Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger udgivet af Amsterdam Publishers

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  • - The Life of a Holocaust Resister
    af Laura Beth Bakst
    225,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • - Annihilation and Survival in Slovakia
    af Paul Davidovits
    182,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • - A decorated German-Jewish Soldier who became an American Hero
    af Romberg W. Jack Romberg
    187,95 - 327,95 kr.

    The story of Richard Stern, whose photograph - showing a rare Jewish protest in Nazi Germany - hangs in multiple German museums. He was the author's Great Uncle.

  • - Wspomnienia z czasu Holocaustu
    af Manny Steinberg
    217,95 kr.

    Wci¿gaj¿ca autobiografia ocaläego z obozu koncentracyjnego Brutalnie szczera opowie¿¿ o ludzkiej wytrzymäöci z czasów II wojny ¿wiatowej Manny Steinberg (1925-2015) sp¿dzi¿ swoje nastoletnie lata w nazistowskich obozach koncentracyjnych w Niemczech, cudem wychodz¿c cäo z tego, co zabi¿o miliony innych. Oto jego historia. Urodzony w ¿ydowskiej dzielnicy w Radomiu, Steinberg zauwäy¿, ¿e ludzie ¿ydowskiej wiary coraz cz¿¿ciej byli uznawali za odmie¿ców. We wrze¿niu 1939 roku nazi¿ci zaatakowali i rozpocz¿¿ si¿ koszmar. ¿ydowska populacja miasta nie miäa szans na ucieczk¿ i zostäa zmuszona do g¿odowania, tortur, by¿a wykorzystywana seksualnie i ostatecznie deportowana. Wykrzycze¿ prawd¿. Wspomnienia z czasu Holocaustu to szczere wyznania nastolatka, który przetrwä pobyt w czterech nazistowskich obozach: w Dachau, w Auschwitz, w Vaihingen oraz w Neckargerach. Brat Manny'ego, Stanley, wyskoczy¿ z wagonu na byd¿o wioz¿cego go do obozu koncentracyjnego, gdzie, razem z matk¿ i m¿odszym bratem, miä zgin¿¿. Desperacko samotny i g¿odny, Stanley czekä na zewn¿trz obozu, maj¿c nadziej¿, ¿e w ¿rodku ujrzy Manny'ego i swojego ojca. Kiedy upewni¿ si¿, ¿e byli w¿ród innych wi¿¿niów, oddä si¿ w r¿ce sträników. Te dni wype¿nione by¿y g¿odem, zimnem, ci¿¿k¿ prac¿ i strachem. Tylko ¿wiadomö¿ tego, ¿e cz¿onkowie rodziny byli w tym samym obozie, trzymäa ich przy ¿yciu. Gdyby ich relacja wysz¿a na jaw, zostaliby zamordowani, wi¿c udawali nieznajomych. Manny Steinberg wspomina, jak karmiono go ludzkim mi¿sem, jak zmuszano go do golenia g¿ów martwych kobiet i wyrywania z¿bów z ciä zamordowanych wi¿¿niów. Chroni¿c cenne zdj¿cie matki w chodaku, cudem przetrwä razem z ojcem i bratem terror niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych. Kiedy Amerykanie przybyli w kwietniu 1945 roku, Manny by¿ chodz¿cym szkieletem z kilkoma z¿amanymi ¿ebrami i powän¿ chorob¿ p¿uc, ubranym w stary, brudny koc. Ta autobiografia zostäa napisana, aby dotrzymä obietnicy, któr¿ Steinberg sobie z¿öy¿ w pierwszych dniach wolnöci. Publikuj¿c swoje wspomnienia z Holocaustu, chciä upewni¿ si¿, ¿e ¿wiat nigdy nie zapomni, co stäo si¿ w Europie podczas II wojny ¿wiatowej. Narracja tej ksi¿¿ki jest osobista, niczym nieskr¿powana, bezpörednia. Opowie¿¿ dziej¿ca si¿ w Polsce i w Niemczech w czasach II wojny ¿wiatowej przedstawiona jest z punktu widzenia starszego m¿¿czyzny, zmuszaj¿cego si¿ do prze¿ycia na nowo lat cierpie¿. To dowód ludzkiego okrucie¿stwa, ale równie¿ ¿wiadectwo si¿y mi¿öci i nadziei. Wykrzycze¿ prawd¿ stäo si¿ klasykiem w¿ród literatury Holocaustu. T¿ ksi¿¿k¿ poleca si¿ w szczególnöci studentom i m¿odszym pokoleniom. Ta niezwyk¿a, prawdziwa historia spodoba si¿ czytelnikom Born Survivors oraz The Nazi Officer's Wife. - ¿Manny, Twoja historia jest wzruszaj¿ca. To ¿ywy dowód na si¿¿ ludzkiego ducha". - ¿Przeczytäem t¿ ksi¿¿k¿ z ci¿¿kim sercem, ¿zy mi p¿yn¿ po policzkach".- ¿Szczere, do sedna, i - jak si¿ möna spodziewä - okropne. Bez üalania si¿ nad sob¿ i bez wyolbrzymiania".- ¿Niezwyk¿a historia o przetrwaniu".- ¿Spodziewäam si¿ smutnej ksi¿¿ki, a zamiast tego po przeczytaniu jestem pe¿na otuchy. Owszem, ksi¿¿ka ujawnia okropne, okropne rzeczy. Ale tak¿e pokazuje, jak kochaj¿ce, pe¿ne wspó¿czucia i wdzi¿czne serce möe wci¿¿ by¿ delikatne i dobre, mimo niesprawiedliwöci, które przecierpiäo. Podziwiam autora i jego spojrzenie na ¿wiat".

  • - Reflections of a Child Holocaust Survivor, Psychiatrist and Teacher
    af Robert Krell
    247,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • - Eine Kerze und ein Versprechen
    af Deborah Donnelly
    197,95 kr.

    Diese schockierenden Erinnerungen des Holocaust-Uberlebenden Hank Brodt zeigen personliche Einblicke in die innere Welt eines Jungen unter der Herrschaft des Nazi-Regimes. Sie offenbaren furchterliche Wahrheiten auf ehrliche Weise.

  • - Le recit emouvant d'une survivante de Bergen-Belsen et camarade d'Anne Frank
    af Blitz Konig Nanette Blitz Konig
    192,95 kr.

    Dans ces memoires, Nanette raconte l'histoire de sa survie durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle retrace l'itineraire de sa deportation - celle de sa famille, mais aussi de millions d'autres juifs.

  • af Janina Hescheles
    192,95 kr.

    Un Commovente Diario carico di Memorie dell'OlocaustoAttraverso gli orrori del campo e vi sopravvisse per raccontare le storie di coloro che furono meno fortunati di lei...Polonia, 1943. Janina Hescheles, orfana, recita poesie ogni notte dando le spalle al campo di Janowski e le dune di Piaski dove migliaia di corpi vengono cremati. Le sue parole tormentate attirano l'attenzione del movimento clandestino attivo a Leopoli: Janina viene portata in salvo poco prima della distruzione del campo e il conseguente sterminio degli ebrei li rinchiusi. Una volta a Cracovia a Janina vengono dati dei quaderni e una matita per catturare nero su bianco le immagini brutali del suo passato. Fu cosi che la dodicenne inizio a registrare le sue memorie, con fedelta e accuratezza, marcando eventi e nomi di coloro che si era lasciato alle spalle.Le memorie di Hescheles iniziano nel giugno 1941 quando i nazisti occuparono la sua amata citta di Leopoli. Con ricordi vivi e attenti Janina rivive nel dettaglio le tappe che portarono all'imprigionamento dei suoi amici, della sua famiglia e dei suoi vicini di casa nel ghetto. Il suo racconto unico porta a galla il desiderio doloroso di una bambina verso la madre e il padre, entrambi persi durante il Terzo Reich.In questa storia coraggiosa dell'innocenza di una bambina strappata via nell'infanzia, Hescheles rivela la cruda realta giornaliera del genocidio degli ebrei. Non aveva paura di essere uccisa, ma di essere sepolta viva - il destino riservato ai bambini. Scritto con immediatezza e ricco di descrizioni dettagliate di uno dei momenti piu atroci della storia, questo diario e un esempio straordinario esempio di come una sopravvissuta all'Olocausto abbia reso giustizia alla memoria di un intero popolo. Completo di una recente prefazione, Hescheles mostra come la vita e la speranza possono continuare anche dopo una tale tragedia. Leopoli. L'Olocausto attraverso gli occhi di una dodicenne e un diario di memorie che porta in vita il ricordo di un momento atroce della storia. Se sei un amante delle biografie e dei racconti in prima persona di eventi storici, combinati a una lettura struggente allora amerai il racconto dell'infanzia di Janina Hescheles.

  • - The Holocaust Story of two Jewish Partisans
    af Sara Lustigman Omelinski
    201,95 kr.

  • - A Holocaust Survival Story
    af Henry Stern & Debbie J Callahan
    237,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • - The girl who was not on Schindler's list
    af Ronny Hein
    157,95 kr.

    Staying silent meant staying alive during the six years Krisia spent in ghettos and concentration camps. After surviving the Holocaust, she would remain silent for the rest of her life.

  • - His hidden past. Her quest for truth. How Nazi Vienna shaped a family's identity.
    af Jo Sorochinsky
    240,95 kr.

    Does a child have the right to know a parent''s history? Does the key to one''s identity lie within that history? Raised as a Catholic in Ireland and Canada, the author of Dancing with my Father thought so as she probed her father''s past, at a loss to understand why he spent so much of his life hiding and fearing it. After all, he painted his early years in Vienna as filled with light and music. Decades passed before he would talk about the dark side that he had left behind in Vienna, when he fled alone, as a teenager, to Ireland in 1939.Though he finally broke open the secrets of his history, was he ever able to see himself in the enormity of those times and forgive himself?

  • - The incredible story of one man's will to survive the Holocaust
    af Wiesenfeld Zvi Wiesenfeld
    297,95 kr.

    Zvi Wiesenfeld recounts the WWII experiences of his grandfather in Czernowitz, Romania during a time of increasing antisemitism. It is a story of the inhumane actions that occurred in a country which supported the Nazi regime.

  • - A Story of Rebirth and Renewal in the Wake of the Holocaust
    af Ron Vincent
    237,95 - 327,95 kr.

    The Bohms were a Jewish couple who established a thriving business and raised a family in Upper Silesia in 1885. The book follows the fortunes of the family over a period of 70 years during which their existence is gradually eroded.

  • af Hyppolite Ntigurirwa
    199,95 kr.

  • - 7 steps to a financially successful business
    af Femke Hogema
    297,95 kr.

  • - A Memoir
    af Emanuel (Manu) Rosen
    187,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • - Inspired by a true story of love and women's resilience during the rise of fascism and WWII
    af Jennifer Anton
    182,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • - The incredible story of one man's will to survive the Holocaust
    af Zvi Wiesenfeld
    207,95 kr.

    Zvi Wiesenfeld recounts the WWII experiences of his grandfather in Czernowitz, Romania during a time of increasing antisemitism. It is a story of the inhumane actions that occurred in a country which supported the Nazi regime

  • - The Incredible True WWII Story of Soulmates Stranded an Ocean Apart
    af Kenneth P Price
    197,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • - Weaving the Threads of Time and Memory, A Memoir
    af Fred Feldman
    222,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Gardiner
    277,95 kr.

    Westerbork, the Nazi transit camp in the north of occupied the Netherlands, is unlike any other camp in WWII. This is a unique story of the lives and fates of over 105,000 Jews who went through Westerbork, on their way to concentration camps in eastern Europe during the Holocaust.The camp was overseen by Albert Gemmeker, a commander who duped thousands into boarding the trains to take them to their deaths. He was so impressed with his own work that he had it filmed. Camp Westerbork had one of the largest hospitals in Europe, a dental practice, numerous workshops producing furniture and even toy elephants. It had its own narrow-gauge railway and farm, a theatre, a church and even the "Best Cabaret in Europe", to entertain Adolf Eichmann.One-Way Ticket from Westerbork relates the human stories held within those trains, presented for the reader to reflect upon. This is not an historical tome but the author''s reflection on what happened to people who had just became numbers and an attempt to restore their identity.

  • - A Holocaust Memoir
    af Evelyn Joseph Grossman
    237,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - Surviving a Living Hell
    af Sokphal Din
    207,95 kr.

  • - Memorie dell'Olocausto
    af Barbara Gilford
    192,95 kr.

  • - The Tomorrow of Yesterday
    af Dorothy Pierce
    167,95 kr.

  • - A Holocaust Memoir from inside the Third Reich
    af Les Leopold & Walter Leopold
    287,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • - A Holocaust Memoir
    af Barbara Gilford
    167,95 - 408,95 kr.

    When the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia in March 1939, the Buchsbaum family chose different paths to escape Nazi brutality. Bad decisions could prove fatal. Their stories form the legacy of love and loss inherited by the author.

  • - An Astonishing Tale of Survival and its Unlikely Hero
    af Kleiner Leon Kleiner & Stepp Edwin Stepp
    212,95 - 287,95 kr.

    An 11-year-old Jewish boy and his siblings fight for survival after the evil of the Nazi regime descends upon Poland. Time and again they miraculously escape certain death as the fascists make their hometown 'Judenrein'. Their luck seems to have run out when their work camp is liquidated. Unexpected help comes from Timush, a notorious antisemite.

  • - Memoir of a Young Boy in Rwanda's darkest Church
    af Omar Ndizeye
    197,95 kr.

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