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  • af Eeqbal Hassim
    1.142,95 kr.

    Motivation both the act of motivating and the psychological state of being motivated plays an important role in the education of children. This is a notion that a considerable number of medieval Muslim scholars addressed in their writings, albeit to varying degrees and through a variety of approaches (from literary to legal, and philosophical to psycho-spiritual). Although medieval Muslim scholars expressed notable ideas about motivation in elementary education, there has been limited research on how their views developed in context. Despite past and present Muslim scholars emphasizing the importance of elementary education as a platform for adult learning and proper conduct, this field has received sparse attention in works on the history, theory, and practice of Muslim education. How medieval Muslim scholars viewed elementary education in general is one of the neglected areas of Muslim history. This book provides a fresh, original insight into the theory, practice, and rhythms of elementary education in medieval Muslim societies over the course of six centuries. It expands our understanding of the history of Muslim education as well as Islam s intellectual and social history. Its interdisciplinary approach to examining elementary education in medieval Muslim societies is of great importance to scholars of various fields of Islamic studies. It contributes to our wider understanding of Muslim education because it fills a gap in our appreciation of the theories and practices of elementary education in medieval Muslim societies, especially the question of how children were motivated to learn and how their motivation was understood by scholars and their teachers. For the first time, the ideas and practices of medieval Muslim elementary education are linked to their socio-historical context. This book has paved the way to discussing how prevalent social, religious, cultural, linguistic, economic, and political factors in medieval Muslim societies impacted the theory and practice of elementary education. In this pioneering look at motivation in medieval Muslim elementary education, Eeqbal Hassim shows that the Muslim scholars ideas on the topic were mainly resistant to change. This finding correlates with limited progress in elementary educational practice and the faithful transmission of knowledge in medieval Islamic scholarship. Despite developments in the scholarly approaches to elementary education in line with scientific advancements in the medieval Muslim world, these did not have a significant impact on the essence of the Muslim scholars views. This book observes a high level of consistency between the Muslim scholarly literature and historical accounts on elementary education from 750 to 1400 CE. This observation points to the lack of a need to change the style of motivating and disciplining children that had worked for centuries in medieval Muslim education. There are also shades of idealistic thinking in medieval Muslim educational literature illuminated. The scholars who wrote on elementary education focused on ideals and expectations that were anomalous to educational practice as portrayed in some historical anecdotes. Accordingly, this book argues that this idealism and the centuries-old traditions in elementary education and motivation simply reflect the faith and zeal of a civilization that carried out the task of educating children with the obedience of God in mind. This is an important book for all Islamic studies collections, particularly in the areas of history, education, psychology, and Arabic literature.

  • af Leo Daugherty
    1.077,95 kr.

    The book Shakespeare s Sonnets (1609) contains a famous major section which editors and other scholars long ago dubbed the Rival Poet sequence. In these poems, Shakespeare speaks anxiously of another pastoral sonneteer who is competing with him for the love of his male addressee. Some authorities have held the view that Shakespeare is not the autobiographical I of his sonnets, and therefore that this rival poet and the male beloved of both were not real people either. Other authorities have argued that these three may have been real, but that it does not matter to us now as readers as the question is of little or no critical importance. However, most authorities over the years have believed that they were indeed real people in the real world and that it is important who they were simply because one of them was Shakespeare. The trend in recent scholarly work has been toward establishing a reliable historical grounding for all works of art including poems in cases where such a ground has not been adequately established. Shakespeare s Sonnets is such a case and is perhaps the most famous one in Western culture. This book provides the best evidence yet brought forward for that grounding. Many other books and articles have taken the position that real historical persons are represented in Shakespeare s Sonnets and have attempted to identify them. But no previous study has considered the large amount of new evidence presented here (some of it historical and some of it textual), and none has made a logical case as powerful and persuasive regarding these identifications as the one constructed here. This book is the first to argue that the Rival Poet of Shakespeare s Sonnets is the well-known young Elizabethan writer Richard Barnfield (1574 1620), long suspected to have been one of Shakespeare s private friends (as they were termed by Francis Meres in 1598), with whom (as Meres also tells us) Shakespeare shared some of his sonnets. This is also the first book to argue that William Stanley (1561 1642), sixth earl of Derby, is the young man to whom they addressed their respective sonnets and other love poems in the period c. 1592 1595. In making these identifications, this is the first book to examine in detail the dialogue between Shakespeare s Sonnets and three of Barnfield s books of poetry (all published within a little more than one year) a dialogue only known to be discussed in a conference paper and one other book. William Shakespeare, Richard Barnfield, and the Sixth Earl of Derby will likely appeal to all readers interested in Shakespeare s life and love poetry, both specialist scholars and non-specialist enthusiasts alike.

  • af Guo Wu
    1.207,95 kr.

    As a famous reformer of late Qing China, Zheng Guanying was the earliest advocate of representative and participatory political system in the 1870s, the earliest to call for commercial warfare against Western economic imperialism, and one of the earliest to seriously study international law and its relevance to China s national identity and foreign relations. He was also one of the earliest Chinese to emphasize the combination of Western medicine and Chinese medicine. Unlike most of his contemporary reformers, Zheng was not a foreign educated diplomat or scholar; rather, he was the only merchant among all well-known late Qing reformers and had never traveled to the West. He worked for foreign enterprises in Shanghai and managed and cofounded Chinese government-sponsored enterprises such the China Merchants Steamship Company, which still exists today. In addition, Zheng Guanying was a staunch believer and practitioner of the indigenous Chinese Daoism. Although his life, career, and thought was very much influenced by his home town, which is adjacent to Macao and Hong Kong, it was the urban culture as well as the educational and job opportunities of Shanghai (to which he migrated when he was sixteen years old) that were the driving forces behind his life.In fact, the originality and sophistication of Zheng s thought was closely related to his identity as a member of a new type of professional intellectuals arising in treaty ports since the 1870s. In this first critical study of Zheng Guanying s career, cultural milieu, political and economic thoughts, as well as his spirituality, Guo Wu steers us into examining Zheng Guanying as a hybrid product of the late Qing treaty port culture, professionalism, and tradition, and he illuminates the contribution that this Chinese merchant made in the social and political transformation of China into an urban, commercial environment. This book is also valuable because there is an even greater dearth of research on the cultural environment of Zheng and his spirituality. First, he was a comprador merchant by profession and not a leader of political and intellectual movement, although it was the latter position that drew attention to him in past decades. Second, he was a committed modernizer but also avid practitioner of Daoism, which was then dismissed by researchers as conservative and superstitious. Third, he was more a moderate reformist than a political radical. In addition, the book covers the urbanization of China and the urban cultural space. It also reveals how Zheng s migration and sojourning between Guangdong and Shanghai shaped the formation of his reformist ideas in response to China s late-nineteenth century national crisis as well as how he upheld Daoism as his fundamental ideology to maintain national identity and pursue self-salvation. This book also examines the rise of late Qing Chinese print capitalism in Shanghai as well as the relationship between the Western founders, the Chinese editors, and Chinese contributors (which also involved Zheng because he was a representative). The author argues that late Qing Chinese intellectuals appropriated Western-founded Chinese language print media to articulate their own concerns about China s progress and reform. In addition, the book looks into the personal network of Zheng Guanying, specifically his relationships with other like-minded bureaucrats, journalists, and reformers. This comprehensive study of such a critical figure in China s political and social history is an important book for all collections in Chinese studies.

  • af Satomi Kawaguchi
    1.272,95 kr.

    Language is central to human activity and is a fundamental expression of culture and a primary resource for social interaction. Learning the language of another culture is a very critical part of truly understanding the culture. This book examines the acquisition of Japanese as a second language. The ability to speak Japanese as a second language provides a great opportunity for opening a door into Japanese society and potentially gaining an in-depth experience of the Japanese culture and learning more about the Japanese people an experience one is unlikely to have without knowing the language. Given this, it is only natural to infer that language may be a key tool for breaking through intercultural boundaries. Language learning should therefore promote mutual understanding and, consequently, better and smoother communication in intercultural settings. Given the important implications of language on cultural understanding and improved communication in today s society, the process of second language acquisition deserves much attention. However, learning a second language is not usually an easy task. Attaining fluency in a language is one of the most complex skills a human being will ever acquire in their lifetime. When acquiring a first language as a child, the learning is rapid in the first four to five years of life; it takes place in a uniform manner and without much effort. Children around the world attain a high degree of success in their first language without instruction or corrective feedback. However, when it comes to the second, third, or any further subsequent language acquisition that begins after adolescence, such language learning requires much greater effort, with the ultimate attainment varying dramatically from one individual to the next from bare minimum to near-native independent of learner motivation and effort expended. Understanding second language (L2) attainment is thus a critical area of study. This study hypothesizes and tests the developmental stages of Japanese L2 verbal morphology and syntax within the framework of processability theory. It looks at four longitudinal studies (of one Portuguese as first language [L1], one French L1, and two English L1 learners of Japanese). Additionally, one cross-sectional study was undertaken to validate whether the results gained from the longitudinal studies could be generalized. Learning Japanese as a Second Language: A Processability Perspective makes a substantial contribution to second language acquisition (SLA) studies, especially for its discussion of speech processing involved in L2 sentence production and because it accounts for learning a language which is typologically distant from the native languages of the learners. The long-range perspective offered by data covering periods of up to three years is very unusual and thus highly valuable in the SLA context, where many studies are only cross-sectional or, at best, only cover a short time span. The longitudinal studies in this book are further buttressed by a cross-sectional study that supports generalizations from the findings. In addition, the author used original and inventive tasks to elicit data on structures such as passive and causative that are notoriously hard to elicit. The author also shows the various developmental stages and how these were used to measure the language development of both second language learners and bilingual speakers. This book will be an important reference for anyone working in the SLA and JSL fields, postgraduate students of Japanese and second language acquisition, and Japanese language professionals such as teachers of Japanese, JSL textbook writers, or English-Japanese translators.

  • af Nadine Lehrer
    1.142,95 kr.

    U.S. farm bills are home to the nation s primary policies for agriculture, land use, and conservation. Although often outside the public spotlight, many of these policies are crucial to how land and food are managed in this country from food stamp programs for low-income households to environmental conservation for natural resources to the often controversial commodity subsidy programs to support farmers. Every five to seven years when the farm bill comes up for reauthorization, policymakers, interest groups, and the public spend months and often years advocating, questioning, and debating farm bill provisions. Typically when the new farm bill emerges, it appears expanded and adjusted, but rarely radically reformed. Early in debates over the 2008 farm bill, however, this norm of incremental policy change seemed to be cracking. International trade proposals, budget constraints, and new tides of public opinion brought proposals to the table for drastically reforming commodity subsidies. But as the situational and cultural context surrounding farm bill debates changed, so too did prospects for farm bill reform. In the end, influenced by an emerging focus on biofuels and discourses of national security, the 2008 farm bill settled back into a more typical incremental policy trajectory. Despite its ultimate conformity to the norms of incremental policymaking, the 2008 farm bill s flirtation with radical policy reform makes it an interesting empirical case for studying processes of policy change and stability. Following the trajectory of the 2008 farm bill debates as it unfolded provides an opportunity to examine those factors political, economic, cultural and otherwise that typically combine to facilitate or forestall policy change. In this case, biofuels became a prominent driving force in debates in part because they helped policymakers sidestep earlier controversies over more radical farm bill reform. Alongside a decline in trade pressure to reform subsidies, increased biofuels production raised crop prices, alleviated budgetary pressures, and inspired support for commodity production in the name of national security. Examining the gains and misses for conservation in the 2008 farm bill also sheds light on agricultural sustainability prospects embedded in farm policy. In this case, the emphasis on biofuels during farm bill debates both threatened conservation with the prospect of large-scale corn ethanol production, and also shifted public focus away from reforms that might have improved agriculture s environmental and social footprint. At the same time, the 2008 farm bill did introduce some new prospects for environmentally- and socially-sustainable agricultural policies in the longer term. In examining the reasons for the 2008 farm bill s approach to and then retreat from rapid policy change, Nadine Lehrer guides us through ideological conflicts over world trade, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture as embedded in U.S. farm policy debates. This book locates these debates within the historical context of farm bills over time, providing a concise history of agricultural policy dynamics as they relate to current issues. The book also integrates complementary theoretical perspectives from the policy change and social movement literatures, and in particular makes a case for incorporating discourse analysis into studies of policy change and policy stability. Integrating theory and history with a multidisciplinary perspective on changing situational drivers, interest group struggles, and Congressional politics, Lehrer uses the farm bill as an illustrative case for illuminating U.S. political processes and implications. This is an important work for students and scholars of the U.S. political system, especially those focused on agricultural policy, sustainability and environmental conservation, theory and methods of policy analysis, and the intersections of policy and culture.

  • af Munib Karavdic
    1.057,95 kr.

    The Internet is lowering barriers to information exchange and export to an unprecedented degree. This book is the first systematic investigation of how e-commerce impacts export marketing and performance in terms of product design, global promotion, and distribution. Not only does the work advance marketing theory, it also provides a rich dataset of results from a comprehensive survey of exporters. Marketing professors and exporters will find this book to be a valuable addition to their library.

  • af Juliann Cortese
    1.052,95 kr.

    In this unprecedented work, Juliann Cortese heightens our understanding of the learning process as it relates to information acquired through the Internet. Internet Learning and the Building of Knowledge shows us how design elements such as pop-up windows with augmented content and relational links influence knowledge structure as well as definitional and factual knowledge. The book also notes that personal factors such as motivation and expertise interact with web site design to influence learning outcomes. It also sheds light on how learning from a website can be primed based on the content presented before exposure. This book is a must for educators concerned with designing hypermedia environments for learning.

  • af Susan Isenberg
    1.207,95 kr.

    The world of andragogy, defined as "e;the art and science of helping adults learn has, like other avenues of education, merged with the online world. In this comprehensive study, Susan Isenberg provides the most rigorous account and investigation of online adult learning ever conducted. Utilizing an actual internet-based destination site called Virtual Health Coach, this study uses interpretive inquiry methods to assess how adults learn online and identifies thirteen critical components of andragogical principles to internet learning. This book is also an outstanding example of a real life online case study method. The rich results and method make Applying Andragogical Principles to Internet Learning a required addition to any research library in education.

  • af Yongkuk Chung
    917,95 kr.

    As online advertising expenditures continue to grow and surpass those dedicated to some traditional media, advertisers are still largely in the dark concerning the branding power of online media vehicles such as banner advertisements. Assuming that traditional media principles apply, advertisers attempt to increase the effectiveness of online vehicles such as banner ads by making them larger, more animated, or graphically arousing. In this pioneering investigation, Youngkuk Chung measures the extent to which banner ad characteristics such as animation and pictorial representation impact traditional ad response measures such as recall and recognition. In addition, Dr. Chung takes the additional important step of measuring the actual physiological response to variations in banner ad animation, content, and other characteristics in a rigorous scientific investigation. The findings of this study are very important. Not only do they challenge commonly held notions regarding online advertising, they also present clear managerial guidelines to increase branding power online. Managers and scholars will find much in this research to guide their advertising and research efforts. Processing Web Ads will be an important addition to any collection concerned with advertising, branding, communication, or Internet Studies.

  • af Mindi Donaldson
    1.082,95 kr.

    Educators increasingly leverage the internet to enhance traditional programs and approaches. One strategy in this respect is to employ virtual destination sites for curriculum delivery which are embedded into traditional learning experiences. Virtual Destinations and Student Learning in Middle School provides the most detailed case study of such an approach ever undertaken. It examines the impact of an online museum called Museum Explorer! on middle school students knowledge and learning engagement when combined with traditional pedagogy. This book provides important results and implications for any educator concerned with improving learning outcomes. In addition, the combination of empirical data with fascinating insights makes this work a beacon that will guide educators in their curriculum development efforts.

  • af Hong Beom Rhee
    1.212,95 kr.

    Millenarian movements have been mainly studied from a monotheistic perspective. Traditional explanations for millenarian movements may not be applicable to Asian cases, since Asian millenarian views of salvation differ from non-Asian ones. This groundbreaking book re-examines the Taiping and the Tonghak movements in nineteenth-century Asia using a much wider range of sources than have been used by scholars in the past. It provides an understanding of the movements as an expression, in part, of deeply-rooted Asian spiritual ideas. It also offers historical and philosophical reflections on what studies of Asian millenarianism can contribute to the comparative study of millenarianism. The foreword is by eminent Asian Studies scholar, F. Hilary Conroy.

  • af Kevin Swafford
    982,95 kr.

    This book enacts a literary-historical analysis of some of the major issue concerning the representation and contingencies of class in popular and lesser known late-Victorian works. The book is groundbreaking in its close and historically rooted analysis of the paradigmatic ways of thinking about class and narrative at the close of the nineteenth century in Britain. Included in the analysis of the book are discussions of popular writers such as Anthony Trollope, Thomas Hardy, Somerset Maugham, Jack London, George Moore, and H.G. Wells as well as lesser known--though once popular--writers such as Sir Walter Besant, Arthur Morrison, and Margaret Harkness. This book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literature. It will also be of interest to scholars of Victorian literature who are interested in the social and historical aspects of literary and artistic representation.

  • af Scott Harms Rose
    1.207,95 kr.

    While previous theorists have described how the oedipal complex may unfold for boys who grow up to be gay, as well as separately discuss the impact of shaming experiences on the development of one s identity, this book links up the two to show how they contribute for the gay men in this study to a re-enactment in adulthood of childhood and adolescent traumas and rejections. This book shows how growing up in a heterosexist or homophobic environment re-stimulates the unconscious trauma experienced much earlier when these boys felt rejected by their primary oedipal objects their fathers. In other words, there is a direct link for these boys between early traumatic oedipal rejection, subsequent adolescent alienation / fear of rejection, and adult attempts at relationship intimacy that are thwarted, over and over. In addition, by making use of the work of another theorist who speculated about the healing power for gay adolescent males of having platonic love affairs with straight male peers, the author speculates about a possible normative developmental path for boys who grow up to be gay one that allows for generative, not traumatic, experiences during childhood and adolescent, thus making relationship intimacy in adulthood easier to achieve. This book will be a valuable addition for those in psychology, men s studies, and sociology.

  • af Simone Dennis
    1.077,95 kr.

    This book is concerned with the social processes of being and becoming emotional and of making music, and the ways in which these processes are intertwined in the context of an Australian police department that wields subtle forms of power by emotional and musical means. The book is based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a metropolitan police (concert) band. Of primary analytic concern is the embodied and social basis of emotion, and its capacity to facilitate connections between persons in and through musical means. Police Beat moves away from a focus on the cognitive apparatus that produces experiences, and which thusly obscure the far more active and multisensual roles that musicians have in constituting and organizing their own sensual perceptions, to focus on embodied and social experiences of making music, and of making emotion. The book offers new insights into the means and modes of wielding subtle forms of policing power in the contemporary world, and points to the importance of music in organizing the social world.

  • af Joe Newman
    1.052,95 kr.

    Race and the Assemblies of God Church chronicles the treatment of African Americans by the largest, predominantly white, Pentecostal denomination in the United States. The formation of the Assemblies of God in 1914, brought an end to the interracial focus of the Pentecostal movement that characterized the revival from its inception in Los Angeles, California, at an abandoned warehouse on Azusa Street in 1906. Dr. Newman utilizes the extensive archival holdings of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, housed in the international headquarters of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri, to support his contention that Assemblies of God leaders deliberately engaged in racist efforts to prevent African American participation in Assemblies of God activities because the denominational leaders feared the reaction of its ministers and congregations in the American South. In addition, a concerted effort to refer African Americans interested in the Assemblies of God to African American groups, such as the Church of God in Christ, was approved at the highest levels of Assemblies of God leadership. Ultimately, efforts to exclude African Americans from the denomination led to official decisions to refuse them ordination and approved resolutions to support the establishment of a separate, unrelated Pentecostal denomination specifically for African Americans. Assemblies of God attitudes regarding racial issues changed only as a result of the civil rights movement and its effect upon American society during the 1960s and 1970s. The treatment of race in church groups with European origins was compared to that of the Assemblies of God and the influence of African and slave religions upon the rise of the Pentecostal movement. Finally, the author provides an analysis of the 1994 event known as the Miracle of Memphis in which white Pentecostal denominations dissolved the racially segregated Pentecostal Fellowship of North America in favor of a new organization, the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of North America. The book concludes that although current Assemblies of God leaders have embraced the concept of an integrated church fellowship that no longer excludes African Americans, there is virtually no evidence of wide acceptance of this concept at the local church level in the denomination.

  • af Xiaoping Weng
    917,95 kr.

    Along with socioeconomic development, the traditional lifestyle of the Chinese people is changing rapidly and becoming more Westernized. This is especially the case in urban areas. At the same time, prevalence of obesity and diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. It is interesting to note that overweight and obesity issues were rare in China as recently as 1982. This monograph describes a series of studies examining the prevalence and characteristics of obesity and its related metabolic diseases in China, where urbanization and socioeconomic development are occurring at a dramatic pace. It is important to understand health implications of these changes and identify efficient markers to estimate these health consequences. This will be a valuable addition to collections in Health and Human Services as well as Asian Studies.

  • af Jan Alber
    987,95 kr.

    This book investigates the ways in which Charles Dickens' mature fiction, prison novels of the twentieth century, and prison films narrate the prison. To begin with, this study illustrates how fictional narratives occasionally depart from the realities of prison life, and interprets these narrations of the prison against the foil of historical analyses of the experience of imprisonment in Britain and America. Second, this book addresses the significance of prison metaphors in novels and films, and uses them as starting points for new interpretations of the narratives of its corpus. Finally, this study investigates the ideological underpinnings of prison narratives by addressing the question of whether they generate cultural understandings of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the prison. While Dickens' mature fiction primarily represents the prison experience in terms of the unjust suffering of many sympathetic inmates, prison narratives of the twentieth century tend to focus on one newcomer who is sent to prison because he committed a trivial crime and then suffers under a brutal system. And while the fate of this unique character is represented as being terrible and unjust, the attitude towards the mass of ordinary prisoners is complicit with the common view that 'real' criminals have to be imprisoned. Such prison narratives invite us to sympathize with the quasi-innocent prisoner-hero but do not allow us to empathize with the 'deviant' rest of the prison population and thus implicitly sanction the existence of prisons. These delimitations are linked to wider cultural demarcations: the newcomer is typically a member of the white, male, and heterosexual middle class, and has to go through a process of symbolic 'feminization' in prison that threatens his masculinity (violent and sadistic guards, 'homosexual' rapes and time in the 'hole' normally play an important role). The ill-treatment of this prisoner-hero is then usually countered by means of his escape so that the manliness of our hero and, by extension, the phallic power of the white middle class are restored. Such narratives do not address the actual situation in British and American prisons. Rather, they primarily present us with stories about the unjust victimization of 'innocent' members of the white and heterosexual middle class, and they additionally code coloured and homosexual inmates as 'real' criminals who belong where they are. Furthermore, Dickens's mature fiction focuses on 'negative' metaphors of imprisonment that describe the prison as a tomb, a cage, or in terms of hell. By means of these metaphors, which highlight the inmates' agony, Dickens condemns the prison system as such. Twentieth-century narratives, on the other hand, only critique discipline-based institutions but argue in favour of rehabilitative penal styles. More specifically, they describe the former by using 'negative' metaphors and the latter through positive ones that invite us to see the prison as a womb, a matrix of spiritual rebirth, a catalyst of intense friendship or as an 'academy'. Prison narratives of the twentieth century suggest that society primarily needs such reformative prisons for coloured and homosexual inmates.

  • af Cheri Philip
    1.052,95 kr.

    Within the Asian American population, a new trend is emerging in which the second generation (children of immigrants, born in the United States) has redefined what being Asian American means to them. The notion of who Asian Americans are as a group has vastly shifted from the time the 1965 Immigration Act was passed. The definition of who is fit for inclusion within the Asian American category has been contested in recent years, and this book explores the experiences of those categorized as such at the dawn of the 21st century. Beyond the scope of how people are defined and categorized by the state, the central question explored in this book addresses how individuals themselves define what it means to be Asian American.

  • af Chan Yun Yoo
    1.047,95 kr.

    The World Wide Web provides an alternative way for practitioners to deliver advertising messages, and its success as an advertising medium continues as shown in a recent report from the Internet Advertising Bureau (2006). The Web ad revenues in the United States totaled over $12.5 billion for the year 2005, a 30 percent increase over 2004 revenues. Despite its exponential growth, Web advertising has endured much scrutiny due to its failure to engage consumers in interaction with advertising message. The very accountability for which Web advertising was once praised is now employed to question its value. The dismal click-through rates (i.e., below 1 percent), along with consumers intentional avoidance of Web advertising, suggest that we need to look beyond the effortful or conscious processing of Web advertising. Despite the continued effort to theorize how Web advertising works, little has been known about how Web advertising may affect consumers responses when the Web advertisements are outside of consumers attentional focus. This book not only proposes a theoretical framework of how Web advertising works, but also empirically examines preattentive processing of Web advertising. The model proposes that the Web advertising source and message characteristics, in conjunction with moderating exogenous and endogenous variables, impact Web ad processing (via preattention versus focal attention) to influence Web ad effects. Furthermore, the study explores factors affecting the extent of preattentive processing of Web advertising and examines outcomes of preattentive processing in terms of memory, attitudes and consideration set formation. This book will be a critical reference for those in advertising, communications and Internet Studies.

  • af Pellegrino Nazzaro
    1.082,95 kr.

    This book is based on first-hand, original and archival documents uncovered in Italian and American national archives. It presents to the national and international audience of scholars and readers a clear view of the causes of the dissemination of Fascism in the United States from 1922 to 1930. While some sectors of America's public opinion saw in Fascism an ideological movement which required alignment and conformity to Mussolini's doctrine and discipline, most Italian-Americans welcomed Fascism as a movement that emphasized Italian patriotism and a newly found national identity to be used as an antidote to and a defense against American nativism, xenophobia and the paranoid stigma that victimized the entire Italian-American community. The book underscores that none of the activities of the Italian-American fascist associations organized in the United States appeared to have been politically oriented in scope. Contrary to some interpretations, still in vogue, fascism in America never assumed conspiratorial tones. Fascist organizations in the United States were plagued by factionalism, internal struggles and heterogeneity. Moreover, the presence in the United States of a strong and well organized anti-fascist movement, The International Anti-Fascist League of North America, prevented Fascism from developing into a network of efficient propaganda throughout the United States. Beset by internal factionalism, personal feuds, ambassadorial and consular conflicts and frequent clashes with anti-fascist movements, fascism in the United States never emerged as a political ideology capable of creating an alternative to American Democracy. This study details how in December 1929, Mussolini disbanded the Fascist League of North America. Thereafter, the period 1930-1940 saw a constant decline of Mussolini's myth in the United States. The visit of G.E. Modigliani to the United States, the anti-fascist opposition of L. Antonini and S. Romualdi and the Ethiopian War, among others, gave the decisive blow to the faltering fortunes of fascist propaganda in the United States. Italy's aggression against Ethiopia spurred a strong anti-fascist reaction in the United States, especially among the African American community. Therefore, Mussolini's fascism was viewed as an evil to prevent at any cost. Fascist and Anti-Fascist Propaganda in America will be a critical addition for collections in History and Political Science.

  • af Lisa Anne Zilney
    1.052,95 kr.

    Linking Animal Cruelty and Family Violence is an innovative and exciting study in that another theoretical link in the causal chain leading to familial violence has been identified. The connection between animal abuse and child abuse sets up a diagnostic behavior that clinicians (physicians, psychologists, and social workers), teachers, and police (animal and crimes of violence) can use in generating data bases to monitor family abuse and perhaps possibly explain some types of homicide. Any indicators that facilitate longitudinal monitoring of potential perpetrators of crimes of violence would reduce the levels of victimization in society. This study is both theoretically exciting and pragmatically useful. This book will find a welcome audience among academics and practitioners.

  • af Janina Trotman
    1.337,95 kr.

    Until the latter decades of the twentieth century historical works on Australian education tended, almost without exception, to not foreground gender. The revitalisation of feminism in both the social and academic worlds in the 1970s nurtured scholarship whose primary purpose was to place gender at the centre of policy and research. One strand of this project was to map the careers and structural positioning of women teachers. However, while this important advance brought an analytical lens to bear on what had been a significant lacuna in the history of education the emphasis on the overt structural and cultural exclusions faced by women who taught tended to perpetuate stereotypes of teaching and professionalism. Thus, women teachers were understood as victims of patriarchal bureaucratic systems. The possibility that women teachers had more complex and agentic lives was largely unexplored. More recent scholarship has called for the need to investigate the subjective experiences of becoming and being a woman teacher thus creating a greater set of bounded studies which pay close attention to ethnic, class and regional differences as well as instances where women teachers exercised autonomy and resistance. A further significant development has been the insistence on the inclusion of stories from below gathered through the biographical and autobiographical writings of women teachers as well as oral history testaments. This book is part of that ongoing historical exploration of women teachers lives and makes a unique contribution. This is partly due to the location, Western Australia, and also in the focus on the process of becoming a woman teacher. Oral testimonies from twenty-four women teachers who graduated from the only Western Australian teachers college in the early twentieth century provide the personal perspective, while secondary sources, policy texts and institutional records are used to create the historical context. The historical period in which book is set, 1911-1940, was characterised by intense and significant ideological and social reformation. In particular, the period has been identified as one of crisis in the formation of masculinities and femininities. This crisis held the potential for change in gender relations and for women s participation in the professions, but there has been little scholarly investigation of the subjective experiences of girls and young women as they became teachers and constructed their identities and negotiated discontinuities in the discourses of femininity. Girls Becoming Teachers addresses this deficit by mapping the journeys of twenty-four Western Australian girls who became teachers in the first half of the twentieth century and lived within and between traditional and modern discourses of femininity. Starting with the family, the book moves on to schooling, the pre-college monitorship and then to Claremont Teachers College. The gender discourses circulating in these institutions are explored, and the contradictions between the traditional and the modern are revealed. The women s testimonies provide insights on how these discourses shaped and entered their lived experience of daily life; were taken for granted or resisted. This book challenges the assumption that families and schools unproblematically reproduced prevailing gender regimes. By becoming teachers, these women had been exposed to traditional expectations that they would accept masculine authority and eventually leave teaching to become wives and mothers. On the other hand they were also educated, encouraged to enter the teaching profession, and rewarded for their achievements. They learned to invest themselves in developing their rational and critical capacities. If they stayed in the profession they would have to remain spinsters, an apparently unacceptable social position. It might have seemed like an impossible choice but in the final chapter of the book Janina Trotman details the nature of these choices and the rich and varied lives of the women who made them. Girls Becoming Teachers will appeal to a wide range of groups. Scholars engaged in researching gender, education and professionalism would find much of interest, as will those who investigate the construction of subjectivities. Since much of the book is based on oral testimonies it would be an important addition to an Oral History Collection. Finally, since stories are a source of pleasure and fascination, many teachers, both retired and in service would find the book a pleasure to read.

  • af Edward Hoseah
    1.082,95 kr.

    This book examines circumstantial evidence in the context of its utility in investigation and prosecution of corruption cases in Tanzania. Circumstantial evidence has not been given the due prominence it deserves under traditional common law. In this book, the author expounds and articulates the efficacy of circumstantial evidence in the dispensation of corruption cases in courts of law. The emerging approach of circumstantial evidence is intended to cure the current weaknesses of investigation and prosecution of corruption cases a daunting task for all law enforcements and courts who regard direct evidence paradigm as more reliable than circumstantial evidence. The book provides a strong case for circumstantial evidence approaches to improve the effectiveness and contribution of the legal system in the fight against corruption.

  • af Prince Sorie Conteh
    1.082,95 kr.

    As is the case for most of sub-Saharan Africa, African Traditional Religion (ATR) is the indigenous religion of Sierra Leone. When the early forebears and later progenitors of Islam and Christianity arrived, they met Sierra Leone indigenes with a remarkable knowledge of God and a structured religious system. Successive Muslim clerics, traders, and missionaries were respectful of and sensitive to the culture and religion of the indigenes who accommodated them and offered them hospitality. This approach resulted in a syncretistic brand of Islam. In contrast, most Christian missionaries adopted an exclusive and insensitive approach to African culture and religiosity. Christianity, especially Protestantism, demanded a complete abandonment of African culture and religion, and a total dedication to Christianity. This attitude is continued by some indigenous clerics and religious leaders to such an extent that Sierra Leone Indigenous Religion (SLIR) and its practitioners continue to be marginalised in Sierra Leone s interreligious dialogue and cooperation. Although the indigenes of Sierra Leone were and continue to be hospitable to Islam and Christianity, and in spite of the fact that SLIR shares affinity with Islam and Christianity in many theological and practical issues, and even though there are many Muslims and Christians who still hold on to traditional spirituality and culture, Muslim and Christian leaders of these immigrant religions are reluctant to include Traditionalists in interfaith issues in the country. The formation and constitution of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL), which has local and international recognition, did not include ATR. These considerations, then, beg the following questions: Why have Muslim and Christian leaders long marginalized ATR, its practices, and practitioners from interfaith dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone? What is lacking in ATR that continues to prevent practitioners of Christianity and Islam from officially involving Traditionalists in the socioreligious development of the country? This book investigates the reasons for the exclusion of ATR from interreligious dialogue/cooperation and ATR s relevance and place in the socioreligious landscape of Sierra Leone and the rest of the world. It also discusses possible ways for ATR s inclusion in the ongoing interfaith dialogue and cooperation in the country; this is important because people living side by side meet and interact personally and communally on a regular basis. As such, they share common resources; communal benefits; and the joys, crises, and sorrows of life. The social and cultural interaction and cooperation involved in this dialogue of life are what compel people to fully understand the worldviews of their neighbours and to seek out better relationships with them. Most of the extant books and courses about interreligious encounters and dialogue deal primarily with the interaction between two or more of the major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. This book fills a gap in the study of interreligious dialogue in Africa by taking into consideration the place and relevance of ATR in interreligious dialogue and cooperation in Sierra Leone. It provides the reader with basic knowledge of ATR, Islam, and Christianity in their Sierra Leonean contexts, and of interfaith encounters and dialogue among the three major faith traditions in Africa. As such, it provides for the first time a historical, chronological, and comparative study of interreligious encounters and dialogue among Traditionalists, Muslims, and Christians in Sierra Leone. Traditionalists, Muslims, and Christians in Africa is an important reference for scholars, researchers, religious leaders, missionaries, and all who are interested in interfaith cooperation and dialogue, especially among all three of Africa s major living religions ATR, Islam, and Christianity.

  • af Regina Akel
    1.142,95 kr.

    Maria Dundas was born in Papcastle (Lake District) in 1785, and after living with relatives in Richmond, she moved to Scotland where she remained until 1808. That year she sailed to India with her father, whom she had not seen for the past ten years. At this stage in her life, the travel writer was born. She then married Lieutenant Thomas Graham in India at the end of 1809 and returned home after two years. They traveled to South America, and her husband passed away during this journey. She chose to remain in South America where she met leaders of the government, prominent members of society, and British naval officers who were in the country helping to consolidate its independence from Spain. During her stay in South America (1821 1825), she wrote and published two journals, the Journal of a Residence in Chile and the Journal of a Voyage to Brazil. After her return to Britain, she also wrote and published history books for children, books on art, articles for John Murray s newspaper, the Representative, and even a treatise on botany. In Chile, one of the two Latin American countries she wrote about in 1824, Maria Graham is a well-known figure whose journal is periodically reissued, quoted, and discussed. In Brazil, the other country she visited and wrote about, Graham is known as a scholar and travel writer in academic circles, and as a gay icon in popular culture. Additionally, one of her two published journals about India is widely read in the United Kingdom and the United States today, and in all these countries, Graham s work is subject to theses, conferences, and chapters in academic publications that deal with travel writing, women s studies, or colonial studies. Maria Graham s story is as remarkable as her work, and this biography not only narrates her life but also delves into the representation she made of herself in her published and unpublished journals, diaries, memoirs, and letters. The result of her endeavours is a literary persona that appears far removed from the controversial woman that she actually was. Who is the woman behind the texts? How did she conceive them? Was she simply one of many other adventurous and articulate female authors of the nineteenth century, or did she for some reason stand apart? This book shows how she manufactured her identity at times by conforming to, challenging, or ignoring the rules of society regarding women s behaviour. She was a child of the Enlightenment in that she valued knowledge above all things, yet she flavoured her discoveries with a taste of romanticism. Her search took her to distant lands where she captured for her readers foreign cultural manifestations, exotic landscapes, and obscure religious rites; yet a reading of her work generates the impression that despite the dramatic descriptions of peoples and places, Graham s subject was, simply, herself. What we know of her story comes mainly from her own narratives, although there are significant letters to, from, and about her that round up the analysis. This biography reconstructs Maria Graham s literary image by means of significant passages of her work, memoirs, diaries, journals, and letters. The chosen texts are meant to illustrate salient features of her style and of her interaction with the prevalent ideologies of her time. The intention is to display a groundbreaking female intellectual who captured for her readers the ancient culture of India as deftly as she represented bloodthirsty bandits in the north of Italy or nascent countries in South America.

  • af Jason Lee
    1.397,95 kr.

    During the 1980s, pedophilia and popular culture rose to the top of the agenda in many discourses, with fear and observation important aspects of the majority of media-saturated societies. Dr. Lee posits that we live in an age where the media and celebrity culture dominates, with America leading the way. One strand of this cultural trend is how reports of pedophilia and child sexual abuse are becoming increasingly common, with figures such as Michael Jackson demonised by the press as evil monsters and freaks on the fringes of society. Due to the extreme nature of these discourses, these figures, as well as the media and culture that surround them, define what is supposed to be normal in mainstream culture. The construction of the child and the use of violence in a neo-capitalist world are important areas. While it might be untrue to suggest that violence has increased, in a culture of observation and political correctness the violence perpetrated by and on children is significant. An important aspect of the ideology that surrounds us and subsequently informs, deceives, and constructs us is based on this violence. It is therefore important to understand not only the American society but also the other areas of the world dominated by American culture. In particular, these difficult and dark zones need to be explored in order to investigate the way we think and the way we behave. We need to understand culture and the reasons behind current attitudes to these subjects. Being such a contentious area, an academic approach that is as a comprehensive as this volume gets behind the myths and deconstructs the monsters. Books on pedophilia, other than the work of James Kincaid, tend to be blinkered. There are no books that have the scope of this text. By widening the debate to include 9/11 rhetoric, high school killings, and science fiction, this book explores continuing areas of importance in the study of American culture. The interrelated issues in the context of ideology throw important light on this complex subject. Celebrity, Pedophilia, and Ideology in American Culture reveals the connections between rapacious capitalism and the rape of children. The twenty chapters, which span the analysis of childhood, celebrity culture, important books and films on pedophilia and violence, post-9/11 theology and public rhetoric, and killing for fame, in an interrelated fashion cover intrinsically important areas of ideology. The book develops detailed theoretical insights in cultural theory and philosophy. With the economic meltdown of the first decade of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing the inability of the free market to cope with our contemporary world, which is not limitless, in terms of knowledge and the power of science to dominate the material world and resources. Child sexual abuse here functions as a metaphor for the rapacious attack on the planet, which knows no limit penetrating everything, even and most especially the weakest form, at every opportunity, corrupting the future. The pervasiveness of child sexual abuse, for many, cannot be argued with, and, in a postmodern world where truth is anathema, it offers a form of truth and is concerned with the absolute limit. Stimulating, suggestive, and sometimes provocative, the capaciousness of these essays will inform everyone interested in the media, popular culture, theory and theology, politics, and the zeitgeist. Celebrity, Pedophilia, and Ideology in American Culture is an important book for all media studies, popular culture, cultural theory, and American studies collections.

  • af Sharron Gu
    1.337,95 kr.

    This is an original interdisciplinary study of Chinese law, its language, and political institution. Evolving within a complex literary framework over thousands of years, Chinese language has lost its conceptual distinctiveness to its multilevel and overlapping meanings and connotations. Chinese law has become inflated with contrary rulings and exceptions. This mass of rules requires an extra-lingual (legal) authority to redefine boundaries and specify applications. Interdependent upon the voice of a higher authority, China has inherited a legal tradition that is inseparable from and interwoven with state politics. As a tool of emperors and modern politicians alike, Chinese law has never functioned as a detached mechanism through which social negotiation, mediation, and distribution are carried and regulated. The personal preferences of politicians have always dominated legislation, which has in turn fostered a highly unregulated and authoritarian power. This system, lacking a legal protocol to amend itself, relies upon a constant element of military intervention to initiate and secure Chinese social and political change. Both Chiang Kai-shek s and Mao Zedong s regimes took power with armed forces and maintained order with ruthless social repression and terrorism. This political monopoly of the law made modern China into a society that operates not within levels of the law but rather around the law. Two extra levels of society in China float around the law: the above law and the under (out) law. The former refers to people who have sufficient influence to redefine the meaning of law and distribute individual shares of rights as they please without referring to any constitutional, legal, or moral principles. Chinese legal administration has a historic tendency to override legislation. In China, politics is law, and politicians are the legislator, jury, and judge. Chinese under laws refer to people who are neglected or left out of the protection provided by law. In most cases, they are repressed and stripped of all civil rights because someone who is more powerful wants to acquire a larger share. Without an opportunity to make their voice heard, the only way that they can participate in social change is through armed resistance and revolution. For thousands of years, almost every new dynasty in China has emerged through some sort of revolution. As the revolutionary outlaws crowned themselves as the new above laws, the cycle was completed and once again prepared itself to repeat. Mao Zedong came from this kind of revolution. He was the only Chinese leader who had the vision to recognise that his once revolutionary syndicate had become a privileged class (above law). Although he risked everything when he launched another revolution to amend the system, he failed to pull China away from its imbedded corruptive practice. Although he completely rewrote the law and reorganised the army to stand by it, he instantly lost control of the connotations, intended meanings, and implications of his own words within a language that has been used and abused for thousands of years. This book follows and continues Gu s book, The Boundaries of Meaning and the Formation of Law, by illustrating how language shapes the formation, application, and administration of law in various cultural environments. Law and Politics in Modern China is an important book for those interested in Chinese history, culture, law, and politics. It also provides refreshing insights about the way that law continues to function after its language matures and creates contradictions and loopholes within its system of rules one of the most important issues facing Western legal administration in the immediate future.

  • af Ivan Sascha Sheehan
    1.082,95 kr.

    The impact of the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), with its emphasis on preemptive military force, is a matter of considerable debate. This timely book employs a time series intervention approach to evaluate the extent to which the onset of the GWOT (beginning with the invasion of Afghanistan) and related events (the invasion of Iraq, the capture of Saddam Hussein, and the release of photos from Abu Ghraib) are associated with changes in transnational terrorist activity. Utilizing an extremely sophisticated statistical analysis of longitudinal data exploring the relationship between the U.S. "e;Global War on Terror"e; (GWOT) and the frequency and lethality of acts of transnational terrorism, this study has produced some counterintuitive findings which are now compatible with official thinking. Highly readable with a rich quantitative analysis of the largest ever terrorism database constructed for the period 1992-2004, the results of the study are fascinating and have important implications for current U.S. foreign policy in the Global War on Terrorism. The author has painstakingly examined, with precise numbers, the impact of the use of preemptive force in the War on Terrorism in a way that has never been done before. This is the first publication showcasing compelling data on the impact of the current war on terrorism on the level, lethality and frequency of transnational terrorist activity around the globe. With extremely current data, When Terrorism and Counterterrorism Clash is a critical reference to all in the fields of international relations and political science.

  • af Pamela Allegretto-Diiulio
    982,95 kr.

    Generally regarded as modern Egypt s leading literary figure, Naguib Mahfouz was the first Arabic-language author awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. Critics hail Mahfouz for his ability to capture the essence of Cairene culture and life. This book illuminates how Naguib Mahfouz has successfully used the elements of daily life to capture the reality of his generation amidst the political upheaval caused in part by the British occupation of Egypt. This study also goes beyond opening up the Egyptian world to the reader; it is a careful analysis of the major novels of Mahfouz s career from an ambiguous feminist perspective. The author selects the term ambiguous deliberately to signify the disparity between a Western and Islamic lens. By employing this approach, the author successfully shows how the characters are not only entrapped in cages of subservience, but also cleverly reveals how the reader of Mahfouz s work is often entrapped in cages of misunderstanding. As the first scholarly study on Mahfouz s work through a highly original interdisciplinary Western and Eastern feminist lens, this book is a critical addition for collections in Literature, Middle Eastern Studies, and Women s Studies.

  • af Bin Li
    1.142,95 kr.

    With the expanding use of the World Wide Web in society, American libraries have undergone massive changes. This new information tool has provided both opportunities and challenges to libraries of all kinds. To have a better understanding of the World Wide Web, the roles libraries and librarians have played in its development and use, and the interactions between the library and the Web cannot be overlooked. How do American librarians define their roles in the changing environment, and how do they understand and appropriate the Web in their profession and work place? Previous studies have shown that the knowledge, perceptions, and expectations people have about a technology may influence the ways they react and use the technology. This study examines how librarians have perceived the World Wide Web from its early implementation to 2003, how the Web is appropriated and used in libraries, and provides a deeper understanding of Web use in libraries, and yields new insights into the future development of both libraries and Web technologies. Policy makers evaluating and planning information policies at different levels and system developers designing technology applications for use in libraries will find this book to be a valuable guide.

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