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  • af Edward R Belding
    212,95 kr.

    The trouble all starts in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775, when delegates to the Continental Congress select George Washington to be Commander-in-Chief of American forces gathering in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The challenge to escort the General safely from Philadelphia, through the heartland of New Jersey, and on to New York falls to Captain Abram Markoe, a wealthy Danish citizen from the island of St. Croix, and his Philadelphia Troop of Horse. Washington's train will proceed on the difficult and arduous journey under the Troop's standard-a flag sporting thirteen stripes designed by Markoe himself.Unbeknownst to the Captain, his nemesis, Enoch Mortaine, has been spying on him and his peers due to suspicions regarding smuggling activities between the islands of the West Indies and the rebellious American colonies. Upon learning of Washington's pending journey, Mortaine, a secret agent for King George III, forms a team bent on making sure the General does not make it to Cambridge and that Markoe is implicated in the assassination attempt.As fate would have it, the South Ward of New Brunswick, New Jersey, home of the Wetherill family, is where the first attempt on Washington's life takes place. In the absence of noted Assemblyman and patriot leader, John Wetherill, his sons John, Jr., and Vincent, with the help of other locals-such as Cutlope Hancock and Ike Higgins-become involved in attempting to foil the assassination attempt. Little do they know that several weeks later another assassination attempt will test their mettle.Back in Philadelphia, the focus of the King's agent and his team turns to Abram Markoe and a mysterious visitor from St. Croix-Colonel Johan Gottfried Krause. This honored guest is the bearer of good news and bad. By cunningly nefarious means, agent Mortaine and his hirelings discover what the Colonel is up to and seek to find out more before bringing both host and guest down. Their attention focuses on the Colonel who departs from Philadelphia, escorted by two members of Captain Markoe's Troop of Horse. Krause rides in a coach and four loaned to him by Captain Markoe. He is accompanied by two characters he assumes he can trust. The route taken is along the Lower Road through New Jersey in order to reach New York. Once again, a dignitary's life hangs in the balance within the borders of the South Ward of New Brunswick. The Wetherill boys, along with relatives, friends, and associates, must face a second dangerous challenge, show their true colors, and earn their stripes the hard way.

  • af Jonathan Jay Belding
    217,95 kr.

    In the past few decades, entrepreneurs have deservedly earned our attention and respect. They have significantly contributed to our economy and business culture, as well as improved the quality of our lives. We have come to realize that how they go about their business is equally as important as the business itself. . . maybe even more so. In essence, we can benefit from knowing "what makes them tick."Like all of us, entrepreneurs are neither perfect nor do they possess all the answers to life's dilemmas. However, they do practice many attributes that are worthy of emulation and adoption by us. Entrepreneurs are willing to put themselves "out there" and to strive for and accomplish their stated mission. They passionately believe in their mission. In mind and spirit, they are confident that the world wants and needs their efforts; they are even convinced that the world will be better for it!Entrepreneurs find themselves, and often deliberately put themselves, in situations and challenges which demand that they be creative and demonstrate strong leadership in which they have to employ all their knowledge, skills, intuition, articulation, expertise, and character.Their quests often yield opportunities and growth for other persons they involve in their pursuits.To succeed, entrepreneurs must display commitment, vision, courage, and confidence. They must be extraordinary leaders, possessing strong character.The entrepreneurial life is marked by sacrifice, service, and love. It is, then, a full, whole life which is alive and satisfying. Do we all not desire to live with such a sense of accomplishment and peace? This book attempts to identify and explore the traits, habits, and behaviors that provide a portrait of the entrepreneurial mind and spirit, as well as leadership styles and practices.From the Introduction

  • af Jim Albright
    152,95 kr.

  • af Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    112,95 kr.

  • af Colin Mercer
    162,95 kr.

  • af John Lehman
    125,95 kr.

    "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."(Proverbs 25:11)This exclamation was made by King Solomon just after he had received an exquisite gift, and his point was that appropriate words are as wonderful as an awesome gift! Words can have a huge influence on people. This little book maps out some of the DNA of encouragement and draws several lines of application and illustration to show you how you can be an encourager of others in these needy days! As you read this book, you will learn toFind encouragement in ScriptureDevelop encouragement in friendshipsPractice encouragement in your speechSet an example to others to encourage

  • af John Lehman
    125,95 kr.

    I'm a parent... Wow! How should I best navigate through the wonderful, new challenges and opportunities that are coming my way? What wisdom may be gleaned from the Bible, God's living Word? Will God really enable the process to turn out well?In six helpful, easy-to-read chapters, John Lehman, a family pastor and himself a parent and grandparent of several children, writes with passion and clarity on the great issues of bringing up children. Here you may read about topics such asGetting ready to become a mom or dadPreparing an overarching goal for your childDemonstrating what it means to live in submission to the one, true GodFacing the consequences God has directed when there is disobedienceCultivating a godly parental model that emphasizes practical godlinessNavigating wisely through the ages and stages that lead to adulthoodRich in biblical content, this book will help steer you carefully through the many situations that come the way of all parents.

  • af Jim Albright
    132,95 kr.

  • af Peel B David
    197,95 kr.

  • - A Workbook for Counselors and Small Groups
    af David A Coats
    197,95 kr.

  • - Seeing Ourselves from God's Perspective
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • af Bill Mulligan
    142,95 kr.

  • - Affirming the Transforming Doctrine of Regeneration
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • - Wrath, Vengeance, Recompense, and Terror
    af Jim Albright
    162,95 kr.

    . . . Sure, you have some concept of a supreme being-but, is your god-notion, God? The one true God? The biblical God? The God who is?To anyone who has ears to hear, I simply say that it''s time to open the Book and truly behold the dreadful holiness and terrifying awe of I AM. Certainly, it is long past time in this era of low-resolution preaching, denominational banality, and pervasive biblical illiteracy. For indeed, the Bible is unmistakably clear. . . "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."(Hebrews 10:31)

  • - A Guide to the Christian Faith in the Apostles' Creed
    af Robert G Hall
    142,95 kr.

  • - Enduring Trials with the Joy of the Holy Spirit
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

    Sorrow is a familiar companion of every Christian. But for those who rest confidently in the good and perfect purposes of God, there exists an inexplicable, subjective awareness of God''s all-sufficient grace-a tranquil peace impervious to circumstances that flows from the fountain of His covenantal love for those He has redeemed. The purpose of this little volume is to help believers develop a deeper understanding of this dynamic force of divine resources, one that transforms all believers at the moment of salvation and empowers them in every aspect of their life in Christ.  

  • - Ten Things About C S Lewis & Evangelism in Narnia
    af Reggie Weems
    112,95 kr.

  • - Drawing Upon the Existing Grace Within
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • - Adoring God's Loving Provision of New Life in the Spirit
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • - (The Man Who Made Narnia)
    af Reggie Weems
    112,95 kr.

    C.S. Lewis was one of the most well-known Christians in the 20th century. Contrary to what he personally thought, his popularity and influence continue to grow exponentially. He is so admired and respected that many well wishers hope for a repeat performance in our generation. But will there ever be another Jack Lewis? The answer is a resounding “no” according to Reggie Weems.

  • - Daily Scripture Meditations from Pastors around the World
    af The Master's Academy International
    217,95 kr.

    The book you hold in your hands is a remarkable collection of daily Scripture meditations by more than 200 church leaders representing 15 countries. But more than that, it is testimony of how these faithful leaders—and many others like them—are fulfilling the Great Commission.As faculty and graduates of TMAI’s training centers, these authors have been equipped to rightly handle God’s truth and shepherd Christ’s flock, making disciples in their local churches who are rooted and grounded in the truth of God’s word. As you read each devotional, you’ll see and be reminded that no matter the need or issue—whether it’s witchcraft in Malawi, gang violence in Honduras, or persecution in the Middle East—God’s word has the answers. Scripture alone is supreme and sufficient—its truth transcends location, language, culture, and worldview.Journey each day through Scripture with these shepherds from around the world as your guide. Be encouraged and challenged as God’s truth is faithfully explained and applied. Watch your faith be strengthened and your prayer life revitalized. Above all, give praise to God as you hear many  voices  declare  His  glory  among  the  nations.

  • - Rediscovering the Benefits of Justification by Faith
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • - Understanding the Need for Renewing and Sanctifying Grace
    af David a Harrell
    112,95 kr.

  • - . . . Savoring God's Wonderful Word Throughout the Year
    af Roger Ellsworth
    482,95 kr.

  • - A Battle Guide to Spiritual Warfare
    af Dave a Becher
    162,95 kr.

    The war for our souls is coming to a dramatic conclusion. Therefore, we must be educated and trained in the militaristic ways of warfare to fight back the enemy's spiritual assault so that we stand victorious with Christ at the end. Many of the principal strategies used in this book will reference modern warfare tactics, as well as those from ancient guides to warfare such as Sun Tzu's The Art of War. By understanding the different aspects of warfare, not only can we expose Satan, but we can learn how to neutralize his attacks upon us, and thereby defeat him. Having remained loyal to our King, we will be justly and richly rewarded.

  • - The Message of Hebrews for Today
    af Edgar Andrews
    277,95 kr.

  • - ... A Sampling of 14 Bible-Based Meditations
    af Roger Ellsworth
    112,95 kr.

    Why not turn on the coffee pot, pour a cup, settle into a favorite chair, and enjoy a daily devotional? The more you ponder God's love and grace, the more you find your heart flooded with gratitude and filled with desire to serve Christ. People everywhere need to be reminded of the greatness of what He did in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension. So pour that cup of coffee, read My Coffee Cup Meditations, and rejoice in His glorious gospel!My Coffee Cup Meditations are short, easy-to-read, Bible-based devotions to help you consider God's greatness, the wonderful gospel of Jesus, and be better equipped for life here and hereafter.

  • - ... And 30 Other Bible-Based Meditations
    af Roger Ellsworth
    142,95 kr.

    There's a golden key that unlocks the Bible. That key is Jesus. He tells us so. On the day of His resurrection, He met two travelers on the road to Emmaus and "expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (Luke 24:27). There you have it! Jesus believed that all the Old Testament Scriptures concerned Him. Later that day, He met His disciples and assured them "that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me" (Luke 24:44).Enjoy these easy-to-read short devotions by Roger Ellsworth-and a good cup of coffee at the same time! My Coffee Cup Meditations are short, easy-to-read, Bible-based devotions to help you consider God's greatness, the wonderful gospel of Jesus, and be better equipped for life here and hereafter.

  • - ... And 30 Other Bible-Based Meditations
    af Roger Ellsworth
    142,95 kr.

    It was finally gone, the victim of the cold steel of a bulldozer's blade. I knew the end was rapidly approaching, but I still hated to see it go. I'm talking about the little old house in which I spent the first twenty-one years of my life. Little? Yes. It consisted of a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, a pantry, and a porch. And what about the bathroom? There was no bathroom. We used the privy, which was situated a little way down the hill. My folks, you see, were very poor. We just had enough money, as they put it, "to make ends meet."Enjoy these easy-to-read short devotions by Roger and Sylvia Ellsworth-and a good cup of coffee at the same time! My Coffee Cup Meditations are short, easy-to-read, Bible-based devotions to help you consider God's greatness, the wonderful gospel of Jesus, and be better equipped for life here and hereafter.

  • - ... And 30 Other Bible-Based Meditations
    af Ellsworth Roger
    142,95 kr.

    I've seen gold, and I've seen silver, but I have never seen apples of gold in silver settings. My initial reaction is that such apples in such settings must reflect both tremendous value and exquisite beauty. There are words like that-words of tremendous value and exquisite beauty! And we can possess them even though they were all spoken so very long ago. We can possess them by reading the reports of them in the Bible and by reflecting deeply on what we have read.My Coffee Cup Meditations are short, easy-to-read, Bible-based devotions to help you consider God's greatness, the wonderful gospel of Jesus, and be better equipped for life here and hereafter.Enjoy these easy-to-read short devotions by Roger Ellsworth-and a good cup of coffee at the same time!

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