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Bøger udgivet af Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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  • - an integrated bioenergy food security assessment
    af Food and Agriculture Organization & Ministry of Energy Zambia
    305,95 kr.

    Defines which bioenergy options can be viable solutions for electricity production, cooking fuels and transport fuels in Zambia. Possible options originating from crop residues, livestock residues and forest plantation harvesting residues are identified.

  • - a compendium of fifteen good practices
    af Food and Agriculture Organization
    472,95 kr.

    These 15 approaches address gender inequality issues, including unequal workloads, gender-based violence and women's unequal access to resources. The compendium also includes ideas on how to scale up gender transformative approaches.

  • - results from the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen environmental survey, programme report
    af Food and Agriculture Organization
    271,95 kr.

    Presents the measurements of grain size, total organic carbon, hydrocarbons and metals in surface sediments collected from 40 locations off the coast of northern Mozambique with the conclusion that no significant oil-related pollution was detected.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    728,95 kr.

    Este marco orienta a la Organizacion y a su personal hacia la integracion de las medidas que abordan el trabajo infantil en el trabajo, los programas y las iniciativas tipicas de la FAO a nivel mundial, regional y nacional.

  • - Lecciones Aprendidas de Pesquerias de America del Sur
    af O. Defeo
    893,95 kr.

    La FAO ha promovido el Enfoque Ecosistomico Pesquero (EEP) como una aproximacion holistica deseable para mejorar la situacion critica de la pesca a nivel mundial. A pesar de su amplia aceptacion, se desconoce el grado en que la adopcion del EEP se ha traducido en cambios reales en los sistemas de gestion.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    644,95 kr.

    La presente compilation analyse les instruments internationaux relatifs O l'utilisation des agents antimicrobiens tout au long de leur cycle de vie, et l'impact de ces derniers sur la sante humaine et animale et sur l'environnement.

  • - Document technique
    af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    824,95 kr.

    Le present manuel de reference vise O favoriser l'apprentissage mutuel en vue de l'adaptation et l'expansion de modTHles d'Alimentation scolaire issue de la production locale (ASPL) reussis.

  • - Documento tecnico
    af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    822,95 kr.

    Este marco pretende apoyar el aprendizaje mutuo para la adaptacion y expansion de modelos exitosos de alimentacion escolar con productos locales (AEPL). Los principales objetivos son aclarar los conceptos, el alcance y los objetivos de los programas de alimentacion escolar con productos locales.

  • - solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa
    af Food and Agriculture Organization, Maher Salman & Eva Pek
    794,95 kr.

    Discusses possible relief measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the African continent. The paper argues that applying a "multiple water use" approach, where water from the same source or infrastructure has multiple uses and functions, would contribute to fighting the pandemic while ensuring basic needs relating to food security.

  • - remote sensing for water productivity
    af Food and Agriculture Organization & Delft Institute for Water Education
    975,95 kr.

    Focuses on water availability, use and needs in the Niger River Basin. The study suggests that there is potential for agricultural expansion in the basin area, although it is recommended that any expansion should take into account the impacts of climate variability on seasonal and periodic availability of water resources.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization
    977,95 kr.

    Presents a compilation of statistical data on capture fisheries and aquaculture production, employment, commodities production and trade, apparent fish consumption and fishing fleets. The report contains summary tables, notes on major trends, concepts, classifications and a map of FAO major fishing areas.

  • - survey 2019-2024
    af Food and Agriculture Organization
    893,95 kr.

    The annual FAO survey of world pulp and paper capacities is based on figures received from correspondents. The publication features country tables for pulp and paper; grade tables showing the volume of production capacity by country, for each product and product aggregate code; and production tables by country.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    367,95 - 1.306,95 kr.

  • - Principios rectores
    af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    367,95 kr.

    Estos principios rectores son el resultado de una consulta de expertos dirigida conjuntamente por la FAO y la OMS en julio de 2019.

  • - Qualitative Risk Assessment and Management
    af Food and Agriculture Organization & Xavier Roche
    644,95 kr.

    Presents the latest information available on Lumpy skin disease (LSD) in South, Southeast and East Asia. The publication describes the complex bovine value chain in the region and provides an overview of control and prevention approaches.

  • - REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2020 update
    af Food and Agriculture Organization
    714,95 kr.

    Provides an update on forest reference emission levels and forest reference levels reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, for a total forest area of 1.35 billion ha. Never before have so many countries reported at this level of transparency on deforestation and forest degradation.

  • - Guide Pratique a l'Intention des Parlementaires et des Conseillers Parlementaires
    af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    838,95 kr.

    Ce guide pratique, qui s'adresse aux deputes et aux conseillers parlementaires, donne une vue d'ensemble exhaustive du rle que les parlementaires peuvent jouer dans la creation d'environnements favorables fiables, coherents et transparents dans les diffUrents domaines lies O l'investissement dans l'agriculture et les systemes alimentaires.

  • - prospects for financial inclusion in Uganda
    af Food and Agriculture Organization, Niclas Benni & David Berno
    644,95 kr.

    Provides an assessment of the state of financial inclusion among Kenyan youth, especially those living in rural and financially underserved areas. In particular, the study illustrates the clear linkage between the financial access gap faced nowadays by Kenyan youth and their inability to pursue high value-added entrepreneurial opportunities.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization
    352,95 kr.

    Provides in an easy and simple way quick access to top-level numbers, charts and maps on many dimensions of food and agriculture - from the characteristics of the sector to production, prices and trade, as well as food security and nutrition and environmental aspects.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    895,95 kr.

    Seventy-five years down the line, FAO's name, ambition and spirit remain: everything else has changed, and will change further. With ten years to go until the Sustainable Development Goals come due, the race is on for bold answers and dramatic solutions.

  • af M.V. Sanchez
    577,95 kr.

    Frente a la crisis economica que experimento Nicaragua en 2018 y la necesidad urgente de recuperacion, el presente estudio ofrece un ansslisis comparativo de como las inversiones en infraestructura productiva en los diferentes sectores agroalimentarios repercutirssn en el crecimiento y en la pobreza.

  • - Manual para veterinarios
    af D. Beltran-Alcrudo
    597,95 kr.

    Este manual explica como diagnosticar y responder a un caso o brote de peste porcina africana (PPA). Incluye informacion general sobre la enfermedad y sus causas, incluida la epidemiologia, las vias de transmision y la distribucion geogrssfica.

  • - procedures and sampling for demersal (bottom and beam) trawl surveys and pelagic acoustic surveys
    af Food and Agriculture Organization, Danilo B. Largo & Flower E. Msuya
    587,95 kr.

    Identifies some causes of the die-off of the seaweed types Eucheuma denticulatum (commonly known as spinosum), Kappaphycus striatum and K. alvarezii (both commonly known as cottonii) observed in the farming areas of the Zanzibar archipelago. The study also makes short- and long-term recommendations to protect the farming ecosystem environment.

  • - detection and diagnosis, a manual for veterinarians
    af Food and Agriculture Organization & Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo
    652,95 kr.

    Explains how to diagnose and respond to a case or outbreak of African swine fever (ASF). The manual includes general information on the disease and its causes, including epidemiology, transmission pathways and geographic distribution.

  • - Caja de herramientas para programas de proteccion social sensibles al genero orientados a luchar contra la pobreza y el hambre en el medio rural
    af M. Gavrilovic
    617,95 kr.

    Este conjunto de herramientas tiene por objeto ayudar a los encargados de formular politicas y a los profesionales a aplicar sistemssticamente una perspectiva de gUnero a los programas de proteccion social de manera.

  • - Trousse a outils sur les programmes de protection sociale sensibles au genre pour lutter contre la pauvrete et la faim en milieu rural
    af M. Gavrilovic
    562,95 kr.

    Decideurs et praticiens trouveront dans ce guide des outils pour prendre systematiquement en compte le genre dans les programmes de protection sociale, dans la droite ligne des accords mondiaux et des engagements de la FAO.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    212,95 kr.

    La Insignia de los Bosques esta disenada para ayudar a educar a los ninos y jovenes sobre el papel crucial que juegan los bosques para la vida en nuestro planeta. Explica como los bosques proporcionan servicios esenciales del ecosistema, como aire limpio, agua y mitigacion del cambio climatico.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    188,95 - 197,95 kr.

    La Insignia Acabar con el Hambre esta disenada para ayudar a educar a los ninos y jovenes sobre los efectos del hambre en el mundo y como podemos ponerle fin.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    895,95 kr.

    Seventy-five years down the line, FAO's name, ambition and spirit remain: everything else has changed, and will change further. With ten years to go until the Sustainable Development Goals come due, the race is on for bold answers and dramatic solutions.

  • af Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    895,95 kr.

    Seventy-five years down the line, FAO's name, ambition and spirit remain: everything else has changed, and will change further. With ten years to go until the Sustainable Development Goals come due, the race is on for bold answers and dramatic solutions.

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