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  • af Zechariah N Frame
    112,95 kr.

    Living with multiple sclerosis for 17 years has certainly had its challenges. There are many days I wish I could go for a run to clear my head, or sit in a challenging yoga position to contemplate my struggles... but unfortunately, my disease has progressed in such a way that these physical outlets are not options for me. So what is a person supposed to do to process their emotional energy? Sure, crying helps. But it only goes so far.As a certified life coach, educator, and trauma survivor, I know that keeping it buried will have negative long-term effects. Lashing out at others is a pretty negative practice as well. Punching bags are not much of a thing and water activities don't typically pan out for wheelchair users. Again, what are my options?I write. These sonnets are a reflection of emotions or feelings that I was unable to process in the moment of writing for whatever reason. Some of the sonnets capture progression of disability and provide an image to my ever-fading physical ability. Things like grooming, dressing, feeling forgotten by loved ones, marital challenges, physical challenges... Some of these themes are common even for the able-bodied, but with the additional strain of a handicap, simple tasks are anything but simple- leaving the soul to yearn for an escape. Just like life, it isn't all bad. There are humorous and lighthearted poems, as well as poems of love, celebration, birthdays and anniversaries.

  • af John Klawitter
    182,95 kr.

    In 1964, in an attempt to clean up the mess he has made with his Orange Glory Project, Charley Birch takes an agency operational vehical disguised as a garbage truck and attempts to assassinate one of his subjects, the Zoomin Kate Twillinger. He fails miserable, and yet one of his assistants takes on a life-long vow to kill her. Kate's family home is soon burned to the ground and the locals make her the prime suspect in the deaths of her murderous grandmother and the old woman's lover. Kate is placed in a convent school. Kate, who seems of a dreamy and drifty nature, talks to animals and pictures on the wall, and is quietly considered nuts. She would be committed, but there is a family trust fund that squirts out dividends with a certain regularity, and so she is given special treatment. Ten years later, she seems not to have aged much, and yet has with fingers crossed taken on the vows of a nun and is teaching biology in Southern California. Charley Birch is now dead, but his agency crew is still intent on killing Kate. Kate leaves the protection of the convent, dons a tight red t-shirt that says "Nuns Do It By Habit" and heads for rural Kern County for a substitute teaching job. Here she struggles to understand herself and her strange powers even as she angers a powerful local rancher who seems to run the entire county. Her troubles come to a head as she sleeps with the rancher's son (her student, even though he is in his mid-twenties). The rancher, who has secretly murdered his own wife, dopes and rapes her, and leaves her for dead in one of his remote orchard wells. Now is the time when Kate must find her way or be lost forever.

  • af Gary W. Babb
    132,95 kr.

  • af Davies Dorothy Davies
    157,95 kr.

    There are many other worlds, most appear in fiction but how many are based on real life? How many could we access if we found the right way in, the right key, the right password? Other Worlds offers you a brief glimpse of possibilities of some of these strange, often dangerous, occasionally endearing worlds, where death walks on silent feet and the access to the world is capable of being closed - for how long...This anthology contains the following: - Nothing Else Like Returning Home - Rickey Rivers Jr Congregation - Dorothy Davies The Primal Assassin - John Keane Miles To Go - Rie Sheridan Rose Soulbane - F G Laval Identity Crisis - Geoff Nedler Butterfly - Dorothy Davies The Retrieval - Rie Sheridan Rose Across a Broken Bridge - Rickey Rivers Jr In Space No One Can Hear You Sing - F G Laval Bugged - Rie Sheridan Rose Five Card Shuffle - David Turnbull Fool's Hope - Michael B Fletcher Replication - Dorothy Davies Do Humanoids Breathe Electric Air? - Dona Fox

  • af Marise Moreland
    180,95 kr.

    A military empire, an amnesiac stranger and a superweapon bequeathed to Celestra by its dying First Scientist. Three elements which portend disaster. To preserve their future, the peace-loving Celestrians must reluctantly declare war on the Eldorian Empire. And if they're to have any chance of victory, they're going to need some help. Help which is suspiciously close at hand...

  • af David Berardelli
    147,95 kr.

    In this latest instalment in The Funny Detective series, Ralph Deacon once again enlists the aid of his faithful partner, the beautiful and very dead Mike, to find out why the niece of his friend Neil Haversack, Chief of Detectives in the Orlando Police Department, was the recent victim of a kidnapping attempt. During the investigation, Deacon himself is kidnapped, and soon finds that the case has taken an irreversible turn.

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    167,95 kr.

    Someone is trying to kill Ralph Deacon, and it looks like the people involved are in the Orlando Mob. After some investigation, Deacon finds out that Giuseppe "Papa Joe" Raguzzo, the Mob's boss, has issued no such order, and that someone among the ranks, perhaps one of Papa Joe's closest associates, is attempting to take over. Papa Joe soon realizes Deacon is the only man he can trust, and hires him to find out who is trying to sabotage the Organization. However, Deacon is much too busy trying to survive, and might not be able to help Papa Joe. Deacon has one valuable ally: a beautiful angel named Mike, who refuses to let anything happen to him. But will Mike be able to help him in this case, when dozens in the Raguzzo Organization might be after him?

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    John Callen, an Orlando businessman, has flown to Pittsburgh to see an old Army buddy who lives in Bern, Ohio, a small town just two hours away. The two served in Iraq fifteen years earlier, and John hasn't seen his friend since Buster was shipped home after losing a leg from an IED.The reunion starts off well, but turns into a nightmare when John, after shopping in town, returns to Buster's home to find his old friend dead from a fall down the stairs. However, John suspects that Buster's accident might not have happened the way it initially appeared. After some investigation, John discovers that his beloved friend has become the victim of a murder.

  • af Vinson Terry Lloyd Vinson
    167,95 kr.

    A horrifying glimpse into the not-too-distant future! Spawned by the effects of Global Warming, those annoying household pests of old have been replaced by an infinitely more vicious species of hybrid insect and froth-spewing rodent...mutated bug and rat swarms which actually seek out and hunger for human flesh!Thus, the 21st Century exterminator was born...equipped with a 'can-kill' attitude, state-of-the art equipment and bug-melting pesticides, these modern-day pest assassins risk both life and limb while facing down the likes of Jamaican Cannibal Roaches, Skin-bore Ants, porcupine mantises and the ever-dreaded, ultra-poisonous Dual-Fanged Daddy Long-Legs! Read in spine-tingling anticipation as six of the planet's most noted pest control specialists face down the newest and greatest threat of all! Find out which of these stalwart adventurers will survive and who will merely join the mutilated ranks of the mutant-bug buffet! So don't bother checking your personal space for creepy, crawly, multi-legged intruders...just leave those brittle nerves behind and give a shout out for the brave men and women who so proudly profess to be the 'BUG STOMPERS OF THE 21St CENTURY!'

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    Aaron Grill suffers terrible nightmares. When his wife left him for another man, he turned to the bottle and lost his job, his lifestyle and his self-respect. One evening, he is viciously attacked, loses consciousness, and nearly dies. While unconscious, he experiences a hallucination in which a beautiful young woman appears and offers to rid him of his nightmares. When he regains consciousness, he remembers nothing, but when the woman visits him that same night to repeat her offer, he fears he has suffered a concussion and is imagining her. The woman convinces him she is real and that if he accepts her offer, he will no longer suffer nightmares. He is reluctant, but in desperation accepts her offer.As the days progress, he remembers nothing of the woman and soon realizes that he no longer suffers nightmares. He also discovers many other things in his life have changed. Bad luck vanishes. Good fortune has become his constant companion.However, when he meets the woman of his dreams, his good fortune abruptly vanishes. He senses that he has somehow become a pawn of evil and fears that whatever was done to cause these changes in his life will lead to his certain death.

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    197,95 kr.

    Hank Lee, a field representative for a large construction corporation in Orlando, Florida, is having a drink in a bar one night when he spots a woman who reminds him of someone he'd loved seven years earlier and foolishly let slip through his fingers. Before he can find out if it is truly her, the chain of events quickly turns chaotic, and Hank fears the woman of his dreams could be in grave danger. As he pursues the matter, he realizes he just might be right.Discovering Sally Burns has married one of the richest men in the state, Hank confronts the man with his suspicions about Sally's situation and bears the brunt of the software king's wrath. Suddenly Hank finds himself in danger too, targeted by mobsters. As he searches for the mysterious source of all this trouble, he discovers that corporate politics can be murder - literally. Behind the workings of an international company merger lies a web of greed, deceit, corruption, and revenge ... all which could ultimately lead to death.

  • af Vinson Terry Lloyd Vinson
    197,95 kr.

    Loners. Introverts. Hermits. Labels attached to those willfully isolated individuals who prefer their own company to the companionship of others. Not all such lone wolf personalities are birthed, however; some are gradually created-molded over time, perhaps even forced into a solitary existence by circumstances beyond their control.To the extroverted masses, there is truly no comprehending what they surely view as abnormal, borderline demented behavior exhibited by a loner minority.Then again, there can be tangible reasons behind such stark antisocial conduct, such as the deep, permanent psychological scarring that can occur from recalling unspeakable terrors both past and present.Thus to some, living a lone existence is not nearly so much a preference as it is destiny.Witness, then, six such psyche-altering transformations and the grave events that led those involved down a dark, twisted road toward utter isolation.

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    167,95 kr.

    Ralph Deacon is back at it, this time to do a small favor for his ex-wife, which should take him less than an hour. But he soon finds himself in the middle of murder, kidnapping, drug smuggling, and a brand-new escort service starting up in the Orlando area. Can he handle this tiny matter on his own? Or will he once again need help from his mysterious friend Mike?

  • af Berardelli David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    Ralph Deacon, a wise-cracking, small-time detective running a tiny office in downtown Orlando, Florida, is hired to find a deadbeat husband. In the process, he encounters some rough characters associated with the Orlando Mob and a mysterious young woman who comes to his aid during odd moments to help him out of tricky situations.

  • af Ernest R Rugenstein
    197,95 kr.

  • af Ernest R Rugenstein
    182,95 kr.

    When anti-Semitism is associated with Germany, many think first of the Nazi period. However, anti-Semitism existed politically in the Imperial period and still exists in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nevertheless, Nazism changed the perception of anti-Semitism socially and politically. That's not to say some form of anti-Semitism was benign during the Imperial period, rather that a notorious ideology can become even more deadly when socio-economic situations are influx and a large number of "haves" become "have nots".

  • af Janet C. Smith
    137,95 kr.

    Take one wet witch, a frog, a fish and a princess, add a king and queen, throw in a cat, sprinkle with slugs and snails, add a keeper of the king's creatures, invoke a spell - and stir! A tale for age ranges slightly greater than you'd think!Fun, Witty, and Brilliant. A fairytale like you haven't read before. This was such an enjoyable read! From the very beginning you realize that this isn't just your average fairytale ...

  • af Dorothy Davies
    157,95 kr.

    Fairy Tales have hidden depths: we don't often get to discover the real meaning of the mysterious creatures which show up in these stories. We read tales of kidnapped children, of young ones coerced into horrendous fates by getting involved with the shape changing older ones... the trickery and deceit which goes on under the very noses of the people who should have known better but who ended up getting involved... Knowing all this, we still come back for more. Once Upon A Scream is a collection of outrageous crimes committed against those who walk into the many traps laid for them, (Cinderella's ugly stepsisters are a case in point, Hansel and Gretel are another... that really is a 'child beware!' tale if ever there was one!) with every story bringing its own wild selection of nastiness by animals and people alike. Find a whole new world of fairy lands and strange people in this fascinating collection of dark stories written by the best writers we could find.

  • af Terry Lloyd Vinson
    192,95 kr.

    Fifty one contestants, each over forty years of age and having earned the distinction of representing their state of birth, vie for the ultimate prize in a futuristic foot race that will stretch the limits of sanity and endurance. Tasked to compete within a billion-dollar, state of the art dome located at the center of a vast, desolate desert range, the racers soon discover the challenge of merely keeping up with the pack a distant second to survival in what will become a grueling nightmare of hellish, techno-manufactured weather conditions and winner-take-all ruthlessness.

  • af David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    Jack Clarkson wakes up and finds himself in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and lush green grass, and a giant pine forest looming a hundred yards straight ahead. He has no idea how he got there, nor does he remember seeing such a place before. The last thing he remembers is driving to work earlier that morning.Just as he decides to explore this strange place, he encounters a lovely dark-haired woman who, like himself, has no recollection of how she'd gotten there, or anything that happened before.Together they explore this mysterious place to find out where it will take them. However, they soon discover many horrors in this beautiful world, among them, death, darkness, and a chilling loneliness neither of them has ever known before. As they continue their search, they both realize that the only thing that will save them is the very secret lying within the deepest fabric of this mysterious world. But they also discover that this same fabric, if unraveled, will cover their very existence in such darkness, light will never be able to enter their lives again.

  • - A tale of conflict, deceit and vengeance
    af Jeffrey Peter Clarke
    167,95 kr.

    What might the grey, part tumbled Cyclopean stones of Mycenae, a city said once to be rich in gold, tell us of her past if they could speak? The great wall surrounding the city, standing proud to keep out her enemies some three and a half thousand years ago, today proclaims in silence the depredations of men and of time. Through her famed Lion Gate, above which the rampant beasts of carved stone remain standing, once passed worthies, emissaries and traders from the Peloponnese and much of Greece beyond. Her alleyways, her squares, then alive with calls and chatter, with careering, pestering children and yapping dogs, offer now only gaping emptiness to birds wheeling darkly in the sky above. The palace, once looking down upon the city, once a centre of power and wealth, of vibrant columns, richly frescoed walls, proudly displayed bronze armour, weapons and trophies, lies open and desolate. Long forgotten are the finely attired courtiers who spiced the air with talk and laughter. It was here the bard played and sang of great deeds, here beyond memory the rulers and their coterie gathered and contrived the fate of others. The gods of old are gone but could those walls speak through the sighing breezes of night they would surely have dark tales to tell; tales of deceit, of intrigue and of murder. They might even now weep blood.

  • af David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    Nearly three months have passed since the plague of death had wiped out most of the world's population. The exact numbers, of course, could not be calculated, since there was no one left to work the computers or maintain the databanks. Even so, most computers were rendered inoperable due to mass power failures, and those still capable of using their mental facilities realized long ago that such responsibilities no longer mattered in the great scheme of things. Survival had taken precedence, and the phrase "survival of the fittest," trampled years ago and left in the cloud of indifference generated by the mass chaos of modern technology and sophisticated living, had returned triumphantly, bringing with it a primordial behavior that had been hidden for decades.

  • af Roger W. Kramer
    162,95 kr.

  • af Herbert Grosshans
    154,95 kr.

  • - Apocalypse 2
    af Gary W. Babb
    182,95 kr.

    The water world of Apsaran is dying and the humanoid inhabitants are near extinction. The last generation of one hundred, "Blue Team", are infertile and can no longer reproduce. They hope to escape and migrate to Earth, where the only other humanoid race exists. They hope to save their race, in part, by in-breeding with humans for the needed DNA diversity to reverse their infertility. Unfortunately, Earth is also on the brink of self-destruction, which would also doom any chance of survival for them. The Apsarians have advanced technology, and through this, some limited ability to view the future. They use this to witness the future impending collapse of Earth's civilization and fall into chaos. In order to save themselves, they must also save and partner with an Earth Survival Team prior to their arrival and Earth's collapse of civilization. While en route to Earth they recruit Mike Brannon via Earth's Internet to build this joint survival community and provides the funding source via Earth's Lottery through their advanced technology.Brin, the son of the last monarch on Apsaras, and his identical twin mates Meg and Peg lead the last generation of a hundred young adults in an exodus to Earth. They hope Earth's menage survival members of young, single, educated members can build and defend this community while they are en route. There own survival depends on it. These merged teams hope to defend their community and remain sequestered for a minimum of two years or until all the rioting and lawlessness runs its course. Afterward, they hope to help rebuild civilization.Unfortunately, as they reach Earth and the teams merge they find themselves in a battle to prevent Earth from destroying itself and their survival community they had managed to build in the process.Aquatic Humanoids is a parallel view from the aliens' point of view of a basic story previously presented in Apocalypse. Aquatic Humanoids begins on a distant planet and merges with and propels the original story beyond its previous limits. This is a work of science fiction laced with sexual content bordering on the taboo; but the erotic sex is part of the main SciFi story and a natural progression of the developing menage characters under diverse circumstances.CONTENT WARNING: Contains adult themes (erotica) which are unsuitable for persons under 18 years of age.

  • af Stewart MacInnes
    137,95 kr.

    The Tavy Gang Adventures is set in the 60's in the fictitious seaside town of Darnwall in the West Country. The adventures are recalled in the eyes of the fictious character of retired Policeman Jonathan Tavy. As a 11 year old boy JT tells of the adventures he had with his trusted gang of best friend Roley, his sister Bets and her friend Zee. Led by JT they investigate the crimes that are committed in Darnwall and set about bringing the villains to justice. JT's hero is Sherlock Holmes and like him JT uses the aid of science to unravel the clues. Just as Sherlock Holmes adversary was Moriaty, JT's was The Man With His Dog and JT sets out to thwart this villain's crimes at every opportunity.The 60's was a time when life was lot simpler than it is today. TV was relatively new, there were no mobile phones or internet and children back then had to use their imagination and make their own entertainment.

  • af Dorothy Davies
    167,95 kr.

    Eight long reads from very different writers for you to enjoy.In this volume we have: -Woodenhead Haunts My Dreams - David TurnbullThe Death Of Each Day's Life - Brooke MacKenzieDJ vs. the Corona-Dogman - Edward R. RosickHellen On Earth - R W GoldsmithThe Ghost Of Christmas Past - Dorothy DaviesUntil The Light Takes Us - Paul EdwardsHigh Stakes - Terrance Mc ArthurThe Boundary Waters - Brooke MacKenzie

  • af Diana Philbrick
    112,95 kr.

    Legate Plecio sends for his wife and daughter, but while they are under Centurion Metella's protection, the new Pict chief, Drust, captures the daughter, Lollia. Eager to embarrass the Romans, he has Lollia's handmaiden killed and takes the girl back to the Pict village to complete his vengeance. The legate blames Metella and a tribunal has him scourged and banished. What happens next shocks even the unflappable Metella.

  • af David Berardelli
    182,95 kr.

    It's the undetermined but near future. America's population is plunging, beset by a mysterious plague that robs individuals of their mental faculties before causing catastrophic respiratory failure. One by one, the institutions of society are also failing. Electric power, media, and law enforcement have become nearly non-existent. Only a small force, of military origin but exhibiting strange behavior and superhuman abilities, seems to be functioning.Amid this dark and disturbing world, former soldier Alan Moss, who remains unaffected by the disease, struggles to survive the roving bands of murderous thugs-of both sexes-who are preying on the dead and dying. As he undertakes a thousand-mile drive from his home in Orlando to his mother's farm in western Pennsylvania, the highways become concrete battlefields that expose him to horrors he had not encountered even during his difficult military service. Along the way he hooks up with Reed McCallum, an ex-schoolteacher and recent victim of a mugging; and Brooke Fields, a nurse who has left the disintegrating medical system at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Together, the trio faces danger at every turn.

  • af Daniel L Darke
    147,95 kr.

    Everyone who knew Sam Hughes always suspected that he would meet his death at the hands of a jealous husband. Sam saw no reason to think otherwise. He had been obsessed with women for more than half of his thirty-two years and simply did not care. If a woman turned him on, he went after her blindly.Sam would soon learn that after his death, he would meet his true destiny in Hell in the form of a demon whose insatiable demands not only complemented his own, but would quickly turn into something he never thought he would ever be prepared to face.

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