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Bøger udgivet af Christian Faith Publishing

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  • af Tony Eason
    144,95 kr.

    God speaks through quotes.I truly believe God speaks through quotes, and if he can speak through a donkey, he can surely speak through quotes. I started writing quotes because the Holy Spirit led me, and there were many times I wanted to give up, but I stayed on the course. I guess you can say I love quotes because I have been inspired by Christian authors/writers such as A. W. Tozer, C. S. Lewis, Billy Graham, Corrie Ten Boom, Max Lucado, Denzel Washington, Charles Swindoll, and John Maxwell. I have been inspired by some well-renowned authors/writers, and it's my hope that you will be inspired by this book. God bless the authors/writers who have inspired me to write what God has put in my heart to write.In Jeremiah 30:2 (NIV), "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.'"

  • - The Extraordinary Legacy of an Ordinary Woman
    af Carol Vankirk
    119,95 kr.

    This is a book about an amazing journey into the heart and mind of an Almighty God. It is an unfinished story with a legacy of hope emerging in its pages. It is unfinished because God is not done yet with all of mankind. He is such a big yet wonderful God, with purpose for every life He creates. He simply won't be done revealing truth to us, teaching us things of eternal value, pursuing, redeeming, and helping us in all matters of life. We have an extraordinary God, who delights in telling His story to ordinary people.In the pages of this book, you will read some scriptures which reveal the profound wisdom and deep abiding love of a great God. You will read about His truths--truths that come with a promise that every generation can know these very truths for themselves. The hope is that this simple little book will be read, not only by the author's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and generations yet unborn, but by anyone who comes across it, and may all find some insight and affirmation to hold on to.

  • - Those That Know Their God Shall Be Strong And Do Exploits
    af Bill Baxley
    144,95 kr.

    Though his life began as a confusing downward spiral, God quickly grabbed hold of Bill Baxley, intent on using this changed life for his ultimate glory. In Exploits, a travel diary of thirty years of overseas missions, Bill Baxley shares his out-of-this-world journey filled with supernatural healings, countless Christian conversions, and worldwide adventures seeking the religiously hostile for Christ. Bill and his comrades travel from the safety of their homes in California to the wilds of the Philippines, India, and Pakistan. These foreign lands offer them life-threatening situations where Hindus burn their tent and severely beat partnering pastors, food is scarce, and sanitary conditions are substantially lacking. Join Bill Baxley on his exciting expedition of reaching the lost for Christ, where there is never a dull moment, and you'll be on the next plane to share your story.

  • af Patricia Russell
    132,95 - 213,95 kr.

    Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.This book is the product of a prophecy spoken to me at a church conference in Waipahu, Hawaii, on May 8, 1997. I had no idea how it would come to pass, and I told the Lord I did not know where to begin. Praise be to God Almighty for a Christian woman, a sister in Christ, who was a member of our church during this time. She was on active duty in the Army and would be leaving us, and I did not want to see her leave Hawaii.While the prophecy was being spoken, she rejoiced along with me, although I did not know this until she was talking on the telephone that Saturday night following the conference.She was sharing with me that I had to get started on my book, according to the prophecy.I pray that you would enjoy this book, that this book would give you insight on the ratio of teen pregnancy, or maybe see yourself reading some of the short stories of real people that share about their lives and feel the presence of God in your room or workplace.My mission for writing this book is to help all women around the globe to know their potential in having developed whatever they become in the future, freedom from sabotage, isolation, disappointments, rejection, abandonment, and a broken heart.Email:

  • - What This Story Can Teach Us About Missional Living
    af Patrick Sawyer
    258,95 kr.

    In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, a command to go and make disciples of all nations. If Christians are going to live on mission and fulfill the Great Commission, we must engage the world, build relationships, and have intentional gospel conversations. But how do we do this? The good news is we have the perfect model in Jesus. In Experiencing Jesus through the Eyes of the Samaritan Woman, Sawyer examines John 4 and the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman--how Jesus engaged the woman, starting with a general conversation that led to a gospel conversation; how this woman's life was radically changed through her experience with Jesus as He engaged her through intentionality, love and compassion, fellowship, and finally, truth. Sawyer also examines how this story reveals to Christians today how Jesus is our model evangelist and that if we, as His disciples, would follow Jesus's example, we can learn how to live with missional intentionality. This beautiful story is an example of how Christians can engage the world with the good news of the gospel through intentional relationships that leads to gospel conversations following the model Jesus provided through this story. There is no better way to learn how to live on mission than by watching the Master, Jesus, in action as He engages this woman.This book provides a blueprint for missional living because it encompasses all aspects of missional living such as being intentional, the art of listening, showing love and compassion, Christian fellowship, proclaiming the truth of the gospel, and making disciples. This book will give Christians more confidence as we go out, live on mission, and engage the world with the gospel of Jesus.

  • - How to Recognize Them and Overcome Them!
    af Anita Davis
    138,95 kr.

    Strongmen are demonic spirits that can be attached to you and have you bound without you knowing about it--both believers and nonbelievers. It can cause chaos, havoc, and confusion in your life, whether known or unknown. It can also be caused by generational curses from the mother's or father's side of the family. The devil uses these different spirits to attack your life. It takes prayer and deliverance to be free from these different spirits. Most churches recognize these different spirits and do deliverance while some don't. This book will help you recognize these strongmen and how to overcome them with the Word of God, prayer, and deliverance. May God bless you all. Amen!

  • af Aracelis Maldonado
    101,95 kr.

    As I encountered connecting with the Lord, I fell more in love with the Lord. He is my healer, my protector, my strength, and my helper. Stand firm in the faith and let nothing move you. "I love him because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

  • - Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto may path
    af Albert Guthrie
    171,95 kr.

    This handbook is designed to help all believers to have a better grasp of the Bible. But it is also written with the Jewish people in mind. Without the Jewish history, there would be no Christianity.John 1:11 declares that Jesus came unto His own (the Jewish people), and His own received Him not (they rejected Jesus as their Messiah). As a result, salvation has come to the Gentile nations (Romans 11:11).The apostle Paul uses an olive tree as a metaphor in Romans 11:24 to explain an integral truth. Paul, in that text, says that we as Gentiles who were considered wild by nature (non-Jews) were grafted into the natural olive tree (Jews), along with the natural branches, through Jesus Christ, who is God's chosen One to reconcile both the Jews and the Gentiles into one covenant. This metaphor speaks not only of two differing races of people uniting together in one covenant, but it speaks to the fact that Judaism and Christianity are dependent upon each other. One cannot do without the other. They are divinely intertwined. Hence, we have the term "Judeo-Christian."God intended that the Jewish nation was to be a prototype of the church body of Jesus Christ. This handbook reveals that process of God's divine plan. It will be obvious as you wade through the pages of this handbook--the unfolding of the plan of God from ages past. It will reveal how God has worked through obstacle after obstacle to produce a solution for all people regardless of religion, race, color, culture, or gender.

  • - A Four Cousins Mystery
    af Margaret Krivchenia
    185,95 - 267,95 kr.

    The breathtaking Chimney Rock State Park and Lake Lure in North Carolina is where the four cousins, Kate, Emma, Harrison, and Parker, are traveling with their parents for a two-week family vacation. Rock climbing, swimming, hiking, exploring, horseback riding, and a treetop adventure are all part of the fun they're anticipating. Their parents have rented a house on the shores of Lake Lure, right across the serene waters from a rather creepy-looking, eerie house on the opposite shore. Emma senses that something is amiss immediately. From the moment that she passes Chimney Rock Mountain, she hears the word hidden in her mind. She quietly tells Harrison, and the adventure soon begins as the mystery unfolds.The four cousins meet new friends at the Gemstone Mine in Chimney Rock Village. Hannah, Brie, Henry, and Travis have moved there with their dad from Painted Canyon, Wyoming. Their dad has a dangerous secret to keep, and he has fled to this small town to hide from relentless pursuers.Unfortunately, he and his family, unbeknownst to him, have been hunted and found by this evil individual and his captive crew. There is a family heirloom that this man covets, and he is determined to have it.Soon, the four cousins become embroiled in this new adventure and mystery as they try to help them. Once again, they are faced with harrowing adventures as they are chased through Chimney Rock Mountain with all its caves, narrow rock-strewn trails, and frightening drop-offs.Hold your breath as you enjoy the heart-stopping moments as Kate, Emma, Harrison, and Parker attempt to save their friends and bring peace and hope to a needy family as well as save Peter and his father, the unwilling participants in Jackson's diabolical scheme. It will take all their combined ingenuity to navigate the traps set by the man consumed by his desire to have the Cat's Eye Ruby for himself.This is a tale of the four cousins' belief in one another; their love for Hannah, Brie, Henry, Travis, and their dad; and most of all, their trust in God to save them all.Curl up in a chair and settle down for a thrilling ride through the pages of The Quest for the Cat's Eye Ruby.

  • af Elizabeth Sauce
    206,95 kr.

    This story is about two ordinary little boys. Jonas is four years old with a very vivid imagination. Big brother is seven and very wise if you ask Jonas. In fact, as this story unfolds, Jonas is certain Big Brother knows just about everything!On one particular day, Jonas watched Big Brother playing in the backyard. He was amazed when he heard Big Brother saying crazy words and doing all kinds of strange things. Jonas could only imagine what would make Big Brother act that way, and when Big Brother told him that he had been chasing a Wuzzelroo, Jonas couldn't believe his ears.A Wuzzelroo! He had never heard of such a thing, much less seen one! But with Big Brother's encouragement and Jonas's imagination, he would soon learn just what a Wuzzelroo was!

  • af Deborah Rowe Johnson
    136,95 kr.

    This story is about a young boy named Frank, the Lost Boy. He is looking for a friend. Frank seems to have a dark cloud around him, and his hope is dim as he prepares to move into a new city. Entering the third grade as the new kid has sparked his fear. He simply longs to meet a friend. This story reveals the difficulty of change, but the pages unravel a miracle awaiting him. Frank's new journey forces him to confront new challenges, and as he does, what once seemed hopeless is now hopeful, happy, and adventurous.This book is based on a true story.

  • af Jacinda Penley
    163,95 kr.

    Can you find the strength and courage to move forward when your past tries to hold you back?In Finding Home, Jamie finally turns eighteen and sets off on a journey to build a future for himself, away from the foster system that has defined his life. His journey takes him through different parts of his past. Jamie remembers the neglect and abuse that he suffered at the hands of various foster parents but also the love and protection he received from his adoptive family.As Jamie meets new people and forms new relationships, he realizes that some of them are connected to his past in unexpected ways. With memories flooding into Jamie's mind as he steps into his new life, the power of God's redemptive love is evident as the reader is taken through the highs and lows of Jamie's journey.With the help of his faith in God, Jamie perseveres through the ups and downs of his life and learns to trust that God's plan for his life is greater than his own. With strong themes of faith, family, and redemption, Finding Home is a poignant and powerful story that will resonate with readers of all ages and will showcase the importance of trusting God's plan and purpose for our lives.

  • - When there was no other way, my God made a way. Against all odds, I survived COVID-19.
    af Kathy J Williams
    201,95 kr.

    Kathy and Rob were pro-vaccine prior to COVID-19. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Lies were being spouted on national TV. Dr. Fauci's lies changed their views on medicine and vaccines drastically. They felt a whole new generation of doctors had been manufactured by government mandates and restrictions. If the doctors did not comply with the hospital mandates, they would lose their jobs and possibly their licenses. The CEOs were managing the doctors. The pharmaceutical companies were managing the CEOs. Few people in health care were really looking after patients. What happened to the Hippocratic oath, "First do no harm"? Kathy and Rob knew that they were gambling by not getting the COVID-19 vaccine. One thing for sure was that once one took the vaccine, there was no turning back.Kathy and Rob were in the "wait and see" camp. They were skeptical of this new technology that was untested and was being forced on the public. Even now, the vaccine is still being administered under the emergency-use protocol. It is very concerning that any alternative treatment was not being considered and was actually being banned. For years, medical doctors have used off-label medications to treat patients. Why were the doctors now being silenced by the government and social media?Kathy and her husband, Rob, are retired registered nurses. They both read research articles and listen to podcasts to keep their minds sharp after retirement and keep up to date on the field of medicine, especially COVID-19. The government will spin this time in history. It's very important that people step forward to tell their stories.Follow Kathy and Rob's journey through the COVID-19 pandemic and their insights to the politics governing the treatment.

  • - Merinda P Don't be afraid
    af Ria G
    214,95 kr.

    Meet Merinda P, a fun-loving, playful, spunky, and cute little angel eager to go to work on earth. Journey with her as she adventures to help Luke, a little boy afraid of his own shadow, learn the true culprit of fear. On this journey you will also meet other amazing characters and not-so-amazing characters. You'll see what I mean. Are you ready? Come on, let's go! You are going to love the journey!

  • af Lois Jean Lee
    177,95 kr.

    Dana Allison Tessier is a thirty-something woman depressed over the loss of an opportunity to open an extension office for Walk the Life Headhunters Agency and the recent death of her Aunt Meg, her only living family.Her best friend, Amy Bickerton, reminds her of the promise to "let go and let God." God calls her to quit her job, sell her home, and find where He's leading her. Amy reminds her to keep her eyes and ears open to His calling.Dana is summoned for jury duty.The book opens at a truck stop, Bobbie-Jo's Truck Stop. A waitress asks her to share her table because Dana has the only other place to sit. A tall, good-looking man, Jerrod, sits down. He makes small talk. She talks for a while before leaving.Dana travels through each village and town, looking for the place God is wanting her to be. She gets tired of not finding that special place. She settles down in a town, rents a room, finds a job in a card shop, and makes friends that stay in her life for the rest of her life. Certain events occur that she feels are from God telling her this isn't where she belongs. She turns around and heads home. The adventure doesn't end there. Read the rest of Dana's story and find out how her life turns for the better.

  • - 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Galations 2:21
    af D I Sidebottom
    114,95 kr.

    Are you surprised at the number of preachers and teachers of God's Word who apparently find it so easy to manipulate the Word just a bit in order to teach their belief instead of the Word of God? This study seeks to demonstrate this tendency via the study of two passages of Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and Galatians 2:21. Reading the Word of God presents us with what seems to be just the opposite of what some Bible teachers are teaching. For whom did Jesus Christ give himself as a ransom? A second question could be, what would make the death of Christ in vain? The Word of God does give answers to these two questions. Consider this statement: The effectiveness of Christ's work as mediator and ransom payer is never dependent upon the response of any human to that work. Does that sound accurate and biblical? So, listen to the preacher and then test the teaching with the Word of God. Reject the non-biblical teaching and stand upon the statements of the Scriptures.Go ahead! Accept the challenge! What does the Word say?

  • af Robert Buckner
    173,95 - 238,95 kr.

    When Bob and Hazel Buckner and their family went to Nepal in 1967, there was great need for education and modern health care. The life expectancy was just thirty-nine years. With Bob's mechanical and construction background, he was able to make the work of teachers and medical people more productive. In two places, they were the first missionaries to establish a home within the local communities and facilitate the arrival of international and local staff people. One of those places (Pokhara) could only be reached by one road back then, and the next (Jumla) was seventy-five miles from the nearest road.Set against some of the most magnificent mountains in the world, with people who lived very close to the carrying capacity of the land and often had no reason to hope for a better future, their story tells about trying to bring a better life and the good news of Jesus Christ to the amazing, resilient, and resourceful Nepali people. The backbone of this book is the letters written home weekly by the authors, and these are supplemented by vivid memories.

  • - The Reason We Are Here on Earth
    af Darrell D Wichers
    135,95 kr.

    ChoicesGod's Greatest GiftThe Reason We Are Here on EarthIf God created us as a spirit that was meant to live forever, then why do we have to spend this time on earth in this physical form? I will answer that question and more in this book!We live in a temporary physical world that God created. But your spirit (who you really are) was meant to live forever, and God fused your spirit into your physical body! The question is why did God fuse our spirit into this physical form for a temporary period of time? I will answer this question and more!Your Spirit--What Is That? Your Consciousness and Memory--Where Are They Located? Your Physical Death--What Will That Experience Be Like? God--How Do You Know God Is Real? Nothing That Humans Make on Earth Lasts Forever; Why? Is It Hard to Get to Heaven? The purpose of my book is to get you to think about the content in this book and whether you believe this information or not--nothing more! God did give you the right to choose!

  • - The Deepest NEED of Every Human Heart
    af Tommy Boland
    132,95 kr.

    More victories are won by Satan within the church through the spirit of unforgiveness than in any other way. Unforgiveness weakens our walk and wrecks our witness for Christ. Forgiveness is the deepest need of every human heart; it is the foundation on which Christianity is believed and built. Dr. Tommy Boland establishes the glorious truth that those who have embraced the forgiveness of God in Christ Jesus know the truth that frees them to genuinely forgive. He then examines two questions many of us wrestle with: "I know God has forgiven me; why do I struggle to forgive others? And why can't I forgive myself?"This intensely practical book teaches us how to live out God's command to "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." It isn't easy, but it is possible, and Tommy Boland describes both the root and the fruit of genuine, God-drenched forgiveness, which enables us to utter the Lord's Prayer with full and sincere hearts: "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."Dr. Tommy Boland, with his wife, Kim, and their four children, founded Cross Community Church in Deerfield Beach, Florida, in 2012. Tommy is the author of Now What?, The Strangest Spiritual Secret, and the Disciples Making Disciples evangelism program.

  • af Wanda Bailey Lattimore
    185,95 kr.

    At a young age, we begin to daydream and imagine how a perfect life might enfold. Naturally, we envision happiness, success, prosperity, and ease. While no one is exempted from walking a simple straight line between the start and end points of A and Z, some must travel a broken path with unforeseen detours. These deviations cause life to appear frightening, when faced with the angst of unknowns and faintness of direction, yet I caution you to believe that God has set us apart to exist at this time in life, orchestrating our lives for purposes that are defined only steps at a time.Our imperfect paths amid His immeasurable and unconditional love serve to balance our willfulness with our obedience and, ultimately, frame our surrender of faith. Whether our conviction is grounded as an oak or rooted only the size of a mustard seed, Jesus knows the depth of our hearts and walks ever so closely, remaining watchful to lead us safely through our journeys as we appeal for the stability of steps.His love is not mortal and, therefore, not flawed. It is safe to surrender to His authoring of our stories as we become His testimony, as divinely purposed of our first breaths.

  • af Luis Custodio
    139,95 kr.

    As we grow up, a lot of times, we have the opportunity to have our grandparents close to us, but when the time comes for our parents to take on that role, it is completely different and more so when we become those grandparents ourselves. Here, you will have the opportunity to reflect on each one of those steps and compare.

  • af Peter Krause
    111,95 kr.

    This story is about Joshua, a nuclear physicist, astrophysicist, and dedicated Christian. He is a true believer in Christ, His words, and His actions. Like every scientist, he is interested in finding the truth about all the tasks and problems that have challenged him. During his career as a physicist, it has become increasingly important for him to know whether Jesus was a natural person. Finally, he develops an ambitious plan to discover the truth about Jesus's story.

  • - A Woman's Journey of Transformation from a Child of the Flesh to a Child of God
    af Elaina Lee Richter
    145,95 kr.

    Ellie grew up believing in God through the Catholic church. However, through a series of life events stemming from childhood, she was left to believe she had been abandoned by Him over and over again. She was in her mid-thirties and had just hit the ten-year mark in her marriage when a devastating accident brings on major realizations, causing her to reevaluate her entire perspective on life and her relationship. In trying to find her new purpose and identity and the love and acceptance she has longed for since she was a little girl, she decides to leave her husband and seek fulfillment of the hole left inside of her by the only way she knows how--men. On the surface, she is having the time of her life and enjoys every chase but realizes through each encounter she is still left with a feeling of emptiness and worthlessness that has been there all her life.Desperate for a deeper connection, she falls for a handsome charmer who showers her with affection and promises her everything she's been missing. Before long, she instead finds herself held within the controlling grip of a toxic and abusive relationship, unable to break free from the constant promise of the potential of what could be. Will the trauma of that relationship push her back into her old ways, causing her to give up on real love altogether, or will it inspire her to be on her own, where her eyes and heart might finally be open to see the One who hadn't ever abandoned her at all but instead had been pursuing her with His relentless love all along?

  • af Pastor Sd Campbell
    215,95 kr.

    In The Water Walkers, S. D. Campbell weaves a golden staircase of steps that will start the readers on their ways to change. Love for humanity caused the author to open her life in an effort to show that no matter where you started or where you are now, you can change. By purchasing this book, you are taking the first step to becoming a water walker.

  • - Friends in the Ocean Meet Friends from the Shore: A Children's Storybook
    af Vivienne Thompson Clements
    131,95 kr.

    Wav-el loves his ocean friends and especially his best friend, Fish. He'll do whatever he can to protect them from harmful pollution that people, who he calls the Feet, cause to the water. He has seen the danger many times that his friends have come into by getting hit by the trash thrown into the water, and other times his friends got tangled up in plastics, bottles, and cans causing damage to their fins, and they wouldn't be able to swim, and the entrapments keep them away from their families.Wav-el keeps watch over the ocean all the time making sure that the water stays safe for his friends.

  • af Paul Snyder
    130,95 kr.

    This is a fun story to help young readers learn about God's second greatest commandment.Do you know the first?

  • af Angelo Frazier
    118,95 kr.

    Angelo Frazier, born in a neighborhood of Washington, D.C., was heading for his dream--with physical ability, outstanding at his six-foot-eight appearance, a young man from "D.C." had the same nickname when the college fans cheered, "DC! DC! DC!" Coming from an all-black school in Washington, D.C., he had chosen an all-white parochial high school that had been offered to him for his final year in basketball, where he was bound to be spotted for his leaping and blocking ability. Sure enough, colleges came recruiting, and he chose Mount St. Mary's, in Frederick, Maryland. After graduation with a business and finance degree, he found jobs waiting for him in the banking institutions and retail. But that cold room with calculators and computers didn't last. He was longing for something else. Maybe a basketball career was for him? Playing with a team from France, then in Germany, helped hone his skills until that disastrous day came when the Achilles' tendon snapped! "What now?" he bemoaned as he sat in the German hospital bed, told by doctors he may never even walk again, let alone play basketball. Then, the "little did he know" moment was starting to expand. God was leading him away from the glitz and glamor to the real world of where he had been given talent for God's glory. No, it wasn't the great leaping ability now, but the gift of sight into where people are hurting that was beginning to form. What this book brings is the insights and nature of God stepping into humanity by His saving grace for one, Angelo Frazier. He offers poems, prose, published works, and general phrases that developed over a lifetime of physical pain, agonizing heartbreak, and crushing spiritual insight given now by His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You will laugh, cry, and be amazed by how God works through this man from the streets of D.C. to the "Streets of Bakersfield."

  • af Theresa Maxwell
    161,95 kr.

    Theresa Maxwell loves God and earnestly walks in the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and teaches how to walk in the mantle that God has given us. Her heart desires to teach God's elect that we are a chosen generation that most grow up in our salvation. We must walk in the mantle that God has given us just as God gave to Elijah and Elisha and go out into the world with power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, bringing people to the knees of the cross so that the manifestation of God's glory may rest in us. In the march of being the Jesus that God calls us, He said we should do more excellent works. The power of God may work through us. He is showing the love of God that is manifested in our hearts, displaying and teaching others how to walk in God's power.Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he also do; and more wondrous works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hears, the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. (Matthew 11:5)

  • af Sally Ellen Scanlon
    133,95 kr.

    H. D. was a cute little mutt, Around the block he started to strut.On the hunt without fail, he cried "Where's My Tail?"Now God has blessed him as a new "Wiggle-Butt".

  • af Tony Thornbrue
    160,95 kr.

    This is a compilation of short stories of different events of my rodeo experiences over the span of approximately five years, off and on. The characters, places, and all the rodeos are true, although the rodeos are not necessarily in the order that they were experienced. The names of the stock and their actual performance per rodeo are a generalization from a lot of years, burnt-out brain cells and an old man's memory.

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