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  • af Father Spyridon Bailey
    160,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Marie Abberton
    117,95 kr.

    This is a collection of poems written by Catherine Abberton, most of which were written during lockdown. The title poem being Ode to the Viaduct is a tribute to the builders of a local landmark, the natural surroundings and its present day use. Other poems that were written during or before lockdown a under headings of those as follows: Nature, Lore, Plight and Eternal to name a few. Reader, with such a variety of themes, the author hopes you'll find a cherished one.

    502,95 kr.

    Conclusion & Overview of this Books discussed Content So I have tried to give an over all encompassing full rounded picture of the true nature of the realites of Spirit, of this Super Advanced DNA Biotechnology of our biological Avatars & our surrounding realities, of the true essence of nature. To do this I encompassed many subjects starting with the medicinal plants, the Spirits of Mother Ayahuasca, her bonitanical biological chemical mechanics & the energies & sciences behind them and that of this Super Advanced Holographical DNA Biotechnology. I also therefore had to give an overview of the Original Seed Wars the Angelic Wars and discuss other races involved including the Satanic Cult of Baal & the Anunnaki and some parts of Universal and Galactic history, so that we can understand why us Christos conscious Lyran humans of humanity are being suppressed & murdered on a continuum, its because we are in a Seed War of consciousness. It was important to get an overview by discussing the sacred geometric building blocks of cells that build the scaffolding of all life, and there energetic field make up on the micron level of this DNA biotechnology & to discuss our Luminous Energy fields that envelope our human avatars which is the software that informs the hardware the DNA to grow the biological avatar form, & to discuss the hidden Schematic Blueprint of an Eternal Light body within your DNA make up & to discuss Service to Self & Service to Others Ideology. This I felt would allow me to write a book with an overview of this Holographical Creation of Super Advanced DNA Biotechnology & to perceive the essence of Spirit our Ultra-Violet Divine Energetic Consciousness & the Eternal realms outside of time & space in the realms of Spirit. The Holographical Creation is a puzzle for Souls to solve & transend through by Consciously activating there DNA. Blessings LoveLifeLee

  • af P J Abberton
    307,95 kr.

    Whilst the madness of the Popish Plot raged across England, terrible events unravelled in the village of Hulster in Yorkshire in the autumn of 1678. Five people died in singular circumstances. But all debate was suppressed by the authorities. They dreaded the consequences for the security of England if certain aspects became known. Indeed, they feared for the very future of Christian Civilisation. Fifty years later, Erasmus Penn is summoned by the Lord Chancellor. He is instructed to tell the extraordinary story of how Isaac, the most famous natural philosopher of the age, used his remarkable intellect to solve the mystery of the 'Hulster Secret'.

  • af Roy Grantham
    212,95 kr.

    Little BeechdownThis is a novel about a village and a village is its people and their goings on. Little Beechdown has its pub, the Cheesemans Arms, its church with new vicar Scott Mayfield, its village shop run by the local gossip Mrs. Batchelor, a village green and the school with its dedicated teachers and of course the caring local doctor Tim Gosforth who lost his wife some years ago. Add to the mix the local formers, their farm workers and their families and the local characters such as Madeliene Springfield (Maddy) a lady with a history as well as barmaids, a couple of happy lesbians, a retired sea captain and his Chinese wife Mai Lu and then people who just live in the village because they love it and you have the makings of a story. The novel covers a the joys and tribulations of several of the villagers such as those of teacher Elizabeth Holroyd, recently freed from her life of toil looking after her mother who has now died. Ted Johnson,out of step with the age and now guilty of rape, the young farmer's daughter, Rachel, victim of the crime, Mark Gosforth back from South Africa falling for the Cullthorpe's daughter Christine over from France, the tragic Mai Lu mysteriously dying of what she perceives as betrayal.Then onto the scene comes Roger Hanbury buying the dilapidated Ullacome Manor, saving the local shop and giving the local youths something to do. The Standishes, newcomers to the village have their own domestic problems while troubled partners, the Trylans also face their demons. The very attractive local barmaid with her affair with local garage owner Paul Skipton and the minor criminal Billy Fuller add to the kaleidoscope which makes up village society.

    129,95 kr.

    In present times we can clearly perceive that there has been an explosion of children confused about there gender, of the two only genetic biological genders of either Male or Female. At the same time its clear to see the agenda of subliminal messaging and its influence on society, and on the most targeted, the children, that are being programmed, indoctrinated and brainwashed into a Mental Illness of Gender Identity Disorder also known as Gender Dysphoria. This book discusses what gender identity disorder is the symptoms, the medical research, the medical programming, the indoctrination, and the negative forces behind forcing a mental illness on to humanities children and society.

  • af Judith Arnopp
    145,95 kr.

    A Matter of FaithThe Days of the PhoenixBook Two of The Henrician ChronicleFinally free of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII is now married to Anne Boleyn, and eagerly awaits the birth of his son. In a court still reeling from the royal divorce and amid growing resentment against church reform, Henry must negotiate widespread resentment toward Anne. But his lifelong dreams of a son to cement his Tudor bloodline are shattered when Anne is delivered of a daughter.Burying his disappointment, Henry focuses on getting her with child again, but their marriage is volatile and, as Henry faces personal bereavement and discord at court, Anne's enemies are gathering. When the queen miscarries of a son, and Henry suffers a life-threatening accident, his need for an heir becomes vital. Waiting in the wings is Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting, who offers the king respite from Anne's fiery passions.But, when Anne falls foul of her former ally, Thomas Cromwell, and the king is persuaded that Anne has made him a cuckold, Henry strikes out and the queen falls beneath the executioner's sword, taking key players in Henry's household with her. Jane Seymour, stepping up to replace the fallen queen, quickly becomes pregnant. Delighted with his dull but fertile wife, Henry's spirits rise even further when the prince is born safely. At last, Henry has all he desires, but even as he celebrates, fate is preparing to deliver one more staggering blow. The virile young prince is now a damaged middle-aged man, disappointed in those around him but most of all in himself. As the king's optimism diminishes, his intractability increases, and soon the wounded lion will begin to roar.

    217,95 kr.

    This book discusses the Hidden Knowledge of Manifesting a New Mindset With the Eight Fundamental Principles of Geomancy, of the Creation, of Life, that come from Cosmic Universal Natural Law. Also discussed is the Great Work, the Introduction to the Angelic Human Eternal Light Body, that is accessed via higher states of Consciousness & by accessing your Schematic Blueprint within your DNA. There are many types of Meditation Practices in this book, of Ancient Wisdom & Knowledge from Worldwide Cultures, & gained in my own Meditation Practices, & from my Shamanic Ceremonies, & via Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca. There is focus on attention of the Unconscious Mind & Conscious Mind & their relationship, a concentration on Breath Work, & accessing your Light Body via your DNA Blueprint the Schematics to your Eternal Rainbow Light Body, accessed via Meditation, Breath, Diet, and your Consciousness. Allowing you to access & travel in the Cosmos, in the Creation, in the Whole HyperDimensional Templar Light Time Matrix. Because we are Eternal Inter-dimensional Divine Light beings of Ultra Violet energetic Source Consciousness, we are the Christos Collective Cosmic Guardian's of the Creation.

  • af R J Gould
    167,95 kr.

    A tale of two husbands, two wives, and the woman in between.It is a June day and the rain is lashing down as Emma and Andrew move into the house of their dreams in an affluent London suburb. Two doors away, dejected Darren and Kelly are downsizing into their new home.It doesn't take long for the women to hit it off despite being opposites in many ways. Meanwhile Andrew, a teacher and poet, and Darren, an alarm systems installer, are at loggerheads from the word go. When Emma and Kelly decide to take breaks away together - to a spa, a countryside retreat, the Scottish Highlands - their men feel abandoned. Their animosity grows and the loyalty to their wives is tested when Mrs Hall moves in as their in-between neighbour. But who exactly is this woman and what game is she playing? The wives return from a stay in Scotland to discover that a lot has changed. Will their marriages be robust enough to survive?

  • af Billy Bodman
    185,95 kr.

    British Spymaster, the Earl of Tredomen, has always used his political intrigues to enhance his personal finances. Now that the Richleigh family are united once more making him cash-rich as a consequence, America becomes his sole aim where he is convinced that Civil War is a foregone conclusion. As a life-time defender of his country, he is aware that there are traitorous groups constantly plotting the downfall of the Government, and see the unrest in America as a way to attain their ambitions. He decides that the Richleigh family - intent on reaching the gold-fields of California - are perfectly placed to help him realise his plans. They are joined in the journey by Lady Rhiannon - now romantically linked to Daniel Richleigh - who is in partnership with the Earl in a banking venture. Younger brother Jonathan Richleigh goes along as a means of locating his sweetheart, Lady Bethan, who has been sent to America by her father to avoid their union. Before reaching California, they will experience political machinations, murder, commercial shenanigans and assassination, gaining friends but also malevolent enemies in the process.

  • af Iain Dryden
    144,95 kr.

    Lightly written, but based on scientific research, this little book illustrated with the author's walking sketches and littered with inspiring facts and proven techniques, shows how attentive walking helps us become who we wish to be. By engraining an awareness of the extraordinary physical and mental faculties evolution has granted us, 'Joyful Walking' encourages constructive, empowering mindsets which enhance our outlook, sense of wellbeing and compassion, for ourselves, for others and for our environment. This leads us to be sharp, alert... and of course joyfully in the moment as we stride to work or trek into the remotest mountains.

  • af Dennis Roy Grantham
    150,95 kr.

    Sam is the story of a young girl growing up with loving parents but then setting sail on a sea of turmoil involving various partners and births all of which she survives intact after an interesting journey through life. A precocious young girl jourmeys through childhood, university, relationships, motherhood and a career in social services while maintaining her personal integrity throughout.

    298,95 kr.

    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

  • af Heather Moon
    117,95 kr.

    This is a practical book aimed at the beginner who is seeking knowledge about working with the energies we live with and how to use these to maximum benefit. I've never been able to find a book with all this information within it. I've read many books over the years and picked up different bits of information in one book, something else in another, finding it quite complex at times to pull it all together. I decided to make it easier for others by writing this book and wanted to share this knowledge with you. We live on a wonderful planet and can harness her energy by working with it and following the Wheel of the Year. We can also follow the solar cycle and work with the sun's energy, plus the lunar cycle and the energy of the moon - and of course there's our own energy that we need to be aware of and in tune with so we can live more holistically and in balance with all the universal energy cycles. Everything is energy and all energy is intrinsically linked. This book isn't meant to tell you how to live, but to make you aware of the different energies and use them to your advantage. Once you're aware of how to work with these energies, I've incorporated information about the astrological signs and what you can achieve by working with them plus their associations, such as colours and crystals, which can enhance your work. I then move through working with the elements and how you can incorporate their energy in your practice and setting up your altar as a focal point and the magical tools you can use. Importantly I also include ways to cleanse your space and aura, plus how you can cast a circle and some ideas about what you might do within that circle. There are additional tips in the appendices which I hope will prove helpful to your spiritual practice. Take away what works for you - there is no set script about what you should or should not do. It's purely guidance and knowledge that you can work with if you choose to.

  • af William Tell
    131,95 kr.

    A story of hope and survival against the odds that challenged the mind, body and spirit. The book links seamlessly with 'Downing Street Species' book by the author and presents an amazing story of unique life and near death events. From Liverpool dockland on to 10 and 11 Downing Street and across the globe it describes unbelievable but true life episodes of psychic mystery witnessed by many, including those in high places. It relates his survival against the odds, his psychic discoveries and healing abilities, which amazed him as much as the many people it touched. William met and tried to influence three British Prime Ministers but they were not for turning. William's older brother drowned in a canal before he and his twin brother Tom were born some weeks later. William was destined to save four people from drowning in four separate events in his lifetime. He later prepared for and survived the first of many life challenges on a dark Friday 13th 1992 in the Lake District. William believes that we all have a life mission and that is to make a positive difference in people's lives. That belief drove him forward.

  • af Colin Cossor
    172,95 kr.

    When Samantha Saunders(friends call her Sam) is rescued from the sea by a handsome tramp, she never expects to see him again. Orphaned at twenty-six, she moves south from London to live with her aunt on England's south coast. She finds work at Flemings, the largest department store in the town .Sam loves the store and the colourful staff. The sad Mary Maguire, eccentric Bill Cocker, Donald, the ex soldier, decorated for bravery and the flamboyant Margo.She finds herself having to fend off the attentions of Andrew Fleming, the founder's grandson. Pompous, arrogant, conceited, he is used to getting his own way, especially with women. Sam has no desire to be another notch on his bedpost. He appears shallow and selfish. But is he?What of the enigmatic tramp who turns up where least expected?When Sam moved south she never expected her life would change quite so dramatically..

  • af William Tell
    166,95 kr.

    The book describes a journey into the habitats of species MP with unique insight into the UK political world. We are all species, but it seems that many of the 650 Westminster MPs have evolved a unique DNA. This seeks to secure their lifestyle protection and survival. The author met three Prime Ministers and two Chancellors of The Exchequer but was not impressed. In Liverpool the BBC asked him to do a film interview on what he would do if he was Prime Minister. He could have become a Labour Party MP but declined that invitation. His experiences started with a request to present to New Labour HQ on how to mobilise the 360,000 party members to win the General Election. Those experiences as unpaid strategy adviser and many more provide a unique insight into the powerbroker species. Cherie Blair/Booth wrote in her book to Bill my email friend. Cherie who laughed at his jokes was a conduit by email into No 10, but Prime Minister Blair was not for turning on Iraq, MP standards, economic management and other issues. The author presents to all people and emerging democracies a proposed blueprint for achieving political and democratic excellence.

  • af Joy Wood
    179,95 kr.

    Secrets and Lies Secrets and lies bind three women together. Jenna, the beautiful yet fragile wife of the heir to the Montgomery fortune. Bridget, the wily housekeeper who carries out her duties with diligence and guile. Lucy, the jewellery designer living an almost reclusive life. *** Oak Ridge is the mansion where the heinous Montgomery family reside. A place where subterfuge, blackmail and murder have become the order of the day. Challenging the Montgomery family is never an option - defeating them impossible. All three women are forced to take them on. But only one of them is confident of victory because she's watched and learned from the masters themselves.

  • af L A Preston
    184,95 kr.

    After the Asurlette dispatches smart electrons to the wars of mainland Europe in 1761, they veer off course and are ultimately distributed across Malabar Moor, killing many people. Nearly three centuries later, Onyx Cattarini is the metamorphic girl who rebels against her maker by utilising a strange diode that is linked to the deaths, to help save her friend, Bronwyn, who has been physically altered in an act of deception. Is Ped-Carreg's spiritual officer, General Llanfair, willing to risk the future of the pre-physical plane of Asurletia by altering light creation to help a deluded professor searching for his dead wife? Or will their dangerous escapades finally consume all of their souls?

  • af Neil Beardmore
    109,95 kr.

    In the seventies school friend, artist and band member Rych and I worked on the production line of a major car company to get money to buy new gear: an electric piano for me, for Rych a guitar; instruments which in our youthful dreams we thought would ride us to fame. Blues inspired songwriting led me to poetry. Blues Art Guitars charts Rych's band's tour of Amsterdam in the eighties. Inspired by my wife and muse Ashra, this selection ranges widely, encompassing much over the years: from views of India to teaching experiences, poems about art and artists, the French Revolution, to origins of photography and perceptions of internationally established poets. Brought together here for the first time are numbers of poems previously published in magazines such as Orbis, The French Literary Review, Cannon's Mouth, Erbacce and others. Many of these poems have been read around the country, particularly at the St Ives Literary Festival where Bob Devereux and I performed an illustrated poetry set on Painters and Painting. My two novels, Lemon Seas and Painted Ghosts can be found at Pneuma Springs Publishing and Amazon. And see more at my website: Sadly Rych is no longer with us but my search for glory in my new band Blue Me Away continues . . . Neil Beardmore. 2022

  • af Mike Lowe
    161,95 kr.

    In perhaps his last story, Paul Thomas, the intrepid investigative journalist, is retired and looking forward to a quiet life. But events intervene and while in Spain with his car club he finds himself entrusted with a dangerous parcel. He seeks help from an old friend and they visit steam fairs in both England and Germany as they try to find the parcel's rightful owner. He is pursued and threatened by agents of three nations' secret services. His life is put in danger. Unable to see a way out, he prepares to die.

  • af Sandy Davidson
    131,95 kr.

    A magical realist take on the rites of passage of a miscreant South Londoner. The first in a series Loughborough Boy; Sexy Things tackles sex head on from childhood to early adulthood. An honest, unpatronising and sometimes uncompromising look at sexual awakening from multiple angles, that does not shy away from difficult or tabu issues but manages to do so whilst retaining always at least some element of innocence. Often funny but also at times profound, it takes us on a journey through some of the darker corners of the childhood mindscape and challenges commonly held perceptions of what exactly sex is.

  • af John Knight
    152,95 kr.

    Fashion photographer Mack MacKinnon's world is on fire! For some, 1968 is the year of sex, drugs, and rock 'n'roll. For Mack it's sharing a love life under one roof with fashion designer Effy, and model Angie. When Effy returns from the States, she is no longer the same person who left. What has happened to change her? To make matters worse Soho's Maltese Mafia needs him for a job. Meanwhile Greek shipping tycoon Konstantinos wants payback for what Mack did to him. Somehow Mack intends to deal with it all and come out on top. The start of the second trilogy in the Jimmy Mack saga, following on from Jimmy Mack - Some Kind of Wonderful, and the Jimmy Mack 1967 trilogy (Strong Love, Let The Good Times Roll, and The New Breed). The Jimmy Mack saga follows the rise of a young teenage Mod to manhood in the Swinging Sixties as a fashion photographer.

  • af Arthur Cola
    157,95 kr.

    "Love is a funny thing. It blooms when least expected, grows at a pace not always desired, connects people in a bond as strong as marble and as delicate as lace, and it gives of itself freely and without reservation." Arthur Cola brings his definition of love to his 7th book of the De Cenza Murder Mystery series while at the same time ending a trilogy revolving around the Legend of Joseph Bonaparte. A celebration of love is being planned when at the same time another is taking place in the Field Museum of Chicago. The exhibition of the missing Crown Jewels of Spain has become one of the most celebrated historical discoveries of the decade. But it wasn't the only significant research conducted by Professor Andrew Pettigrew of Oxford University and his team of researchers turned sleuths. The group being led by a younger version of Sherlock Holmes, one Ron De Cenza and his Watson, Bob Wentz now included the love of Ron's life, though he didn't realize it until their lives were almost lost. Susan O'Hara Liguri and he have become a team to be reckoned with. Their life was about to change and just as the fireworks were being planned, their life once again becomes engulfed in murder, intrigue and deception. A body is found in a fountain, a terrorist organization returns with a vengeance to kill, treasures are endangered and Murder in the Museum covers joy and love with blood from a Pterodactyl.

  • af P J Dobree-Carey
    117,95 kr.

    Students and Parents! Are you heading off to University, College, or perhaps starting a professional career? Confused on how to organise your move, where to start and what to do next?From High School to Uni is an award-winning A-Z guide to help students (and helpful parents) navigate the confusing path to a new life on campus. You will learn how to plan and organize your departure, what to pack, how to create a student budget, and other essential advice such as opening a bank account, renting accommodation for your second year, laundry, health and wellbeing, shopping and food prep - every aspect of student life is covered in this easy-to-read, practical guide book.Whether you are going to university in your own country or abroad, From High School to Uni will help you avoid common mistakes, give you pragmatic advice, top tips, and help you manage your transition with confidence.

  • af A. D. Hawkins
    162,95 kr.

  • af Robert Brightwell
    167,95 kr.

  • af Taylor Mathew Taylor
    145,95 kr.

    So you know when you're teaching maths and you're standing at the board, talking and you suddenly find that there doesn't seem to be a word for the thing you want to say? You do? Then this book is for you. It contains greater than or equal to 365 real and imaginary mathematical words collected together for precisely these situations. And if you're not a maths teacher, then this is the ideal book for the maths teacher in your life, whoever they are.

  • af Mark McKerracher
    164,95 kr.

    An unstoppable disease. A fanatical doctor. A nightmare obsession. As a deadly plague rips through Harriet's village, unexpected salvation arrives in Adam: the bright-eyed novice healer with a hidden gift, who vanishes as quickly as he came. Haunted by weird nightmares and a witch's dying words, Harriet seeks the truth about Adam and his mysterious home at Wolfern Priory. But the world of healers is changing. The royal doctor Lady Hawkes is on a quest to perfect humanity, with her miraculous and addictive new treatment: the Mordant Sleep. Swept along by dark rumours, guilty secrets and ancient powers, Harriet is drawn into the shadowy conflict between Mordancy and medicine, and finds that perfection can be deadlier than any plague.

  • af Mike Lowe
    145,95 kr.

    Paul Thomas, remember him from 'Going Dutch' and 'Banger', along with his old friend Richard Allen, start a detective agency with their girlfriends. It all starts to go wrong when they are presented with a large sum of money and they clash with their old adversary, Inspector Williams.

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