "Nation-Building University," abbreviated as Kendai (1938-1945). Located in the northeastern provinces of China commonly designated Manchuria, the university proclaimed to realize the goal of minzoku kyowa ("ethnic harmony"). It recruited students of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mongolian and Russian backgrounds and aimed to foster a generation of leaders for the state of Manchukuo. Distinguishing itself from other colonial schools within the Japanese Empire, Kendai promised ethnic equality to its diverse student body, while at the same time imposing Japanese customs and beliefs on all students.RUS: Во время Второй мировой войны расположенный в оккупированной Маньчжурии университет Кенкоку провозгласил своей целью достижение «этнической гармонии». В него набирали студентов японского, китайского, корейского, тайваньского, монгольского и русского происхождения, а целью обучения было воспитание лидеров для марионеточного государства Маньчжоу-Го. В отличие от других колониальных школ Японской империи, этот университет обещал этническое равенство разнородному контингенту учащихся, но в то же время навязывал всем студентам японские обычаи и верования. В книге предпринята попытка переосмыслить японскую идеологию паназиатского движения, опираясь на свидетельства студентов университета Кенкоку.

  • af Jack Nusan Porter
    429,95 kr.

    ENGJewish Partisans of the Soviet Union is a classic compilation of original Russian and Jewish sources on the anti-Nazi resistance in Eastern Europe. It is rooted in decades of research motivated by a desire to set the record straight on Jewish participation in resistance movements, a phenomenon often overlooked when not actively concealed. As the son of Jewish partisans in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, Jack Porter presents here the result of his decades-long research: first-hand accounts and interviews with survivors and partisans, as well as some of their original work, and a seminal English translation of Partisan Brotherhood, a historical document gathered by Russian-Jewish intellectuals in 1948 at the height of anti-Semitic hysteria, written mainly by non-Jewish Soviet partisan commanders recounting the deeds of the Jewish fighters in their units.RUSВ основе этой книги лежат десятилетия исследований, вызванных к жизни желанием внести ясность в вопрос об участии евреев в партизанском движении. Будучи сыном еврейских партизан, Джек Портер собрал в своем исследовании рассказы из первых рук, интервью с выжившими и с партизанами, а также мемуарные публикации и выдержки из «Партизанской дружбы» - исторического документа, составленного российско-еврейской интеллигенцией в 1948 году в разгар антисемитской истерии и написанного в основном нееврейскими сов

  • af Justin Jesty
    519,95 kr.

    ENG: Justin Jesty's Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan reframes the history of art and its politics in Japan post-1945. This fascinating cultural history addresses our broad understanding of the immediate postwar era moving toward the Cold War and subsequent consolidations of political and cultural life. At the same time, Jesty delves into an examination of the relationship between art and politics that approaches art as a mode of intervention, but he moves beyond the idea that the artwork or artist unilaterally authors political significance to trace how creations and expressive acts may (or may not) actually engage the terms of shared meaning and value. Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan centers on a group of social realists on the radical left who hoped to wed their art with anti-capitalist and anti-war activism, a liberal art education movement whose focus on the child inspired innovation in documentary film, and a regional avant-garde group split between ambition and local loyalty. In each case, Jesty examines writings and artworks, together with the social movements they were a part of, to demonstrate how art--or more broadly, creative expression--became a medium for collectivity and social engagement. He reveals a shared if varied aspiration to create a culture founded in amateur-professional interaction, expanded access to the tools of public authorship, and dispersed and participatory cultural forms that intersected easily with progressive movements. Highlighting the transformational nature of the early postwar, Jesty deftly contrasts it with the relative stasis, consolidation, and homogenization of the 1960s. RUS: Книга Джастина Джести переосмысливает историю искусства в Японии после 1945 года. Автор углубляется в изучение отношений между искусством и политикой, но выходит за рамки идеи о том, что произведение искусства или художник являются только выразителями политических смыслов.В центре книги -- группа леворадикальных соцреалистов, надеявшихся соединить свое искусство с антикапиталистическим и антивоенным движением, движение либерального толка и региональная авангардистская группа, пытающаяся найти баланс между амбициями и преданностью локальной культуре.

  • - A Comparative Analysis of Russia, Eastern Europe and China
    af Péter Mihályi Iván Szelényi
    304,95 kr.

    This book intends to be a contribution to the "varieties of capitalism" paradigm. The theoretical background is Weber's theory of legitimacy. Was communism ever "legitimate"? What kind of legitimacy claims were made in the transition from communism to capitalism? Central Europe was closer to the Western "liberal" model. Russia built capitalism in a patrimonial way. China followed its own unique way; some called it "socialism with Chinese characteristics". Putin experiments with an innovation for post-communist capitalism. He confronts the "oligarchs" and reallocates property from those who challenge his political authority to old and new loyal ones. In conclusion, the central question is to what extent is "Putinism" a generic model for post-communist capitalism?

  • - Anxiety and the National College Entrance Exam in China
    503,95 kr.

    ENG: Meritocracy and Its Discontents investigates the wider social, political, religious, and economic dimensions of the Gaokao, China's national college entrance exam, as well as the complications that arise from its existence. Each year, some nine million high school seniors in China take the Gaokao, which determines college admission and provides a direct but difficult route to an urban lifestyle for China's hundreds of millions of rural residents. But with college graduates struggling to find good jobs, some are questioning the exam's legitimacy--and, by extension, the fairness of Chinese society. Chronicling the experiences of underprivileged youth, Zachary M. Howlett's research illuminates how people remain captivated by the exam because they regard it as fateful--an event both consequential and undetermined. He finds that the exam enables people both to rebel against the social hierarchy and to achieve recognition within it.RUS: В своей книге Закари Хоулетт исследует социальные, политические, религиозные и экономические аспекты гаокао -- государственного вступительного экзамена в высшие учебные заведения Китая. Ежегодно его сдают около девяти миллионов старшеклассников. Для сотен миллионов сельских жителей Китая это один из немногих путей к городскому образу жизни. Книга Хоулетта, в которой он описывает опыт молодежи из малообеспеченных слоев населения, показывает, что тема экзамена продолжает присутствовать в жизни людей и после его сдачи. Его считают судьбоносным событием -- значительным и определяющим некоторые жизненные перспективы. Автор приходит к выводу, что экзамен позволяет тем, кто проходит через это испытание, как восстать против социальной иерархии, так и добиться признания внутри нее.

  • af Mire Koikari
    351,95 kr.

    ENG: The Great East Japan Disaster - a compound catastrophe of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown that began on March 11, 2011 - has ushered in a new era of cultural production dominated by discussions on safety and security, risk and vulnerability, and recovery and refortification. Gender, Culture, and Disaster in Post-3.11 Japan re-frames post-disaster national reconstruction as a social project imbued with dynamics of gender, race, and empire and in doing so Mire Koikari offers an innovative approach to resilience building in contemporary Japan.RUS: Великое восточнояпонское землетрясение 2011 года -- глобальная катастрофа, открывшая новую культурную эру, в которой доминируют дискуссии о безопасности, рисках и уязвимости, восстановлении и реорганизации. В книге Мирэ Коикари национальное возрождение после катастрофы рассматривается как социальный проект, опирающийся на дискурсы гендера, расы и империи.

  • - Postsocialism, Modernity, and Intimacy from Istanbul to the Arctic
    af Alexia Bloch
    304,95 kr.

    ENG: Sex, Love, and Migration complicates a narrative of women's exploitation as a feature of migration in the twenty-first century, to argue that women's mobility is marked not only by risks but also by personal and social transformation. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork spanning a decade (2002-2011), Alexia Bloch shows how women moving between the former Soviet Union and Turkey forged new forms of relationships in their households in Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia, but also in Istanbul, where they often worked for years on end. The lives and aspirations of post-Soviet migrant women employed in three spheres in Istanbul--sex work, the garment trade, and domestic work--are featured, challenging us to decouple images of women on the move from simple assumptions about danger, victimization, and trafficking.RUS: Исследование Алексии Блок выходит за рамки общепринятого представления об эксплуатации женщин как характерной черте миграции начала XXI века, в котором фигурируют молодые женщины из бедных стран, пересекающие границы, чтобы заниматься низкооплачиваемым и зачастую интимным трудом. Автор утверждает, что мобильность женщин связана не только с рисками, но и с личными и социальными преобразованиями, поскольку миграция в корне меняет эмоциональный мир и устремления женщин. Блок описывает, как с начала 1990-хгодов женщины пересекали границы бывшего Советского Союза, создавая новые формы интимности в своих семьях. В книге рассматривается жизнь постсоветских женщин-мигранток, занятых в трех различных сферах секс-работе, торговле одеждой и домашнем хозяйстве.

  • - Cinéma, Empire Et Nation En Ouzbékistan (1919-1937)
    af Cloé Drieu
    520,95 kr.

    ENG: Between the founding of Soviet Uzbekistan in 1924 and the Stalinist Terror of the late 1930s, a nationalist cinema emerged in Uzbekistan giving rise to the first wave of national film production and an Uzbek cinematographic elite. In Cinema, Nation, and Empire in Uzbekistan Cloéeacute; Drieu uses Uzbek films as a lens to explore the creation of the Soviet State in Central Asia, starting from the collapse of the Russian Empire up through the eve of WWII. Drieu argues that cinema provides a perfect angle for viewing the complex history of domination, nationalism, and empire (here used to denote the centralization of power) within the Soviet sphere. By exploring all of film's dimensions as a socio-political phenomenon-including film production, film reception, and filmic discourse-Drieu reveals how nation and empire were built up as institutional realities and as imaginary constructs.RUS: Основываясь на исследованиях, проведенных в узбекских и российских государственных архивах, и на глубоком анализе четырнадцати полнометражных фильмов, Хлоя Дрийе описывает дискуссии о процессах государственного и национального строительства Узбекистана, а также о возникновении национализма в целом. Книга «Кино, нация, империя. Узбекистан, 1919-1937» помогает нам понять, как Центральная Азия, входившая в состав Российской империи, сначала была деколонизирована, а затем вновь оказалась под давлен

  • - Responses to Modernismin Russian Paris
    407,95 kr.

    The Bolshevik's 1917 political coup caused a seismic disruption in Russian culture. Carried by the first wave of emigrants, Russian culture migrated West, where it was transformed by interactions with new cultural environment and clashed with exported Russian trends. In this book, Klára Móricz explores the transnational emigrant space of Russian composers Igor Stravinsky, Vladimir Dukelsky, Sergey Prokofiev, Nicolas Nabokov, and Arthur Lourié in interwar Paris. Their music reflected the conflict between a modernist narrative demanding innovation, and a narrative of exile wedded to the preservation of prerevolutionary Russian culture. The emigrants' and the Bolsheviks' contrasting visions of Russia and its past collided frequently in the French capital, where the Soviets displayed their political and artistic products. Russian composers in Paris also had to reckon with Stravinsky's disproportionate influence: if they succumbed to fashions dictated by their famous compatriot, they risked becoming epigones; if they kept to their old ways, they risked becoming irrelevant. Although Stravinsky's neoclassicism provided a seemingly neutral middle ground between innovation and nostalgia, it was also marked by the exilic experience. Móricz offers this unexplored context for Stravinsky's neoclassicism, shedding new light on this infinitely elusive term.

  • af Dirk Uffelmann
    407,95 kr.

    ENThis three-volume book investigates the Russian transformations of one of the central concepts of Greek Christology, the self-humiliation or kenosis of Christ. The author applies rhetoric (paradox, metaphor, metonymy) as a means to elucidate mechanisms of theological persuasion and to trace the representations of the humiliated Christ and his imitations in various media from liturgy and iconology to everyday practice and literary fiction. The exploration of post-Christian literature of the 19th and 20th century (N. Chernyshevskii, M. Gor'kii, N. Ostrovskii, Ven. Erofeev, Vl. Sorokin) demonstrates the existence of a kenotic Christology after Christianity.RUThis three-volume book investigates the Russian transformations of one of the central concepts of Greek Christology, the self-humiliation or kenosis of Christ. The author applies rhetoric (paradox, metaphor, metonymy) as a means to elucidate mechanisms of theological persuasion and to trace the representations of the humiliated Christ and his imitations in various media from liturgy and iconology to everyday practice and literary fiction. The exploration of post-Christian literature of the 19th and 20th century (N. Chernyshevskii, M. Gor'kii, N. Ostrovskii, Ven. Erofeev, Vl. Sorokin) demonstrates the existence of a kenotic Christology after Christianity.

  • af Suzanne Ament
    215,95 - 1.122,95 kr.

    A woman wearing a ballgown singing in the snow for returning ski troops; a technician's tears ruining a master recording of a new wartime song; fresh recruits spontaneously standing and doffing their caps to a new song, thereby creating the new wartime anthem. This well researched, multi-faceted book depicts the relationship between song and society during World War II in the USSR. Chapter topics range from the creation and distribution of the songs to how the public received and shaped them. The body of song that came out of that era created a true cultural legacy which reflected both the hearts of the individuals fighting as well as the narrative of the party and state in bringing the nation to victory.

  • af Justin Weir
    407,95 kr.

    An original reading of three famous novels reveals a significant shift in the Russian tradition of psychological prose; Justin Weir develops a persuasive analysis of the complex relationship between authorial self-reflection and literary tradition in three of the most famous Russian novels of the first half of the twentieth century: Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago, and Vladimir Nabokov's The Gift. All three novelists respond to a dual crisis, according to Weir: the general modernist destabilization of identity, and the estrangement from literary tradition that followed the Russian Revolution. Using various self-reflexive literary devices (such as the mise en abyme), these authors reincorporate literary tradition into their works and, in the process, generate a distinctive view of identity. Character, in these novels, is neither the outcome of a continuous process of Building, nor a direct function of the individual's relation to larger historical events. Rather, character is defined in the act of writing itself, so that every hero must be a sort of author. The outcome is a new novelistic art that focuses on the identity of the artist as revealed through his writing. With its innovative interpretation of these novels and its compelling historical, cultural, and theoretical insights, The Author as Hero offers a new view of an important moment in the evolution of Russian literature.

  • af Daniel T Orlovsky
    407,95 kr.

    The Limits of Reform examines the institutional, social, and cultural foundations of bureaucratic power and authority in Imperial Russia using the deeply rooted and wide ranging Ministry of Internal Affairs as example. The author develops the concept of "Ministerial Power" to explain the enduring and highly personalized mode of authority in Russian history. This analysis and concept have implications for understanding both Soviet and post-Soviet governmental institutions.

  • af Ian Helfant
    407,95 kr.

    Imperial Russia's large wolf populations were demonized, persecuted, tormented, and sometimes admired. That Savage Gaze explores the significance of wolves in pre-revolutionary Russia utilizing the perspectives of cultural studies, ecocriticism, and human-animal studies. It examines the ways in which hunters, writers, conservationists, members of animal protection societies, scientists, doctors, government officials and others contested Russia's "Wolf Problem" and the particular threat posed by rabid wolves. It elucidates the ways in which wolves became intertwined with Russian identity both domestically and abroad. It argues that wolves played a foundational role in Russians' conceptions of the natural world in ways that reverberated throughout Russian society, providing insights into broader aspects of Russian culture and history as well as the opportunities and challenges that modernity posed for the Russian empire.

  • af Emily D Johnson
    407,95 kr.

    How St. Petersburg Learned to Study Itself: The Russian Idea of Kraevedenie considers the origins and evolutions of kraevedenie, looking specifically at the role that movements and institutions that emerged in early twentieth-century St. Petersburg played in the formation of this discipline. Based on extensive work in archives in St. Petersburg, it looks at the historical preservation movement that was spearheaded by participants in the World of Art circle and contributors to the journal Starye gody. It considers the pedagogical excursion movement and specifically the influence of Ivans Grevs and Nikolai Antsiferov. It also discusses the operations and role of the Central Bureau of Kraevedenie in the 1920s.The original English-language edition of this book (Penn State University Press, 2006) received both the South Central MLA book award and the Nikolai Antsiferov Prize for the best work on St. Petersburg by a foreign author.

  • af Aharon Barak
    737,95 kr.

    Israel is a "Jewish state." What is the meaning of this and how does it align with the democratic nature of the country? These are the questions at the core of a contentious debate that has been raging since the establishment of the state. This volume includes 75 essays on the question of Jewish -- Israeli identity, by some of today's best thinkers -- Jews and non-Jews, from Israel and around the world. Its pages include dreams and nightmares, poetic visions and rational analyses, harsh critiques and songs of praise.This collection is a first-of-its-kind nexus of thought on nationality, religion, politics, culture, society, environment, economics, and security. It is essential reading for any future discussion of Israeli identity.

  • af Malcolm Jones
    407,95 kr.

    While acknowledging Dostoevsky's personal commitment to the Russian Orthodox faith, Jones argues that it is possible to understand his fictional world only in terms of the interplay of a wide variety of religious experiences and outlooks, including affirmations of faith and expressions of radical doubt and unbelief, and a constant questioning of one by the other. In their neglect of its outward expressions, Dostoevsky's novels seem to acknowledge that the Orthodox tradition has to die in order to be reborn in the light of the image of Christ and that, to use his own expression, the final 'hosanna' must pass through a 'furnace of doubt'.

  • af Eugene Korn
    397,95 - 1.267,95 kr.

    Israel and the Nations: The Bible, The Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations explores the theological and legal (halakhic) aspects of Jewish thought relating to non-Jews. It analyzes biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and contemporary Jewish writings about gentiles and their religions. The book will interest both Jewish laypersons familiar with Jewish tradition as well as scholars of theology and interfaith relations

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