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  • af N. R. Walker
    187,95 kr.

    Tully Larson has loved tropical storms since he was a kid and spent his summers with his dad in the wilds of Kakadu National Park. He's happiest outdoors, a rough and ready kind of guy who loves the power of Mother Nature and chasing the thrill of electrical storms every chance he gets.Jeremiah Overton, a fulminologist from Melbourne, chases storms for a whole different reason. Lightning has shaped his entire life and he's driven to study it, to understand it, so heading to Kakadu in the middle of the storm season is a logical thing to do. After all, the Top End is the lightning capital of Australia.Tully wasn't sure how a week at his remote bunker with an academic type would pan out. And Jeremiah didn't expect much from the storm-chasing cowboy who volunteered to take him.But both men know all too well that when opposites attract, lightning strikes.

  • af N. R. Walker
    187,95 kr.

    Needing a change of scene, Griffin Burke moves from Brisbane to Coolum Beach to start a new job. The beautiful white sand, aqua-coloured ocean, blue skies, and summer breezes are everything he longs for. What he finds is a mud-covered dog, lost and hungry, with a nametag and a phone number.Dane Hughes is stuck in Surfers Paradise at a week-long work conference when he gets a phone call from his distraught mother. His dog, his fur baby, Wicket, has run away. Unable to leave and feeling helpless and miserable, he gets a text from a guy. "I think I found your dog..."Griffin and Dane start talking, and Griffin agrees to look after Wicket until Dane can collect him. With a few days left before his new job starts, Griffin takes Wicket on some coastal adventures and sends Dane photos of their fun, and so the start of something new and kind of wonderful begins.Griffin might have moved to Coolum in search of a new life, but what he finds is so much more. What he gets to keep just might take some four-legged help.

  • af N. R. Walker
    162,95 kr.

    Paul Morgan has been running his luxury camping tour business in Kakadu National Park for the last five years. Taking small groups glamping, hiking, climbing, and swimming. It's been a busy five years, a hard five years, as he tried to forget the man he left behind.Derek Grimes pushes people away-a self-preservation reflex. Because they can't break his heart if he breaks theirs first, right? Five years on, lost and lonely, he tracks down the one and only love of his life. Maybe seeing how Paul had moved on will help Derek move on too . . .Paul can't believe it when a familiar name pops up on his client list, and Derek can't believe how good Paul looks, or just how happy living his dream job has made him. The spark between them never waned, but five years on, they've learned a few things about themselves and what they want.They could have everything they ever dreamed of-if they're prepared to trust each other. Because a second chance at first love comes but once in a lifetime.

  • af N. R. Walker
    162,95 kr.

    Paul Morgan has been running his luxury camping tour business in Kakadu National Park for the last five years. Taking small groups glamping, hiking, climbing, and swimming. It's been a busy five years, a hard five years, as he tried to forget the man he left behind.Derek Grimes pushes people away-a self-preservation reflex. Because they can't break his heart if he breaks theirs first, right? Five years on, lost and lonely, he tracks down the one and only love of his life. Maybe seeing how Paul had moved on will help Derek move on too . . .Paul can't believe it when a familiar name pops up on his client list, and Derek can't believe how good Paul looks, or just how happy living his dream job has made him. The spark between them never waned, but five years on, they've learned a few things about themselves and what they want.They could have everything they ever dreamed of-if they're prepared to trust each other. Because a second chance at first love comes but once in a lifetime.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

    Paul Morgan ha estado administrando su negocio de viajes de campamento de lujo en el Parque Nacional Kakadu durante los últimos cinco años. Tomando pequeños grupos de glamping, senderismo, escalada y natación. Han sido cinco años ocupados, cinco años difíciles, mientras intentaba olvidar al hombre que dejó atrás.Derek Grimes aleja a la gente, un reflejo de autoconservación. Porque no pueden romperle el corazón si él rompe el de ellos primero, ¿verdad? Cinco años después, perdido y solo, busca al único amor de su vida. Tal vez ver cómo Paul siguió adelante lo ayudará a seguir adelante también...Paul no puede creer cuando aparece un nombre familiar en su lista de clientes, y Derek no puede creer lo bien que se ve Paul, o lo feliz que lo ha hecho vivir el trabajo de sus sueños. La chispa entre ellos nunca se desvaneció, pero cinco años después, han aprendido algunas cosas sobre sí mismos y lo que quieren.Podrían tener todo lo que alguna vez soñaron, si están preparados para confiar el uno en el otro. Porque una segunda oportunidad al primer amor llega solo una vez en la vida.

  • af N. R. Walker
    187,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Gideon Ellery tenía la vida perfecta. Bonita casa, buen trabajo y un novio de muchos años. Pero semanas después de adoptar a su sobrino, su novio se separa, dejando a Gideon como padre soltero de un recién nacido. Desilusionado, falto de sueño y sin saber cómo afrontar la paternidad, es solicitado de regreso en la oficina. Se siente abrumado y al límite.¿Toby Barlow ha vuelto a Sídney después de tres años de estudiar, viajar y hacer de niñero en el Reino Unido. Necesita trabajo y un lugar donde vivir, y la solución perfecta cae en sus manos. Después de todo, cuidar de un bebé de tiernas mejillas en una preciosa casa, propiedad de un guapísimo hombre soltero, no es precisamente terrible.¿Gideon no está muy dispuesto a compartir su vida con un extraño, pero su necesidad de ayuda es acuciante. El alegre Toby no está preparado para un Gideon gruñón ni para su adorable hijo, Benson. O para cuan fácil se integra en sus vidas. Y Gideon no está preparado para lo mucho que necesita a Toby.¿O cuánto lo desea.¿Ninguno de los dos está preparado para las complicaciones de enamorarse.

  • af N. R. Walker
    192,95 kr.

    Gideon Ellery had the perfect life. Nice house, great job, and a long-time boyfriend. Weeks after adopting his nephew, his boyfriend splits, leaving Gideon a single father to a newborn. Overwhelmed, sleep deprived, and unsure how to navigate fatherhood, he's asked to return to the office. He's overwhelmed and at his breaking point.Toby Barlow is back in Sydney after three years of studying, travelling, and nannying in the UK. He needs work and a place to live, and the perfect solution drops in his lap. After all, caring for a sweet baby in a beautiful home owned by a gorgeous single man isn't exactly terrible.Gideon isn't too keen to share his life with a stranger, but his need for help is too great. Sunshiny Toby isn't prepared for a grumpy Gideon or his utterly adorable son, Benson. Or how easily he slots into their lives. And Gideon's not prepared for how much he needs Toby.Or how much he wants him.Neither is prepared for the complications of falling in love.

  • af N. R. Walker
    192,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    267,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    267,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    252,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    197,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

    Spencer Cohen es el chico que consigue respuestas a las preguntas sobre las relaciones. Haciendo el papel de nuevo amante, su trabajo consiste en hacer que el ex de su cliente se dé cuenta de una de estas dos cosas: que no quiere romper o que realmente quiere hacerlo. En cualquier caso, su cliente obtiene respuestas.El ex se disculparía y rogaría, o se daría la vuelta y se alejaría. Pero al final, el cliente de Spencer ganaba. Si quería recuperar a su ex y lo conseguía, era genial. Si el chico se marchaba, por muy duro que fuera para el cliente, sabía que se había acabado. Independientemente del resultado, el trabajo de Spencer estaba hecho.El ex de Andrew Landon lo dejó sin darle una explicación. Pero su hermana no soporta verlo triste, así que, para desgracia de Andrew, contratan a Spencer para que sea su nuevo novio y así recuperar a su ex.Para Spencer, nunca es algo personal. Es simplemente una transacción comercial. Sin emociones, sin ataduras, sin complicaciones.Sí, claro.Hasta un ciego podría ver cómo acabaría esto.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

    Finalmente, pasando de novios falsos a novios reales, Spencer Cohen y Andrew Landon están tratando de tomar las cosas con calma. Saben que lo que tienen podría ser algo especial y, a pesar de la tensión sexual inflamable, no quieren estrellarse y quemarse.Spencer está aprendiendo a abrirse y compartir los secretos de su pasado con Andrew. Con miedo de arriesgar su corazón pero incapaz de detenerse, sabe que se está enamorando. Andrew está aterrorizado de saltar a ciegas, pero cuanto más lento van, más rápido caen.Mientras navegan por su nueva relación, a Spencer le preocupa que Andrew se asuste cuando acepta un nuevo cliente. Pero no es un caso normal, y Spencer pronto se da cuenta de que no todo es lo que parece. Cuando el trabajo da un mal giro, Spencer y Andrew trabajan juntos para ayudar al cliente. Tendrán que decidir si están listos para el siguiente paso.

  • af N R Walker
    162,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    212,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    232,95 kr.

    Steve Frost had dreams of wearing the national championship belt in mixed martial arts, maybe even going pro, but instead, finds himself working as a security guard for the rich and famous in LA.Quickly earning a reputation for his blunt and precise people management skills, he lands a position on the security team for an up-and-coming boyband, Atrous. Years later, he's head of security. He knows these boys, and with countless tours, flights, car trips, public events, concerts, he's closer to one band member in particular.Jeremy's been a pillar for Atrous since day one, but even more so these last few months. Now the face of the band more than ever, he's also got himself the attention of a delusional stalker-fan.When the fame and stress become too much, when Jeremy's health takes a hit, Steve becomes Jeremy's lifeline. But as Jeremy knows already, and as Steve is about to learn, not even the brightest star can shine forever.

  • af N R Walker
    207,95 kr.

  • af Walker N.R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

  • af Walker N.R. Walker
    97,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    152,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    172,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    237,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    182,95 kr.

    Michael Pietersen isn''t up for complications.He''s one of Sydney''s fastest-moving career-focused corporate realtors, and the only thing he has time for is one-night stands with zero fuss.Bryson Schroeder''s back home from two years overseas with plans to leave his family''s hotel empire and begin his own business ventures. Out with friends to celebrate his return, he sees a gorgeous blond man across the bar, and with merely a smile and a raised eyebrow, they leave together for a night of incredible chemistry.The rules are clear: no names, no details, no complications.But one night becomes one more night, and eventually the arrangement suits them both for weeks . . . until their professional and personal worlds collide. With their hearts already on the line, Michael and Bry need to decide just how complicated they want to get.

  • af N R Walker
    142,95 kr.

    When Jack receives a phone call from a colleague in the southeast of Tasmania with news of a newfound butterfly habitat, he and Lawson head off on another adventure. It's not an easy trek to the location. The Franklin-Gordon National Park is famous for wild rivers, rainforests, and rocky cliff faces, and they'll need to hike and abseil-in the dead of winter-to get to the site. It's no ordinary expedition because this is no ordinary butterfly, and Jack and Lawson aren't an ordinary couple. Join Jack and Lawson on another quest in this short story of extraordinary butterflies and extraordinary love.

  • af N R Walker
    212,95 kr.

  • af N R Walker
    172,95 kr.

    Missing Pieces Series, Book Three As Justin's recovery moves forward, Dallas dares to hope their lives are settling into their new normal. His money worries have eased, business is picking up, and best of all, Justin now laughs more than he frowns. Justin's memory still eludes him, but with each snippet or flashback, small pieces of his old life start to slot into place. He remembers more of Dallas and how perfectly happy their lives used to be, and with each passing day, Justin realises he can have that again. But when someone from Justin's past turns up, he discovers that not all the missing pieces are good, and sadly, he and Dallas also learn just what it means to live with a traumatic brain injury. If Dallas and Justin have to fight for their Happily Ever After, then Dallas will stop at nothing-nothing-to give Justin the life he always wanted.* * * ". . . as I tried to put the puzzle of myself back together, it was the pieces of us that made me whole."

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