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  • af Jannah An-Nur Foundation
    187,95 kr.

    Juz Amma from The Noble Quran (القرآن الكريم) Bilingual Edition In English and Arabic Languange Colored Version.The main division of the Qur''an is into chapter (surah) and verse (ayat). The Quran is additionally divided into 30 equal sections, called juz'' (plural: ajiza). The divisions of juz'' do not fall evenly along chapter lines. These divisions make it easier to pace the reading over a month''s period, reading a fairly equal amount each day. This is particularly important during the month of Ramadan, when it is recommended to complete at least one full reading of the Qur''an from cover to cover.The 30th juz'' of the Quran includes the last 36 surahs (chapters) of the holy book, from the first verse of the 78th chapter (An-Nabaa 78:1) and continuing to the end of the Quran, or verse 6 of the 114th chapter (An-Nas 114:1). While this juz'' contains a large number of complete chapters, the chapters themselves are quite short, ranging in length from 3-46 verses each. Most of the chapters in this juz'' consist of fewer than 25 verses."For those who believe and do righteous deeds, will be gardens beneath which rivers flow; that is the great triumph. Truly strong is the grip of thy Lord. It is He who creates from the very beginning, and He can restore life. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, full of loving kindness. Lord of the Throne, full of all glory, doer of what He intends." (The Noble Quran 85:11-16)

  • af Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    167,95 kr.

    Healthy Life In Islam Based from The Holy Quran and Al-Hadith English Languange Edition Lite Version.From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad SAW comes the story of the man whom the Prophet sent on a mission.  He camped close by to some people who did not show him any hospitality.  When the leader of the nearby camp was bitten by a snake, they went to Prophet Muhammad’s companion for help.  He recited the opening chapter of the Quran over the afflicted man and he arose “as if released from a chain”. It is important to seek a cure from the Quran, in the manner prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad, but it is equally important to understand that it is permissible and at times obligatory, to seek help from medical practitioners.  Our bodies are ours, only in trust; we are obligated to treat them with respect and to maintain them in the best way.  In accordance with the holistic approach Islam takes to health, there is no contradiction in seeking a cure from both medical science and permissible spiritual means. The Prophet said: “There is no disease that God Almighty has created, except that He also has created its treatment.” He also said: “There is a remedy for every malady, and when the remedy is applied to the disease it is cured with the permission of Almighty God.” Quran is a healing for the body and the soul.  Whenever life becomes too difficult or we are beset by injury, illness or unhappiness Quran will light our way and lighten our burdens.  It is a source of solace and ease.  In the world today many people have untold wealth and luxury but little contentment.  Those of us in the West have access to doctors and medicine, to traditional healing, medical breakthroughs and alternative cures but many lives are full of emotional pain and listlessness.  What is missing is belief, faith in God.In the past several decades, it has become widely accepted that religious belief and practices have a significant impact on both physical and emotional health.  Medical and scientific research has demonstrated that religious commitment aids in the prevention and treatment of emotional disorders, disease and injury and enhances recovery.  Belief in and submission to the will of God is the most essential part of good health care.  The words and recitation of Quran can cure hearts and minds, as well as overcome illness and injury, however complete trust in God does not negate the healing effects of medical science provided we use them only in lawful ways.  Indeed, God has power over all things, therefore we need to put our trust in Him, develop a lasting relationship with His book of guidance – the Quran, follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad and seek a cure, wherever it may be.

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