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  • af Gerry Huerth
    133,95 kr.

    What happens to a child living in a conventional 1950's suburb who has a secret life that is anything but conventional? How does Francis create a future when the present is so dangerous? Not only has he been violently sexually traumatized as a child, but he is also attracted to men in an era when homosexuality is morally and legally condemned. He faces a life of contempt and violence. He becomes a spy, someone who watches people and even his own life from a secret distance.This novel follows the path that leads Francis from childhood, through adolescence in a Catholic seminary and finally into adulthood. There are no straight lines here and no easy answers. As Francis follows out this pathway with dead ends and detours he discovers almost by accident something real that wells up inside him that connects him to other people and life.

  • af Gerry Huerth
    128,95 kr.

    The Boundary Waters chronicles the unfolding and sometimes comic relationship between Raymona Washington Goldberg and Matthew Pierson. Raymona is an African American woman adopted as an infant by Jewish father and a German Catholic mother during a Freedom Ride in the 1960's. She spends her time barricaded in her Upper East Side rent controlled apartment in New York City, afraid to be contaminated by the stories lurking in the most common circumstances. Matthew is a gay man who geographically lives in Minneapolis but psychically inhabits a world of romantic fantasies. Matthew distracts himself by recounting romantic stories in which he becomes entangled. Their phone conversations provide a hygienic boundary through which Raymona experiences the world and Matthew has an audience.Their relationship takes a dramatic turn when Matthew entangles himself with three other gay men who are going to The Boundary Waters in Minnesota. One of the men is at the end stage of AIDS. Matthew is quite suddenly captured in an adventure in which wishful happy endings lose all meaning. Without Matthew's stories droning on the phone, Raymona becomes desperate and ventures outside her apartment, taking an epic journey on the subway. There she begins to awaken to the complex and often heartbreaking stories of her ancestors. Not only does the boundary between Raymona and Matthew start shifting, but both characters begin exploring the carefully guarded boundaries in their own lives. Their stories interact in a kind of synchrony as they stumble through the comedy and tragedy of the human condition.

  • af Nathalie L'H Goldston
    172,95 - 229,95 kr.

  • af Roxsane K. Tiernan
    147,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af E. Linda Cushner
    107,95 - 162,95 kr.

  • af Czar R. Valen
    107,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Apostle J. Vernon Duncan
    147,95 kr.

    This book is a riveting expose of a crisis of no mean proportion now confronting our world. The author investigates the reality of the gender crisis, with much focus on the etymology of the word "gender" itself. He extrapolates his argument using God's creation mandate and nature itself as his paradigm. The book also skilfully demonstrates that the attempt by same sex advocates to redefine gender as a "social construct," distinct from sex, which admittedly is biological and fixed, is at best a circular argument, in that the actual practice of any so-called"gender-type" demands a corresponding change in sexual behaviour, refuting the claim that sex and gender are different.

  • af Kevin Bates
    108,94 kr.

    Written from the heart and experiences of Kevin Bates, "Still Beautiful" fuses fun, family love, spiritual, emotional, and thought-provoking poetry to guide readers through life's triumphs and defeats. Built into four compelling sections, every reader will find verses that resonate with their past, present, and future place in God's world. "Still Beautiful" takes readers on a path of nostalgia; a time where "Black is beautiful" wasn't just a phrase, it was a way of life. Kevin's words paint memorable portraits of social injustices, marches, Afros, and grandmas' cooking. His poems show us how unity is important in getting through tough times, and no matter the issue Black is the color of Beauty.

  • af Gwen Y. Gistarb
    162,95 kr.

    The Lesson Plan offers a specific guide to parents for preparing teenage daughters for real-world expectations. This workbook includes lessons and activities that will enhance the mother and daughter bond through increased communication and learning to listen to the needs of their daughters. Parents must take responsibility for parenting their children for society.This workbook will help guide mothers through the responsibilities their daughters must accept when learning to become accountable for their actions and their lives. The Lesson Plan will help mothers achieve several parental objectives:*Rebuilding failing mother/daughter relationships*Listening without being judgmental*Incorporating technology as a parental teaching toolBuilding self-esteem, self-awareness, self-confidence, self-direction, and self-respect*Teaching teenagers how to prepare for the workforce.Becoming a good parent is a challenging process. As daughters reach their teenage years, the family support system will help them to accept guidance from parents who have identified ways to strengthen family relationships, determined the causes of family problems, discuss ways to solve family problems, sought sources of outside help for family problems and establish and enforce house rules.Be there for your daughter when she needs you most with The Lesson Plan.

  • af Donald Suckstorff
    132,95 - 162,95 kr.

  • af Gerry Huerth
    132,95 kr.

    Frannie Fortunato lives in her imagination and the memories of her youth in the Peace and Love Generation. At one her nostalgic fetes, a friend of hers introduces her to a gentleman caller, Leonard Grunwald. Leonard is a driven single minded lawyer who has refrained from any kind of whimsy. He is charmed by this person who embodies all that he has missed. After a romantic courtship these two very different people get married. Leonard takes charge and whisks Frannie away to a honeymoon in Italy. After traveling through Italy, the two finally settle in Amalfi. Centuries before, The Duchess of Amalfi and her children were murdered in a tower overlooking the town. As the dust of romance begins to settle, Leonard begins to feel frustrated and disappointed with Frannie. She begins chaffing under the strict rule of Leonard. Leonard begins unraveling in this strange place he can't control. Frannie visit the Duchess' Tower. There, she listens more carefully to her own inner call to resourceful independence. She begins coming of age.

  • af Peter D. King
    116,95 kr.

    Dr. King's book is a wonderful description of life and heart felt sensitive details so close to audience. His rebuilding parenting steps so magnetized to their goals and the book will be never left alone.

  • af Gerry Huerth
    132,95 kr.

    The story is about unfinished business that people carry around, lifetime after lifetime, through multiple reincarnations. It opens at the deathbed of the Emperor Hadrian in 138 AD. It is comedic and poignant.

  • af Wayne Taylor
    121,95 kr.

    Assumptions of Cosmology blows away the hypotheses of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Inflation. A remarkable outline of an experiment to verify the cause of the CMB.Unravels the arcane descriptions of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Inflation. Solves the problems of the current Big Bang Theory. Reveals how the large-scale structure of the universe, galaxy formation and the CMB are natural consequences of the Big Bang.

  • af Laurie S Hurt
    162,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Franz Rothe
    552,95 - 663,95 kr.

  • af Ethel M. Halstead
    149,95 kr.

    Harri went back into the jungle to save her best friend who was scheduled for execution within the week. Unfortunately, she met with more deadly opposition than she had expected. After discovering what she suspected to be a terrorists' killing ground, she immediately encountered two armed men who were set to add her to their growing pile of corpses. When the shooting had ceased, Harri stepped cautiously from her vine covered hiding place and found herself looking down the barrel of an assault rifle. On the other end of the rifle was the other ape from the airport-the one with the handlebar mustache. As she stood waiting for the bullet she fully expected would take her permanently out of action, she felt the hair begin to raise on the nape of her neck; this ape must be one of those kinky animals that plays with their food before eating it.

  • af Kiel Barnekov
    170,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Marie Coady
    242,95 kr.

  • af William Diebold
    204,95 kr.

    The Champa people are descended from a time before recorded history. They were last together as a nation one thousand years ago when they were overrun by the invading Viets and scattered around Southeast Asia. Legend has it they buried a fabulous treasure, the remaining wealth of the Champa Kingdom as they fled. We are introduced to the main character, Mai Sambath as she begins her career in Chicago. She is a former child refugee from Vietnam who is aware that she is somehow different from everyone else and firmly believes there is something important she is destined to do with her life. Jack is a photographer in Chicago. He and Mai fall in love from the moment they first meet. They live happily together in Chicago as each enjoys great success in their chosen careers. But all that changes in an instant and Jack could never have imagined the extraordinary and life-changing journey ahead for them. Among other unexpected surprises, they are confronted with the possibility that she is the lost queen of the Champa people who is sought after by an evil despot who seeks to rule Southeast Asia."If your wife, Mai, is really the heir to the old kingdom," continued Vega, "the people may very well rally to her, and that would make her very valuable to Minh. In fact, Jack, that would at this time make her the most important woman in Southeast Asia, wanted by Colonel Minh, the Champa people, and the Vietnamese, all for very different reasons."What will Mai do when she discovers this despot is actually the one who killed her parents and left her an orphan? How are Mai and Jack involved in the possible discovery of the Champa treasure? What will Jack do to save her when one day he finds Mai missing? These are only a few of the many wonderful twists and turns in this page-turning narrative.

  • af William Diebold
    209,95 kr.

    This is a sequel to " Valley of the Queen " for thousands of years the earth has held a secret left by an ancient civilization that promises unlimited prosperity and power for whomever finds it. The secret remained hidden until recently. A professor of archeological studies discovers a link to that secret and it leads him to the ancient Siem Kulea valley where Jack and Mai have settled. The peace of their valley is tested as evil adversaries seek the power of the secret which is kept behind a magnificent and mysterious door hidden below the White Palace. The means to open that door, the omate door handle, was purposely hidden in three parts around the world by the ancients when they left earth to return to their home world. The door was never intended to be opened again because of the immense power within. Thus, it becomes a surprising and thrilling contest as adversaries search around the world to see who finds the answer first in this all-or-nothing contest between the forces of good and evil.

  • af Jean Kaiserling
    162,95 kr.

    Jean Kaiserling had a happy marriage with a man she loved deeply. He was more than a good provider-he was her best friend and husband of twenty-four years. And then, suddenly he was ripped out of her life in a horrific industrial accident.Bill was gone, and just as suddenly, Jean felt she had nothing to live for.Her wonderful life was turned upside down, and Jean was left with severe depression, in an agony of loneliness. Yet, even as she prayed to God for comfort, she craved isolation, becoming withdrawn, speechless, thoughtless. Desperate. All she wanted was to join Bill in Heaven.She drank to numb the pain.Finally realizing she needed help in order to live the new, different life she'd been given, Jean reached out for counseling and therapy. Sessions with grief groups and mental health professionals all led to the same conclusion: Jean needed hospitalization......or Jean would die by her own hand.Read the true story of Jean Kaiserling's descent into depression and despair and how inpatient psychiatric hospitalization-something Jean neither wanted nor enjoyed-impacted every aspect of her life, from friendships to spirituality to family relationships and beyond.¿

  • af Barnie E. Slice
    132,95 - 162,95 kr.

  • af Rose Rybachek
    231,95 - 289,95 kr.

  • af Francis Borboh Dumbuya
    132,95 - 203,95 kr.

  • af Gwen Enquist
    177,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Jason Shohara
    397,95 kr.

    In the 23rd Century, A. Gordon Sakata observes that the Republic of North America are treated as discards -- or as he describes it, "kami jin" (paper people)). With a national unemployment rate of 95%, people are losing their jobs daily due to artificial intelligence and robotics. He becomes a victim of automation, becoming homeless himself, works as a circus elephant caretaker. Eventually he is forced into a concentration camp when war breaks out and taken into the mountains to die. As a survivalist, he becomes enlightened on the mountain and develops answers to eradicating the world of poverty 1 and homelessness, rescued by his lovely extraterrestrial wife and transported to a distant utopian planet where he lives a heavenly new life as Emperor of Xychron. Eventually returns to Earth to save the oppressed and take them to a land of paradise.

  • af Betty F. Haith
    132,95 kr.

    Essie Mae found sharing her horrible memories, however difficult it might have been, to be a burden-lifting experience. After becoming a Bible-believing Christian in her golden years, she believed what she did was biblical after reading a passage found in the book of James 5:16, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." Essie Mae was compelled to confess her past sins before she died because she didn't want anything to prevent her from hearing that heavenly choir as she walked through those pearly gates!

  • af Roberta Maclise McDonald
    192,95 kr.

    This book is recommended for parents who are frustrated and confused by how the public school system excludes them from contributing meaningfully to their children's education. The author recounts many of her experiences in the Public Education System from the inside where she taught in a wide variety of places and grades throughout Western Canada, over a period of 46 years. She recounts the many changes that have taken place in that time frame. Roberta (as she prefers to be called) prides herself on the courage to face difficulties head-on and challenge authority when it appears to be self-serving rather than dedicated to its founding principles. This pursuit has led her to run for public office three times and enter several other fields, some in the private sector, which gives her a different perspective than solely as a public servant. The topics covered range from new trends since the end of W.W.-II to whether uniforms should be instituted to what can be done about bullying. Many authorities are quoted and brought into the discussion, from Statistics Canada to Hilda Neat by. Education is a hot button topic these days, second only to Health Care in Canada, it seems. Roberta wonders whether we are due for some real fundamental changes in the way we teach our children. This book encourages us to open a true dialectic on the subject.

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