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  • af Alan Caillou
    152,95 kr.

    Second novel in the Ian Quayle Spy Series! An upcoming summit of Intelligence leaders from all over Europe has attracted the attention of a particularly deadly terrorist group calling themselves the Swords of God and their mysterious leader who has vowed to destroy the proceedings and eliminate the participants. It is the job of Ian Quayle, a researcher within the bowels of MI6, to discover the identity of this leader and help keep them from succeeding. But this time Ian Quayle has stuck out his neck too far and the Swords of God have targeted him and those closest to him for termination before their leader's identity can be made public. From the bustling streets of London to the dark alleyways of Cairo, Ian Quayle is a man on the run for his life!

  • af Derrick Jackson
    192,95 kr.

    In a world teetering on the edge of chaos where darkness looks on every corner." The Day That Shit Changed" is a heat-stopping take that plunges readers into a maelstrom of unrelenting turmoil and unexpected redemption. This gripping narrative captures the essence of a single day that shattered all sense of normalcy.

  • af Emily Hanlon
    207,95 kr.

    Life at Saint John of the Cross Parish in Pequot Bays should have returned to normal after one of its priests was cleared of murdering a parishioner and the true killer put behind bars. But a troublesome new group called Dies Irae has moved in, led by the fire-and-brimstone Father Thaddeus. When one of its devoted followers dies under suspicious circumstances, Father Seamus enlists Martha Collins to help him oust Father Thaddeus from the parish. But when a second member of Dies Irae dies, the Purple Pest detective, Marya Cook, shuffles back into action. Can Marya unmask another murderer before he or she strikes again-or will Martha become the next victim? In this sequel to Emily Hanlon's phenomenal debut, Who Am I to Judge?, the scatterbrained octogenarian sleuth, Marya, and her sensible sidekick, Martha, are back in action with new twists and turns, an assortment of scheming suspects, and of course, plenty of purple-penned notecards.

    133,95 kr.

    يعتبر الشعر الفارسي الحديث من أبرز التجليات الأدبية في العالم الفارسي. ومن خلال كتاب "مختارات من الشعر الفارسي الحديث" الذي تم ترجمته وإعداده بواسطة الناقد والمترجم حامد حبيب، يتم تقديم مجموعة مختارة من القصائد الفارسية الحديثة التي تعكس جمالية اللغة وعمق المشاعر في الثقافة الفارسية.يعد كتاب "مختارات من الشعر الفارسي الحديث" قطعة أدبية ذات قيمة كبيرة لعشاق الشعر والثقافة الفارسية. إنه ليس مجرد مجموعة من القصائد، بل هو نافذة تفتح على تراث ثقافي غني وتعريف بشعراء فارسيين معاصرين يستحقون الاهتمام والاستكشاف. يتيح للقارئ فهم عمق الثقافة الفارسية وتأثير الشعر في حياة الناس.بفضل ترجمة وإعداد الناقد والمترجم حامد حبيب، يتمتع الكتاب بدقة واضحة في الترجمة والتفسير. يتجلى مهارته في اختيار المقاطع الشعرية التي تعكس جمالية اللغة الفارسية وتحمل معانيها العميقة. بفضل خبرته الطويلة في مجال الترجمة والنقد الأدبي، يتمتع حبيب بالقدرة على التعامل مع الشعر الفارسي بشكل متقن وإيصاله بشكل فعال إلى الجمهور العربي.الكتاب من إصداراتKinzy Publishing Agency

  • af Sara Samuels
    277,95 kr.

    The highly anticipated third book in the Blade of Shadows Series...They can't escape the relentless, ruthless darkness. Olivia and her sister are running for their lives, hunted by the evil man who murdered their mother. With her dearest love, Roman, lost somewhere in time, only one man can help Olivia. Eyan Malik. Darkness, power, and dominance swirl around the mysterious man, igniting a sizzling, dangerous awareness in Olivia. Why is she so drawn to him? Will her irresistible attraction to Malik lead her to betray Roman?Malik is a man of many secrets. When Olivia discovers a journal that belonged to her dead mother, it may hold the key she needs to find a weapon to defeat the darkness, the powerful Blade of Shadows. To find the blades, they travel through time to 16th century Italy. But as Olivia learns more secrets from the past, the pursuing darkness isn't the only danger she faces. She's become a target for the Timehunters, a secret society that hunts and kills time travelers.As shocking, horrifying truths are revealed, everything Olivia thought she knew will be upended. Will Olivia find Roman before she succumbs to the strange pull Malik has on her heart? As the darkness closes in on them, and with her life and love teetering on the brink, everything hangs in the balance and Olivia's life will be forever changed.Continue your adventure with Timebound, the third book in the Blade of Shadows series!The Blade of Shadows series is an intricate and interconnected time travel saga that must be read in order to unravel the mysteries within. It's intricate plot twists and turns are mesmerizing and unpredictable, with every book bringing readers closer to a shocking conclusion.

  • af Gregg Hammond
    312,95 kr.

    Will an immigrant woman's Christian faith and her mysterious encounter from long ago be enough to protect her and her family in a rapidly changing, tumultuous new world?

  • af Sofia Ajram
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Vi Keeland
    197,95 kr.

    Vi Keeland, auteure de bests-sellers no 1 au classement du New York Times, nous livre un nouveau roman intégral, torride et sexy.Ma première rencontre avec Merrick Crawford a lieu lors de mon entretien d'embauche.Enfin... techniquement, je l'ai rencontré vingt minutes plus tôt, lorsqu'il a fait irruption dans une cabine d'essayage à quelques mètres du lieu de rendez-vous.Sur le coup, j'ai crié. Et lui aussi. Vêtue d'un simple soutien-gorge, j'ai mis fin à cette dispute en claquant la porte au nez de ce magnifique abruti.Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, maintenant je panique en découvrant que ce grossier personnage risque bien de devenir mon nouveau boss.Pourtant, il ne semble pas me reconnaître. Du moins, c'est ce que je crois... Jusqu'à ce qu'on se dispute à nouveau pendant l'entretien et qu'il me dise d'aller me renifler l'aisselle. Bon, d'accord, lorsqu'il m'a surprise dans la cabine, je n'étais peut-être pas vraiment en pleine séance d'essayage. Pour ma défense, j'étais restée coincée dans un train non climatisé pendant deux heures et je voulais m'assurer que je ne sentais rien.Bien évidemment, je ne m'attends pas à obtenir le poste. Mais curieusement, une invitation à un second entretien arrive dans ma boîte mail. Avant de partir, je demande à voir Merrick. J'ai besoin de savoir pourquoi je suis encore en lice après notre départ désastreux.Il s'avère qu'il veut m'engager uniquement parce que je suis la candidate la moins compétente. Apparemment, son conseil d'administration l'oblige à pourvoir le poste contre son gré.Je n'ai pas vraiment envie de travailler dans un endroit où mon boss s'attend à me voir échouer, alors je décide de lui prouver qu'il se trompe. C'est ma nouvelle opération : Objectif Boss.Ce qui est inattendu, en revanche, c'est toutes les autres choses que je me surprends à vouloir faire avec Merrick Crawford.Il faut dire que ce n'est pas une idée brillante de nouer des liens plus intimes avec mon patron.Mais vous savez ce qu'on dit à propos des choix : il y en a qu'on regrette, d'autres dont on est fier. Et je me demande bien comment celui-là va tourner.

  • af Jaclyn Kot
    227,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Lee
    233,95 kr.

    This heartwarming children's tale revolves around Yuri, a seven-year-old with an insatiable love for gimbap, her favorite Korean dish. Yuri's mom is the designated gimbap expert in their household, but when a special occasion arises, Yuri takes it upon herself to create the perfect gimbap surprise for her mom.As Yuri tackles the challenges of gimbap preparation, she discovers that making this beloved dish is not as easy as her mom makes it seem. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of sibling silliness, Yuri and her brother navigate the kitchen, turning it into a playground of imagination.Will Yuri succeed in creating a gimbap masterpiece that can rival her mom's culinary magic? The answer lies in the joyous and heartwarming moments shared between family members.Who Made Gimbap? is a charming tale that celebrates the love, laughter, and surprises that unfold in the kitchen. This enchanting story is perfect for young readers and families alike, offering a delightful blend of cultural exploration, creativity, and the warmth of togetherness. Discover the magic of homemade gimbap and the special bonds that make every kitchen adventure unforgettable.Your child will like:Heartfelt Family Moments: the touching family dynamics and the bonds formed in the kitchen, creating a heartwarming narrative that resonates with the warmth of togetherness.Culinary Adventure: The story unfolds as a delightful culinary adventure, introducing young readers to the world of Korean cuisine, especially the beloved gimbap.Humor and Sibling Camaraderie: The humorous exchanges and the endearing silliness of Yuri's younger brother add an extra layer of charm, making it a delightful read for kids.Cultural Exploration: "Who Made Gimbap?" seamlessly weaves cultural exploration into the narrative, offering a glimpse into the traditions and flavors of Korean cooking.Empowering Young Protagonist: Yuri's determination and courage in taking on a grown-up task, inspiring them to embrace their own creative adventures.

  • af Jimin Lee
    162,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Calenthia Miller
    152,95 kr.

    This book is a beautiful collaboration of inspiring individuals who have come together to emphasize the importance of self-perseverance and self-affirmation. Through their touching love letters, they showcase the uniqueness of their journeys, regardless of where they come from. The book is a testament to the power of self-love and serves as a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to overcome life's challenges.

  • af Jacalyn S Burke
    167,95 kr.

    Catherine Grayston wants to save her marriage. A vacation in the quiet French village of Rousinac will surely help. Tom Grayston harbors a terrible secret that has pushed them apart. The town's secrets are far more frightening. When the couple doesn't return to England, Tom's work colleague and forensics specialist, David Frankel, sets off to France to find out what happened. He brings along eccentric and well-known criminal profiler James Harrison who can spot telltale patterns in criminal activity with savant-like brilliance and is sure to be invaluable to the case-as long as he keeps his promise to stay on his meds. What should be a routine investigation in Rousinac gets hampered at every turn by local residents who have a lot to hide. How far down the rabbit hole will David and James have to go to solve the mystery of the Grayston's holiday gone wrong? What does the frightening honeycomb of tunnels underneath the town have to do with the couple's disappearance? And why are the well-organized residents of Rousinac so hell-bent on covering up the truth at all costs?

  • af Ben Amar Faye
    132,95 kr.

    Cette oeuvre a pour thème principal la superstition en Afrique subsaharienne. À travers huit nouvelles qui se situent dans le triptyque temporel, Ben Amar Faye tente de montrer comment la sorcellerie a mené vers l'esclavage et le sous-développement, comment la superstition contribue à la fuite des cerveaux, comment elle conduit à l'infanticide, au travail des enfants et à d'autres problèmes. En résumé, l'oeuvre cherche à représenter comment la superstition peut être la source des problèmes qui gangrènent l'Afrique.

  • af O M Afzal
    132,95 kr.

    Set sail with "The Jolly Pirates of Treasure Cove," an enchanting children's tale, following Captain Patch and his merry band of pirates. As they set off on their pursuit of hidden treasure, these lively pirates encounter obstacles and forge enchanting friendships. Their discovery of the treasure leads them to a path of compassion, transforming them into the heroes of the sea. This captivating narrative celebrates courage, bravery, and the thrill of exploration, making it an ideal read for young adventurers.

  • af Hallie Bennett
    127,95 kr.

    Scarred Army veteran Derek Housely wants to be left alone in his secluded cabin... but a curvy spitfire is determined to keep him company. Single Samantha Manning wants a love of her own, but small-town dating hasn't been kind to her... until a rugged mountain man enters her life. When the chance to claim Derek as her fake boyfriend arises, how can Samantha resist calling the quiet warrior her own? Welcome to Guardian Valley, Montana where protective heroes fall hard for the curvy heroines who steal their hearts!

  • af Bogart Nomad
    162,95 kr.

    The Luxury of Time is an Existential Madcap FarceThis is another standalone book in the Dream Prophets of Mistletoe series.Take an Imagination Vacation into the world of Mistletoe, Texas, TackleBall and the Austin music scene of 1989. Meet the new friends of Table #17 at the best wedding reception ever.Feel the calmness of Camp Lone Hill, an oasis in the corrupt world of Pottersville, Texas. Raise a glass to figuring out life while sharing time with great relationships.>Would you like to be a character in a future book? Contact the author. You can also request a shared playlist from his personal collection.

    271,95 kr.

    عندما ننظر إلى الكتاب "الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج" للأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب، نجد أنه يقدم دراسة مفصلة حول أصول النحو ومنهج ابن السراج فيها. يعتبر ابن السراج واحدًا من أعلام النحو وإمامًا من أئمة الثقافة، ولذلك فإن دراسة أصوله وعمله لها أهمية كبيرة في فهم وتحليل النحو العربي.تم اختيار هذا الموضوع لعدة أسباب. أولاً، لأن ابن السراج يعتبر من العلماء الأوائل الذين كتبوا في أصول النحو، وقد قدم في كتابه "الأصول في النحو" مسائل النحو والصرف وناقشها بأسلوب علمي. وثانيًا، لأن كتاب الأصول يعتبر أول كتاب في هذا المجال وحظي بتقدير القدماء، حيث وصفوه بأنه "غاية الشرف والفائدة" وأنه أول كتاب جمع أصول العربية ومقاييسها.الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو فهم وتحليل آراء ابن السراج في أصول النحو والتعرف على مدى تأثيرها والتزام النحاة بها. يعتمد الكتاب في دراسته على مصادر متعددة، بما في ذلك دراسات سابقة حول ابن السراج نفسه وأصول النحو.من خلال هذا الكتاب، يقدم الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب فهمًا متعمقًا لآراء ابن السراج ويساهم في تسليط الضوء على دوره وأهميته في تطور النحو العربي. يتناول الكتاب موضوعات مختلفة مثل السماع والقياس وغيرها من الأصول النحوية التي تشكل أساسًا لبناء القواعد النحوية.من المهم أن نشير إلى أن هذا الكتاب يساهم في توسيع معرفتنا بالنحو العربي وفهمه بشكل أعمق. كما يعتبر مرجعًا قيمًا للباحثين والمهتمين بدراسة النحو وتاريخه.باختصار، يعد كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج من الكتب الهامة التي تساهم في فهم وتحليل أصول النحو وتاريخه، ويساهم في إثراء المعرفة النحوية. يستحق الكتاب الاهتمام والدراسة الشاملة، ويمثل مرجعًا قيمًا للباحثين والمهتمين بالنحو العربي. يعكس كتاب الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب رؤيةً عميقةً ودراسةً متقنةً لأصول النحو وتراث ابن السراج، ويساهم في إثراء البحث النحوي وتطويره.من خلال قراءة كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج، يمكن للقارئ الاستفادة من المعلومات والتحليلات العميقة التي يقدمها الكتاب. يتناول الكتاب موضوعات متنوعة مثل مفهوم الأصول النحوية وأهميتها، ومنهج ابن السراج في كتابه، وتأثيره على النحو واللغة العربية بشكل عام.تُعد خبرة الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب في مجال النحو والصرف والعروض مرجعًا هامًا لكتابه هذا. إنه يجمع بين المعرفة العلمية والخبرة العملية، مما يجعله قادرًا على تقديم تحليلات دقيقة وشاملة لأصول النحو ومنهج ابن السراج.باختصار، كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج لل

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect career for themselves, starting today!In today's world, the opportunities for young minds to discover their ideal career path are limitless. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of sea captains.Packed with stunning illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Sea Captain' is perfect for children who are intrigued by the ocean, fascinated by navigation, or simply curious about life at sea.With this book, children can dive into the world of sea captains and learn about the types of ships, where they sail, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of the maritime industry in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a sea captain.Whether your child dreams of commanding a massive cargo vessel, navigating a luxury cruise ship, or captaining a small fishing boat, 'I Want to Be a Sea Captain' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and rewarding professio

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of fashion design.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Fashion Designer' is perfect for children who are interested in fashion, curious about the design process, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of fashion design and learn about the different types of designers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of fashion in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a fashion designer.Whether your child dreams of creating beautiful clothes, designing trendy accessories, or working in the fast-paced world of fashion shows, 'I Want to Be a Fashion Designer' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling indust

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of architecture.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be an Architect' is perfect for children who are interested in design, curious about architecture, or just want to learn more about this fascinating field.With this book, children can dive into the world of architecture and learn about the different types of architects, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of architecture in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as an architect.Whether your child dreams of designing skyscrapers, creating sustainable buildings, or planning urban landscapes, 'I Want to Be an Architect' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the fascinating world of biochemistry.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Bio-Chemist' is perfect for children who are interested in science, curious about bio-chemistry, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of bio-chemistry and learn about the types of bio-chemists, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of biochemistry in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a biochemist.Whether your child dreams of discovering new cures for diseases, developing new materials, or creating innovative technologies, 'I Want to Be a Bio-Chemist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the fulfilling world of teaching.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Teacher' is perfect for children who are interested in education, curious about teaching, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can hop into the world of teaching and learn about the types of teachers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of education in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a teacher.Whether your child dreams of shaping young minds, designing engaging lesson plans, or making a positive impact in their students' lives, 'I Want to Be a Teacher' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and rewarding profession.

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of journalism.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Journalist' is perfect for children who are interested in writing, curious about journalism, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of journalism and learn about the types of journalists, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of journalism in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a journalist.Whether your child dreams of reporting from war zones, conducting interviews with celebrities, or breaking news stories, 'I Want to Be a Journalist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr

    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of game development.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Game Developer' is perfect for children who are interested in video games, curious about game development, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of game development and learn about the types of game developers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of video games in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a game developer.Whether your child dreams of creating their own video games, programming complex gameplay systems, or designing immersive worlds, 'I Want to Be a Game Developer' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry!

  • af Passionpoet
    167,95 kr.

    "So ... what's reality?I've built my popularity on sensuality, sexualityBut every time I step on stage I proclaim that Passion isn't always sexSo ... it's time for a lesson in vulnerability.... Authenticity...." (Reality or Fallacy) Passion isn't always sex.Known for his explosively penetrative poems, PassionPoet dived deeper into the different aspects of a person's psychological make up with "Passion - The Gemini Project".Over the years, fans of the author's work wanted to dive deeper than the erotic, wanting to know more about who PassionPoet is as a person and a writer. Hence the Gemini Project was born.This award winning anthology of poetry (Book of the Year - Gine On?! People's Choice Award 2019) marries the sizzling poems that he is known for with more personal pieces, taken from the author's own poetic journal. With poems about self-image, recovery after loss and personal growth, GEMINI PROJECT brings balance to his collection with this work, now reimagined and re-released for a new generation of readers.

  • af Elena Herrero Mayoral
    167,95 kr.

    Do you want to master effective communication and transform your personal and professional relationships?Do you feel uncomfortable in social settings or when speaking in public, crucial for success in college and your future professional life?Discover how with this workbook, where you will learn: The power of body and verbal language in opening doors in both personal and professional environments. Get ready to be the center of attention!Exercises designed to develop life skills, fostering empathy and assertiveness, crucial elements for improving interpersonal relationships.Emotional intelligence techniques and communication skills, fundamental in any environment, whether it be at university, at work, or in daily life.Specific strategies to avoid conflicts and handle bad news gracefully, thus If you think effective communication is only for business experts or that improving social skills is exclusive to some, it's time to reconsider. We all need to learn and reflect on effective communication and listening skills, especially in the university environment where collaboration and clear expression are key to success.Discover strategies and exercises to boost your self-confidence and stand out anywhere, from campus to the workplace. The way you communicate reveals a lot about your inner self and can be your greatest asset in your university career and professional life.improving your capacity for interpersonal communication.Practical tools such as tests, reflections, mind maps, and case studies that will consolidate your learning and enhance your listening skills, essential for understanding and teamwork.If you think effective communication is only for business experts or that improving social skills is exclusive to some, it's time to reconsider. We all need to learn and reflect on effective communication and listening skills, especially in the university environment, where collaboration and clear expression are key to success.Discover strategies and exercises to boost your self-confidence and stand out anywhere, from campus to the workplace. The way you communicate reveals a lot about your inner self and can be your greatest asset in your university career and professional life.

  • af Chiquita Dennie
    217,95 kr.

    Can this billionaire baseball player catch more than just the World Series?Gage Young is used to getting his way. As the hottest player in the league, this billionaire catcher is leading his team to the World Series. To make his fans swoon even more, he's a single dad that's not afraid to show off how much he adores his daughter.Enter Nina Mitchell. As a little league softball coach, and helping out with the family business, Nina knows when its time be stubborn and how to deal with pressure, especially now that her family is being forced to sell out to make room for another strip mall. But she's not used to dealing with arrogant baseball players used to running the show. She adores Gage's daughter but when it comes to Gage, despise is an understatement about how she feels about this cocky single dad. They're at odds about almost anything, except the attraction they can't seem to ignore. Can Gage and Nina set their differences aside, or will rules and regulations get in the way of what could be the love of a lifetime? ¿Enjoy this single dad sports romance that hits all the sweet spots with secrets, seduction, and of course a home run or two.

  • af Michael Anderer
    797,95 - 1.137,95 kr.

  • af Tasha Wall
    158,95 - 287,95 kr.

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