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  • - (Eheschließung, Faktische Lebensgemeinschaft)
    af Reinhard Voppel
    3.432,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung 2018 kommentiert alle Veränderungen ausführlich, die sich durch die Einführung der "Ehe für alle" ergeben haben, ebenso werden die Veränderungen durch das Gesetz gegen Kinderehen ausführlich darlegt. Hinzukommt im Rahmen der Kommentierung der FaktLG die Rezeption der Rechtsprechung der letzten Jahre, hier vor allem eine ausführliche Erörterung der Neuerungen im Unterhaltsrecht der FaktLG.

  • - (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz)
    af Stephan Serr
    2.432,95 - 2.632,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Erbfolge)
    af Olaf Werner
    4.077,95 kr.

    Mit dem Tod des Erblassers steht noch nicht endgültig fest, ob der Berufene Erbe bleibt. Auch gehen nicht alle Rechtspositionen des Erblassers auf den Erben über; Aktuell besonders streitbehaftet ist der digitale Nachlass des Erblassers. Praktische wie theoretische Probleme des § 1922 und insbesondere die mit den genannten Schwebezuständen verbundenen Unwägbarkeiten arbeitet die Kommentierung umfassend und lösungsorientiert auf.

  • - (Eigentum 1 - Privates Nachbarrecht)
    af Christoph Althammer
    2.827,95 - 2.922,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Geschäftsführung Ohne Auftrag)
    af Andreas Bergmann
    2.947,95 - 3.052,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Gemeinschaft, Leibrente, Spiel)
    af Maximilian Von Proff
    2.567,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Eigentum 3)
    af Karl-Heinz Gursky
    3.887,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • af Christian A Heinze
    4.067,95 kr.

    Die bewährten Kommentierungen zum Besitz und zum allgemeinen Liegenschaftsrecht wurden umfassend modernisiert. Die Einleitung zum Sachenrecht ist neu gestaltet und berücksichtigt stärker als bisher das - auch ausländische - Schrifttum zu Strukturfragen des Sachenrechts. Aktuelle Literatur und Rechtsprechung zum Besitzrecht sind gründlich ausgewertet, so etwa über die Zuführung von (Zigaretten-)Rauch als Besitzstörung durch rauchende Nachbarn.

  • - (Internationales Recht Der Natürlichen Personen Und Der Rechtsgeschäfte)
    af Christoph Althammer
    4.257,95 kr.

    Art. 7 und 12 EGBGB behandeln die Anknüpfung der Geschäftsfähigkeit und den Schutz des inländischen Rechtsverkehrs vor unbekannten Beschränkungen der Geschäftsfähigkeit nach ausländischem Recht. Art. 12 EGBGB enthält schließlich eine mit Art. 13 Rom I-VO übereinstimmende Verkehrsschutzregelung, die vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Verfügungen über Mobilien und über inländische Grundstücke praktische Bedeutung hat. Im Rahmen der Neukommentierung von Art. 9 EGBGB haben sich seit der Vorauflage u.a. Änderungen hinsichtlich der Anerkennung ausländischer Todeserklärungen und verwandter behördlicher oder gerichtlicher Feststellungen ergeben. Neu einzuarbeiten war auch die praktische Umsetzung der 2007 ins Gesetz eingefügten Angleichungsvorschrift des Art. 47 EGBGB. Art. 11 EGBGB ist auf dem Gebiet des internationalen Schuldvertragsrechts mit Wirkung ab 17.12 .2009 durch Art. 11 Rom I-VO abgelöst worden.

  • - (Reisevertragsrecht)
    af Ansgar Staudinger
    5.857,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Unerlaubte Handlungen 3)
    af Detlev W Belling
    2.432,95 kr.

    Der neue Staudinger-Band "Unerlaubte Handlungen 3" bietet unter anderem eine umfassende Darstellung der wichtigen deliktsrechtlichen Zurechnungsnormen der §§ 830 (Mittäter und Beteiligte) und 831 (Haftung für Verrichtungsgehilfen). Auf höchstem wissenschaftlichem Niveau und zugleich praxisorientiert werden die einschlägigen haftungsrechtlichen Aspekte auf aktuellem Stand von Literatur und Rechtsprechung erörtert. Im Rahmen der Kommentierung von § 832 BGB wurde die Haftung für die Verletzung von Aufsichtspflichten besonders im Hinblick auf öffentliche Einrichtungen vertieft. Im Bereich der Tierhalterhaftung (§ 833 BGB) berücksichtigt die Kommentierung neuere Verwendungsformen von Tieren, insbesondere im Rahmen der Gesundheitsfürsorge (Reittherapie) und konkretisiert dabei die Haftungsprivilegierung des Nutztierhalters nach § 883 Satz 2. Die Erläuterungen unter § 835 BGB bilden die umfassendste Abhandlung des Wild- und Jagdschadenersatzes in Deutschland. In der Bearbeitung des § 836 BGB finden sich neue Ausführungen zur Haftung der Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft. Im Übrigen wurde die Kommentierung in ihrer ganzen Breite neu bearbeitet. Dabei wurden Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum sorgfältig erfasst.

  • - Amtshaftungsrecht
    af Heinz Wöstmann
    2.632,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Internationales Kindschaftsrecht, Erwachsenenschutzübereinkommen)
    af Jan Hein
    3.897,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung behandelt zum internationalen Abstammungsrecht die Diskussion um die Anerkennung von Leihmutterkindern, zum Eltern-Kind-Verhältnis den Bedeutungsverlust von Art.21 infolge des Haager Kinderschutzübereinkommens sowie die Rechtsprechung zur Anerkennung ausländischer Adoptionen. Zudem erläutert die Bearbeitung ausführlich das Haager Erwachsenenschutzübereinkommen.

  • - (Internationales Vertragsrecht 2)
    af Christian Armbrüster
    3.772,95 kr.

    Die Rom I-VO ist das zentrale Instrument zum Internationalen Vertragsrecht, das für den Binnenmarkt erhebliche Bedeutung hat. Entsprechend dynamisch und vielfältig ist die Entwicklung der nationalen und der EuGH-Rechtsprechung - etwa zur objektiven Anknüpfung -, die auf aktuellem Stand eingehend mit eigenständiger Stellungnahme eingearbeitet ist. So hat sich etwa zum Anwendungsbereich von Art. 7 Rom I-VO, zur Anknüpfung von Fahrzeugversicherungen, zur Risikobelegenheit bei der Fremdversicherung, zu den Grenzen und Erweiterungen der Rechtswahl, zur Anknüpfung bei Mehrfachbelegenheit sowie zu Eingriffsnormen Aktualisierungsbedarf ergeben.

  • - (Vertrag Zugunsten Dritter, Draufgabe, Vertragsstrafe)
    af Steffen Klumpp
    3.052,95 - 3.227,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Schenkungsrecht)
    af Tiziana Chiusi
    1.961,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Unerlaubte Handlungen 1 - Rechtsgüter Und Rechte; Persönlichkeitsrecht; Gewerbebetrieb)
    af Johannes Hager
    4.077,95 kr.

    Der Schwerpunkt der lange erwarteten Neubearbeitung 2017 des 1. Teilbandes zum Recht der unerlaubten Handlungen, § 823 A-D, liegt in der einzigartig umfassenden Aufbereitung der dynamischen Rechtsentwicklung auf dem Gebiet des "Persönlichkeitsrechts" und des "eingerichteten und ausgeübten Gewerbebetriebs". Neu hinzugekommen ist das Internetrecht. Daneben finden sich interessante auf aktuellem Stand befindliche grundlegende Ausführungen zu den geschützten Rechten und Rechtsgütern (§ 823 B) und der dogmatischen Struktur dieser zentralen Norm des BGB (§ 823 A).

  • af Jurgen Oechsler
    2.797,95 - 3.897,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Elterliche Sorge - Inhalt Und Inhaberschaft)
    af Saskia Lettmaier
    4.322,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Internationales Vertragsrecht 1)
    af Christian Armbrüster
    4.312,95 - 5.592,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Eigentum 2 - Erwerb Und Verlust Des Eigentums)
    af Thomas Diehn
    4.697,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Europäisches Recht: Brüssel Iia-Vo)
    af Ulrich Spellenberg
    2.422,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Leistungsstörungsrecht 2)
    af Volker Rieble
    3.617,95 - 3.687,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Unerlaubte Handlungen 5)
    af Anne Röthel
    2.422,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Rechtliche Betreuung Und Pflegschaft)
    af Werner Bienwald
    5.632,95 - 6.567,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Allgemeiner Teil 4b)
    af Herbert Roth
    2.297,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Adoption)
    af Rainer Frank
    2.552,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung 2007 befasst sich ausführlich mit dem deutschen materiellen Adoptionsrecht. Die Kommentierung ist vollständig, aber auch knapp; sie ist verständlich und überzeugend. Aktuelle Fragen sind besonders berücksichtigt: so die verstärkte Rechtsstellung des mit der Mutter nicht verheirateten Vaters, die Vaterschaftsfeststellung im Falle einer angestrebten Adoption und die Ersetzung der verweigerten Einwilligung in die Kindesannahme. Für die Adoptionspraxis sind die Ausführungen zur offenen Adoption, zum Recht des Kindes auf Kenntnis seiner Abstammung sowie zur Stiefkindadoption auch durch gleichgeschlechtliche Paare von besonderem Interesse.

  • - (Vertragsschluss)
    af Cornelia Feldmann
    2.432,95 kr.

    Der Band enthält die Erläuterungen des Vertragsprinzips (§ 311 Abs. 1) und schließt mit der Kommentierung des Verschuldens bei Vertragsschluss (§ 311 Abs. 2 und 3) und der anfänglichen Unmöglichkeit (§ 311a) das Recht der Leistungsstörungen ab. Im Rahmen von § 311 Abs. 3 ist die Prospekthaftung ausführlich erörtert. Detailreich, dogmatisch fundiert und praxisnah werden die Vorschriften des BGB über die besonderen Vertriebsformen (§§ 312-312f) kommentiert. Das Internet entwickelt sich mehr und mehr zu einem etablierten Verkaufskanal im Einzelhandel. Hierdurch wächst die Bedeutung der Vorschriften über Fernabsatz- und E-Commerce-Verträge. Die Umsetzung der EG-Richtlinie über den Fernabsatz von Finanzdienstleistungen an Verbraucher führt zu erheblichen Änderungen der §§ 312b bis d. Auch bei Finanzdienstleistungen müssen jetzt die verbraucherschützenden Instrumente des Fernabsatzrechts beachtet werden. Die durch die Richtlinie bedingten Änderungen betreffen den Anwendungsbereich der Vorschriften ebenso wie die Informationspflichten des Unternehmers und das Widerrufsrecht des Verbrauchers. Als erster Großkommentar erörtert der Staudinger kompetent und erschöpfend die Ende 2004 eingetretenen Änderungen der §§ 312b bis d.

  • - (Allgemeines Liegenschaftsrecht 2)
    af Karl-Heinz Gursky
    4.312,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Treu Und Glauben)
    af Dirk Olzen
    4.577,95 kr.

    In der Neubearbeitung der §§ 241-243 ist insbesondere die Kommentierung des § 241a hervorzuheben, der durch das am 14.6.2014 in Kraft getretene Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Verbraucherrecherichtlinie vollständig neu gestaltet wurde. Neueste Literatur und Rechtsprechung wurden umfassend ausgewertet und eingearbeitet, u.a. bei § 242 die neue Rechtsprechungslinie zur "Ohne Rechnung"-Abrede, wonach Gewährleistungsansprüche bei unwirksamen Verträgen auch nicht mehr unter Berufung auf § 242 geltend gemacht werden können.

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