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Bøger udgivet af Karl Albrecht International

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  • - Finding the Purpose, Setting the Direction, Shaping the Destiny of Your Organization
    af Karl Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    This is a powerful book about strategic vision: what it is, why it's critically important, how to create it, and how to implement it. Using the metaphor of a train to focus the attention of business leaders on knowing where they and their organizations are going, Karl Albrecht brings together the best of strategic thinking models and methods. A Fortune Book Club selection, and chosen by the American Management Association for worldwide distribution to its more than 60,000 members, this book is the bible for strategic customer focus. Karl Albrecht's seven-step model of strategy formulation has become the method of choice for many executives who want to shape the future of their enterprises. He integrates the two critical success concepts of customer focus and strategic vision, and provides a step-by-step process for aligning strategy, people, and systems around the core concept of customer value. Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager says, "Karl Albrecht's comprehensive book explores future trends in the business world and what successful companies will need to concentrate on to survive and prosper. It will encourage many executives to think and rethink their company's future direction." Provide a copy of The Northbound Train to each of your executives, managers, and team leaders.

  • - Solving the Middle Management Leadership Crisi
    af Karl Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    Foreword by Goran Carstedt, CEO of Volvo Sales, Sweden In this thought-provoking book Karl Albrecht introduces the revolutionizing concept of internal service. According to Karl, "If you're not serving the customer, your job is to serve somebody who is." He outlines a practical plan for turning all internal support departments into miniature service businesses. He shows middle managers and support employees how to identify and understand their customers, develop their service missions, improve their service practices, get valuable feedback from their internal customers, and negotiate reciprocal added-value relationships between departments. Goran Carstedt, head of Volvo Sales in Sweden, says, "In this book Karl Albrecht once again demonstrates his deep understanding for what it takes to make service excellence happen. The unique lesson is: 'If you ever hope to get things right on the outside, you must first get things right on the inside.'" Provide a copy of Service Within to every one of your managers.

  • - Making It Work For You
    af Karl Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    Ours is a fast paced world. The need to help ourselves and other professional people manage stress has never been greater. This book pioneered the wave of business interest in stress management, based on Karl Albrecht's original work with stress management training. Use Stress and the Manager as your own personal guide to managing stress, and as a resource for your managers in training programs on personal effectiveness and stress management. It covers the basic definition of stress, how it effects the body, knowing when stress is harmful and when it is not, and how to manage your life, work, and activities to keep stress within your comfort zone. Also covers techniques for managing that can help others control their stress levels. Dr. Hans Selye, father of the medical theory of stress, says, "I would not hesitate to support this book and will give it a place of prominence in the library of our International Institute of Stress, for all those concerned with management." Provide a copy of Stress and the Manager to every one of your managers and team leaders.

  • - Bringing the Power of the Custome Into the Center of Your Business
    af Karl Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    In this practical, down-to-earth guide for managers at all levels, Karl Albrecht re-defines the quality and service issues by fusing them into one all-powerful concept: Customer Value. He shows you how to implement the key practices of the outstanding customer-focused companies. This is a valuable book for all managers and one that resonates with the current business environment. His pioneering concept of customer value modeling shows you how to build a strategic focus based on customer value, and how to deploy the concept all through the organization. Using his Total Quality Service (TQS) model as a framework, he guides you through the transformation process, showing you how to avoid the 'fizzle factors' and actually deliver a superior customer value package. Jan Carlzon, CEO of Scandinavian Airlines, says, "Makes a convincing case for basing efforts to improve quality on added value to the customer. Thought-provoking." Provide a copy of The Only Thing That Matters to each of your executives, managers, and team leaders.

  • - The Breakthrough Method for Building Better Deals
    af Steve Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    The traditional, adversarial approach to negotiating, taught in books, seminars, and business courses all over the world, is a reductive approach: each side seeks to gain as much as possible by minimizing the value obtained by the other. If both parties are "tough negotiators," they'll succeed at the second objective and fail at the first. The result: minimum value for both sides. The age-old rules are known; keep your "opponent" guessing; don't give away too much information about yourself or your needs; negotiate from a position of strength and force your "adversary" to negotiate from weakness; use tricks and gimmicks to throw them off their game. The legacy of tough negotiating is, just as often as not, dissatisfaction, animosity, failed deals, broken agreements, lawsuits, and even war. Had enough of the same old shoving matches and head games? Now, try Added Value Negotiating, the breakthrough five-step method pioneered by Dr. Karl Albrecht and Dr. Steve Albrecht. AVN does not begin with the usual "offer and counteroffer" procedure so commonly used in negotiating. The first stage is an open and candid sharing of interests and objectives by both parties. Once both parties have expressed their interests, the method proceeds to the careful and thorough identification of the possible elements of value that might be involved in meeting the respective interests. This is where the "added value" component comes in. The objective is to build as much value as possible into the deal, not as little as possible. The AVN process then uses various methods for "deal building", which is a cooperative process of constructing several alternative "deal packages", each with a different emphasis on various configurations of value. The concept of multiple options is extremely important, because it replaces the "push-pull" psychology of the offer and counter-offer procedure with a cooperative search for mutually acceptable value. Provide a copy of Added Value Negotiating to every executive, manager, and professional person in your organization.

  • - Organizational Intelligence in Action
    af Karl Albrecht
    182,95 kr.

    Drawing on his 30 years of experience as an organizational consultant, Karl Albrecht delivers a whack on the head to today's leaders: we've got to make our organizations smarter. He coined Albrecht's Law to express the problem: "Intelligent people, when assembled into an organization, will tend toward collective stupidity." Using a wide variety of personal experiences, success and failure stories, and real cases, he lays out a manifesto for escaping from collective stupidity and achieving collective intelligence - in short, organizational intelligence, or "OI". While some might argue that OI is an oxymoron, or contradiction in terms, Karl Albrecht argues that it can - and must - be achieved if our business enterprises are to move to the next level of performance of which they are capable. He defines and explains seven key dimensions of OI, and devotes a full chapter to each one. Each chapter poses seven diagnostic questions that help you evaluate the OI status of your organization on that dimension. Put all 49 questions together and you have the complete Organizational Intelligence Profile, which you can also download in ready-to-use format (.pdf) from the KAI website. Prof. Warren Bennis of USC (author of On Becoming a Leader) says, "This is a book about how organizations can release and deploy human imagination. What can be more important?" Provide a copy of Minds at Work to each of your executives, managers, and team leaders.

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