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  • af Lev Tolstoi
    262,95 kr.

    Hadji Murad is a short novel written by Leo Tolstoy. It was Tolstoy's final work. The subject matter is one Hadji Murat, an Avar rebel commander who, for reasons of personal revenge, forges an uneasy alliance with the Russians he had been fighting.

  • af Rachel Cusk
    232,95 kr.

  • af Pavel Filatiev
    222,95 kr.

  • af Serhiy Zhadan
    272,95 kr.

    "2014. Rusia ha invadido la regiâon ucrania del Donbâas. En medio de la destrucciâon causada por la guerra, Pasha, un maestro de treinta y cinco aänos, busca a su sobrino de trece que ha quedado atrapado en un orfanato al otro lado del frente de guerra. Pasha se ve obligado a aventurarse en zonas de combate, atravesar fronteras cambiantes y forjar alianzas incâomodas por el camino en un espacio donde la vida civil se ha derrumbado. Y se da cuenta de dâonde estâan sus verdaderas lealtades en una lucha cada vez mâas desesperada por rescatar a su sobrino Sasha y llevarlo a casa. Si toda guerra necesita su magistral cronista, Ucrania tiene a Serhiy Zhadan, merecedor del Premio de la Paz de los Libreros Alemanes y considerado por Timothy Snyder como uno de los mâas importantes creadores culturales en activo de Europa. Siguiendo la estela del paisaje apocalâiptico de La carretera y la narraciâon belica de Adiâos a las armas, Orfanato es una novela inolvidable que muestra con crudeza y compasiâon los daänos humanos provocados por el conflicto desatado por la agresiâon rusa. Escrita con una impresionante intensidad, Orfanato serâa recordada como la novela definitiva de la guerra en Ucrania."--

  • af Augusto Monterroso
    517,95 kr.

    The Dinosaur is Still Here, the complete work of Augusto Monterroso, brings together for the first time in a single volume all the stories of the master of the micro-story, each one more brilliant, arranged chronologically: those collected in his first Complete Works (and Other Stories) (1959), in The Black Sheep and Other Fables (1962), Perpetual Motion (1972), The Rest is Silence (1978), Journey to the Center of the Fable (1981), The Magic Word (1983); The Letter E. Fragments of a Diary (1986), The Gold Diggers (1993), The Cow (1998), Birds of Latin America (2001), and Literature and Life (2003). A key book that recovers and vindicates the value of one of the best Spanish-speaking writers that the 20th century has given us. "His books must be read hands down: his danger is based on underhanded wisdom and the deadly beauty of lack of seriousness." Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  • af Norman Manea
    287,95 kr.

    "La sombra exiliada es una novela psicolâogica e intelectual, un collage que entrecruza la vida de un superviviente del Holocausto, su existencia posterior en una dictadura comunista y el exilio en Amâerica, con sus obsesiones, las de un apasionado de la literatura. El discurso narrativo, desarrollado en varios niveles, estâa dominado por su pasiâon por los libros y la intensa intimidad con su hermanastra, con la que compartiâo el horror del campo. La amistad entre el protagonista -el Nâomada Misâantropo- y Gèunther, un rumano de etnia alemana, exiliado en Berlâin, obsesionado por el Holocausto y la culpa alemana, marca una retrospectiva de los dramâaticos acontecimientos del siglo XX, el nacionalismo, el fascismo, el comunismo y el exilio. La metâafora de la sombra como portadora de la identidad reaparece a lo largo de toda la trayectoria âepica, un leitmotiv con variaciones, y expresa la confrontaciâon del exiliado con el extraänamiento que atraviesa. La literatura como forma de vida y expresiâon de la identidad es, de hecho, el tema del relato, potenciado por continuas referencias al clâasico alemâan de Adelbert von Chamisso sobre el (S0 (BHombre que vendiâo su sombra (S1 (By fragmentos del mismo. Un collage de citas significativas y notas de lectura sobre la identidad, el amor y la literatura. Al final de la lectura, el lector se sentirâa, probablemente, compaänero solidario del nâomada melancâolico e irâonico que nos acompaäna con humor, escepticismo y su tenaz empeäno por sobrevivir."--

  • af Adolfo García Ortega
    287,95 kr.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, a man obsessed with invisibility takes the same boat trip that his grandparents did in the middle of the last century on their honeymoon. In Patagonia they met a unique woman, Graciela Pavic, whose mysterious story contains a painful secret. But the origin of her story goes back to the great adventure of another trip, no less mysterious, that took place in the 16th century and was destined to fulfill a secret plan of Felipe II in that territory. Narrated as a modern Thousand and One Nights, this novel covers a journey of five hundred years. In it, the trips that are linked are, in reality, a single and "great trip" to another place and another time. And also towards the fable.

  • af Ana Campoy
    242,95 kr.

  • af Leticia Ruifernández
    337,95 kr.

  • af Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    172,95 kr.

    "Tâitulo de la ediciâon original: Krotkëaiìa."--Title page verso.

  • af Shahrukh Husain
    327,95 kr.

    A collection of more than fifty stories about witches from around the world. There are tales of banshees, crones and beauties in disguise from China, Siberia, the Caribbean, Armenia, Portugal and Australia. The characters featured include Italy's Witch Bea-Witch, Lilith, Kali, and Twitti Glyn Hec. Alluring women, enchantresses, wise old ladies and bewitching women: they are all here and ready to haunt, entice, possess, transform, challenge - and sometimes even to help.

  • af Kem Nunn
    262,95 kr.

  • af Yuri Herrera
    195,95 kr.

    This book imagines a hypothesis: what happened during the year and a half in which Benito Juárez, who would end up being the first indigenous president of Mexico, lived in exile in New Orleans? Accompanied by a small group of political exiles, Juárez landed in 1853 in that stinking city that, located on the banks of a swamp, absorbed them like a sponge. There they surrender to the mud, the jasmine flowers, the music, the strangeness of the language and the unbearable summer, but, above all, they come face to face with the stark reality of the trade in human beings, a market that never ends. stops. They will discover that New Orleans is a hive of heterogeneous identities where imprisoned women are sold in the streets and where capitalism shows its primitive, most grotesque drive.

  • af Theodor Kallifatides
    252,95 kr.

    "Christo ha dejado a sus padres en Atenas y se ha mudado a Estocolmo. A sus poco mâas de veinte aänos, una beca del gobierno sueco le da la oportunidad de estudiar historia de las ideas en la universidad, algo con lo que siempre habâia soänado. Pero estâa demasiado solo en Estocolmo, donde sobrevive con trabajos precarios en empresas regentadas por otros emigrantes como âel. No domina todavâia el idioma y Grecia continâua presente en su cabeza y en su corazâon. Pero cuando conoce a Rania, todo su mundo se pone patas arriba. Amor y morriäna, la novela mâas reciente de Theodor Kallifatides, es una historia câalida y llena de humanidad sobre los muchos obstâaculos con los que topa un emigrante, tambiâen y especialmente a la hora de enamorarse."--

  • af Jeffrey Veidlinger
    317,95 kr.

  • af E M Forster
    312,95 kr.

    Maurice Hall plays the role of the conventional Englishman, but behind the facade of a modest and generally conformist boy, there is a growing desire and attraction to men. Through Clive, whom he will meet in Cambridge, and Alec, the gamekeeper of Clive's country estate, Maurice will experience an intense and revealing emotional and sexual awakening. A novel of passion, courage and defiance that condemns the repressive attitudes of British society. A moving love story that is both the narrative of an intimate erotic and political discovery. Maurice is a deeply personal novel that Forster finished writing in 1914 but, fearing it would spell the end of his career, he put away for more than fifty years. It was published posthumously in 1971.

  • af Jorge Carrion
    267,95 kr.

  • af Claire Messud
    277,95 kr.

    "Tâitulo de la ediciâon original: The woman upstairs"--Title page verso.

  • af Edmund De Waal
    332,95 kr.

    More than two hundred wooden and ivory figurines, none larger than a matchbox, are the origin of this fascinating book in which Edmund de Waal describes the journey they have taken over the years. A journey full of adventures, war, love and loss, which summarizes, in the story of a family, the history of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. An evocative text of great beauty that begins with a small hare with amber eyes that mixes in a pocket with the coins, and ends, like any true journey, with the discovery of oneself.

  • af Lawrence Weschler
    252,95 kr.

  • af Elin Cullhed
    297,95 kr.

    Pregnant with her second child, Sylvia Plath and her husband Ted Hughes embark on the bucolic project of renovating an old rectory in the country where they can raise their little ones. The world expands and contracts for Sylvia: her life is idyllic on the surface, but her great desire to write about her is constantly frustrated by the obligations of mother and wife. At the same time, she feels completely a prisoner of her love for Ted: without him life has no meaning, but she cannot think, she cannot write while he is near her. Thus, when he decides to leave her to run away with his lover, Sylvia will begin to write frantically in a state of pain, fever and euphoria that will open the poet's stage of greatest artistic splendor, making her name go down in history. The novel, which ends before her suicide in February 1963, tries to reframe the narrative of one of the most famous and infamous writers of the 20th century to focus solely on her life. Euphoria is an extraordinarily modern story, written with fierce intelligence and irreverence, which has earned her the prestigious August Prize and the recognition of the European publishing world, which has hailed her as one of the literary revelations of the year.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    222,95 kr.

  • af Mircea Cartarescu
    337,95 kr.

  • af Jon McGregor
    252,95 kr.

  • af James Joyce
    482,95 kr.

    There are titles that go down in history for reasons that have more to do with the legend around their publication than with their content. Ulysses' fame is due, above all else, to the immense controversy that accompanies it and that has made it the most fascinating book of the 20th century. It should be remembered that Ulysses is not so much a novel as a colossal experiment that requires patience to understand the rules of the game that James Joyce himself proposes. This unpublished version by Carlos Manzano, careful and conceived based on what has always been considered canonical in its language of origin, that of Gabler from 1986, invites the reader to delve into the particular Joycean universe through more than a thousand pages of experimental walk through the streets of Dublin for a single day.

  • af Damon Galgut
    262,95 kr.

    "La promesa, una originalâisima y conmovedora novela ganadora del premio Booker 2021, estâa considerada como una de las grandes obras literarias en inglâes de la âultima dâecada."--Amazon.

  • af Antxon Olabe
    307,95 kr.

    This book addresses a problem that is in the international spotlight: the climate change crisis and the devastating consequences it is having on our planet. The world is heading towards a new energy order, and that requires thinking about the 21st century from the climatic and ecological emergency, because the climate crisis has only made it clear that it is a cultural problem. Olabe offers us a very interesting book and an essential reading to get to know in depth this serious problem that climate change entails and that requires a first-rate response from the main world powers.

  • af Graham Greene
    272,95 kr.

  • af Maggie O'Farrell
    292,95 kr.

  • af Jorge Carrion
    242,95 kr.

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