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  • af G. L. Newman
    157,95 kr.

    Is God really the supreme being that he has been made out to be in the Bible? God may have created mankind, but after years of disloyalty from the creation he gave life, he has become fed up with the selfish human race. The Bible is sadly just a book of lies to glorify one person's narrative, to keep everyone brainwashed. What if the stories were told from a different perspective? The Devil is made out to be evil, but what if he has been the one saving the human race from extinction all along? Tricked into Hell to be the punisher of souls, what if Heaven was the true afterlife of damnation?The Bible tells us great stories of God's will, but it reads more like a regulatory manual of how you should live your life. God doesn't want people to be unique, he uses fear to get everyone to follow his rule, and if you don't live by his word, you will end up in a fiery Hell for all eternity.God championed the human race when they showered him with gifts, worship, and built huge temples in his honour, but after years of seeing the world spiral deeper into oblivion, many wondered if there was, in fact, a God. Where was he when the people were suffering from all manner of agony and affliction? Where was he when the world had been torn apart by war, killing millions of innocent souls? Who sits back and watches babies die from malnutrition and disease?If he has all of this power, why doesn't he step in and help?Unfortunately, the words "GOD'S WILL" no longer cut the mustard with many, and their prayer ceased. Without prayer, God was losing his power. How dare they not worship the divine being who gave them life?His own jealousy and anger at the human race has come to a head, and now he wants to destroy them all, before they empower the Devil to rise up and take his revenge upon the brother who wronged him.However, one young girl born under mysterious circumstances may hold the key to their survival. Can this person survive to make the ultimate sacrifice when the time is right, or will God finally get his wish of wiping out the ungrateful human race forever!!!!!!

  • af G. L. Newman
    207,95 kr.

    Light and Dark, good and bad, many still fight with their own demons, let alone the ones which continue to plague the land. Whilst some embrace their true-selves, others feel lost, not knowing who they are or what they're supposed to be doing. Many still search for the answers to their problems, but should they be looking closer to home? Love and loss affects us all, however, will some losses just be too much for some to overcome? It's not just about life and death, but also living life itself. Just being on the side of life doesn't mean you are actually living. Life and Death, love and loss, all shape our lives. Some can conquer the pain and suffering of losing a loved one, while others just can't find a way to move past the traumatic event. Hope still remains in the hearts of many, but can the Dark be defeated, when the strength that one person brings is taken away? Can the Light find the power they require without a bright, shining star being present?New alliances will be formed, but will they still remain strong, when true identities are revealed? Learning to ask for help, may be key in the battles to come, however, can some find the stability, in themselves, to rely upon the resolve of others, without feeling like a failure?Will love be the answer to everything, or will love see the downfall of the whole world?The power of one's resolve may be the only way to defeat this evil plague, but will it be the head, or the heart which controls the outcome? Many lives will be lost, but new life can still be created. However, will the world be around for long enough, to see these new creations flourish?Some will choose the easy path, but will this lead to their own undoing? If everyone fights as one, they can still win this war, but will certain relationships already be too far gone? One thing's for sure, there's going to be one hell of a SHOWDOWN!

  • af G. L. Newman
    197,95 kr.

    As the Dark continues to spread throughout¿ ¿the¿ ¿world,¿ ¿more¿ ¿and¿ ¿more¿ ¿people¿ ¿are succumbing¿ ¿tö ¿its¿ ¿evil¿ ¿effects. Koran and his friends continue to search for the elusive Light Transducer, which they believe has the power to defeat the evil that plagues the lands. With both sides having their share of wins and losses, the fight is still very much on. Will assistance from outer space be the extra help needed to finally bring an end to Mallum and his Dark forces?There are many battles still to come, some of which will not be fought on the field of battle, as each side struggles with their own demons, wondering if they are fighting for the right purpose. Whilst some alliances stay strong, some waiver under the pressures of war. Can the human race pull together and fight as one? Or will they stick to their usual selfish ways, reverting to the age-old saying of every man for himself?With the world still very much up for grabs, it is going to take a monumental effort on either side to reach their chosen outcome. Many lives will be lost, however, many will also be saved, not only from death, but from an existence that even before this war began, was a life that was not worth living. Sometimes the battle that goes on inside someone's mind is far more dangerous than any battle fought by the hand. Life can only be preserved if people are willing to change the habits of a lifetime. Is this world worth saving? That is a question that is asked many times and sometimes the answer you would be expecting does not correlate with the side that is conveying it. Can this world be saved? Should this world be saved? This is not a battle that can be won by a single person alone, all must pull together, put aside age-old animosities which threaten to divide an already divided nation. The power has always been and always will be in the hands of the people, however, it's what they choose to do with it that will make the difference.

  • af G. L. Newman
    227,95 kr.

    The world we live in today is so full of war, death and destruction, that war is seen as a normal everyday occurrence. Famine spreads throughout the land, bringing death and starvation to many, while a cancerous sickness also flows throughout every part of society, no matter the class or race, torturing the minds and souls of the people. With life itself, now worth less than a fist full of copper coins, the world truly is in a bad way. The beautiful planet we call home is being destroyed by the very people who have been lucky enough to inhabit it, showing humans to be the most evil, cruellest beings to have ever inhabited a planet. The stories you were read as a child, of scary monsters and evil creatures are brought to life before your eyes, by the very people that once told them. Even after all of this depravity, the people of Earth will not be ready for the evil that lies trapped inside its planet's core. The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was carrying an evil, which now lays entombed within the planet, and this is an evil like the world has never known before. The THON, a race of intergalactic beings, used the asteroid to trap this evil inside the Earth's core, in the hope that its molten lava and strong magnetic field would be strong enough to contain this evil. However, the evil trapped inside gains strength from the death and destruction caused by the human race. Feeding off the blood that seeps into the ground, as its power grows, so does its ability to influence the weak-minded, allowing it to bring about more hatred in an already sinful society. If released, this evil intends to infect the world with the Dark, enslave its people, then use its power to destroy those who entombed him. One young boy from a secret order has been tasked with saving the world, his task is fraught with danger, however, along the way he uncovers allies who were thought to be myths and legends, but in fact, have merely chosen to stay hidden from the cruel human race who seek to control everything. With the help of these forgotten creatures, the boy must reach his goal or the world as we know it is over.

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