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  • af María Alejandra Benavent
    111,95 kr.

    Soul-Soothing PoetryOftentimes, the wounds of the world weigh heavily on the mind. If compounded by personal challenges, they are likely to become a source of draining anxiety and despair. Against such a bleak backdrop, this lyrical journey attempts to highlight the self-affirming qualities which poetry can display. Inspired by Mother Nature¿s divine beauty, I have done my utmost to turn these pages into a source of solace, courage, hope and serendipity.May this book entice my fellow travelers to seek and find harmony in their souls and to share their light with the universe.María Alejandra Benavent

  • af Anton Reiter
    219,95 kr.

    Running marathons and collecting countries is a serious hobby and passion among a small but elite group of runners in the world. It requires Passion, Determination and Obsession!This book is about a club, the Country Marathon Club and its support for 136 members spanning 6 continents and 26 countries to share their passion and obsession. Forty-seven members from 20 countries contributed articles that share their memorable marathons and travel experiences, and describe the impact of such a passion on their lives.All records in the new sport of "Country Marathon Running" are held by these members and authors of this book. (Marathons zu laufen und Länder zu sammeln ist ein ernsthaftes Hobby und eine Leidenschaft für eine kleine, aber elitäre Gruppe von Läufern auf der Welt. Es erfordert Leidenschaft, Entschlossenheit und Besessenheit!In diesem Buch geht es um einen Club, den Country Marathon Club, und seine Unterstützung für 136 Mitglieder auf 6 Kontinenten und 26 Ländern, um ihre Leidenschaft und Obsession zu teilen. 47 Mitglieder aus 20 Ländern haben Artikel verfasst, in denen sie von ihren unvergesslichen Marathons und Reiseerlebnissen berichten und die Auswirkungen dieser Leidenschaft auf ihr Leben beschreiben.Alle Rekorde in der neuen Sportart "Country Marathon Running" werden von diesen Mitgliedern und Autoren dieses Buches gehalten.)

  • af Alex Narnleitner
    172,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist darüber, dass ich als Person mit Depressionen Gedichte schreibe um zu verdeutlichen, wie es sich anfühlt so zu leben. Ich kenne viele, denen es genauso oder gar noch schlimmer geht und hoffe, dass ich mit diesem Buch einen Einblick in das Leben von Menschen mit einer so schweren psychischen Krankheit geben kann.

  • af Christine Bertl
    182,95 kr.

    My pizza brunch step-by-step guide is incredibly versatile, making it easy for anyone to prepare a vegan or vegetarian brunch. This concept offers a diverse range of recipes, checklists, and structure, all while encouraging a healthy food mindset. By consciously selecting groceries and utilizing them efficiently for the brunch, it shows you how to minimize food waste. Get ready to be guided through the process of organizing the perfect pizza brunch and indulge in a delightful culinary experience.

  • af Werner Honal
    372,95 kr.

    Like the Renaissance from which it evolved, the Baroque period did much to shape European culture then and even now. The art of both periods focused on religious themes, but Baroque artists brought heightened drama and dynamism to their depiction in paintings and sculpture. This lavishly illustrated book uses the story of two generations of master sculptors, the Patzak family (in Czech, Pacák), to recount the creative forces at work 350 years ago in one corner of the continent, Bohemia.Georg Franz Patzak (in Czech, Jirí FrantiSek Pacák), (1670-1742), the primary of the three Patzak artists, was born a serf of German-Czech origins in the Kingdom of Bohemia and used his immense talent and intelligence to rise above his humble origins and become one of the great artistic personalities of his time. Considered by leading art historians to be the rightful successor to the master Mathias Braun himself, Patzak's life, works, and unique presence in key phases of Bohemia's history provide the perfect narrative framework to create understanding and awaken interest in preserving these and other works of art, many of which remain threatened by neglect and environmental degradation.Not a mere art history text, Journeys in Bohemia's Inspired Landscapes spans a wide range of art, religion, history, tourism, theatre, personal anecdotes, and human interest across centuries right through to contemporary history, and explains the origin of the family name Patzak A unique collaboration of international experts, authors and photographers, this collection of essays and photography will engage readers of all ages with tales of visionary (and wealthy) noblemen, single-minded artisans, patriotic playwrights among other compelling figures, against a sweep of history from Jesuit churches to Nazi concentration camps.The 16 detailed car itineraries will lead to lesser-known parts of Eastern Bohemia where visitors can experience the Patzaks' work firsthand. But even armchair travelers will enjoy learning about and viewing these sculptural masterpieces, which have been beautifully photographed in situ, bringing to life the genius of an important period and location of Europe's artistic patrimony.

  • af Persephone Mae
    122,95 kr.

    "Are you sobOr are you laughter?Oh how I worship the streets"A collection of poems capturing the essence of a two year process of discovery. Gothic is an overture to city life, and a manifesto of self-empowerment. Inspired by the ruthlessness of nineteen, rattling train tracks, cars whizzing through wet streets, and the unending pavement. Taking blades from between their teeth and banning them to paper.

  • af Daniela Henry
    162,95 kr.

    A new rip-roaring essay collection from the smart, edgy, hilarious, unabashedly raunchy author Daniela Henry. She published successful books and loves to write mostly in her beautiful garden near the pond in the countryside. The essays in this collection draw on the raw, hilarious particulars of Henry's new life. "I Was Told There Would Be Cake" is Henry at her most unflinching, riotous, and relatable.

  • af Benjamin R. Wiesbauer
    152,95 kr.

    In the midst of the 21st century, humanity stands on a thin line between self-destruction and becoming a space-faring civilisation. As resources become scarce, the planet is plunged into another world war and the prophecy foreseen by another species should start to happen. As the protagonists walk their path of unlocking their potential, first contact with extraterrestrial races is made, throwing humanity into the midst of a galaxy-spanning war that has already lasted for centuries. While Diane and William try to find their destiny in this unusual new environment, they also explore their shared past. The story revolves around a group of people, from the beginning of their shared experiences until their paths should be split for the future to come, while what they had seen only should be the dawn of their greatest adventure.

  • af Rebecca Alvarez
    177,95 kr.

    From this very entertaining account emerges a vibrant picture of the 1980's and 1990's life and the portrait of a rare self-made talented women, beautiful, glamorous and career conscious. In a world of decadence and excess and the aspiration of becoming someone successful to prove their achievement, they succeeded to do and to have what they wanted. These women were not really the icon of their age, but their beauty was their weapon to reach their goal to marry the man of their dream, i.e., with good features, stable and trustworthy.

  • af Peter & Dagmar Grieshofer
    247,95 kr.

    The 55 plus generation is the most forgotten generation. Yet, it is becoming larger and more important. This book deals with the question of how to grow old in a healthy and active way. Topics such as nutrition, sports, lifestyle, dietary supplements, and well-being are discussed, with international scientific data being as a reference. Getting older should not mean illness and care, but rather an active and joyful life.

  • af Sabrina Schulter
    242,95 kr.

    Story about animals around the world. Koala does a trip to the snow to visit his friends. He also have lots of fun in the jungle and on the sea with his friends.

  • af G. B. Pelzmann
    162,95 kr.

    Once you have immersed yourself in this fateful novel about the maid Marie, her love for a prince and her eventful and enlightening travels from the Alps to the most exotic regions you will not be able to put this book down in a hurry.It depicts a journey, not only through foreign lands, but also to oneself.A fabulously exciting tale!

  • af Susan Cohen
    247,95 kr.

    "What are endangered species," asked Biju the baby elephant, "will we like them?" "Well, some, for sure," answered the zoo director, "because you are one. In many parts of the world, elephants are no longer safe in their jungle homes. So it's important for people who love animals to look after them." Biju, visiting his friend Daniel in Vienna, stays at the brand new zoo for endangered species, close to Dan's home. As they explore Vienna, adventures are sure to happen.

  • af Oliver Meidl
    162,95 kr.

    There are times when crises shake our lives and get to the heart of things! Fate sometimes has harsh realities in store for us...and to top it off, then came the Covid pandemic. Through biblical texts and contexts, Oliver Meidl unravels answers to questions of survival in an accelerated world that keeps pushing on and often leaves religion behind. From the content: . Sticking Together While Maintaining Distance. Christians Don't Have to Be Wimps. Moses Heading for a Burnout. Jesus Had a Good Sense of Humor. »Lessons Learned« in Crisis Management An entertaining »thought goulash« from Vienna-Inzersdorf with encouraging messages and sermon morsels about the strengthening power of faith in times of crisis.

  • af Margaretha Mazura
    247,95 kr.

  • af Daniela Henry
    182,95 kr.

  • af Caroline Bergius
    277,95 kr.

    In December 1928 a short advertisement appears in The Glasgow Herald. The owner of a rural manor house in Masuria is seeking an English-speaking companion for her teenage daughter. Two Scottish sisters of student age travel afar and discover the charms of the Land of the Lakes. Documented in detailed letters and in a diary, their vivid descriptions give insight into a long-lost way of life. WWII brings major upheaval to all concerned - love,tragedy, escape and survival. This poignant true story reveals not only hardship but bears witness to the positive aspect of lasting friendship.The author researches the history of Adlig Stürlack, the manor house concerned, culminating in details of its demise. Photography plays an integral part in illuminating the fascination for all people in this tale and for depicting the charms of the Masurian landscape.

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