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Bøger udgivet af Full Court Press

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  • - A Memoir
    af Siegfried Bader
    177,95 kr.

    "All the stories in this book actually happened as written," insists Sigfried Bader, the author of this charming, witty memoir. ." . .What?" he goes on. "You don't believe me? You think they're all made up?" Mr. Bader has to confess some are, but only a few-the events the rest describe were all quite real, and he hopes they're fun to read anyway, and that you save the book for those moments in your own life when you feel, as is our nature as people, a bad twinge. Everything in a life comes to an end, he argues; so did "Through My Eyes." It took him a lifetime to live these tales and then to assemble them. "Some," he says, "were a lot of fu n, some less. If they inspire you to write something yourself, I'll be happy to read it. But don't wait too long. I'm getting old, you know. Make your book interesting, with a lot of funny memories, and I expect it will be even better than mine."

  • af Marco E Navarro
    157,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Diperno
    247,95 kr.

    Anthony DiPerno ha insegnato studi sociali per molti anni nel sistema scolastico Clarkstown a New City, New York. Ha conseguito degli studi ed ha preso un BA in Economia e Commercio nell'Universita del Maryland. Poi, ha ricevuto il Master in Istruzione dal Collegio Siena di Loudonville, New York. Nel 1983 e' diventato membro della Societa Americana di Compositori, Autori ed Editori (ASCAP). Durante I suoi 27 anni di carriera da educatore, il suo piu grande interesse e' stato quello d'insegnare i grandi uomini della storia e Garibaldi e' certemente stato uno di loro. Fu cosi che, affascinato con la vita dell'eroe di cappa e spada, decise di scrivere un libro su di liu. "Le Avventure di Garibaldi" e il prodotto finale di anni di studi e ricerche su "l'eroe dei due mondi." Il libro copre l'intera vita avventurosa di Giuseppe Garibaldi, e comprende una collezione di capricciose avventure, storie d'amore e racconti folcloristici che danno vita alla personalita dei soggetto. Il lavore e stato arricchito con il materiale e le informazioni che descrivone le varie personalita e le condizioni pre-esistenti che interessarono le azione ed il modo di pensare di Garibaldi. Con lo sfondo drammatico del favore nazionalistico e d'intrighi politici, le camicie rosse, Anita, Mazzini, Cavour e Vittorio Emanuele danno vita in queste pagine. Infatti, tutto il Risorgimento e rivissuto avendo Garibaldi come figura centrale. La scopo principale di Di Perno e quello di far rivivere il pubblico in generale ed in particolare gli appassionati di storia, un vivo interesse per l'uomo che una volta venne descritto come "Hercules, Robin Hood, e George Washington, tutti arrotolati in uno.""

  • - My Life as an Intrepid Inventor
    af Franklin G Reick
    147,95 kr.

  • - The Hunt for a Mother's Story
    af Jean S Arbeiter
    187,95 kr.

  • - A Gathering of Sonnets
    af Robert Lavett Smith
    187,95 kr.

  • - The Adventures of Sylvan Woods: From Bronx Violinist to Bulgarian Folk Dancer
    af Jim Gold
    167,95 kr.

  • - Eighty Poems
    af Janice Kochanski
    127,95 kr.

  • af Barry Sheinkopf
    207,95 kr.

  • - New Poems
    af Janice Kochanski
    107,95 kr.

  • - An Anthology of Holocaust Stories
    157,95 kr.

  • - Living with a Special-Needs Family on the Journey to Self-Discovery
    af Lily Grinsberg
    187,95 kr.

  • - Stories of the Chief Music Librarian of the Metropolitan Opera
    af John Grande
    157,95 kr.

  • af Christina Rioux
    297,95 kr.

    A little girl finds out that her mother is seriously ill. She is scared and concerned-but her mom assures her that she will never really leave her, but come back to visit as a little yellow bird. . .and she does! Follow the heart-warming real-life story of this little girl''s adventure, how she copes with her loss, and how love transcends and endures forever. . . in many different forms.

  • - New Poems
    af Linda Principe
    107,95 kr.

  • - Photographing Metaphor
    307,95 kr.

    Barry Sheinkopf has been writing poetry, as well as novels and nonfiction, for decades. In the early 1970s, his poems began to contain fewer and fewer words. He was producing tanka and haiku, and not being pleased with the results, when finally it dawned on him that he really wanted to make poems with no words at all. This, for a writer, is something of a dilemma. He tried to resolve it by picking up the first of a series of cameras, in 35-millimeter and 4x5" formats, and attempting to photograph the metaphors he saw all around him. His goal from the first has been to capture these exceptional moments in the life around him. If you know that you're looking at a photograph, he says-something that you know is real-but can't momentarily identify it, your sense of the world will be enlarged a little when you suddenly realize what it is and exclaim, "Aha!" This book, then, records a quest for ways of apprehending the visual world that has never ended for him-of seeing into the life of forms, to help his viewers grasp that there are metaphors in everyday experience. Barry Sheinkopf's photographs have appeared in shows across the northeast United States.

  • - How to Change Your Attitude to Find Joy, Peace, and Harmony
    af Beth Luetkemeyer & Manny Kremer
    127,95 kr.

    Little did they know what an adventure lay before them when Beth Luetkemeyer approached Manny Kremer in 2008 about an experiment she wanted to undertake. Her spirituality and strong desire to acquire a deeper knowledge of metaphysics merged nicely with his belief that it didn't matter how or why a phenomenon works if we can apply the knowledge we gain from it to our lives. Kremer, who had spent his career on Wall Street, was familiar with channeling and had long believed there was a way to see the stock market's future with help from the other side. The lessons and knowledge given in each session helped Beth as she incorporated them into her work as a massage therapist; very often her clients told her that she'd given them the best massage they'd ever had. She was honored by the Purple Heart Association for her work with returning veterans from Iraq. Kremer applied his philosophy of life to Wall Street, where, for ten years, he wrote a daily market letter for a major firm-his information arose from meditation, though he wrote it in technical terms. His letter was translated into six languages. Foreign investors often came for one-on-one meetings, trying to figure out how Kremer was acquiring his prescient information about the market. Both authors are blessed with open-minded thinking that allows them to take a topic and raise it several levels in order to get at the kernel of truth they are seeking. In December 2010, at the age of seventy-four, Kremer was hospitalized with congestive heart failure. In the time since, he has managed through the meditative practice he describes here to reverse the effects of congestive heart failure and macular degeneration. This book will help anyone who uses it to live a more productive, enjoyable life, to reduce stress, and discover how to be rid of the negativities in life.

  • - Unholy Alliance
    af Trevor Moore & Michael Pinto
    177,95 kr.

    The galaxy is enjoying a moment of peace that will soon be shattered. a race known as the Wraiths is about to unleash a war of revenge against its ancient enemy, the Twilights, and their allies, with humanity caught on both sides of the conflict. When the Wraiths and their own ally-a powerful empire known as the Imperial guard- hurl the galaxy into disarray, it is up to a fallen admiral, Jonathan Mikel, and his friends to unite it against the evil alliance. If they can't find a way to do so in time, they will all fall victim to the Wraiths' violent wrath.

  • af Marie Parks Pinto
    177,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Taylor
    197,95 kr.

  • af Marie Parks Pinto
    177,95 kr.

    As parents and caretakers of our children, there are times when we feel our patience and faith is being tested-and we question, at times, how we should respond. "I hope," says author Marie Parks Pinto, "that, through this series, we can help parents better master child-raising skills from the kids' own perspective." In today's difficult times, such appropriate responses can very easily elude us. The series shows situations through the eyes of a child to illustrate how we, as adults, appear to them. That way, it becomes easier to respond appropriately, thereby modeling healthy interpersonal skills for both us and our children. When you're in a difficult moment with your child, ask yourself whether you're applying corresponding skills. Are you teaching your child-or are you willing to be taught? As Pinto puts it, "No matter what side you're on, they are just little children; of that you can be sure."

  • af Marie Pinto
    177,95 kr.

    As parents and caretakers of our children, there are times when we feel our patience and faith is being tested-and we question, at times, how we should respond. "I hope," says author Marie Parks Pinto, "that, through this series, we can help parents better master parenting skills from the kids' own perspective." In today's difficult times, such appropriate responses can very easily elude us. This series shows situations through the eyes of a child to illustrate how we, as adults, appear to them. That way, it becomes easier to respond appropriately, thereby modeling healthy interpersonal skills for both us and our children. When you're in a difficult moment with your child, ask yourself whether you're applying corresponding skills. Are you teaching your child-or are you willing to be taught? As pinto puts it, "no matter what side you're on, they are just little children; of that you can be sure."

  • af Marie Parks Pinto
    177,95 kr.

    As parents and caretakers of our children, there are times when we feel our patience and faith is being tested-and we question, at times, how we should respond. "I hope," says author Marie Parks Pinto, "that, through this series, we can help parents better master child-raising skills from the kids' own perspective." In today's difficult times, such appropriate responses can very easily elude us. The series shows situations through the eyes of a child to illustrate how we, as adults, appear to them. That way, it becomes easier to respond appropriately, thereby modeling healthy interpersonal skills for both us and our children. When you're in a difficult moment with your child, ask yourself whether you're applying corresponding skills. Are you teaching your child-or are you willing to be taught? As Pinto puts it, "No matter what side you're on, they are just little children; of that you can be sure."

  • af Robert Counts
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jane Goldsmith
    197,95 kr.

  • - Cancer and Who You Are
    af Rose Rappaport
    187,95 kr.

    "I am glad to have been permitted to learn to live with, rather than simply die from, cancer," remarks Rose Rappaport in one passage of this lucid, unsentimental, and transcendent collection of essays on her sojourn with the illness that eventually took her life. "Mostly I am glad to measure my life, not in terms of what it once was or what I might have wished it to be, but of how wonderful it is now." It was a transformative experience for her that shed profound light on the changeable meanings of work, love, friendship, and growth. The essays she left will as surely alter anyone fortunate enough to read them.

  • af Darlyne Baugh
    177,95 kr.

    Charlene Thomas needed a job and she took one quick at the Gay Channel. After being plopped into the brewing cauldron of a start-up network, she seizes the chance to rebuild her life following a traumatic divorce. Charlene is center stage when the media phenomenon shoots to #1 while juggling plenty of drama in her personal life-fighting a custody battle for her two children and comforting a best friend whose husband was caught "on the down-low." Charlene Thomas is Black Girl @ the Gay Channel. Don't get in a sister's way. Good old ambition still rules the day. Pop-reality at its snarkiest!

  • af Marlo Gottfurcht
    157,95 kr.

    You there-the one with the wedding ring. Ask yourself: To Facebook or not to Facebook? That's the question of the day. With over 500 million active users, Facebook is the global leader in online social networking, and people, married people especially, are reconnecting each day with friends from their past and rediscovering identities they might have lost. "Love, Marriage...and Facebook" gathers stories inspired by what happens when some married people get on Facebook and let all their inhibitions out. You married people who inspired these stories can breathe a sigh of relief...all names have been changed, and some details adjusted, to protect the innocent (and the guilty). But their emotions are raw, and their stories pretty damn sexy. This book will get you hot, turn you on, and make you think twice, especially the next time you log onto Facebook.

  • af Michael R Milano
    127,95 kr.

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