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  • af Ayla Ünver Alçay, Kamil Bostan & Candan Varl¿k
    112,95 kr.

    317,95 kr.

    The International Journal of Media, Culture and Literature, published biannually by the School of Foeign Languages at Istanbul Ayd¿n University, Istanbul, Turkey, is an international scholarly journal in English devoted in its entirety to media, culture and literature. The International Journal of Media, Culture and Literature is committed to the principles of objective scholarship and critical analysis. Submissions and solicited articles are evaluated by international peer referees through a blind review process. As a biannual academic journal, JMCL publishes articles on English language and linguistics, on English and American literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present, on the new English literatures, as well as on general and comparative literary studies, including aspects of cultural and literary theory. JMCL also aims to create a critical, discursive space for the promotion and exploration of media, culture and their relations with literature. The Journal addresses a range of narratives in culture, from novel, poem and play to hypertext, digital gaming and creative writing. The journal features engaged theoretical pieces alongside new unpublished creative works and investigates the challenges that new media present to traditional categorizations of literary writing. The Journal is supported by an interdisciplinary editorial board from Turkey, Europe and Russia under the directions of editors Assist. Prof. Nur Emine KOÇ and Assist. Prof. Necmiye KARATA¿ The journal is published biannually in hard copy as well as a downloadable e-book format designed to be compatible with e-readers, PDF and smart-phone settings. This is designed to encourage full-range accessibility and bears a logical sympathy to the range of writings under discussion, many of which feature or are driven by online technologies.

  • - Tip Fakultesi Klinikleri
    317,95 kr.

    T¿p Fakültesi Klinikleri'nin üçüncü say¿s¿n¿ derlemelerin yan¿ s¿ra arät¿rma makaleleri ve olgu sunumlar¿ ile olu¿turduk. Temennimiz ve hedefimiz her say¿da bilim kurulumuzu da geni¿leterek indekslere uygun olarak arät¿rma makalesi ä¿rl¿kl¿ say¿larla kar¿¿n¿za gelmek. Bu amaçla arät¿rma makalesi ä¿rl¿kl¿ bilimsel makalelerinizi dergimiz elektronik makale kabul sistemi üzerinden de¿erlendirilmek üzere bekliyoruz. ¿imdiden destek ve katk¿lar¿n¿z için te¿ekkür ederiz.Istanbul Aydin Universitesi Mütevelli Heyet Bäkan¿About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

    322,95 kr.

    ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyoloji ve Psikoloji Bölümlerinin birlikte ç¿kartt¿klar¿ Ayd¿n ¿nsan ve Toplum Dergisinin yeni say¿s¿n¿ sizlere sunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Bu say¿da da sizlere yine sosyoloji ve psikoloji içerikli dolu dolu bir dergi haz¿rlad¿k."Sünnet Operasyonunun Çocuklar Üzerindeki Ruhsal Etkileri" bäl¿kl¿ ilk makalemizde, Türkiye'de sünnete verilen olumlu ve olumsuz anlamlar, operasyonun çocuklar¿n ruh säl¿¿¿ üzerindeki etkileri konu edinilmi¿tir."Evli Bireylerde Bälanma Stiller ve Bili¿sel Esnekli¿in ¿li¿ki Doyumuna Etkisi" bäl¿kl¿ ikinci makalede evli bireylerde bälanma stilleriyle bili¿sel esnekli¿in ili¿ki doyumuna etkisi incelenmi¿tir.Üçüncü makalemiz, "¿stanbul 112 Acil Säl¿k Hizmetleri Çal¿¿anlar¿n¿n Mesleki Tükenmi¿lik Düzeyleri ve Alg¿lanan Stresle Bäa Ç¿kmada Evlilik Doyumunu Yordamlama Gücü" bäl¿kl¿ çal¿¿mad¿r. Bu makalede, ¿stanbul 112 Acil Säl¿k Hizmetleri (ASH) çal¿¿anlar¿n¿n mesleki tükenmi¿lik düzeyleri, alg¿lanan stres ve stresle bäa ç¿kma stratejilerinin evlilik doyumunu yordama gücünü incelenmi¿tir.Sizlere sundüumuz dördüncü çal¿¿mam¿z, "Üniversite Ö¿rencilerinin Mutluluk, Psikolojik Sälaml¿k ve Öz Yeterlik Düzeyleri Aras¿ndaki ¿li¿ki"yi konu edinmektedir. Makalede, üniversite ö¿rencilerinin mutluluk, psikolojik sälaml¿k ve öz yeterlik düzeyleri aras¿ndaki ili¿ki incelenmi¿, üniversitelerin Psikolojik Dan¿¿ma Birimlerinin önemine vurgu yap¿lm¿¿t¿r.Be¿inci çal¿¿mam¿z, "Üniversite Ö¿rencilerinde Aile ¿çi ¿iddete Maruz Kalma ¿le Öfke Duygusu Aras¿ndaki ¿li¿kinin ¿ncelenmesi" adl¿ çal¿¿mad¿r. Bu arät¿rmada üniversite ö¿rencilerinin çocukken aile içi ¿iddete maruz kal¿p kalmamalar¿ ile öfkeye ili¿kin tepkileri aras¿ndaki ili¿ki ele al¿nm¿¿t¿r.Dergimizin sizlere sundüumuz son makalesi "Fiziksel-Sözel ¿iddet Davran¿¿¿ ve Dürtüsellik Aras¿nda Öfkenin Arac¿l¿k Etkisinin ¿ncelenmesi" bäl¿kl¿ makaledir. Makale, ¿iddet davran¿¿¿n¿n ortaya ç¿kmas¿nda etkili oldüu dü¿ünülen unsurlar¿ incelemektedir. ¿yi okumalar dileriz. Prof. Dr. Mahmut ARSLANAbout the Publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students with the knowledge and opportunities. Istanbul Aydin University, one of the best universities in Europe, makes lives better by producing leaders equipped with quality to serve society. IAU provide flexible and relevant education at all stages of life.

    322,95 kr.

    The Florya Chronicles Journal is the scholarly publication of the ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The Journal is distributed on a twice a year basis. The Florya Chronicles Journal is a peer-reviewed in the area of economics, international relations, management and political studies and is published in both Turkish and English languages. Language support for Turkish translation is given to those manuscripts received in English and accepted for publication. The content of the Journal covers all aspects of economics and social sciences including but not limited to mainstream to heterodox approaches. The Journal aims to meet the needs of the public and private sector employees, specialists, academics, and research scholars of economics and social sciences as well as undergraduate and postgraduate level students. The Florya Chronicles offers a wide spectrum of publication including − Research Articles − Case Reports that adds value to empirical and policy oriented techniques, and topics on management − Opinions on areas of relevance − Reviews that comprehensively and systematically covers a specific aspect of economics and social sciences.Istanbul Aydin Universitesi Mütevelli Heyet Bäkan¿About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

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