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  • af Alina a Rubi
    699,95 kr.

    Книга, полная эзотерических знаний. Белая магия, зеленая магия, синяя магия, красная магия и золотая магия. Пифагор, Леонардо да Винчи, Исаак Ньютон и Рене Декарт - вот лишь несколько примеров самых важных ученых, которые верили в эзотеризм и практиковали магические искусства. Многие произведения Шекспира деликатно переплетаются с магическими верованиями. Зигмунд Фрейд был известен своим суеверием, а Карл Густав Юнг настолько серьезно и глубоко изучал магию, что многие из его недоброжелателей обвиняли его в увлечении мистицизмом.Астрология - это точная, целостная наука. В древности, в средневековье, чтобы стать астрологом, нужно было учиться много лет. Поскольку это была материнская наука, вы должны были изучить астрологию в течение семи лет, прежде чем вы могли посвятить себя медицине, архитектуре, живописи или любой другой дисциплине.Астрология является дополнением к любой технике личностного роста, она дает вам возможность узнать, в чем заключается ваша жизненная миссия, узнать, к чему вы пришли в этой реинкарнации и каковы ваши проблемы в этой жизни, то есть узнать свою натальную карту.Натальная карта позволяет вам узнать себя гораздо лучше до точки понимания, например, почему вы не можете найти своего идеального партнера, или почему ваши партнеры так мало держатся, или подтверждают, что вы приняли правильное решение, или почему у вас такие конфликтные отношения с членом вашей семьи, или потому что вы переживаете очень сильный кризис на работе и т. д. Карта рождения объясняет, почему и почему возникает та или иная ситуация и кто вы, она дает вам информацию о том, как и когда эти вопросы будут решены, отмечая изменения, которые ваша душа просит вас сделать. Таро - это древняя практика, путь, по которому мы начинаем понимать себя, свой священный интерьер. Таро - это оракул, средство, с помощью которого мы каким-то образом и через его рисунки и цвета стимулируем нашу психическую сферу, самую глубокую часть, которая выходит за пределы рационального.

  • af Shubhi Saxena
    117,95 kr.

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of meteorology.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Meteorologist' is perfect for children who are interested in weather, curious about meteorology, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can explore the world of meteorology and learn about the types of meteorologists, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of meteorology in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a meteorologist.Whether your child dreams of forecasting severe weather, studying climate change, or tracking hurricanes, 'I Want to Be a Meteorologist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry.

  • af Pieter Voges
    112,95 kr.

    What are we? Have we evolved from apes, as the Paleontologists would have us believe? Or are we created by the Creator to potentially share Angel's status and existence? What does the Bible say? This book examines various facts, asks profound questions, and shows what the sacred scriptures say about us and our incredible potential! Chapter 1 asks profound questions and shows unresolved issues with the atheist theory that we are mere apes.Chapter 2 deals with our physical, spiritual, and human beginnings.Chapter 3 delves deeper into the book of Genesis.Chapter 4 discusses our early development. It shows how some descended to animal behavior while others reached out to their Angelic potential.Chapter 5 shows how we can draw closer to our Creator.Chapter 6 gets closer to the real potential of humankind when Christ returns and begins the Seventh Millenium.Chapter 7 provides clear guidance for correct understanding. It helps to avoid clear misunderstandings that could seriously hinder our development.

  • af Olivia I Thigpen Esp
    167,95 kr.

    ¡Descubre la guía esencial para comprender y potenciar la fuerza de las mujeres con TDAH!Sumérgete en "Mujeres con TDAH (Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad)", un libro revolucionario que arroja luz sobre la extraordinaria diversidad de las mentes femeninas. Con un enfoque único, este ebook te lleva más allá de los estigmas, ofreciendo una visión profunda y compasiva de cómo el TDAH influye en la vida de las mujeres. ¿Qué hace especial a este libro? Perspectiva Holística: Desde experiencias personales hasta investigaciones científicas, este libro aborda el TDAH en mujeres desde todos los ángulos, proporcionando una visión completa y enriquecedora.Empoderamiento Femenino: Descubre historias inspiradoras de mujeres que han convertido el TDAH en una fuerza impulsora en sus vidas. Este libro te guiará para liberar el potencial único que existe en cada mujer con TDAH.Consejos Prácticos: Ofrece estrategias prácticas y herramientas para afrontar los desafíos diarios, desde la organización hasta la gestión del tiempo, permitiéndote vivir una vida plena y exitosa.Apoyo y Comunidad: Encuentra consuelo y comprensión en las historias compartidas, y conéctate con una comunidad que entiende tus desafíos y triunfos. ¿Por qué deberías adquirir este ebook? Visión Integral: No es solo un libro, es una guía que transformará tu perspectiva sobre el TDAH en mujeres, ya seas una mujer con TDAH, una cuidadora, o simplemente alguien interesado en comprender mejor esta condición.Empoderamiento: Obtén las herramientas para convertir el TDAH en una fuerza positiva, abrazando la singularidad y la fortaleza que cada mujer posee.Información Científica Accesible: Basado en la última investigación, pero presentado de manera accesible, para que todos puedan beneficiarse de este conocimiento.Compra "Mujeres con TDAH (Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad)" hoy y comienza tu viaje hacia la comprensión, el empoderamiento y el descubrimiento de las maravillas de las mentes femeninas con TDAH.¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de cambiar vidas y crear un mundo más inclusivo y comprensivo!

  • af Américo Moreira
    192,95 kr.

    Neste livro, Convido-o a entrar num espaço de reflexão profunda e diálogo aberto sobre a questão que tem permeado a mente humana desde tempos imemoriais: a existência de Deus. No entanto, este não é um livro convencional sobre teologia ou filosofia da religião. Em vez disso, é uma tentativa ousada de abordar essa questão a partir de duas perspectivas distintas, muitas vezes vistas como opostas.Ao longo dos anos, as discussões sobre a existência ou não existência de Deus têm sido marcadas por debates acalorados, polarização e, em muitos casos, a incapacidade de compreender e apreciar a complexidade inerente a esse tópico. Por um lado, há aqueles que defendem apaixonadamente a existência de um ser supremo, apoiados por uma miríade de argumentos e evidências. Por outro lado, existem aqueles que, com igual fervor, negam a existência de Deus, sustentando-se em argumentos igualmente convincentes.Meu objectivo neste livro é fornecer um espaço onde essas duas perspectivas possam coexistir, onde o leitor possa explorar, de maneira imparcial, os argumentos a favor e contra a existência de Deus. Compreenderemos que essas duas visões não são mutuamente excludentes e que a realidade é muito mais complexa do que podemos imaginar.Numa abordagem única, este livro combina os argumentos da existência de Deus e da não existência de Deus numa dança intelectual que nos permite explorar a riqueza das ideias que surgiram ao longo dos séculos. Nossa jornada nos levará a explorar a teologia, a filosofia, a ciência e a espiritualidade, bem como a ponderar as implicações profundas dessas crenças em nossas vidas e sociedade.Convido-o a ler estas páginas com mente aberta, procurando compreender as complexidades que cercam o conceito de Deus. Afinal, a procura pela verdade e pela compreensão é uma das aspirações mais nobres do ser humano. Independentemente de suas crenças pessoais, espero que este livro o inspire a questionar, a reflectir e a abraçar a diversidade de perspectivas que moldam o nosso entendimento do divino.Que a dança da existência nos guie em direcção a um maior respeito, tolerância e compreensão mútua em nossa procura conjunta pela sabedoria.

  • af Rose Sybil
    112,95 kr.

    Joyful Spots tells the story of traits passed down through a family over generations, highlighting a living chain of meaning in new life. Rose models healthy emotional expression and connection. As our children's minds are shaped by symbols and values, she wanted to create a positive alternative to harmful media by sharing her family's joyful spots. Although their freckles skipped Rose's face, she remembers them fondly on her grandmother and now enjoys seeing them on her children.

  • af Thor Otto Alexsander
    867,95 kr.

    I wrote this book to share my knowledge and experience with apometry, a technique that I believe has the potential to help people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).At its heart, this book is a testament to the power of innovation and the relentless pursuit of solutions. It introduces you to the concept of Apometry, a revolutionary therapeutic approach that goes beyond conventional boundaries, offering hope and healing to those who have long been searching for answers.We delve into the intricacies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Regression Therapy, and Hypnosis, unveiling their potential as complementary tools in the treatment. These techniques, often viewed with skepticism, are explored with a sense of curiosity and a commitment to discovering their true efficacy.CMT is a complex and challenging condition, and there is no cure. However, there are many things that can be done to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.Apometry is a complementary therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional medical care. It is based on the belief that all diseases have a mental or emotional component, and that by addressing these underlying issues, it is possible to facilitate physical healing.I have been practicing apometry for many years, and I have seen firsthand the positive effects that it can have on people's health. In this book, I will share with you what I have learned about apometry, including its history, theory, and practice.I hope that this book will help you to learn more about apometry and to consider whether it is a therapy that could be helpful for you.

  • af Melony Ann
    177,95 kr.

    Runaway. That's what I'm called back home. A runaway. No one seems to believe that I didn't actually run. I left because it was the only way for me to survive. If I hadn't, I would've given into the demon that torments me daily. Two years later, in the Florida sun, I'm finally free of the suppression that held me down. But not from the darkness. I exist in a world that frightens me and keeps me moving in one direction. I walk a very straight line down the path of safety. Assurance. Where no one can hurt me except the evil fiend in my mind. Until one day, my entire world is flipped upside down. I'm shoved violently into the midnight blackness that exists in my own head. Then, a glint of light comes in the form of two men. Two police officers with the Gainesville Police Department. They want to be my light in the darkness. To help me destroy it. They're determined to prove that love is the greatest weapon of all. While I want to believe them, I'm not sure I can. Sometimes, the pull of the shadow world is too strong... ~ This book is a steamy, age gap, cop romance ménage with MF, MFM and MM scenes. It mentions past SA and contains violence and threats, obsession (not perpetrated by MCs or FMC), intense description of a mental breakdown, PTSD induced panic attacks, and PTSD and mental health themes that may not be suitable for all readers. ~ Firebird Award Winner for LGBTQ+ Nonfiction

  • af Andrew Baxter
    267,95 kr.

    MOST PEOPLE WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR FINANCIAL POSITION - THE CHALLENGE IS HOW DO YOU DO THIS IN TODAY'S UNCERTAIN WORLD?The Wealth Playbook provides you with a step-by-step game plan to help you reduce financial stress.

  • af Jutta Ashitei
    142,95 kr.

    In the book "Triumph Through Trials: Inspiring Stories of Famous Failures," readers are taken on a transformative journey filled with tales of inspiration, perseverance, and the indomitable spirit of human determination. The book celebrates those who have faced setbacks and risen to achieve greatness. It aims to inspire and motivate readers to overcome challenges, pursue their dreams, and discover their own extraordinary potential. The book emphasizes that failure is not a destination but rather a steppingstone on the path to triumph. Through the stories of famous failures, readers can learn from the remarkable resilience of the human spirit. Individuals in this book faced setbacks but turned their failures into opportunities. The chapters explore the lives of famous figures who overcame failure through inner strength and perseverance. The stories offer essential lessons and practical advice for personal growth and resilience.

  • af Anil K V
    167,95 kr.

    In 'Amour in the Wanderlust, ' the author engages in a unique literary experiment by blending travel stories with fiction while addressing the challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community and touching upon aspects of mental health. The story follows the main character's journey through beautiful places, exploring both external wonders and personal challenges. The author's aim is not just to tell a great story but also to help people understand and accept the LGBTQIA+ community better and learn about mental health. It's a unique mix of genres that hopes to entertain and create awareness about important topics

  • af Jussana Piscoya
    137,95 kr.

    Conheça Lolita, uma pequena joaninha que vive em um jardim colorido e sonha em voar como os pássaros. No entanto, suas primeiras tentativas a fazem cair no chão, e sua confiança fica abalada.Com a ajuda de seus amigos, como a borboleta Bia e o mosquito Zeca, Lolita embarca em uma aventura em busca do "Caminho da Confiança". Durante essa jornada emocionante, ela enfrenta desafios, faz novos amigos e descobre que a confiança está dentro de si mesma. Mas nem todos acreditam nela, e ela precisa lidar com as zombarias de outros, como o besouro Ben. Este livro especial ensina às crianças sobre a importância da confiança em si mesmas, de nunca desistir e do perdão. A história de Lolita inspira os pequenos leitores a acreditarem que podem superar obstáculos e alcançar seus sonhos.A mensagem principal é simples: "Acredite, você também pode realizar os seu sonhos!""Lolita e o Caminho da Confiança" é uma história motivadora, repleta de aventuras e mistérios, que tocará o coração das crianças e deixará uma lição duradoura sobre autoconfiança e persistência.

  • af Abid Khan Acupuncturist
    127,95 kr.

    In the bustling world we live in, where stress, physical ailments, and emotional imbalances seem to be the norm, it becomes essential to seek holistic approaches that restore harmony and promote well-being. Within the realm of traditional Chinese medicine, one ancient practice has stood the test of time, offering a profound pathway to healing: Acupuncture. In my book, I embark on a journey to demystify the centuries-old practice and uncover the transformative potential of acupuncture points. Drawing on my years of experience as a trained acupuncturist, I invite you to delve into the intricate network of meridians and discover the remarkable benefits that lie within. This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap, illuminating the significance of acupuncture points and their role in achieving mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. Whether you are a curious beginner or a seasoned aficionado, this book offers insights, techniques, and practical knowledge to deepen your understanding and empower your own healing journey.

  • af Titilope Tawakkaltu Anifowoshe
    112,95 kr.

  • af Mahtab Jabeen
    122,95 kr.

    Glimpse of imagination is an agglomeration of thoughts expressed into stanzas, manifesting emotions and feelings that we undergo in different situations and episodes. Sometimes its comprehending and sometimes its just enduring. Despite everything practical there is a world full of Such an imagination that brings immense joy; when put into act; doesn't even costs a penny... but at times it's the ego, envy, hatred or simply the fast pace of life that makes the beauty of love, care and affection stumble causing rifts. This is a creation that can be said as voices of many, relatable to old and young alike. It is just a thought of a beautiful world, it is a combination of happy feeling, it is at the same time also few harsh reality expressed in couplets and quadruplets. This book brings the simplicity in every aspect of life, trying to shed away the hatred and enmity aspiring to bring the peace of mind which we want but seldom act towards. It is a very tiny step towards re - establishing unity and peace so what if that's just an imagination!!

  • af Red Lagoe
    182,95 kr.

    What if every terrible thing imagined came true? Every fleeting, nightmarish thought a reality? For grief-stricken Karina, her newfound ability to turn her worst daydreams into palpable truths has sent her into a downward spiral of depression and guilt. Coupled with the appearance of an enigmatic shadow figure and visions of her dead family, she grapples to maintain her sanity while desperately attempting to harness her abilities and reunite with her loved ones.

  • af Jessie Donovan
    212,95 kr.

    Nikki Gray hat einen Grund, Drachenjäger zu hassen - sie haben vor einem Jahr eine ihrer Freundinnen brutal ermordet. Und nicht nur das, sie haben bei mehreren britischen Drachenclans verheerenden Schaden angerichtet und unzählige Verletzte hinterlassen. Entschlossen, die Jäger zu besiegen, indem sie ihren Anführer Simon Bourne entführt, tut sie sich mit einem Menschenmann von den britischen Special Forces zusammen. Nach sechs Monaten Arbeit sind sie endlich bereit, ihre Mission durchzuziehen und Bourne gefangenzunehmen. Aber ein Kuss wirft ihre Pläne aus der Bahn und verändert ihr Leben für immer. Auf Wunsch seiner Schwester willigt Rafe Hartley ein, mit den Drachenwandlern zu arbeiten. Schließlich gehen ihm die Drachenjäger mächtig auf den Sack, und je weniger es von ihnen gab, desto besser. Die Frau, die ihm als Kontakt zum Stonefire-Clan zugewiesen wurde, ist jedoch dieselbe, die er vor vier Jahren in Afghanistan verletzt hat. Sie verdrängen ihre Vergangenheit und lernen zusammenzuarbeiten. Doch mit jeder Begegnung fühlt er sich mehr zu der lebhaften, eigensinnigenFrau hingezogen. Schließlich gibt er der Anziehung nach und küsst die Drachenfrau. Was folgt, stellt sein Leben auf den Kopf. Rafe und Nikki müssen nun entscheiden, was sie mit ihrer Zukunft anfangen wollen. Können sie noch zusammenarbeiten und einen Weg finden, Simon Bourne zu fangen? Oder wird ihr schicksalhafter Kuss zu einer Kluft führen, die sich nicht überwinden lässt?

  • af Marjorie Nelson Matthews
    197,95 kr.

    Amy Barnes, a high school English teacher from Hawai'i, and Paul Rideau, a Vermont farmer, lead ordinary lives dedicated to their families and their work, but each nurses a quiet passion for creative expression-Paul in painting and Amy in poetry. When their personal worlds fracture, both struggle to find their way through crushing loss and grief. Their creative pursuits help them heal as well as reimagine their lives as authentic selves. For fans of Ethan Joella's A Quiet Life, The Red Wheelbarrow is a quiet, literary story that reminds us of the power of art to transform, of love and decency to triumph, and of hope to endure.

  • af Judith Lacy Hewes Lcsw
    224,95 kr.

    Whether you've lost a child, a loved one, or your health to some devastating illness, pandemic, or accident; Or even losing your home, job, income, or perhaps your reputation... Losing whatever is precious to you can be devastating. It may comfort you to know that God, the Master Artist of our lives is there with you tweaking all that Satan intends for evil, to give you hope and to turn you into the masterpiece God knows you are.  Skillfully pulling together familiar Bible stories with everyday challenges, the author's words and artist's rendition blend together in a comforting tapestry, artistically worded to touch the heart with hope. Short Description: When you find yourself challenged from every side - God is there. When you feel you can't go on.. even if you don't feel His presence, He's there growing, protecting, and seeing you through to strength, peace, and understanding, drawing our hearts to comfort and love from God. Utilizing Bible stories, interwoven with life's challenges, the art and words combine in a comforting, encouraging tapestry bringing comfort and hope to those in need.

  • af Francis Durbridge
    127,95 kr.

    With Temple and Steve pursuing the murderous REX, this film script finally appeared in UK cinemas in 1948 under the title Calling Paul Temple.

  • af Mohammad T Al-Momani
    111,95 kr.

    الكتاب يندرج ضمن بحث علمي قائم على الأدلة والبراهين. يتناول البحث - والكتاب بالتبعية - مفهوم تعديل السلوك وتفعيل العقل الباطن لتعلم اللغات، بهدف حل مشاكل ضعف الإلمام باللغة الإنجليزية في المجتمعات العربية. والتي عجزت الأنظمة التعليمية القائمة على التلقين وتعليم القواعد عن حلها. تتمحور الفكرة الرئيسية للكتاب حول قضية مهمة، ألا وهي إعادة تفعيل تلقائية الدماغ، التي أكسبتنا اللغة العربية ونحن أطفال، دون أن نذهب إلى المدرسة، لكي نكتسب اللغة الإنجليزية أو غيرها بنفس الطريقة من خلال تعديل السلوك. إذا كنت ترغب في إضاعة وقت إضافي في تعلم القواعد فلا تشتري الكتاب كافة الحقوق محفوظة أكويليرنينج ٢٠١٤ - ٢٠٢٣ يستند هذا الكتاب إلى بحث علمي مُحكّم يهدف إلى شرح كيفية اكتساب لغة ثانية، بدلاً من تعلُّمها. مما سيجعل عملية التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية أو غيرها أسهل وأسرع وأكثر كفاءة. سيشرح لك الكتاب الطريقة التي تتم بها عملية اكتساب اللغة، وسوف يُطلعك على منهجية جديدة تمامًا في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية أو غيرها. كما سيشرح لك الطريقة التي اكتسب بها العقل الباطن لديك لغتك الأولى عندما كنت طفلاً، مدعومًا بجهاز الإدراك الأوتوماتيكي في دماغك. ثم سيرشدك إلى كيفية تنشيط جهاز الإدراك الأوتوماتيكي مرة أخرى، لكي تقوم باكتساب لغة جديدة - الإنجليزية أو غيرها. يتم التحكم في جهاز الإدراك الأوتوماتيكي في الدماغ البشري، من خلال العقل الباطن. حيث يمتاز العقل الباطن بقدرته على تنفيذ العمليات دون جهد يذكر، وفي إتقان شبه تام. حيث إن عمله يخلو من عملية معالجة المدخلات وتدقيق المخرجات التي يتصف بها العقل البشري الحاضر (أو الواعي). يصف الكتاب أيضًا العلاقة بين مصادر اللغة الإنجليزية أو غيرها، ومستقبلات الدماغ من جهة، وبين سلوك زهرة دوّار الشمس في الطبيعة من جهة أخرى. ممهدًا الطريق لك كي تقوم بتجربة تحفيز الإدراك الأوتوماتيكي عمليًا، من خلال تطبيق (زهرة دوّار الشمس اللغوية)، والذي سيعمل على إكسابك اللغة الإنجليزية أو غيرها بدلاً من تعلمها. من خلال تجربة عملية ذات أساس علمي تطبيقي

  • af Ligia Álvarez
    157,95 kr.

    En esta oportunidad Ediciones Artescena Andares y Decires pone en tus manos esta compilación de poemas titulada Transparencia de arcoíris en complicidad con el grupo literario La Espiral de la Imagen. Transparencia porque se dejó que cada poeta muestre sus poemas escogidos por ellos mismos para expresarse tal cual son y se sintieran con toda libertad, luminosidad y limpidez en la selección de sus poemas. Y, arcoíris por el arco multicolor de voces reunidas en esta compilación a cargo de Ligia Álvarez. Esperamos que esta multiplicidad de voces toque la sensibilidad de los lectores y anime a otros poetas a utilizar esta ventana tecnológica para llegar a un público deseoso de buena literatura.

  • af R Gopal Sharma
    122,95 kr.

    DEFYING CORRUPTION It is a proud moment for a teacher like me to shower blessings for our bright student R Gopal Sharma at the Gandhi Seva Centre of 1972-73 batch. R Gopal Sharma's passionate work as a journalist has made our institution proud. "Defying Corruption" is Gopal's quest to expose the system and a call to all the Citizens to stand up and face the challenges. On behalf of the "Gandhi Seva Centre" I wish Gopal all the strength, power and blessings to carry on with this mission. We are all together to make our country corruption free. Amities. Kiran Dutta

  • af Myriam Alamo
    132,95 kr.

    Coycoy es un rabipelado muy singular ya que tiene una sed de conocimiento que los demás rabipelados no poseen. Solo Tintina lo trata, pero después de pelearse con ella, decide mudarse a la ciudad, dejando su bosque atrás. Aunque le duele, se siente estimulado por la idea de aprender de los hombres, a quienes admira por su capacidad de construir cualquier cosa. Sin embargo, no es fácil lidiar con un adversario tan poderoso como el ser humano, y tanto Coycoy como Tintina enfrentan situaciones difíciles que los ponen en peligro muchas veces. Afortunadamente, su ingenio les ayuda a superar obstáculo por obstáculo hasta encontrar la fuerza de la unión, lo que los hace sentir invencibles. En resumen, la constancia y tenacidad de Coycoy para enfrentar las dificultades nos demuestran que una actitud positiva en la vida y la perseverancia son determinantes para tener éxito en todo lo que emprendamos, sobre todo cuando enfrentamos adversidades. Aunque no se especifica en el cuento la historia trascurre en la ciudad de Caracas que tiene una montaña que la separa del mar.

  • af Shridhar Naik
    107,95 kr.

    Sanjeet Mhatre who runs an education project in Khushinagar, a well-established slum, finds himself drawn into the issues and problems that add true flavour to the lives of the residents. Ese problems include dealing with crimes like rape, murder, human tracking and gang wars. On the brighter side are happier moments like jointly celebrating festivals, providing mutual support in times of need, and the strong bonding and harmony among the residents irrespective of caste, creed or community which helps maintain peace when riots are raging all around. The novel in its inimitable style grips the attention of the readers, as it takes them through a journey of gripping, suspense-filled moments combined with moments of joy and hope, a journey which interestingly portrays both the good and the evil that goes on side by side behind the scenes in the day to day life of the slum.

  • af Gunnmay Marwaha
    142,95 kr.

    Chronology of FIFA World Cup, 2018 (from the perspective of an 8-year-old superfan). It is a pleasure Indeed to introduce to all, an amazing showcase of the highlights of FIFA World Cup 2018, Russia. This tournament is dubbed to be not just the premier event of the beautiful game, but rather the largest sporting event on this planet alongside the likes of the Olympics. The United Nations Organisation today has 193 registered member countries while FIFA boasts of 211 member associations making it the "United Nations of Football". The chronology that follows is an extremely well-laid highlight chain of events spiced with pictures, notable figures, results of matches, the event venues, high points and quotables taken from newspaper articles and cuttings making this an indispensable library fixture for any football fan. Being an "8-year old's" work, it is a sure contest to several expert's collations, exhibiting massive diligence and passion.

  • af Norman Firth
    137,95 kr.

    The man who called himself Eddie Martin was no ordinary hobo. He is on the run from some mysterious incident in his past, hiding from the authorities. But when he comes to the isolated little middle-west town of Garwood, Eddie's problems get a whole lot worse. He becomes involved with Sylvia Webster, a young and beautiful - but completely amoral - woman married to Garwood's elderly doctor. Like a spider to a fly, Sylvia sets out to draw Eddie into her web of deceit and personal gratification. Once caught, Eddie becomes trapped in a series of murders, blackmail, and a spiralling nightmare that could have only one grim conclusion ...

  • af Sandrine Laurent
    187,95 kr.

    Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à quoi ressemblerait l'école de vos rêves ?Sam et Andrea, jumeaux de onze ans sont admis au sein d'un internat extraordinaire et vont apprendre à utiliser leurs incroyables facultés. Décodage des langues, conception d'inventions, compréhension de la nature: ils adorent l'enseignement qui leur est dispensé ! Heureux d'être enfin acceptés tels qu'ils sont, Sam et Andrea redoubleront d'intelligence lorsque leur école sera menacée.Quels mystères cache l'académie ? Quels obstacles devront-ils surmonter pour parvenir à sauver leurs amis ?Les aventures de Sam et Andrea est un roman qui permet aux enfants de découvrir leurs ressources intérieures.Si vous aimez les énigmes, les rebondissements et l'aventure, suivez les jumeaux dans cette école fabuleuse.

  • af Bianca Cole
    217,95 kr.

    Mon beau-père est mauvais comme personne, et il veut me réclamer.Trois mois après que maman ait épousé Remy Morrone, elle est tuée par son ennemi, me laissant à la merci de mon beau-père.Un homme froid, impitoyable et méchant qui décide que je lui rapporterais de l'argent aux enchères.Je fais le voeu que le Prince Charmant m'achète et m'emmène avec lui.Et lors d'un dîner précédant la vente, je le rencontre.Alex Vishekov est doux et charmant, et il promet de me sauver.Mon beau-père n'aime pas ça.Il n'arrête pas de me regarder de la manière la plus primaire qui soit.Et puis tout change.Il annule le mariage et me dit que je suis à lui.Remy m'aura, peu importe à quel point c'est mal.J'ai souhaité que mon prince charmant me sauve.Au lieu de ça, je suis revendiquée par mon méchant beau-père.Mais peut-être que j'ai tout faux.Et si le prince était en fait le méchant, et mon méchant beau-père mon chevalier en armure étincelante ? Odieux est le troisième tome de la série Il Était Une Fois Un Méchant de Bianca Cole. Il s'agit d'une histoire d'amour mafieuse et de mariage arrangé, avec des thèmes sombres et certains sujets qui peuvent déranger le lecteur. Il n'y a pas de cliffhanger, la fin est heureuse et le roman peut se suffire à lui-même.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    217,95 kr.

    "Kampf gegen Depressionen" ist nicht nur ein Buch; es ist eine geteilte Reise zwischen Autor und Leser, zwischen denen, die kämpfen, und denen, die sich vereinen, um Unterstützung zu bieten. Es wird von menschlichen Erfahrungen geprägt, von Höhen und Tiefen und von der unermüdlichen Suche nach dem Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Auf den Seiten dieses Buches werden wir uns mit Selbstfürsorgestrategien, der Kraft zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen und der Inanspruchnahme professioneller Hilfe auseinandersetzen. Wir werden therapeutische Ansätze und Techniken erkunden, die dazu beitragen können, den Zyklus der Negativität umzukehren und den Geist zu stärken. Außerdem werden wir uns daran erinnern, wie wichtig es ist, unsere Geschichten zu teilen, nicht nur als Akt der persönlichen Heilung, sondern auch als Möglichkeit, Hoffnung und Anleitung für diejenigen zu bieten, die ähnliche Herausforderungen bewältigen. Ob Sie am Anfang Ihrer Reise zur Überwindung stehen oder bereits unterwegs sind, wissen Sie, dass Sie nicht allein sind. Der Kampf gegen Depression ist ein Zeugnis Ihrer inneren Stärke, und die Suche nach innerem Glück ist eine Schlacht, die es wert ist, geführt zu werden. Dieses Buch ist ein Begleiter, der an Ihrer Seite geht und Sie daran erinnert, dass Heilung möglich ist und dass das Licht immer über die Dunkelheit siegt.

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