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  • af Maximo Diego Pujol
    205,95 kr.

    Composed for 4 guitars but which can be performed by a guitar ensemble. For intermediate and advanced levels. Contains score and parts.

  • af Maximo Diego Pujol
    205,95 kr.

    4 new pieces by Maximo Diego Pujol, composed for 4 guitars but which can be performed by a guitar ensemble. For intermediate and advanced levels. Contains both score and parts.

  • af Daiki Nishi
    185,95 kr.

    Contemporary Pieces for Harpsichord 4 hands. CONTENTS: Vo AÂ?e` IV;Kerrang !; Noeuds et nuages; Petits insectes mecaniques.

  • af Gabriel Fauré
    244,95 kr.

    Here are 7 melodies by Gabriel Faure transcribed for the saxophone (Bb and Eb). The author has chosen to also present the texts in order to soak up their poetry. CONTENTS: Mai (poesie de Victor Hugo) ; Lydia (poesie de Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle) ; Tristesse (poesie de Theophile Gautier) ; Les Berceaux (poesie de Rene-Francois Sully Prudhomme) ; Au bord de l'eau (poesie de Rene-Francois Sully Prudhomme) ; Dans les ruines d'une abbaye (poesie de Victor Hugo) ; La Chanson du pecheur (poesie de Theophile Gautier).

  • af Daiki Nishi
    130,95 kr.

    10 small pieces which illustrate the basic gestures for playing the piano. Knowing these gestures will save you unnecessary work and fatigue of fingers, wrists and arms.This is the fundamental principle of the technique of Genevieve Ibanez, my teacher at the Schola Cantorum in Paris.Daiki Nishi

  • af Adrien Politi
    130,95 kr.

    Des petites pieces amusantes, de difficulte progressive, pour jeunes guitaristes. CONTENTS: Martin; Martine; Yo lloviendo esta (Traditionnel - Il pleut deja); Una flor de la cantuta (Traditionnel - Une fleur de cantuta); Frida; Ritournelle; La Caravane; Drole d'histoire; Ballade a Bilieu; Le Pas de l'ourse; La Chenille; Le Troll; L'Oiseau sur la branche; Rue du lavoir; Dans la brume; Capucine; Chanson simple.

  • af Juan Falu
    130,95 kr.

    Cet album propose des musiques qui representent les sons d'Argentine, du Bresil et du Paraguay : le "choro", genre musical bresilien, la "Guarania" genre classique des musiques du Paraguay, les danses du folklore argentin, appelees "Chacarera" et "Gato". CONTENTS: Aquel abrazo; La trunca Herrera; Mishi de cuarentena; Na Trilha dos Choroes.

  • af Marc Le Gars
    139,95 kr.

    9 intermediate pieces for Celtic harp. CONTENTS: Ballade celte; Guemene Penfao (Cotes d'Armor); La Fontaine de Barenton (Ille et Vilaine); Tristan et Iseult (Cornouailles); Amazing Grace (traditionnel Ecosse); Yr Wyddfa yn y gaeaf; Le Mont Snowdon en hiver (Pays de Galles); La Ballade de Gwennyn; Locquemeau (Cotes d'Armor); En pays Bigouden.

  • af Marc Le Gars
    139,95 kr.

    14 easy pieces for Celtic harp. CONTENTS: Invocation; Chanson bretonne; Kerlisou; Bagad; Goemons; Genets; Fest noz; Easy and slow (Trad. Scottish); Fougeres; Quelque part en Irlande...; Les Sept AZles (Cotes d'Armor); Le Sillon de Talbert (Cotes d'Armor); Trestraou (Cotes d'Armor); Granit.

  • af Franz Schubert
    147,95 kr.

    After Bach, Debussy, Mahler... here is a new piano transcription by Alexandre Tharaud.This transcription appears on the new album "Schubert" which has just been released by Erato-Warner Classics France.

  • af Guillaume Druel
    130,95 kr.

    Animaux minute Vol.2 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.

  • af Guillaume Druel
    121,95 kr.

    Animaux minute Vol.1 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.CONTENTS: Koala, adoucissant concentre / Koala, concentrated softener (1'20); Ours blanc, legende Inuit / White bear, Inuit legend (1'10); Coccinelle, 7 points, c'est tout / Ladybug, voracious lucky charm (1'15); Lombric, decompositeur celebre / Earthworm, famous composter (1'20); Canard, fidele compagnon du clarinettiste / Duck, the clarinetist's faithful friend (1'20); Lions, a l'heure de la sieste / Lions, at nap time (1'40); Zibeline, vent d'est / Sable, east wind (1'30); Tourterelle, cet elegant mystere / Turtledove, this elegant mystery (1'20); Cloportes, chevaliers en armure / Woodlice, knights in armor (1'05); Hamster, petit clown triste / Hamster, sad little clown (1'); Cobra, artiste de panier / Cobra, basket artist (1'30); Corail, sculpture vivante / Coral, living sculpture (1'10); Araignee, architecte archi-tetue / Spider, stubborn architect (1'05); Tortue luth, accordee a la quinte / Leatherback turtle, tuned to the fifth (1'20); Bison d'Europe, grand calme du sous-bois / European bison, big calm of the undergrowth (1'30); Plancton, du rien par milliards de tonnes / Plankton, nothing by billions of tons (1'50); Girafe, marquise des baobabs / Giraffe, marquess of baobabs (1'30); Ecureuil, petit epicier vertical / Squirrel, small vertical grocer (1'05); Herisson, mobilier de jardin / Hedgehog, garden furniture (55"); Flamants roses, mirage sale / Pink flamingos, salty mirage (1')

  • af Valentine Delree
    195,95 kr.

    Methode creative pour le piano by Paul Huvelle and Valentine Delree.

  • af Pierre Chepelov
    244,95 kr.

    Dictation in music Vol. 7 - 3rd cycle.

  • af Guillaume Druel
    147,95 kr.

    Animaux minute Vol.3 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.CONTENTS: Puces savantes, sous le plus petit chapiteau du monde / Learned fleas, under the smallest tent of the world (1'15); Escargot, immobile, il avance ; je regarde / Snail, motionless, it's advancing; I watch (1'50); Petit cheval, sur le sentier d'une montagne inconnue, loin / Little horse, on the trail of an unknown mountain, far away (1'10); Chenille, brindille animee / Caterpillar, animated twig (1'15); Chrysalide, laboratoire secret / Chrysalis, secret laboratory (1'20); Pieride, petale volant / Imported cabbageworm, flying petal (1'10); Meduse, aux caprices de la houle / Medusa, to the vagaries of the swell (1'20); Etoile de mer, un bout de ciel dans l'eau / Starfish, a piece of sky in the water (1'15); Tatou, blinde leger / Armadillo, light armoured vehicle (1'20); Cygne, un sillage dans la brume froide / Swan, a wake in the cold mist (1'); Faon, valse lente d'un futur incertain / Fawn, slow waltz of an uncertain future (1'25); Panda, monnaie chinoise / Panda, Chinese currency (1'30); Gnou, la-bas dans l'herbe / Wildebeest, down in the grass (1'20); Pingouin, bipede atonal / Penguin, atonal biped (1'); Lemuriens, des arlequins perches / Lemurs, perched harlequins (1'10); Lamantin, si beau, si lent, si bemol / Manatee, B flat big balloon (1'30); Ophidien, enroulement de patience / Ophidian, winding of patience (1'50); Dromadaire, vehicule ecologique / Camel, ecological vehicle (2'15); Heron, touriste des marais / Heron, swamp tourist (2'); Dragon, terreur de papier avec clochettes / Dragon, paper monster with bells (1'35).

  • af Claire Ricateau
    195,95 kr.

    My first daily exercises was conceived to follow methods for beginners before using exercise books by grand masters. In a single volume, and in all tonalities, it combines practice on tone, dynamics and intonation, as well as fingerspeed, various types of tonguing and articulations. It will give you a solid technical base for a regular and concise practice, and also practice tools for etudes or exercise books by Taffanel and Gaubert, Reichert, etc.

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