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    136,95 kr.

    Are you ready to discover all the secrets of ancient Egypt? An incredible journey along the Nile, brilliantly narrated by Egyptologist Paolo Marini and illustrated by the skilful hand of Javier Joaquin. This book will take young readers (but also older ones) to discover the pyramids, Tutankhamun's tomb and other mysterious places, where half-man, half-animal gods will tell you the mythical stories of the land of the pharaohs. An adventure for the brave that will lead readers to encounter monstrous demons or hybrid beings such as sphinxes. Reasons for interest: . A journey to discover ancient Egypt through colourful illustrations and child-friendly text. . The fascination and mysteries of an ancient civilisation told in a simple way so that children can learn while having fun. AGES: 9 to 12 AUTHORS: Paolo Marini is the curator and coordinator of exhibitions organised by the Egyptian Museum. He holds a degree in Egyptology and a doctorate in History and Orientalism. He has also worked on numerous archaeological campaigns in Egypt and is the author of articles, scientific and popularisation texts. Javier Joaquin discovered his passion for drawing and painting in early childhood. His works begin with a pencil sketch and are then worked on both traditionally and digitally. His passion for fine arts, his curious nature and his degree in psychology have given him a unique perspective that has defined his creative work.

  • af David Hawcock
    195,95 kr.

    Let yourself be transported into the fascinating world of Leonardo da Vinci's robots through pop-up reconstructions, annotations, sketches and drawings by the artist. Discover some of his futuristic mechanical wonders: the motorised chariot, the mechanical drum, the knight automaton and the flying robots. Their inestimable value emerges in all its significance thanks to the master's splendid engineering creations, original illustrations and rigorous accompanying texts.

  • af Giancarlo Macri
    151,95 kr.

    The Wall tells the story of a king who notices how his kingdom, once populated by blue faces, is now inhabited by faces of all colours. So he decides to go back to the past and separate his people from the 'foreigners', expelling them and ordering the construction of a wall. Soon, however, he realises that all his wishes can only be achieved with the help of the different faces he had driven away. He therefore orders the wall to be torn down and succeeds in recreating a kingdom where people live in harmony, recognising the value of integration between people.

  • af Francesco Tomasinelli
    151,95 kr.

    Flags represent the soul of the nations of the world. Each combination of colours and symbols has a story to tell, built from the experiences and feelings of the peoples of different countries. Knowing the flags and their hidden language is therefore a way to understand the history, culture and role of nations. This book, organised by continent, presents all the flags of the world and examines many of them in detail, alongside drawings depicting some of the places and symbols most relevant to the various nations.

  • af Francesco Tomasinelli
    160,95 kr.

    A unique atlas with a rotating three-dimensional globe that appears at the beginning of the book. A spectacular journey, dedicated to children, from the depths of space to the depths of the sea, in search of fabulous monuments, natural landscapes and beautiful animals. Our planet is much more diverse and surprising than we imagine. With lots of colourful and fun maps and even a rotating pop-up globe that detaches itself from the pages. This atlas takes us on a journey of discovery of continents, poles and oceans.

  • af David Hawcock
    247,95 kr.

    Everything you need to know about space becomes XXL. Float weightlessly through space among spacecraft, satellites, stars, planets, and galaxies over the Earth below. Roam the red planet of Mars aboard a six-wheel rover in the eye of an enormous sandstorm...Page after page, 3D images come to life, creating the most spectacular extra-terrestrial surroundings. Learn all about the secrets of the Universe with fascinating facts and scientifically accurate illustrations that make learning exciting and lots of fun!

  • af David Hawcock
    247,95 kr.

    Everything you need to know about animals becomes XXL. Spectacular pop-ups come alive, creating incredible natural habitats.

  • af David Hawcock
    227,95 kr.

    Everything you need to know about dinosaurs becomes XXL.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    Do you know the legend of Saint George and the dragon? What do dragons look like? Did you know that the wings of dragons are very similar to those of bats? These and many other questions will be answered in this book, to be discovered through 10 fabulous pop-ups.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    Take a pleasant journey into the past with the Ancient Civilisations pop-up series and 8 magnificent 3D scenarios recreating the culture, customs and religious rites of the Indo-European peoples. Discover these fascinating people, immerse yourself completely in their territory and clan traditions, and take part in their religious rituals thanks to spectacular 3D reconstructions and colourful, engaging illustrations.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    Flip through the pages of this wonderful pop-up book and bring to life many spectacular 3D scenarios to discover this ancient civilisation of sailors and warriors from Northern Europe. Step back in time and discover the daily life of the Vikings, their myths, their gods - such as Odin, the supreme god -, participate in their battles with top clan leaders such as Erik the Red, and witness their great feasts filled with all sorts of delicacies. The 8 fantastic pop-ups will take you back in time to learn all the secrets of the Viking world.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    How does a concrete mixer truck work? How many wheels does a tractor-trailer have? And how is a tanker truck filled? These and many other questions will be answered in this book, to be discovered through 10 fabulous pop-ups. Crane lorries, fascinating fire engines, irresistible monster trucks and other trucks and their features are told through a wealth of colourful illustrations, enhanced by spectacular pop-ups. There are also a whole range of curious and interesting anecdotes to help you explore the various subjects in greater depth, making this volume a stimulating read and an opportunity to play.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    What are the fastest sharks? Did you know that there are over 500 types of sharks? Which shark has a 360-degree view? These and other questions will be answered in this book, dedicated to the world of sharks! 10 fabulous pop-ups tell the story of sharks through numerous colourful illustrations. An extraordinary opportunity to play and learn by reading.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    What aircraft can accommodate up to 850 people? Did you know that the first planes were built entirely of wood? What do you know about drones? In this book, accompanied by 10 fabulous pop-ups and dedicated to the curious world of aeroplanes, you will find the answers to these questions and many other curiosities. The first aircraft, the jet, the helicopter, the drone, the whole incredible world of flying machines told through colourful illustrations and incredible pop-ups. And to delve deeper into the subject, many curious and interesting facts make these books a stimulating read and a fun opportunity to play.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

    How many tentacles do octopuses have? Did you know that humpback whales are famous for their singing? What is the purpose of the seahorse's small dorsal fin? These and many other questions will be answered in this book, devoted to the underwater world, to be discovered through 10 fabulous pop-ups. Many inhabitants of the oceans, from tropical fish to sea turtles, and other curiosities told through many colourful illustrations, enriched by spectacular pop-ups. Plus, to delve deeper into the various subjects, there are plenty of curious and interesting anecdotes, making this volume a stimulating read and an opportunity to play.

  • af David Hawcock
    121,95 kr.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

  • af Alexei Martins
    117,95 kr.

  • af Sara Gaiaudi
    117,95 kr.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Viaggia nel tempo e scopri la grandezza e la storia tragica di Pompei, sepolta per millenni nella cenere. 8 scenografici pop up per esplorare in 3D una delle città più famose dell¿antichità: potrai passeggiare per le strade e tra le ville del quartiere residenziale; attraversare i Fori e comprare primizie nel grande mercato; assistere alla spaventosa e spettacolare eruzione del Vesuvio; accompagnare gli archeologi durante gli scavi e scoprire con loro i tesori nascosti nella lava solidificata! Età di lettura: da 4 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Tutto quello che dovete fare è girare le pagine di questo fantastico libro pop up per dare vita a 8 incredibili scene 3D di questa gloriosa e antica civiltà. Fate un salto indietro nel tempo e scoprite com'era la vita quotidiana nell¿antica Atene, partecipate a una riunione dell'assemblea dei cittadini, visitate il porto del Pireo, salpate in una trireme, incontrate Zeus, il padre di tutti gli dei, e il semidio Eracle, accompagnate Ulisse nei suoi viaggi e prendete parte ai primi giochi olimpici! Gli 8 fantastici pop up vi porteranno indietro nel tempo per ammirare tutte le meraviglie dell'antica Grecia. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Gli 8 divertenti pop up di questo libro ci riportano indietro nel tempo per scoprire la vita quotidiana degli antichi Romani, i loro culti, miti e leggende, la potenza del loro esercito, i monumenti che costruirono e le loro magnifiche arti. Scopri le meraviglie di Roma antica: le ville dei ricchi patrizi, l¿imponente Foro, il Circo Massimo e le corse delle bighe, il famoso Colosseo con i combattimenti tra gladiatori, il Senato e il teatro con gli attori dalle impressionanti maschere. Età di lettura: da 5 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Età di lettura: da 4 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    Sfoglia le pagine di questo meraviglioso libro pop up e fai rivivere tante spettacolari scene in 3D di questa gloriosa e antica civiltà com¿era all¿epoca del suo massimo splendore. Fai un passo indietro nel tempo e ritrova la vita lungo le sponde del Nilo com¿era secoli e secoli fa!... Scopri il ricco passato dell¿Egitto, le credenze del suo popolo e gli dei che venerava; naviga lungo il fiume a bordo di una feluca e viaggia sul carro del faraone; ammira le celebri piramidi e indaga i loro segreti; svela il mistero delle impressionanti mummie e riporta alla luce gli incredibili tesori dei faraoni attraverso gli oggetti e le tracce che ci hanno lasciato. Età di lettura: da 5 anni.

  • af David Hawcock
    152,95 kr.

    How many planets orbit the Sun? What are Saturn's rings made of? Did you know that the Sun is more than a million times larger than the Earth? The answer to these and many other questions are in this book about the Solar System with 10 fabulous pop-ups. The planets, the Sun, the Earth, the hot and the cold planets, the Solar System is here told through several colourful illustrations and enhanced by spectacular pop-ups. Many curious and interesting news make this volume an exciting reading and an opportunity for fun and give the opportunity to delve deeper into different topics.

  • af David Hawcock
    125,95 kr.

    Each volume includes 10 fun pop-ups inspired by a specific theme. Fun to read as you improve your knowledge of a wide range of subjects and have fun with 3D creations Extraordinary value for money and interesting, which make these books a stimulating read as well as a fun opportunity to play 10 spreads and 10 pop-ups

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