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  • - Annotated Edition
    af Lord Acton
    182,95 kr.

    This volume must be regarded not as the support of an existing reputation, or as a bid for the establishment of posthumous renown, but as the record and memorial of a rare and attractive personality. The accurate, insatiable, and broad-minded student is revealed; the generous champion of a noble cause which has suffered temporary defeat is seen on the field of his eager endeavour in controversy with Popes and Cardinals for the sake of freedom and truth; and the principles which he brought to the study of history or elicited from his observation of men and affairs throughout the centuries are set forth for all to read. This is the annotated edition including several hundred footnotes. From the Contents: The History Of Freedom In Antiquity The History Of Freedom In Christianity Sir Erskine May's Democracy In Europe The Massacre Of St. Bartholomew The Protestant Theory Of Persecution Mr. Goldwin Smith's Irish History ... and many more ...

    87,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Der Fürst" (italienisch Il Principe) wurde, um 1513 von Niccolò Machiavelli verfasst, postum 1532 publiziert. Es gilt neben den Discorsi als sein Hauptwerk. Teilweise in der Tradition der mittelalterlichen Fürstenspiegel geschrieben, gilt es ebenfalls als eines der ersten - wenn nicht als das erste - Werk der modernen politischen Philosophie.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    192,95 kr.

    Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (1819) ist das Hauptwerk des deutschen Philosophen Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). Diese hier vorliegende, zweite Auflage (1844) besteht aus zwei Bänden, wobei bereits der erste Band die Philosophie vollständig darstellt und der zweite Band als Vertiefung eben derselben verstanden werden kann.

    82,95 kr.

    Meteorology is an essential part of the Corpus Aristotelicum and belongs to the section of Physics. The treatise is divided into four books and covers subjects like the four elements, the atmosphere, geology, hydrography and more.

    122,95 kr.

    Das sechsbändige, in Form von Hexametern verfasste Lehrgedicht gibt die Naturphilosophie Epikurs wieder. Lukrez wollte damit eine Philosophie vermitteln, die dem Menschen Gemütsruhe und Gelassenheit gibt und ihm die Furcht vor dem Tode und den Göttern nimmt, die aus der Unkenntnis des Menschen über seine Stellung in der Welt, über die Natur und das Wesen entspringt und folglich durch Aufklärung überwunden werden muss. Es ist geprägt von der materialistischen Atomlehre der griechischen Antike und geht davon aus, dass die Götter weder in der Lage noch willens sind, sich in das Leben der Menschen einzumischen.

  • - Surnames S-Z
    af James Savage
    237,95 kr.

    A genealogical dictionary of our early colonists. Every volume shows three generations of those who came before 1692. Although more than a century has elapsed since the publication of this monumental work, it remains the standard to our day. We do not mean that new information has not been unearthed or that the work is free from errors, but Savage had just the peculiar qualifications necessary. He was so persistent in gathering data and so conservative in his use of them, that a statement made on his authority bears great weight. This work has the whole of New England for its field. This is volume 4, covering the surnames S - Z.

  • - Surnames K-R
    af James Savage
    237,95 kr.

    A genealogical dictionary of our early colonists. Every volume shows three generations of those who came before 1692. Although more than a century has elapsed since the publication of this monumental work, it remains the standard to our day. We do not mean that new information has not been unearthed or that the work is free from errors, but Savage had just the peculiar qualifications necessary. He was so persistent in gathering data and so conservative in his use of them, that a statement made on his authority bears great weight. This work has the whole of New England for its field. This is volume 3, covering the surnames K - R.

  • - Surnames D-J
    af James Savage
    237,95 kr.

    A genealogical dictionary of our early colonists. Every volume shows three generations of those who came before 1692. Although more than a century has elapsed since the publication of this monumental work, it remains the standard to our day. We do not mean that new information has not been unearthed or that the work is free from errors, but Savage had just the peculiar qualifications necessary. He was so persistent in gathering data and so conservative in his use of them, that a statement made on his authority bears great weight. This work has the whole of New England for its field. This is volume 2, covering the surnames D - J.

  • - Surnames A-C
    af James Savage
    237,95 kr.

    A genealogical dictionary of our early colonists. Every volume shows three generations of those who came before 1692. Although more than a century has elapsed since the publication of this monumental work, it remains the standard to our day. We do not mean that new information has not been unearthed or that the work is free from errors, but Savage had just the peculiar qualifications necessary. He was so persistent in gathering data and so conservative in his use of them, that a statement made on his authority bears great weight. This work has the whole of New England for its field. This is volume 1, covering the surnames A - C.

  • af Juergen Beck
    237,95 kr.

    Few states of the United States have a more varied, a more interesting or a more instructive history than California, and few have done so little to preserve their history. In narrating the story of California, the author has endeavored to deal justly with the different eras and episodes of its history; to state facts; to tell the truth without favoritism or prejudice; to give credit where credit is due and censure where it is deserved. This accounts also for the prominence of Los Angeles in the second half of this volume. The consolidation of Los Angeles city and the cities of Wilmington, San Pedro and Hollywood has merged the history of these three into that of the Greater Los Angeles. The early history of these cities is given separately up to their consolidation. All over this book is a real treasure chest and every single of its more than 400 pages is a must-read for the people of California and Los Angeles County.

  • - From a Study of the Original Sources
    af William Tindall
    181,95 kr.

    The history of the city of Washington, it is believed, could in no way be more effectively supplied than by telling the story, so far as possible, in the words of the participants. From the documents and records in the Government archives it is possible to give an almost complete story of the establishment of the city of Washington in the actual language of the men who achieved it; and believing that in the words of Washington, Jefferson, L'Enfant, Carroll, Johnson, Stuart, Thornton, Scott and White, this story could be told with more intense interest than in any words of his own, the compiler endeavored, in giving this portion of the city's history, to utilize to the fullest possible extent such of their writings relating to the subject, as are still preserved.

  • - The Chinese Classics, Vol. 1: Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean
    157,95 kr.

    This edition is a general account of the Chinese classics and contains a Life of Confucius, the ' Analects ' which describe his opinions, the translation of two standard works of the Confucian school, called 'The Great Learning, ' and 'The Doctrine of the Mean, ' written by his celebrated grandson. We commend the work most heartily to those who value such studies, as conveying to them, in a small compass and on the highest authority, a clear view of the position and opinions of the great sage who, for two thousand years, has ruled the literary world of Chin

  • af Juergen Beck
    297,95 kr.

    This history of Contra Costa County should prove to be the most complete compilation of local chronicles that has up to this time been offered to the citizens of one of the loveliest counties in the United States. The authenticity of the facts contained in the various articles is as absolute as the utmost care could make it. The data have been procured from the best-known authorities, and the biographical sketches, when completed, were subjected to the most searching examination for verification and correction.

  • af Hiram Erastus Butler
    97,95 kr.

    The lectures in this book will be found highly suggestive and valuable to thinking people, on account of the original views presented, and the novel and forcible analysis and treatment of the great subject of creation. They are gushing springs from the great fountain of natural truth, can refresh the soul, strengthen the mind, and open the eyes of the spiritually inclined to possibilities of attainments not now thought of.

  • af Ludwig Feuerbach
    167,95 kr.

  • af Juergen Beck
    212,95 kr.

    Place names in the United States are often taken from the European nation that first colonized the land. Many names that have been transferred from Britain, as is the case with Barnstable, Massachusetts and Danbury, Connecticut. Many others are of French origin, such as Detroit, Michigan, which was established along the banks of the river they called le détroit du lac Érié, meaning the strait of Lake Erie. Many in the former New Netherland colony are of Dutch origin, such as Harlem, Brooklyn and Rhode Island. Many place names are taken from the languages of native peoples. Specific (personal or animal) names and general words or phrases are used, sometimes translated and sometimes not. However complicated the tracing back of the place names was, this encyclopedia lists thousands and thousands of place names in the United States of America and provides valuable information as to the origin and the history of the name. A fantastic reference work for everyone interested in American history.

  • af Anthony Hope
    102,95 kr.

    A glorious story, which cannot be too warmly recommended to all who love a tale that stirs the blood. Perhaps not the least among its many good qualities is the fact that its chivalry is of the nineteenth, not of the sixteenth century; that it is a tale of brave men and true, and of a fair woman of to-day. The Englishman who saves the king ... is as interesting a knight as was Bayard.... The story holds the reader's attention from first to last.

  • af Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
    102,95 kr.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    82,95 kr.

    "Through the Looking-Glass", and What Alice Found There is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The themes and settings of Through the Looking-Glass make it a kind of mirror image of Wonderland: the first book begins outdoors, in the warm month of May, the second opens indoors on a snowy, wintry night exactly six months later, on 4 November. In it, there are many mirror themes, including opposites, time running backwards, and so on.

  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    112,95 kr.

    Anne Shirley is an 11-year-old orphan waiting for an adoption. By mistake she comes to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert of Prince Edward Island, a brother and a sister who actually wanted to adopt a boy to assist them with the work on their farm. When Anne finally arrives she has plenty to learn - and not only at school. This is part one of the Anne of Green Gables series and one of the best-selling children novels of all time.

  • af John Milton
    112,95 kr.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    82,95 kr.

    "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a tale in which the subordinate actors are quite as excellent in their way as the leading character. They are differentiated from each other by a variation in their personalities, rather than by an inequality in their ability to entertain.

  • af Solomon Northup
    127,95 kr.

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