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Bøger udgivet af BATISCAFO

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  • af Nikolai Gogol
    297,95 kr.

  • af Marie Aubert
    242,95 kr.

  • af Iris Murdoch
    282,95 kr.

  • af Walter Tevis
    292,95 kr.

  • af Fernando Navarro
    242,95 kr.

  • af Christine Wunnicke
    272,95 kr.

  • af Mavis Gallant
    262,95 kr.

  • af Maryse Condé
    297,95 kr.

  • af Isabel Greenberg
    292,95 kr.

  • af Yu Miri
    242,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Pardo Bazán
    242,95 kr.

  • af Nickolas Butler
    272,95 kr.

  • af Jackie Polzin
    242,95 kr.

  • af Kerri Maher
    297,95 kr.

    "Cuando Sylvia Beach, una joven americana amante de los libros, abre Shakespeare and Company en una tranquila calle en el Parâis de 1919, no tiene ni idea de que cambiarâa el curso de la literatura. Shakespeare and Company es mucho mâas que una librerâia. Hemingway y muchos de los escritores de la Generaciâon Perdida la consideran su segunda casa. Allâi tambiâen se forjan algunas de las amistades literarias mâas importantes del siglo XX, como la de James Joyce con la misma Sylvia. Cuando la controvertida novela de Joyce, Ulysses, es prohibida, Beach decide publicarla bajo la protecciâon de Shakespeare and Company. Pero el âexito y la fama que conllevan publicar la novela mâas controvertida e influyente del siglo tiene unos costes muy altos: la rivalidad de otros editores que quieren a Joyce para ellos. Sus relaciones mâas queridas son puestas a prueba mientras Parâis cae en la Gran Depresiâon. Ante una gran crisis personal y financiera, Sylvia debe decidir quâe significa para ella Shakespeare and Company. Con La librera de Parâis Kerri Maher ha logrado construir un fresco inigualable de una librerâia, una ciudad y una âepoca esenciales para entender de dâonde venimos y hacia dâonde vamos." --

  • af Maayan Eitan
    162,95 kr.

    A young prostitute walks through a nocturnal city with imprecise boundaries, perhaps Tel Aviv. She calls herself Libby, "my heart" in Hebrew. She gets in and out of cars with laconic drivers and shares moments of humor and sisterhood with other sex workers. Her life is like a dream that happens to another person, a sum of violence and a form of freedom in which one cannot be free. The narrative debut of Israeli Maayan Eitan, which caused a huge stir when it was published in her country, has been hailed as a rare masterpiece. In short and hallucinatory chapters of high literary voltage, Amor narrates both the truth and the lie, and is made unforgettable thanks to its protagonist, the disturbing Libby, discarnate and fleeing under the paralyzing attention of male desire.

  • af Robert James Waller
    252,95 kr.

    Francesca's placid existence, married with two children, is completely shaken by the arrival of Robert Kincaid, a free and generous nomadic photographer, who transforms all his energy into tenderness. Fate inexorably unites them when they meet in the autumn of their lives. Their love, short as a ripe afternoon, was nevertheless as deep as the roots of a tree. His ashes are scattered very close to the bridges of Madison. And so, in barely two hundred pages, Robert James Waller gives us back the pleasure of remembering that passion has no age in a novel that is already a classic that is recommended from generation to generation.

  • af Margaret Kennedy
    297,95 kr.

    Cornwall, Midsummer 1947. Pendizack Manor Hotel is buried in the rubble of a collapsed cliff. Seven guests have perished, but what brought this strange assembly together for a moonlit feast before this Act of God - or Man? Over the week before the landslide, we meet the hotel guests in all their eccentric glory: and as friendships form and romances blossom, sins are revealed, and the cracks widen.

  • af Henry David Thoreau
    208,95 kr.

    Thoreau knew that winter--the harvest harvested, the preserves prepared, and the firewood stored--is a time for meditation and pleasure, for contemplation and reading and writing by the stove. Time to be what we are and what we want to be. Here we have compiled the best winter passages and insights that Thoreau wrote throughout his life. But he would not have liked this book to be an anthology guided by that linear poverty with which we Westerners understand time. A good connoisseur of Hindu culture and Native American cultures, we believe that he would have preferred a compilation oriented through a kind of cyclical time that would remind us that one winter is always all winters and that the Great Winter is the only one that exists.

  • af Isaac Bashevis Singer
    272,95 kr.

    Hertz Minsker, Jewish emigrant, self-proclaimed intellectual and true charlatan, lives at the expense of real estate magnate Morris Kálisher, a childhood friend. An inveterate seducer, he is married for the fourth time to the singer Bronie and has an affair with Minne, Morris's wife, in the same beards of their respective spouses. However, the emergence of Minne's first husband into their lives with the plan to sell Morris several forgeries of paintings by Picasso and Chagall will shake the delicate balance of their particular house of cards, giving rise to humorous disagreements and misunderstandings in the family. Originally published in installments in the New York newspaper Forverts, The Seducer is a fast-paced sitcom, as well as an extraordinary portrait of the life of Jewish emigrants in New York in the 1940s. A great novel about exile, uprooting and stateless status.

  • af Margarita del Mazo
    212,95 kr.

  • af Pablo D'Ors
    307,95 kr.

  • af Julia Rothman
    248,95 kr.

    Have you ever wanted to ask a question about sex--whether out of curiosity, desire, or the suspicion that the answer will be very different from what you think--and you haven't dared to ask it? Every Body will help you feel less alone! This collection of anonymous stories, personal interviews and expert essays addresses countless topics without addressing stigmas or clichés, accompanied by incredible illustrations. The first times, open relationships, accidental pregnancies, sex toys, pleasure, fear and trauma, sexual discovery... as if here are all the conversations that most of us have not had the courage to have. Every Body will be your companion in the adventure of exploring your own body (and those of others!).

  • af Kim Thúy
    181,95 kr.

    Emma-Jade and Louis are born into the havoc of the Vietnam War. Orphaned, saved and cared for by adults coping with the chaos of Saigon in free-fall, they become children of the Vietnamese diaspora. Em is not a romance in any usual sense of the word, but it is a word whose homonym--aimer, to love--resonates on every page, a book powered by love in the larger sense. A portrait of Vietnamese identity emerges that is wholly remarkable, honed in wartime violence that borders on genocide, and then by the ingenuity, sheer grit and intelligence of Vietnamese-Americans, Vietnamese-Canadians and other Vietnamese former refugees who go on to build some of the most powerful small business empires in the world. Em is a poetic story steeped in history, about those most impacted by the violence and their later accomplishments. In many ways, Em is perhaps Kim Thúy's most personal book, the one in which she trusts her readers enough to share with them not only the pervasive love she feels but also the rage and the horror at what she and so many other children of the Vietnam War had to live through.

  • af E M Forster
    307,95 kr.

    "La importancia y sentido de Pasaje a la India, considerada de forma casi unâanime la obra cumbre de su autor, no se pueden reducir a la simple denuncia de los estragos causados por el imperialismo britâanico en el subcontinente indio. En esta novela, E. M. Forster lleva a cabo la transposiciâon poâetica del enfrentamiento de dos mundos opuestos: Oriente y Occidente, de dos actitudes mentales: la intuitiva y la lâogica, de dos principios reducidos a norma de conducta: la estâetica y el pragmatismo. Un conjunto de oposiciones aglutinado por la poesâia, el humor y la imposibilidad de comunicaciâon de dos seres unidos por la amistad o el amor."--

  • af Mijail Bulgakov
    367,95 kr.

    There is no work comparable to The Master and Margarita. One spring afternoon, the Devil steps out of the shadows towards Moscow, dragging fire and chaos with him. Bulgakov's fantastic, funny and devastating satire of Soviet life is combined into two distinct but intertwined parts: one set in 1930s Moscow and the other in 1st century ancient Judea, each filled with historical, imaginary, scary and wonderful characters. Written during the darkest days of Stalin's reign and finally published in 1967, The Master and Margarita became a literary phenomenon that transcended languages and borders. The new translation by Marta Rebón is based on the canonical edition by Marietta Chudakova, to which she adds new contributions resulting from her last two years of research.

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson
    242,95 kr.

  • af Erin Litteken
    317,95 kr.

    Drawing inspiration from the story the world forgot and the Russian government denies, Erin Littleken recounts the crisis of a man-made famine in Ukraine that claimed nearly four million lives. It is 1929 and Katya is sixteen years old, she is surrounded by her family and in love with her childhood friend of hers. When Stalin's activists start pouring into the Ukraine arguing for the greatness of collective farming, they are only a few. But soon the neighbors begin to disappear; those who speak never come back. Thereafter, each new day becomes an uncertain future. Endurance comes at a price, and as despair and hunger grip the countryside, survival seems more like a dream than a possibility But even in the darkest of times, love prevails.

  • af Erich Maria Remarque
    297,95 kr.

  • af Rudyard Kipling
    327,95 kr.

    Master of story and verse, Rudyard Kipling transports us through these Jungle Books to the wonderful and ruthless world of Mowgli, Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa and Shere Khan. From India to the Labrador peninsula, passing through Alaska, characters like Rikki Tikki Tavi, the young Inuit from Quiquern or Kotock, the white seal, invite us to peek into a universe where difficulties are faced head-on and in which, you are never really alone. A controversial author, Kipling nevertheless manages to create a small work of art here.

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