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  • af Irena Ne¿i¿
    227,95 kr.

    My Sea of Freedom explores the life of Irena through its ups and downs, challenges, and successes. Certain situations led her to the thought of taking her own life, and she struggled with those thoughts for a long time. Her life seemed useless, like a black hole with all hope, happiness, and love sucked out, but she always pushed forward and didn't act out on those thoughts. With My Sea of Freedom, she wants to give hope to all the young girls out there that are struggling: things in life can be challenging, but we are capable of overcoming anything. There are a lot of young people who feel lost and need to find their way out of problematic families... Her story will inspire them to work things out. Born in eastern Serbia, Irena Ne¿i¿ is a determined young woman who has always fought for her freedom. For years, she has been thinking about writing a book about her life and achievements... But also the struggles that helped her become the strong and fierce woman she is today. With her biography, Irena wants to show that if you're a free and independent woman, you have the right to make your own choices, not the ones that society, family, and friends tell you to make. Despite all the negative experiences she has been through, today Irena has no limits and continues to succeed. All is possible in life if we are respectful and positive towards our existence, other people, and our world.

  • af Serageldin Fayed
    182,95 kr.

    Serageldin Fayed guides us through the many relevant topics of Islamic culture and gives clear and concise explanations to long unanswered questions by offering us a little gem that will shed new light on Islam.In an effort to help non-Muslims to understand the problems of modern Islamic society, he destroys many of the foundations that Muslims today regard as axioms, and he is repairing what scholars have made of the original Islam in the past. He pokes the open wounds of the invented Islam and questions all the layers that have been put over the original worship, century after century.He examines the customs, traditions and changes that have altered the authentic principles of Islamic culture that have spread into Western society and have distort our understanding.The complex system that 'invented' Islam has produced, is inevitably a part of German and Western society but where do the problems in today's invented Islam come from? And what would be the solutions? Are we really striving for genuine integration and a civilised world without blood, hatred and violence? Serageldin Fayed revolutionises our understanding of Islam in a fluid, brilliant essay that brings us closer to one of the religious pillars of humanity. Serageldin Fayed is an Egyptian writer, born in Mit Ghamr in Dakahlia province on 21 May 1985 and an integration course instructor by profession. He has studied German language and literature at Al Azhar University in Cairo and attended various training courses and courses such as travel guidance in German at the Goethe Institute Cairo. In 2013 he moved to Germany and, in addition to his work as a teacher, he wrote several articles for the Landshuter Zeitung. In Egypt as well as in Germany, reports about Serageldin Fayed also appeared in the press. In Berlin, he taught Arabic and German at the DTZ and VHS. He currently teaches German as a second language in Haus International Landshut and, as an imam, helps people in word and deed.

  • af Swastika Juggernath
    242,95 kr.

    A Father's Daughter is both a journey through grief and the healing of the soul. By adopting an intimate and familiar style of writing, the author uncovers the painful reality behind the loss of a loved one. Nothing could have prepared her for the sudden loss of her father due to the Covid-19 pandemic. By sharing her experience as well as her childhood memories, the author takes the reader by the hand and shows how grief is often followed by regret and anger, especially when facing the loss of someone we consider special and irreplaceable. Nevertheless, recovering is possible although equally painful. It requires a high price to pay and afterwards, as the author suggests, it usually drives you to ask yourself more questions in the attempt to prepare the ones who will, in the future, find themselves in the same situation. Swastika Juggernath, a sneaker portfolio manager by day at Bata South Africa, possess a PHD in Bus Sc. and is also a mum of two kids with a peculiar sense of humour to stay sane. Named after the originating, ancient, well-wishing Hindu Sanskrit symbol, Swastika can herself be found reading and researching when she is not passionately writing. Swastika's passion for writing stemmed at an early stage when she enjoyed writing essays and continued even after she escalated her writing through academic levels until her long-life dream of PHD, achieved in 2020. She doesn't consider herself a famous writer but only an average mum and daughter who has experienced grief and now has decided to share it with the world.

  • af Federico Cabianca
    342,95 kr.

    Il tempo assegnato agli uomini sta per scadere. Nella bolla onirica in cui si è ritrovato per effetto dell'assalto alle Twin Towers, Adanoo riceve una missione da compiere per conto di una Entità Superiore: porsi sul sentiero della ricerca per scoprire i doni che furono conferiti agli uomini all'origine del mondo, perché, sviluppandone il germe, l'umana progenie potesse progredire e raggiungere i traguardi ad essa fissati dal Supremo Ideatore.

  • af Luca Barozzi
    297,95 kr.

    Dall'integrità di uno specchio magico dipende l'incantesimo che tiene imprigionato l'invulnerabile Hoobridar e le mostruose creature karosor in un'altra dimensione.Purtroppo, Borsian, comandante delle legioni calefire, nonché servo fedele del traditore Uls, il dio del fuoco, è interessato a mettere le mani sullo specchio per espandere i propri poteri. Minaccia così di riportare nel caos il mondo di Elolbia dopo quattro secoli di pace. Si racconta che nessun esercito possa avere speranza contro il potere oscuro di Hoobridar e il suo ritorno, a detta di alcuni, è ormai un timore fondato.Non tutto è perduto però. Alle prime avvisaglie di una guerra, un intrepido cavaliere di nome Blinzago saprà distinguersi tra le forze del bene, al punto che sarà presto impegnato a reggere su di sé il destino di molti.Il cavaliere di Obridania è il primo libro de "Le Guerre del Fuoco", l'originale serie fantasy scritta e ideata da Luca Barozzi. In un mondo pseudo-medievale puramente immaginario, creato da dèi, avrà luogo l'eterna lotta tra bene e male, alla quale prenderanno parte non solo uomini, ma anche maghi, demoni, semidei e creature del mondo animale la cui originaria natura è stata orrendamente alterata: i karosor.Sito web dell'autore:

  • af Cate Zorn
    147,95 kr.

    "You know Cinnamon. I sometimes think that if Zelda did know about us. she would be very happy to have us here."Zelda loves two things: cooking and kids and kids love learning new sweet recipes from her Cooking with Zelda TV programme. But at home. Zelda's kitchen holds a secret - it's home to five fairies!Tarragon, Tabasco, and Coriander are three young fairies full of mischief and with Cinnamon, the eldest and wisest and his wife Vanilla they have made a comfortable home in Zelda's kitchen cupboard.From running around on top of a birthday cake, to using spaghetti as a skipping rope, these fairies never get bored but will Zelda ever find out she has little helpers wandering around her kitchen?

  • af Francisca Cherrel
    267,95 kr.

    As a researcher and a practitioner, with multicultural experience, Dr. Cherrel Francisca has great expertise in helping couples make their marriage divorce-resistant. The underlying aim of this well-structured book, that provides a wealth of theoretical knowledge as well as "how-to" advice, is to develop the "relational intelligence" of couples. Each topic is treated from four angles: a) the knowledge that is needed; b) the right attitude that needs to be acquired; c) the skills that must be developed; and d) the traits that are to be formed and at times corrected. It demands time to read Dr. Cherrel Francisca's very complete book, but it is fully worth it.Dr. Reinder Bruinsma (PhD from University of London) Prolific Writer with numerous publications and recipient of Royal Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau Cherrel Francisca's book Relationship Intelligence: An Update on the Profile of Long-Lasting Marriages, is an impressive accomplishment. Informed, detailed and comprehensive, it addresses the lack of relational intelligence that lies at the base of much marital breakdown. Consequently, it focuses on developing the competencies needed to produce flourishing marriages. Each chapter concludes with three helpful sections: "Tips and recommendations"; "Concrete actions to take"; "Practical exercises". It will make a strong contribution to creating and maintaining loving and stable marriages.Laurence Turner (PhD from Princeton University) Author and Principal lecturer Emeritus at Newbold College Many people are currently building their immunity in order to avoid the most serious consequences of becoming infected by the Corona Virus. While at the same time, Relationship Intelligence: An Update on the Profile of Long-Lasting Marriage is presenting another immunity building antidote for divorce immunity and a fulfilled and satisfying experience in marriage.If you are happily married and is seeking an upgrade, if you are planning a wedding or dreaming of getting married someday, you need to read this book. Dr. Cherrel Francisca has offered priceless information, strategies and counsel that will enrich, positively impact and save not just marriages, but families, that is well timed and long overdue. I whole heartly endorse this book.June Ann Smith, PhD, LMFT, LCMHC, LCSW, NCC Chair, Department of Counseling & Development, Long Island University, NY Cherrel J. Francisca is an accomplished professional with expertise in family life education, counseling, relationship coaching, teaching, and motivational speaking. He has two bachelor's degrees, a master's degree in Family Relations with emphasis on therapy, and a doctorate (PhD) in Family Life Education and Consultancy. He has been working with NGO and religious organizations; and has been in the counseling and coaching field for over 25 years. Additionally, Cherrel has also worked as a religious leader in churches, as a chaplain at schools, as a spiritual advisor/counselor and as president of religious organizations. He has also created the first competency and research-based marital and relationship educational program and is actively involved in providing both premarital as well as marital education.

  • af Butros Hanna
    209,95 kr.

    From Feast to Famine tells the story of three generations of the Wahba family, a wealthy Coptic family. The saga begins in Egypt at the turn of the 20th century and follows the twists and turns of the lives of Amin Wahba, his only son Farid, and his three grandchildren, Boulos, Mary and Joseph. In the span of these three generations, tragic events will happen that will change the fate of the Wahba family, as it intertwines with those of a world at war and a country in turmoil. Two World Wars, the Revolution of July 1952, the 1956 Suez War, and the Six-Day War of 1967 will take their toll on Egypt and the members of the Wahba family, until the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Church of Zeitun will provide solace to a Nation in mourning. Egyptian IT specialist immigrated to America after the Six-Day War of 1967, Butros Hanna went on to have a successful career and a fulfilling life in the United States as an engineer and manager in the telecommunications industry, working in his field both in American and European branches of many large US companies. In January 2003, after a two-year assignment in Brussels, he retired from his latest job to start a whole new career as a writer, beginning his path towards publication.From Feast to Famine collects some of the many stories written by the author in almost a decade.

  • af Mike Heath
    282,95 kr.

    "The Rolling Stones are truly the greatest rock and roll band in the world and always will be," Dylan once famously said of his contemporaries. "The last too," he added. "Everything that came after them, metal, rap, punk, new wave, pop-rock, you name it... you can trace it all back to the Rolling Stones" Mike Heath is 75 and a retired history teacher specialising in modern History (the first World War onwards). He played rugby for his city - Peterborough and also at county level. He also played mixed hockey for fun and tennis in a competitive evening league.Upon retiring after 37 years teaching, his wife, Sandra (a former Practice Nursing Sister) and he came to live in Greece in the West Mani, Peloponnese in 2007 where they had a house built near Stoupa.Latterly he has had a book The Life and Times of Annie Williams published and available from Amazon and spent many a long hour chopping and changing this book on The Rolling Stones. It is now ready to meet the world. He has always been a big fan of most music, but it is the Stones who have taken prime place in his life as you will see in the book.

  • af Christopher Thornton
    257,95 kr.

    Iran in Pictures is a true insight and photographic journey inside one of the most ancient countries and cultures on our planet. The immense knowledge of the author about the country and his experience there deliver us a unique point of view on Iran's everyday life, its rich history and extraordinary culture. Christopher Thornton is a professor born in Chicago in 1956. Writer and photographer, he teaches in the Department of American Literature and Culture Studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He has worked as a special correspondent for the U.S. State Department's International Information Program and has written many articles and essays based on travel-related themes. In 2019 his first book, Descendants of Cyrus: Travels Through Everyday Iran, was published by the University of Nebraska Press. He is currently planning a book on eastern Europe that would also be a travel narrative. On the cover: Visitor in the Skeikh Lotfallah Mosque, Esfahan. Many secular Iranians visit the country's historic mosques to appreciate their architectural beauty and the peace and solitude they offer.

  • af Matthew Doerner
    177,95 kr.

    "The Quiet Things is a series of reflections on love, life, and everything in between. It comes from inside during some of my darkest moments where all I could do was write openly, freely and truthfully. Within these stories are sadness, darkness, love and hope. It is a collection of moments spread over time. It is a little bit of the dark mixed with the light."-The Author Matthew Doerner was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. He studied his early years as a chef and, just like his love for cooking, he also fell in love with words and writing. In the early days of high school, he was introduced to Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet, that opened the idea of what writing could be. From Shakespeare to the worlds of Ginsberg and Bukowski is where the love of writing poetry truly bloomed.Writing became part escape and part therapy, a way to deal with emotions that couldn't be verbalized. It was the solitude within the words that he now shares with others. Poetry can truly save the soul, heal the wounds, and make the world seem bright again.

  • af Tanya Moore Fleiser
    227,95 kr.

    As a successful businesswoman and owner of a modelling agency in South Africa, Tanya struggled her addiction to pain pills and alcohol. Her crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis made staying away from medications near impossible until one day: Down wasn't far enough. Pain medication and boxed wine didn't cut it. A full-blown addiction to CAT was going to destroy her life.Through her journey from victim to victor, Tanya discovers an inner strength to overcome the foundation of grooming and child sexual abuse that set the stage for a self-destructive path. She takes control of her life through many gut wrenching struggles, finding salvation through repeated supernatural intervention, which creates in her a fierce determination and ultimately unshakable faith in God.Her hope is that those who read her story and have a similar past will receive the strength they need and realise that they have a voice, that ALL things are possible! That beyond the darkness of abuse, there is indeed radiant light, love and freedom. Tanya offers guidance to those who struggle with addiction and trauma through

  • af Rod Giblett
    217,95 kr.

    With its rich blend of fiction and faction ('non-fiction') crossing between history and philosophy, and combining memoir and biography, Swamp Deaths is a unique series of detective stories written by a swamp ghost writer. It mixes different types of texts and creates new and intriguing ways of environmental storytelling that will fascinate and delight rusted-on readers of detective fiction and attract new ones. Rod Giblett is the author of 30 books of fiction and faction ('non-fiction'). He lived by a swamp in Western Australia for 28 years and wrote several books about it. He now lives in Melbourne and wrote about it as a city of ghost swamps in several books. He is Honorary Associate Professor in the Writing and Literature Program at Deakin University.Cover Image: Eugene von Guérard, Mount William and part of the Grampians in West Victoria 1865 Oil on cardboard, 30.3 x 40.6 cm National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Collier Bequest 1955 (1562-5).

  • af Vicente Gonzalvo Navarro
    267,95 kr.

    In Playing Chess with the Devil - Worlds Situation in a Nutshell, the Author offers a remarkable essay which can be considered a valid instrument to reflect about Humankind destiny. A deep study and research of great interest, as he says, to "all those attentive to the study of national security, geopolitics, economics, and interactions between states that may have, soon, obvious consequences for worlds safety". History has always taught us that understanding its root causes is essential if we are to prevent future conflicts.Interesting insights on the art of war, illuminating and cultured digressions on the whole world chessboard make this essay one of the most brilliant examples of reflection on highly topical issues. Vicente Gonzalvo Navarro, was born in 1973, in Spain.Raised in a military family he belongs to the Armada; he is an officer of the Spanish Marine Corps since 1997. During his military assignments he has commanded different units, such as the Second Marines Battalion (Tercio de Armada), developing an intense professional life in different countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. He has a PhD in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid and is a recognized author. Has lived and followed many of the conflicts and tensions he explains and analyses in this book, giving his unique point of view and contributing in this sense to the diffusion of the knowledge in the security and international relations domain.

  • af Prachurya Bharadwaj
    227,95 kr.

    The name Prachurya means Goddess of wealth in ancient Sanskrit. True to that meaning, Prachurya Bharadwaj the author, has accumulated herself an ocean of experiences, that very few 28-year-olds would fathom.She didn't just stop at one post-graduate degree in engineering but pursued another one, then some more professional courses after that. At 21, when she went abroad to study, she found internship opportunities in one country, created a start-up in another followed by full-time positions, then again in another country where she bought her first house. This book is a story of her defeating all odds, taking proactive measures, rising above those who thought too little of her, healing herself of continuous traumas stacked over the ones from her childhood.Today she works in the Netherlands as a technical lead for development of unique technology, that should ascertain the leadership of ASML in the semiconductor industry. This exciting read is only a part of her story, going from the age of around 7 until 28, when she perceived that this was the pinnacle of her success.Her upcoming books will contain the story of what happens after that epitome of success. You guessed it right. She keeps achieving more.

  • af Mariela
    197,95 kr.

    Having lost Ina to cancer, Villi confronts memories linked to their life before and after Bulgaria's transition to democracy in the 1990s.Will he overcome the fact that their son is addicted to drugs?El, their daughter, is overwhelmed with emotion in the face of the tragedy in the family. What is her and her family's role in moving forward?The accelerating deterioration of Bulgaria-Türkiye relations in the Eighties and the resistance of the ethnic Türks in Bulgaria deliver a blow to national security and the political system. How does this subline interact with the main story line?The author creates insight into the minds of her characters and endeavours to balance shifting perspectives, dramatic irony, suspense and action. Mariela was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. She graduated in English and Bulgarian philology and EU Law, International Finance and Relations. She has lived, worked and done research in Luxembourg, Belgium and Greece. She has been named in the first Global Diversity list of The Economist for her work in the sphere of human rights and social inclusion and has contributed to The Parliament magazine. She is a former member of the European Parliament and member of Pen International Women Writers' Committee.She is active in swimming and jogging and takes part in global initiatives to raise funds. One of them is Theirworld, Your Walk, an initiative to raise funds to help every child have a safe place to learn.

  • af Dylan Robert Wolney
    147,95 kr.

  • af Alicja Reilly
    227,95 kr.

  • af Roberto Muylaert
    242,95 kr.

  • af Suzan Nana Tarablus
    267,95 kr.

    Daddy, why do they call us Dönmeh? is a collection of interviews through which the author was able to shine a light on the famous messianic movement of Sabbatai Sevi from the 17th century and which continues to survive in its multiple identities. Even if today most of the old community has disappeared, the remaining few members of this society keep fighting to preserve their traditions by telling stories about their families as well as by laying bare both their fears and hopes for the future of the Salonican. Suzan Nana Tarablus was born in Istanbul. She graduated from the Arnavutköy American College for Girls and studied American Language and Literature at Istanbul University. During the years 1995-1997, she was the first professional editor-in-chief of ¿alom Newspaper. Her research and travel articles have been published in ¿alom Magazine where she has also been working as the editor-in-chief since 2016. She is the author of three other books, Bir Sabah Galata'da Uyand¿m (One Morning I Woke Up at Galata), Çek Kay¿kç¿ Balat'a (Boatman row to Balat!), and Küaktan küäa Kuzguncuk yolculüum (My Kuzguncuk journey through generations) all published by Varl¿k Yay¿nc¿l¿k. She is a member of the Press Council since 2020 and the mother of two sons, Eyal and Eytan.

  • af Andre Swanepoel
    152,95 kr.

  • af I. The Person
    207,95 kr.

  • af Evelin Vihtol
    177,95 kr.

  • af Janja Nagli¿
    232,95 kr.

  • af Cosmin-Stefan Georgescu
    203,95 kr.

  • af Roddy O'Sullivan
    217,95 kr.

  • af Radoslava Antonova Kostadinova
    197,95 kr.

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