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  • - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish friends
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    52,95 kr.

    An updated version of the popular book based on the "How to Live in Denmark" podcast, with 8 new chapters. In this fun, easy-to-read book, Kay draws on her own experience as a foreigner in Denmark in when it comes to learning Danish, trying to find a job in Denmark, and looking for a place to live in Copenhagen. She also touches on dating in Denmark, Danish drinking culture, Danish childraising, and how you can guess a Danish person's age from their first name alone. This entertaining look at life as an outsider in Denmark draws on gentle humor and can be enjoyed by both foreigners and their Danish friends.

  • - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish friends
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    72,95 kr.

    Life as a foreigner in Denmark, one of the world's most homogenous countries, isn't always easy. In this book Kay Xander Mellish – an American who has lived in Denmark for more than a decade – offers a fun guide to Danish culture and Danish manners, as well as tips on how to find a job, a date, someone to talk to or something to eat.

  • - Tips on finding a job in Denmark, succeeding in Danish workplace culture, and understanding your Danish boss
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    160,95 kr.

    Denmark is famous for its work-life balance, and salaries are high. The Danish "flat hierarchy" means that you may find yourself interacting with top management even as a junior employee. Your Danish boss will expect you to be proactive, work independently, and quickly admit mistakes when you make them. This book explains some of these unwritten rules of the Danish workplace, as well as how to find a job in Denmark.- Is learning to speak Danish necessary?- How can you promote your skills in a job interview without breaking "The Jante Law"?- Is it true that Danish bosses encourage you to disagree with them?- Why is it so important to take a break and eat cake with your colleagues?- What's it like to be an international boss leading a Danish team? This is an updated version of the 2018 original "How to Work in Denmark", with three new chapters: "Managing Danes as an International", "Working Together Virtually" and "Denmark vs Sweden, Norway, Germany."

  • - An enjoyable look at doing business in Denmark
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    72,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Many Americans enjoy doing business in Denmark or working with Danish business partners.But while Denmark is a great place for business - with excellent infrastructure, minimal corruption, and flexible business structures – there are significant differences between working culture in Denmark and in the US.Why is being a boss in Denmark - or working for a Danish boss - so different than the boss-employee relationship in the US?What is "the law of Jante" and why does it mean that you should go easy on the positive feedback and compliments when working with Danes?Why are there fewer women in management in egalitarian Denmark than in the US?What do you need to know about Danish business manners? How far in advance should you schedule a Danish business meeting? Should you bring gifts to your Danish business partners?This fun audiobook is read by the author, an American who has worked with several Danish companies. It will help Americans understand their Danish colleagues better and avoid simple mistakes.

  • - A fun guide to small but significant errors
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    85,95 - 86,95 kr.

    Most Danes speak excellent English. That said, they do make a few common - and sometimes comic - errors. This light-hearted little book will help Danes speak even more smooth and professional English, for work, travel, or fun. -----------Danskerne snakker rigtigt godt engelsk, men indimellem laver de alligevel nogle fejl. Nogle større end andre. Nogle sjovere end andre.I "Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English" får du en oversigt over de 35 fejl en dansker oftest laver, når vedkommende taler engelsk. Der kan f.eks. være hvornår man hhv. bruger "fun" og "funny".Kay Xander Mellish står bag "Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English". Det er en oplagt bog for alle der er igang med at lære engelsk, alle der gerne vil forbedre sit engelsk, og måske dem der bruger engelsk enten på sit arbejde eller som rejsende.

  • af Kay Xander Mellish
    137,95 kr.

    What should you expect in meetings and negotiations with Americans? How can you make small talk with American colleagues? What do Americans really want from a Danish manager? And why do Americans use so many exclamation points?Kay Xander Mellish is a US-DK dual citizen with working experience in both countries. In this audio book, she offers tips for Danes who work with Americans as colleagues, customers, or suppliers. (A companion volume for Americans who work with Danes will be available soon.)This entertaining, informative guide will make working with Americans more pleasant and more successful.

  • - An entertaining guide to business co-operation
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    127,95 kr.

    Amerikansk forretningsetikette er ikke altid nem at forstå, mange danskere begår fejl, når de skal drive forretning i USA og finde rundt i amerikansk arbejdskultur. Denne bog kan hjælpe dig til en bedre forståelse for den kulturforskel mellem USA og Danmark, der kan skabe problemer, når man skal arbejde sammen. Find ud af:◦ Hvad du kan forvente af møder og forhandlinger med amerikanerne◦ Hvad man snakker om med sine amerikanske kolleger – og hvad man ikke snakker om.◦ Hvilken slags leder en amerikaner helst vil have.◦ Hvorfor dine amerikanske kunder forventer, at du besvarer deres mails 24/7.◦ Hvordan man snakker amerikansk engelsk og hvordan man undgår sprogfejl.◦ Hvorfor amerikanere elsker(!) udråbstegn!

  • - A fun guide to Danish life for Arabic speakers living in Denmark
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    106,95 kr.

    هذه النسخة العربية من كتاب " كيف تعيش في الدنمارك" مصممة خصيصا لكل المتحدثين باللغة العربية الذين يعيشون في الدنمارك.كتاب سلس ويتميز بروح الدعابة حول أساليب الحياة في الدنمارك, ولا يحتوي إطلاقا علي أي معلومات تخص الهجرة إلي الدنمارك, أو كيفية الحصول علي تأشيرة الدخول. المؤلف لا يمثل الحكومة الدنماركية, كما أنه لايمكنه الإجابة علي أي أسئلة خاصة بهذه الموضوعات."كيف تعيش في الدنمارك": الطبعة العربية هي الترجمة المباشرة للنسخة الأصلية و المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية بالإضافة لبعض المحتويات الخاصة, بما في ذلك الصفحة رقم 8 "رسالة خاصة بالقارئ العربي" حول التحديات التي يمكن أن يواجهها العرب والمسلمون في الدنمارك, بالإضافة إلي فصل أخر عن كيفية تربية الأطفال في النظام الدنماركي.Arabic speakers living in Denmark will enjoy this translation of the popular English book, "How to Live in Denmark". This light, humorous book covers everything from daily life in Denmark to Danish holidays to childraising the Danish way. It talks frankly about the tension between pride in one's own cultural traditions and integration into Danish society. Both new arrivals in Denmark and long-term residents can enjoy the Arabic-language version of "How to Live in Denmark", which also includes a special introduction written for Arabic speakers.

  • af Georgia Elle Mellish
    27,95 kr.

    I den lille by Grønnedal bor en pige, der hedder Molly. Molly er 11 år gammel, har lyst hår og er en lille smule genert. Det er den nye pige i Mollys klasse til gengæld ikke. Hun hedder Rikke og laver hele tiden fiduser med klassekammeraterne, så det er aldrig kedeligt at være sammen med hende. Rikke og Molly komme ud for mange sjov ting, men ved siden af alt det sjove, går Molly rundt med en stor hemmelighed. Hun vil så gerne have en lillesøster eller lillebror, men hun tør ikke sige det til sin mor og far.

  • - A Humorous Guide for Chinese Speakers and their Danish Friends
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    70,95 kr.

    Chinese visitors to Denmark, Chinese students in Denmark and Chinese immigrants to Denmark will enjoy this Chinese-language version of the popular book 'How to Live in Denmark', based on the popular podcast. The book includes a special introduction for Chinese readers.

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