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  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    137,95 kr.

  • af Lucy Maud Montgomery
    137,95 kr.

  • af Begoña Oro
    142,95 kr.

    You are going to laugh out loud... at Calle la Pera 24. Be careful, you will not want to leave! Love is in the air at 24 La Pera Street! Olivia finds a letter full of love and bad news. Could its author be a PisaColaGatos? Hugo does not understand what is happening to his sister. Why are stuffed animals and sweats involved in this mystery? The two siblings will discover that this investigation is especially complicated when the heart beats like a drum.

  • af Sarah Rees
    212,95 kr.

    "It's spring, and Headmistress Dowling is organizing an orientation day for the students coming to Alfea next year. Stella volunteers to head the committee to welcome the new students, and she insists that her boyfriend, Sky, help out. But Sky is preoccupied with the bad behavior of his moody roommate, Riven. Incoming students Aisha, Musa, and Terra are nervous about orientation day. Aisha is eager to prove that she can hold her own among the magical talents at Alfea... but Musa isn't so sure the school is the right place for her. As for Terra, all she wants is to make friends with the other first years. Meanwhile, Headmistress Dowling has a lead on a fairy living in the human world. This young girl, Bloom, has no idea of what lies before her... but her previously unknown powers are about to be put to the test."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Carme Dolz
    252,95 kr.

  • af Lauren Magaziner
    182,95 kr.

    ¿Te atreves a convertirte en detective? ¡Tú decides a qué sospechoso interrogar, qué preguntas hacer y qué pistas seguir!>Carlos, su mejor amiga Eliza y su alocado hermano pequeño Frank llegan a la escena de los hechos para investigar... ¿un fantasma? ¿Qué misterios oculta ese hotel encantado? ¡Con tantos enigmas engañosos, misterios macabros y docenas de decisiones dificilísimas, estos aprendices de detective necesitarán tu ayuda! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Pick-your-own-path and puzzle-packed mystery collide in the third book in Lauren Magaziner's hilarious and interactive middle grade series. In the Case Closed books, the reader helps Carlos and his friends hunt ghosts at a haunted hotel.>Carlos Serrano is now officially an apprentice detective at Las Pistas Detective Agency. He finally earned his mom's trust, but his next case will be his most difficult one yet. Guests at a creepy mountain hotel are complaining of weird disturbances, threatening messages, and hair-raising howls! Carlos, along with his best friend, Eliza, and her wacky little brother, Frank, arrive on the scene to investigate a . . . ghost? What secrets is this haunted hotel hiding? With tricky puzzles, ghoulish secrets, ectoplasmic enemies, and dozens of impossible choices, these junior detectives need your sleuthing skills! Can you help Carlos and his friends unravel the mystery before it's too late? Or will it be case closed?

  • af Jeff Kinney
    172,95 kr.

    Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, old school.

  • af Jeff Kinney
    172,95 kr.

    Greg, stuck indoors with his family over the holiday because of a blizzard, suffers from claustrophobia and worries they will not be able to weather the storm.

  • af Enid Blyton
    162,95 kr.

    Continúa la aventura en los maravillosos mundos de Él árbol muy muy lejano. Los clásicos inolvidables de Enid Blyton. Joe, Beth y Frannie están esperando al primo Rick. ¡Qué divertido! En cuanto llegue lo llevarán al Bosque Encantado para que conozcaal hada Seditas, al sabio Cara de Luna y al señor Cazuelas, pero ya sabéis que las aventuras siempre se complican en El árbol muy muy lejano. ¿A qué mundos irán a parar? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: The Magic Faraway Tree is the second book in The Faraway Tree series of children's novels. Jo, Bessie and Fanny, the protagonists of the series, have their cousin Dick over to stay with them. They will take Rick on an adventure he'll never forget. Find out how they escape from the Land of Dreams, what goes wrong in the Land of Topsy-Turvy, and who drives a runaway train in the Land of Do-As-You-Please.

  • af Lauren Magaziner
    182,95 kr.

    La protagonista de una famosa serie de televisiâon desapareciâo sin dejar rastro. ÅCâomo encontrarla cuando a cada paso de la investigaciâon surgen enigmas enrevesados? ÅSe develan secretos sorprendentes y deben tomarse decisiones peliagudas? Carlos estâa convencido de que esta es su oportunidad para lanzarse a investigar y demostrar a su madre que estâa convertido en todo un detective. Pero el tiempo se le acaba y necesitarâa tu colaboraciâon. ÅPodrâas ayudarlo a encontrar a la actriz, capturar al culpable de su desapariciâon y salvar a sus amigos antes de que lo descubran?

  • af Jeff Kinney
    137,95 kr.

    "In Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid, Rowley writes about his experiences and agrees to play the role of biographer for Greg along the way. (After all, one day Greg will be rich and famous, and everyone will want to know his life's story.) Rowley is a poor choice for the job, and his biography of Greg is a hilarious mess"--

  • af Pittacus Lore
    242,95 kr.

    After the battle in Switzerland, the loyalties of the Fugitive Six are divided. Taylor, Kopano, and Nigel return to the Academy with Nine. The resentment against the Garde continues to grow and the United Nations order power-inhibiting implants be put inside all gifted individuals. Our heroes only have one option: fight. Isabela, Caleb, and Ryan have decided to hunt all remaining members of the Foundation. They unite forces with old enemies Einar and Five. When a new threat appears, they are ill-prepared. The Guarde will have to come together in order to survive.

  • af Rachel Renée Russell
    172,95 kr.

    Translation of: Tales from a not-so-talented pop star.

  • af Begoña Oro
    137,95 kr.

    "âUltimamente estâan pasando cosas muy extraänas en la calle La Pera, 24: Los Pisa Cola Gatos no saben si seguir o no con el grupo, ha aparecido una seänora muy peculiar en el portal, todo apunta a que en casa de Alberto han matado a alguien... y hay movimiento en el 1.º A, aunque no hay rastro de inquilinos. Pero Åquâe estâa pasando? ÆMenos mal que HUGO y OLIVIA ya han empezado a investigar!"--Publisher's description.

  • af Begoña Oro
    137,95 kr.

    Pistones a montones... En la Calle La Pera, 24. ¡Cuidado que engancha! ¡Conoce a los vecinos más peculiares del mundo! Un negocio misterioso ha aparecido en la calla La Pera 24, y están pasando cosas muy extrañas. Los abuelos del barrio ya no se quedan dormidos, están siempre atentos a lo que pasa a su alrededor y se dedican a dar vueltas por la plaza mirando al cielo. Y hay días en que el quiosquero lleva corbata, ¡qué raro! Sin duda ha llegado el momento de que HUGO y OLIVIA empiecen a investigar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Lots of ruckus going on at 24 La Pera Street. Be careful, you might get hooked! Meet the most peculiar neighbors in the world! A mysterious business has suddenly appeared in 24 La Pera Street, and very strange things are happening. The neighborhood's grandparents no longer doze off asleep at random times, they are always alert to what is happening around them and now they spend time walking around the square looking at the sky. And there are days when the guy in charge of the snack stand wears a tie, how strange! The time has surely come for HUGO and OLIVIA to start investigating these strange activities.

  • af Tomi Adeyemi
    242,95 kr.

    La magia ha regresado al paâis de Orèisha... pero la lucha por el poder no ha terminado. La guerra acaba de empezar. Tras enfrentarse a lo imposible. Zâeile y Amari han logrado devolver por fin la magia al paâis de Orèisha. Pero el ritual fue mâas poderoso de lo que pudieron imaginar y, ademâas de a los maji, tambiâen reavivâo los poderes a los nobles con ancestros mâagicos. Ahora Zâeile se esfuerza por unir a su pueblo en un mundo donde el enemigo es igual de poderoso que âel, por asegurar el derecho de Amari al trono y por proteger a los nuevos maji de la ira de la monarquâia. Si no lo consigue, el reino de Orèisha podrâia desaparecer. --Page [4] of cover.

  • af Julio Verne & Shia Green
    162,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Jason Resenthal
    192,95 kr.

    "Este libro es para ti. Para ti, que eres maravilloso, inteligente y comprensivo. Si alguna vez necesitas que te lo recuerden, abre cualquier pâagina del libro. Asi sabrâas que eres especial y muy querido." -- Back cover.

  • af Jeff Kinney
    172,95 kr.

    "Greg Heffley y los deportes no se llevan bien. Tras una desastrosa jornada deportiva en la escuela, Greg decide que lo de sudar la camiseta no es lo suyo, pero acepta a regaänadientes las sugerencia de su mamâa de inscribirse en basquetbol."--

  • af Laura Ellen Anderson
    192,95 kr.

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