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  • - A Silverstone Bay Story
    172,95 kr.

    Silverstone Bay aka Jewel by the Sea is under seige by evil forces hell bent on taking over the town by any means necessary. The forces have resorted to blatantly murdering an innocent family man in front of his house while his family is inside their home. They had just returned home for a family outing. But the evil forces will now have to reckon with the power of the Band of Brothas!

  • af Donald Johnson
    197,95 kr.

    The Making of A Leader takes you through a first-hand account of Apostle Donald Johnson's "making" as a God-ordained leader on the potter's wheel, and a testament of Apostle Johnson's journey, from trials, tribulations, and disappointments; to victories and successes. Every step of the way, Apostle Johnson maintained his love for God, integrity and character and stood firm on the Word of God; even when the odds were against him and his family and no one else believed in his God-given vision. The Making of A Leader will provide you with insight on how to surrender to God's will and yield to His timing; as well as depend on God as your source. If you're one of many who don't know what God has called you to do; or how to submit to the will of God for your life, then this book will definitely set you on the right path. Surrender to God today, and let Him "Make you a Leader"! After reading The Making of a Leader, you will understand the meaning of being anointed and favored by God; recognize when God has a purpose for your life; understand how God molds His leaders on the potter's wheel; and know that when God is for you, you always win!

    132,95 kr.

    Demetrio Says "No" is a true story about a five-year-old boy who refuses to take off his jacket in school. This sensitive story, written for young children, is filled with suspense and humor as Demetrio fails to listen to his teacher. Many children have experienced Demetrio's embarrassment and frustration, and identify strongly with his plight.The book contains questions to foster conversation, comprehension and creativity.

  • - An intuitive journey in art and words
    af Kimberly Heil
    422,95 kr.

    Come take a seat by the fire. The Bone Woman asks you to settle deep into your body and bones as you explore the alchemy of the art and words within this book. These stories once dormant have awakened to be see, heard, and held in this exact moment in time...Calling your to break free of old paradigms and structuresAn invitation to rediscover your ancestral roots, your connection with nature, and your own divine wisdom Crossing the threshold into a new dimensionFinding solace, insight, and compassion in those that came before usRecovering their healing rhythms and universal truthsExploring themes of creation, transformation, and selfRetrieving the medicine for changing timesEmbracing the past to heal the futureGuiding you to find your most authentic self as you begin to share your gifts and wisdom in ways that help move, shift, and expand consciousness. The time is now. Dive deeper into your curiosity, truth, and the wisdom of your divine intuition.

  • af David Chappell
    172,95 kr.

    In the time of the Great Prophets, two men have a decision whether to fulfill their worldly quests for power and revenge or fulfill the word of God. Age of the Great Prophets is an end-times story that follows two critical Revelation Biblical figures in a way never told before. Scripture comes to life in this post-2016 world where a new resource, dark matter, changes the lives of all humanity.

  • af William Yancey Brown
    92,95 kr.

    This is a novel that will appeal to young adults and others of all ages who have a taste for fantasy. Max Mason is 18 years old and just finished high school in Luray, Virginia. His school friends go to nearby Ruffner's Cave one Saturday night, a place little known to anyone except the town people, but known to them for decades. They dance in the "Ballroom." Max misses the dance, because he is in Front Royal buying a used car, with cash from his dad. When he gets back, the dance is all the news: his friends have disappeared. After everyone else gives up, Max figures the answer is deep in the cave. It is, but not what you'd think.

  • af Catalina Araceli Castañeda Estrada
    152,95 kr.

    Conquistando el amor verdadero es una novela verídica escrita de modo autobiográfico. Narra como dos personas a muy temprana edad se conocen de una forma muy particular y espontánea, la atracción entre ambos no se hace esperar; en primera instancia entablan un tema de conversación bastante superficial, empero, su lenguaje corporal y la mutua empatía que nace los lleva a volverse a ver, en esta segunda ocasión su charla es mas profunda y amplia, abordan diversos temas ya que tienen en común un gran gusto por la lectura, es en la tercera vez cuando establecen un noviazgo. Sus encuentros son poco asiduos, no obstante, duraderos; Ambos se muestran auténticos, sin mascaras ni armaduras, la lectura los convida a la introspección personal y a conocerse a si mismos dando como resultado la capacidad de identificar sus genuinos sentimientos y las etapas del amor; justo en el momento en que parece estar la relación en su clímax, el destino se hace presente poniendo distancia de por medio. Siete años pasan para el reencuentro, en todo este tiempo ambos siguen luchando por sus sueños personales, se dan la oportunidad de conocer a otras personas, (sentimentalmente hablando), continúan sus estudios y se realizan en el aspecto académico; Un buen día la protagonista toma la decisión de llamarlo por teléfono ya que reconoce que ese hombre es el gran amor de su vida, vence sus temores, tabúes, miedos e inclusive la soberbia y va detrás de su felicidad, la respuesta es la deseada, su amado responde a su llamada como si durante todo ese tiempo él la estuviera esperando, en su voz percibe la emoción que le embarga y en consecuencia, él le pide que vuelvan a retomar su noviazgo, al momento ella asiente sin importarle el tiempo y la distancia, él va en su búsqueda a tierras lejanas, el reencuentro es hermoso y sumamente emotivo, solo bastan 3 días con sus lunas y sus soles para que ambos consagren su amor tomando la decisión más trascendental de su existencia, ¡casarse!, así lo hacen con gran determinación sin importarles nada ni nadie, pero la historia no termina aquí con el típico "y vivieron felices para siempre", esta historia de amor real presenta todas las vicisitudes por las que pasan los protagonistas antes y después del matrimonio, hace manifiesto de la importancia de tomar buenas y asertivas decisiones y de las consecuencias de las mismas, crea consciencia de lo esencial que es conocerse a uno mismo, aceptarse y amarse para poder conocer, identificar y sobre todo conquistar el verdadero amor, aborda temas versátiles con los que el lector puede sentirse identificado, da pautas para aprender a vivir la vida con compromiso viviendo como se piensa y no pensando como se vive, la obra ensalza valores, deja entrever los altibajos de la relación de pareja y las pruebas por las que pasa la misma, aporta ingredientes esenciales para construir un matrimonio bien cimentado y exitoso. Aborda temas contemporáneos para ser buenos padres y luchar día a día para alcanzar la felicidad. Cabe mencionar que la obra tiene algunas cartas de amor escritas por ambos protagonistas, poemas románticos y ciertos matices de poesía erótica.

  • af The Artist Jack Priest
    152,95 kr.

    Discover the vast understanding you possess to be able to invent the inconceivable. You will then know the power to create is in your grasp.In simple words, The artist Jack Priest delivers all the wisdom you need to create dynamic art.Learn the promise of art and the risks you have to take to build the backbone of every creation. You will acquire the words you can't do without and comprehend what you need to build a unique foundation in your art. Discover the dangers you have to conquer and the partners you will need to succeed, and, prepare yourself to be a professional artist. You will master the skill needed to set the standards you will not break. Have the capacity to think beyond what you imagine is possible, to know what you are capable of. And finally, to become the artist you are meant to be.

  • - Awakening What Is Within and Around You
    af Camellia Crenshaw
    152,95 kr.

    Just Ignore The Damn Neighbors is a book that will leave you on an emotional roller coaster. The short stories along with the author's personal story will not only keep you engaged but have you craving for more. Camellia's compassion for her characters in each story captures the heart of the readers asking the question, "Are you awaken to what is within or around you?" This book is not only intriguing and interesting, but it is also informative and educational; bringing a new, different, and fresh aspect for all types of readers. Jam packed with so many powerful true stories; you definitely won't want to put this book down.

  • - "Conquering the Powers of Insurrection"
    af John L Mastrogiovanni D Min
    172,95 kr.

    The Spirit of the Scorpion, Conquering the Powers of Insurrection addresses the issue of dysfunctional people who arise in congregations and ministries and intentionally or unintentionally, create disloyalty to leadership and dissention regarding ministry vision. "Scorpion" focuses on how to discern such activity and bring clear, healthy solutions to such problems.

  • - A Survival Guide for Leadership in Diverse Environments
    af Vickie L McCray
    152,95 kr.

    How to Swim with the Sharks: A Survival Guide for Leadership in Diverse Environments, provides real-life vignettes of personal and professional triumphs. Each story offers tried and proven leadership techniques for use in challenging business or personal environments. The book also addresses management styles useful for building and managing teams. While the book covers situations in professional environments, it could easily be adapted to situations in community organizations or in schools. Unique to business management literature, this book covers a key element often overlooked in other books: office politics. The book is written for those who, despite being highly skilled and qualified, encounter setbacks due to office power dynamics. The book is organized in a very easy-to-read format. Each chapter begins with a dilemma, followed by a strategy, advantage and reflection to help one tackle the dilemma. Then, the chapter concludes with brief "take-away" tips that will help readers successfully swim with the sharks.

  • - The Gift of New Life from Organ Donation
    af Leo Adam Biga
    152,95 kr.

    Life was good for Dr. Keith Vrbicky, in 2021. His obstetrics/gynecology practice and tele-medicine business in Norfolk Neb. thrived. A solid faith and family life sustained him and his wife Karyn. Blessed with good health, he endured the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic unscathed. Then things changed in the most dramatic of ways. Despite no history of heart disease, he learned that his heart was in free fall. Within two weeks of being diagnosed as an acute heart failure patient, he was placed on the transplant list. Suddenly, this fit, active physician found himself a bed-ridden, critical care patient requiring a team of experts to determine what was causing his crisis. Next level care kept his other organs from failing so that he could be a candidate to receive a new heart. The only catch: a matching organ had to be found within 48 hours. Miraculously, one became available and he gratefully accepted this gift of life. Through the ordeal, faith and family bolstered his spirits and world class care healed his body. His post-transplant recovery proceeded well enough that he was back to delivering babies and performing surgeries six months later. He's lived to escort a daughter down the aisle and to see another grandchild born. His new mission is to get more people to become organ and tissue donors so that they, too, can give the gift of life.

  • - A Cookbook of Sweets and Inspiration, From a Teen!
    af Dominick Daniel Cura
    152,95 kr.

    Eternally Gluten-free is a cookbook full of sweets, from breakfast, to drinks and desserts. The book also includes a short about living with Celiac disease. "If you or a family member has to eat gluten-free, 'Eternally Gluten-Free' will show you what you're not missing. Cura's inspiring story and tasty dessert, drink and breakfast recipes will show you that gluten-free isn't a restriction; it's an opportunity," says Matthew Amster-Burton, a food writer and the author of "Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father's Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater."

  • af Miriam Hoffman
    452,95 kr.

    KEY TO YIDDISH aims to introduce the student to the fundamentals of Yiddish language and culture. It contains idiomatic constructions, dialogue, selected readings, exercises and worksheets, all geared to welcome the student to the world of Yiddish, its history, tradition, customs, rituals, songs and holiday celebrations.

  • - The Making of a Chinese-American Radical
    af Oliver Lee
    287,95 kr.

    This memoir describes the doomed marriage of Oliver Lee's Chinese father and German mother. It then narrates Oliver's childhood in Germany, China, Mauritius, Iran, and the U.S. His physical travels were followed by his ideological journey from anti-Communism in his youth to Marxism in his middle age and robust old age. The experiences that stimulated this journey include his close-up observation of Senator Joseph McCarthy's victimization of Owen Lattimore, who was Oliver's most admired professor at Johns Hopkins University; Oliver's personal adversity, linked to his FBI file; in a Federal Government job; his conspicuous early opposition to the U.S. war in Vietnam; his consequent two-year battle to reverse the University of Hawaii's decision to expel him; and his ultimate victory in that battle in 1969, with the help of hundreds of students and many faculty members

  • af Jane John-Nwankwo
    432,95 kr.

    This book is a test questions bank of more than 450 practice questions. It was written out of the desire to provide a quality, but concise review book for phlebotomy technicians. Questions were constructed from all the areas of study in the phlebotomy curriculum ranging from communication skills to pre, intra and post analytical procedures. Constant revision of the questions will help the student to master the contents in preparation for the phlebotomy certification exam.

  • af Kristi Hopkins
    227,95 kr.

    1 in 3000 people are born with Neurofibromatosis. It affects all of us in different ways. For some, Neurofibromatosis is as clear as the tumors on their face. For others, it hides beneath the surface, creating tumors that destroy hearing, vision, and more. Many of us are misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and often simply missed by a world of medicine that doesn't have a full grasp on all teh effects of NF. Stereotyped, ignored, or shunned by a world who thinks we either have the Elephant Man's disease, common migraines, or a few too many moles and birthmarks. In a society that values beauty so highly, NF'ers often choose to hide from others, and end up hiding from themselves. In 2007, Kristi chose to stop hiding, and start Thriving, as NF became a bigger part of my life than ever before, taking a firm grip on the health of three of my six children. Most people with NF, or any of a thousand other genetic disorders, focus on surviving from day to day. My kids deserve more than just to survive. And so do YOU. Thriving with Neurofibromatosis. We ALL have a story, this is mine.

  • af Louise D Jakubik
    342,95 kr.

    This comprehensive step-by-step guide provides in-depth, need-to-know information that will make pediatric laboratory interpretation easy. Topics include: complete blood count and differential, fluid and electrolyte balance, liver function tests, and acid base balance. This handy little book guides you through common laboratory tests and pediatric parameters. Common abnormal laboratory findings in children are discussed and their clinical implications.

  • - Why The Wealthy Elite Invest In Real Estate And How Anyone Can Join Their Ranks
    af Michael Moore
    77,95 kr.

    Michael Moore highlights the 'why' you should invest in real estate and what it takes. A quick motivating read to inspire everyone to use their money as a source for a secondary income.

  • - Three Steps to Choosing a Best-Fit College Major and Career
    af Dustin Peterson
    147,95 kr.

    I call it the universal question. So far, I haven't met anyone who didn't wrestle with it. I certainly did, and if you're reading this so have you. The question is this: "What should I do with my life?" For whatever reason, it's the one question we all struggle with, but few have found the answer to. Why is that? And why is it so difficult to figure out the answer? If we are meant to live lives of purpose and meaning, then why do so many of us trudge along doing meaningless things? Most of us make a decision about our college major and future career based on an "outside/in model" looking at our options "out there;" making an educated guess about best-fit based on money, credit hours, efficiency, parental influence, or other extrinsic factors; and making ourselves "fit in." As a result, we leave behind our main competitive advantage - who we are. This model is both inefficient and based on unknowns, and leads to less satisfaction, more turnover, and lower retention in both college and the workplace. There's a better way. The "inside/out model" suggests that we first get clear about who we are, then use that self-knowledge as a lens to screen potential career paths to find a best-fit option - the option that is most likely to align with what we know about who we are. The challenge until now has been finding a structured way to organize that self-learning and apply it in practice to make career-based decisions. Find Your Fit provides a proven system and reflection activities to guide you toward the clarity you need to answer the universal question: what should I do with my life?

  • - Between Gourmet Dinners and Ration Cards / Crumbs of capitalism for you and me
    af Glenn Brigaldino
    117,95 kr.

    The global food system is badly broken and is failing millions of people around the world. Food insecurity occurs not only in Africa and Asia, it also exists in the USA where food stamp usage is at an all-time high. Policy decisions made today, affect what kind of food security scenarios will prevail in the near future. In this sense, attaining food security emerges as a fundamentally political enterprise. To better understand the political issues such an enterprise must address, it is important to identify the sources of social and economic inequalities, as they play a critical role in defining access to the political spehre. Securing and expanding and enduringly securing such space(s), is a disitinctly political task as expressed by the emergent, momentarily semi-dormant 'Occupy Now' movements.

  • - Ask and you shall receive it. A book on how to close anyone, anyplace, anywhere and any type of sales you are in.
    af George S Dans
    172,95 kr.

    This is a book about how anyone at anytime can become The Worlds Greatest Closer. Whatever you sell, this book is for you, if you have been struggling or have been searching for the answers to help you become even more successful, then buy this book, it has your name on it! The search for a successful career is exhausting and takes time. The career you have right now might be the best one that is out there. Without true selling skills, you will struggle or move from job to job without realizing that the word job, spells out Just Over Broke. A job is what you do, and a career is what you develop. Join me on how you can become, The Worlds Greatest Closer!

  • af Barbara Doyle
    107,95 kr.

    Math teacher and author Barbara Doyle knows firsthand the difficulties educators face in today's world and the real challenges involved in reaching students-helping them to truly understand abstract concepts and information. Through her teaching experience, Doyle discovered that incorporating the Common Core Mathematical Practices (part of the Common Core State Standards Initiative that defines knowledge standards for grades K-12) in the classroom greatly improves students' comprehension of mathematic principles and theories. Now, she shares her approach with you.In this handy guidebook, Doyle outlines step by step the secrets to achieving teaching success. Each chapter focuses on a different goal, such as creating an engaging environment for learning, paying attention to language and terminology, and running the classroom in a professional, genuine manner. Unlike most professional development books, Greater Expectations engages the reader with humor and a light, conversational tone. No dry, boring material here! While mathematics teachers are specifically targeted, the concepts and techniques featured are helpful for all educators.Implementing the Common Core Mathematical Practices will reap benefits with students, fellow teachers, and even parents as the young minds in your charge absorb the lessons of the world-and actually understand them.

  • af Jane John-Nwankwo
    187,95 kr.

    IV Therapy & Blood Withdrawal Review Questions is a bank of more than 600 review questions written out of the desire to provide a quality, but concise review book for nurses taking the Intravenous Therapy & Blood Withdrawal course. Questions were constructed from all the areas of study including introduction to IV therapy, pediatric IV therapy, geriatric IV therapy, starting an IV, preparing bag and tubing, transfusions and blood draw skills .This book is divided into Part One and Part Two. Part One focuses on IV therapy questions while Part Two focuses on Blood draw skills. One of the purposes of this book is to enhance proper knowledge of these vital subjects among new grad nurses and old nurses returning to work. -Author

  • af Robert M Johnson
    162,95 kr.

    This volume is the result of a lifetime of personal research into human wellness. It naturally considers all the implications of human illness as well. The chapters offer a kaleidoscope of training programs previously offered to thousands of healthcare professionals in hospitals, nursing homes and rehab centers in the New England Area. The topics range of nursing home placement to spirituality as life meaning, to depression and suicide in the elderly. It is meant to contribute to the modern challenge of longevity, living longer with greater meaning.

  • - A Recovery Plan
    af Raymond Helkio
    342,95 kr.

    Do you want to reclaim your life? This practical guide to work-life harmony shows you clear-cut ways to significantly boost your business efficiency and personal satisfaction. My Business Ate my Life offers over 25 valuable tips to guide you to a more satisfying mix of work and life, with a dash of frolic!

  • - The 10 Key Elements to Make Money Online with Your Business
    af Allen Foreman
    227,95 kr.

    Running the online part of your business can be an intimidating process. Monetizing the Net demystifies the building, maintenance and marketing elements for almost every kind of business. You will discover: Steps for structuring your business legally Ways to find help to build your online assets Resources for building your website Proven strategies for marketing online Techniques to get higher Google visibility Guidelines for making profit with social media

  • af Lance Mindheim
    252,95 kr.

  • af Michele J. Eliason
    93,95 kr.

  • af Agoddess Love Jamison
    287,95 kr.

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