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  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times Bestseller Vi Keeland, comes a new, sexy standalone novel.Terminated for inappropriate behavior.I couldn’t believe the letter in my hands.Nine years. Nine damn years I’d worked my butt off for one of the largest companies in America, and I was fired with a form letter when I returned home from a week in Aruba.All because of a video taken when I was on vacation with my friends—a private video made on my private time. Or so I thought…Pissed off, I cracked open a bottle of wine and wrote my own letter to the gazillionaire CEO telling him what I thought of his company and its practices.I didn’t think he’d actually respond.I certainly never thought I’d suddenly become pen pals with the rich jerk.Eventually, he realized I’d been wronged and made sure I got my job back.Only…it wasn’t the only thing Grant Lexington wanted to do for me.But there was no way I was getting involved with my boss’s boss’s boss. Even if he was ridiculously gorgeous, confident, and charming.It would be completely wrong, inappropriate even.Sort of like the video that got me into trouble to begin with.Two wrongs don’t make a right.But sometimes it’s twice as fun.

  • af Vi Keeland
    177,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    157,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Keeland
    207,95 kr.

    Vi Keeland, auteure de bests-sellers no 1 au classement du New York Times, nous livre un nouveau roman intégral, torride et sexy.La première fois que j'ai rencontré Max Yearwood, j'avais rendez-vous avec lui sans l'avoir encore jamais vu.Max était incroyablement beau et drôle, et notre alchimie a tout de suite crevé le plafond. Il avait aussi d'adorables fossettes.Pile ce dont j'avais besoin après ma séparation.Ou du moins, c'était ce que je croyais...Jusqu'à ce que l'homme avec qui j'avais réellement rendez-vous arrive.Il s'avère que ce n'était pas Max que je devais rencontrer ce soir-là. Il s'était simplement prêté au jeu avant l'arrivée de mon véritable compagnon d'un soir.Dire que j'étais déçue serait un euphémisme.Avant de partir, il m'a glissé un billet pour un match de hockey à quelques rues de là, au cas où la soirée tournerait court avec l'autre homme.J'ai jeté le billet dans mon sac et me suis efforcée d'apprécier la compagnie de celui que j'étais censée rencontrer.Pour le coup, il n'y a pas eu la moindre étincelle entre lui et moi.Alors, sur le chemin du retour, j'ai décidé de tenter ma chance en passant au match.À mon arrivée, le siège à côté du mien était vide.Déçue pour la deuxième fois de la soirée, j'ai décidé de partir à la fin de la mi-temps.Juste avant le coup de sifflet, un membre de l'équipe a marqué et la foule a laissé éclater sa joie.Le visage d'un joueur est alors apparu sur l'écran géant. Il portait un casque, mais je suis restée pétrifiée quand il a souri. Vous l'avez deviné : l'homme aux fossettes.Apparemment, celui qui s'était fait passer pour mon compagnon d'un soir ne m'avait pas invitée à regarder le match de hockey avec lui, il m'avait invitée à le regarder jouer.C'est ainsi qu'a commencé ma petite aventure avec Max Yearwood.Il représentait tout ce dont j'avais besoin à cette période de ma vie : drôle, sexy, prêt à tout, et disponible pour quelques mois seulement, avant de rejoindre sa nouvelle équipe à plus de trois mille kilomètres de là.Max m'a proposé de passer l'été avec moi pour m'aider à oublier mon ex. Ça me semblait un bon plan. Notre relation ne pouvait pas devenir trop sérieuse, puisqu'elle avait déjà une date d'expiration. Pas vrai ?Eh bien, sachez que même les meilleurs plans ne sont pas toujours couronnés de succès.

  • af Vi Keeland
    187,95 kr.

    Ein unabhängiger und sexy Feinde-zu-Geliebten Liebesroman von Nr. 1 New York Times Bestsellerautorin Vi Keeland.Die Fehde zwischen Weston Lockwood und mir begann am Altar.Nur dass keiner von uns an dieser Hochzeit teilnahm und die Trauung fand bereits einige Jahrzehnte vor unserer Geburt statt.Unsere Großväter waren einst beste Freunde und Geschäftspartner, zumindest bis zu dem Hochzeitstag meines Großvaters - als seine Braut damit herausplatzte, dass sie ihn nicht heiraten könne, da sie ebenfalls in Westons Großvater verliebt sei.Die zwei Männer kämpften jahrelang um Grace Copeland, die zufälligerweise auch die Geschäftspartnerin der beiden war. Doch am Ende gelang es keinem von beiden, ihr gesamtes Herz zu erobern.Schließlich gingen alle ihre eigenen Wege. Unsere Großväter heirateten andere Frauen und die beiden Männer wurden zu den größten Rivalen im Geschäftsleben, die die Welt je gesehen hatte.Unsere Väter fuhren mit der Tradition fort, sich zu bekriegen. Genauso wie Weston und ich.Meistens hielten wir großen Abstand voneinander.Bis zu dem Tag, an dem die Frau, die diesen Streit verursacht hatte, starb - und unseren Großvätern überraschenderweise eines der wertvollsten Hotels der Welt vermachte.Nun sitze ich in einem Hotel fest mit einem Mann, den ich hassen soll, und versuche, das Chaos zu entwirren, das unsere Familien geerbt haben.Wie üblich hat es nicht lange gedauert, bis wir anfingen, uns an die Gurgel zu gehen.Weston Lockwood verkörpert alles, was ich verabscheue. Er ist groß, klug, eingebildet und viel zu attraktiv. Wir sind wie Wasser und Öl.Doch das sollte eigentlich kein Problem sein. Unsere Familien sind es gewohnt, Krieg zu führen. Es gibt nur eine kleine Schwierigkeit. Jedes Mal wenn Weston und ich uns streiten, landen wir im Bett.

  • af Vi Keeland
    307,95 kr.

    A new, sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.The first time I met Merrick Crawford was during my job interview.Well, technically, I'd met him twenty minutes earlier when he'd barged into a fitting room a few doors down from my appointment.I yelled. He yelled. After an argument while standing in my bra, I proceeded to smash the door into the gorgeous jerk, trying to yank it shut.As you might imagine, I was freaked out when I discovered that the rude guy was my potential new boss.Yet he didn't seem to recognize me. Or so I thought... Until we wound up bickering again during my interview and he told me to go sniff my armpit.Okay, so maybe I hadn't exactly been changing when he walked in on me. In my defense, I'd been stuck on a hot train for two hours and wanted to make sure I didn't smell.I obviously didn't expect to get the job. But somehow an invitation to a second interview arrived in my inbox.Before I left, I asked to see Merrick. I needed to know why I was even in consideration after our disastrous start.Turned out, Merrick only wanted to hire me because I was the least competent candidate. It seemed his board was making him fill the position, against his wishes.I didn't really want to work in a place where my boss expected me to fail. But I figured maybe I'd enjoy proving him wrong. It was a little thing I dubbed the boss project.What I wasn't prepared for was that there would be other things I'd enjoy doing to Merrick Crawford.Getting involved with the boss wasn't the smartest choice.But you know what they say about choices: Some we regret, some we are proud of. I just had no idea where this one was going to land.

  • af Vi Keeland
    257,95 kr.

    A new, sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.Before I even met Donovan Decker, I knew his shoe size.You see, I'd gone away for a few days, and in my haste to get out of the airport, I'd grabbed the wrong suitcase.After checking out the expensive footwear and tailored clothes, I dialed the number on the luggage tag hoping maybe Mister Big Spender might have my bag.A deep, velvety voice answered, and as luck would have it, he had my suitcase, too.Donovan and I met at a coffee shop to do the exchange.Turned out, it wasn't just his voice that was sexy. The man holding my luggage was absolutely gorgeous, and we had an immediate spark.He got me to admit that I'd snooped in his bag and then convinced me to make it up to him by letting him buy me coffee.Coffee led to dinner, dinner led to dessert, and dessert led to spending an entire weekend together. Donovan wasn't just handsome with a panty-dropping voice. He was also funny, smart, and surprisingly down to earth for a man who wore seven-hundred-dollar shoes.Did I mention he also did my laundry while I slept? Definitely too good to be true.So what did I do to repay him for his kindness?I waited until he was in the shower, then ghosted him.My life was too complicated for such a great guy.In the months that passed, I thought about Donovan often.But New York City had eight-million people, so what were the chances I'd run into him?Then again, what were the chances I'd run into him a year later...when I'd just started dating his boss?

  • af Vi Keeland
    207,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    207,95 kr.

    Avant même de rencontrer Donovan Decker, je connaissais sa pointure.Figurez-vous qu'après un déplacement de quelques jours, dans ma hâte de quitter l'aéroport, je me suis trompée de valise.Après avoir découvert ses chaussures hors de prix et ses costumes sur mesure, j'ai composé le numéro inscrit sur l'étiquette du bagage en espérant que Mister Gros Sous aurait récupéré le mien.C'est une voix grave tout en velours qui m'a répondu, et la chance était de mon côté, parce qu'il avait bel et bien ma valise.Donovan et moi nous sommes donné rendez-vous dans un café pour procéder à l'échange.Il s'avère que sa voix n'était pas la seule chose de sexy chez lui. L'homme qui m'a rapporté mon bagage était absolument splendide, et l'étincelle entre nous a été immédiate.Il m'a poussée à avouer que j'avais fouiné dans ses affaires avant de me convaincre d'accepter un café de sa part, pour me faire pardonner.Le café a conduit au dîner, le dîner au dessert, et le dessert à tout un week-end ensemble. Donovan n'était pas seulement un beau mec avec une voix à se damner. Il était également drôle, intelligent et curieusement simple pour un homme aux chaussures à sept cents dollars.Oh, et ai-je précisé qu'il avait fait ma lessive pendant mon sommeil ?Clairement trop beau pour être vrai.Alors, qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour le remercier de sa gentillesse ?J'ai attendu qu'il soit sous la douche et je me suis enfuie.Ma vie était décidément trop compliquée pour un mec aussi génial.Au cours des mois qui ont suivi, j'ai souvent pensé à Donovan. Mais il y a huit millions d'habitants à New York, alors quelles chances avais-je de le recroiser ?Et surtout, quelles étaient les probabilités que je le rencontre à nouveau, un an plus tard... alors que je commençais tout juste à sortir avec son patron ?

  • af Vi Keeland
    207,95 kr.

  • - Large Print
    af Vi Keeland
    242,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    157,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    267,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    252,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    197,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    217,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward
    161,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    177,95 kr.

    My honeymoon was almost everything I dreamed it would be, a tropical paradise, turquoise water, romantic walks on the beach, and loads and loads of mind shattering sex. The only thing missing was the groom. After seven years of coasting through a relationship with Michael, my senses were numb. A week of passion with a stranger was just what I needed to clear my head and take back control of my life. But how do you move on when the man that was only supposed to be a fling somehow seeps into your soul and steals your heart?

  • af Vi Keeland
    177,95 kr.

    Jack and Syd spent a week in paradise. It was only supposed to be a fling. But life can be funny sometimes, and circumstances brought them back together again. Together they seemed to have found their happy ever after. But when Sydney is offered a chance at the career she has always wanted, she must leave Jack behind to follow her dreams. Can their love survive long distance? Sydney’s touring with a man every woman wants, but he only has eyes for Syd. And an unexpected tragedy leaves Jack feeling remorseful. Can the two find a way through to forever?

  • af Vi Keeland
    177,95 kr.

    It didn’t matter that the ref called it a clean hit. Nico Hunter would never be the same. Elle has a good life. A job she loves, a great apartment, and the guy she’s been dating for more than two years is a catch and a half. But it’s boring…and she strives to keep it that way. Too many emotions are dangerous. Her own past is living proof of what can happen when you lose control.Then Nico walks into Elle’s office and everything changes…for both of them. But what can the tattooed, hard-bodied MMA fighter and the beautiful and always steady attorney have in common? A lot more than they bargained for. 

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

    Meet Liv MichaelsIt may have been seven years, but I'd know him anywhere. Sure, he's grown, filled out in all the right places, but his captivating blue eyes and cocky grin are exactly the way I remember. Even though I'd much rather forget.Liv Michaels is almost there. She's smart, determined and weeks away from landing the job she's dreamed about for years. Time healed old wounds, even her broken heart from the devastation of being crushed by her first love.Meet Vince StoneWomen love a fighter, especially a good one. Lucky for me, I'm damn good. But there's one woman that isn't interested. Not again, anyway.Vince 'The Invincible' Stone is every woman's fantasy...strong, sexy, confident and completely in control. Growing up surrounded by chaos, he's learned never to get too attached. Love will drag you down. He adores women, treats them well, puts their own needs before his own...for the night anyway. With the biggest fight of his life coming up, his focus should be on training.When fate brings Vince & Liv back together again, there's no denying the chemistry is still there. But can Vince erase the old scars their past left behind? Or will Liv hurt him instead?

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

    They say men like a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom. I never knew the sentiment was reciprocal. Until I met Jax Knight. A gentleman in public, a commanding, dirty talking rogue in the bedroom.Daughter of legendary fighter “The Saint,” Lily St. Claire knows firsthand how fighters can be. As the owner of a chain of MMA gyms, she’s no stranger to aggressive, dominating, and possessive men. That’s why she’s always kept her distance. But the day Jax Knight walks through her door she’s captivated by his charm. Stunningly handsome, well mannered, Ivy League educated, and confident, he shatters all the preconceived notions she’d come to think were true about men who trained to fight.But falling for someone so soon after her breakup wasn’t something she’d planned on. And definitely not something her ex plans to allow.

  • af Vi Keeland & Dylan Scott
    182,95 kr.

    Two stories so deeply intertwined, you’ll think you know how they intersect…but you’ll be wrong….Zack MartinThe day I met Emily Bennett my whole world changed. Sure, we were just kids, but I was old enough to know my life would never be the same. She was my best friend. My destiny. My fate. I wasn’t wrong…I just didn’t know how twisted fate could be.Nikki FallonAfter the death of my mother, moving from my dark and dreary trailer park to sunny California, I was focused on one thing – finding a sister I’d only just learned existed. Falling in love with him wasn’t part of the plan. But he filled a void I never knew was possible to fill. He had to be my fate. My destiny. Until the day I finally found out who my sister was…and how twisted fate could be.

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

    The rules:No dating.No sex outside of the game.No disclosing the terms of the contract.Rules were made to be broken, right?Eight weeks ago I signed a contract. One that seemed like a good idea at the time. A handsome bachelor, luxury accommodations, and a chance to win a prize my family desperately needed. There were some rules though. Lots of them actually. Follow the script, no dating, sex, or disclosing the terms of the deal. After my self-imposed moratorium on men the last year, it wouldn’t be hard to live up to my end of the bargain…so I thought. Until I realized the deal I’d made was with the devil…and I was in love with his dirty-talking brother.  

  • af Vi Keeland
    182,95 kr.

    Dimpled smile of a boyHard body of a manSings like an angelFucks like the devilI was stuck between a rock(star) and a hard place.At fifteen, his poster hung on my bedroom wall. At twenty-five his body hovered over mine. Every girl’s fantasy became my reality. I was dating a rockstar. Yet I was slowly falling for another man. The problem was—the two men—they shared a tour bus. Flynn Beckham was the opening act.Dylan Ryder was the headliner.What happens when the opening act begins to shine so bright, it seems to dim everything else in its wake?I’ll tell you what happens. Things get ugly.  

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