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Die Neubearbeitung bietet eine umfassende Darstellung des Rechtsgebiets auf neuestem Stand, für die die aktuelle Literatur und Rechtsprechung ausgewertet wurde. Neben Erläuterungen zum neuen Mindestlohngesetz enthält sie Ausführungen zum Pflegezeitgesetz sowie zur Familienpflegezeit. Des Weiteren sind Neuerungen im Urlaubsrecht und die Abgrenzung von Leiharbeit und Werkvertrag eingehend kommentiert.
Die Neubearbeitung enthält neben Erläuterungen zum zeitlichen und räumlichen Geltungsbereich des BGB vor allem die Kommentierung der Bestimmungen, die sich mit dem Verhältnis des BGB zum Landesrecht befassen. Sie sind für die Praxis nach wie vor von erheblicher Bedeutung und erfahren daher im Staudinger eine Vollkommentierung. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Kommentierungen von Art. 2 (Begriff des Gesetzes) und von Art. 96 mit einer ausführlichen Darstellung des Leibgedings-/Altenteilsrechts sowie Art. 124 mit einer vergleichenden Darstellung der im Bundesgebiet geltenden landesrechtlichen Nachbarrechte samt Rechtsprechungshinweisen. Umfassend dargestellt wird auch der Inhalt altrechtlicher Dienstbarkeiten und sonstiger dinglicher Rechte. Nicht zuletzt bietet die Kommentierung umfassende und aktualisierte Nachweise zu den einschlägigen landesrechtlichen Bestimmungen sowie eine eingehende Darstellung der entsprechenden Rechtsentwicklung und der aktuellen Rechtslage.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die Kommentierung des Umwelthaftungsrechts spiegelt die Vielfalt und Komplexität der Rechtsmaterie auf aktuellem Stand wieder. Zu diesem Zweck werden die privatrechtlichen Haftungsnormen des UmweltHG, des AtomG, des BBergG, des BImSchG, des GenTG, des HaftPflG und des WHG auf dem die Einzelregelungen übergreifenden Hintergrund des umwelthaftungsrechtlichen Systems aus Delikts-, Gefährdungs- und Aufopferungs- bzw Ausgleichshaftung erläutert, wobei die grundlegenden Probleme - insbesondere: Kreis der geschützten Güter, Verkehrspflichten, Kausalität in materieller und beweisrechtlicher Hinsicht, Rechtswidrigkeit und Verschulden, Zusammenhänge mit den Ãffentlichen Recht - nach Art eines "Allgemeinen Teils des Umwelthaftungsrechts" dargestellt werden. Die Kommentierung befindet sich auf dem Stand von Anfang 2010. Neben Aktualisierung und Vertiefung der Erläuterungen werden insbesondere die Grüne Gentechnik, das neue Wasserhaushaltsgesetz, neuere Entwicklungen im Bereich der Auskunftsansprüche und das Umweltschadensgesetz kommentiert. Letzteres geschieht auf Grund der Erwägung, dass es erst die Kenntnis dieser öffentlich-rechtlichen Materie erlaubt, die durch Umweltbeeinträchtigungen hervorgerufene Haftungslage insgesamt, insbesondere unter Einbeziehung der Ãkoschäden, vollständig zu erfassen. Die Kommentierung wird damit wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen wie auch Belangen der mit Umwelthaftung befassten Praxis gerecht.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die Neubearbeitung 2017 berücksichtigt den neuesten Stand der Rechtsprechung und der Literatur. Als Zentralnorm der Inhaltskontrolle setzt § 134 voraus, dass der Gesetzgeber ihm missliebige Rechtsgeschäftsinhalte untersagen kann. Die Neubearbeitung geht u.a. der Frage nach, welche Zwecke er damit verfolgt und ob er mildere Mittel zur Vertragssteuerung und -lenkung heranziehen muss. Kann eine Rechtsausübungskontrolle (wie nach § 242 BGB) dabei milderes Mittel sein? Mittelbar wird dabei der Schutz der Vertragsfreiheit vor dem Verbotszugriff angesprochen. Darüber hinaus sind bei § 134 insbesondere die sowohl dogmatisch als auch für die Praxis bedeutenden Neuerungen bezüglich der BGH-Rechtsprechung zur Schwarzarbeit berücksichtigt. Die Kommentierung der § 135 f analysiert insbesondere deren Schnittstellen mit dem Insolvenzrecht, bietet eine vertiefte Analyse zur Möglichkeit der analogen Anwendung dieser Normen zu Zwecken eines angestrebten Besitzerwerbs, und untersucht das Bestehen von Sekundärrechten (Nutzungen, Schadensersatz, Verwendungsausgleich) nach verbotswidriger Verfügung. Die Erläuterung des § 137 stellt die Zwecke der Norm heraus und untersucht insbesondere die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer effektiven materiell- und prozessrechtlichen Sicherung eines rechtsgeschäftlichen Verfügungsverbots. Die Neubearbeitung zur Sittenwidrigkeit gem. § 138 geht analytisch auf die, breit gefächerte, aktuelle Rechtsprechung ein. U.a. auf die Entscheidung des BGH (BGH 12.4.2016 - XI ZR 305/14) zur Sittenwidrigkeit der Sicherungsübereignung eines Warenlagers im Vorfeld einer Insolvenz, bei der die Unschärfe des Begriffs der "Insolvenzreife", die der BGH für den Ausnahmecharakter dieser Fallgruppe voraussetzt, beleuchtet wird. Darüber hinaus werden jetzt auch grundlegende kautelarjuristische und prozessuale Aspekte knapp dargestellt sowie die einschlägige Literatur dazu mitgeteilt.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
This revised 2013 edition of the volume on Sections 433-480 provides comprehensive and well-researched information on every question involving sales law, for example: The long disputed issue of the scope of replacement in the case of installed goods was decided by the European Court of Justice on 16 June 2011 against the seller (meaning the goods must be replaced by the seller even at disproportionately high cost). The commentary carefully examines this ruling. The key decision by the German Supreme Court on 13 April 2011 determining where the seller is obligated to perform the replacement ("the place of performance for subsequent performance") and its practical consequences are discussed in detail. The question of including software contracts under sales law that has recently become the subject of legal debate. The even murkier question of whether the stipulations of sales law are applicable to company acquisition agreements. Includes meticulously explained solutions to all the most important disputes involving sales law.
Die in vielen Punkten kritisierte Erbrechtsreform wird in der Neubearbeitung der §§ 2303-2345 eingehend berücksichtigt. Kernpunkte der Neuregelung sinddie Modernisierung der Pflichtteilsentziehungsgründe neben der Erweiterung des geschützten Personenkreises, die Ausdehnung der Stundungsgründe und die Einführung einer gleitenden Ausschlussfrist für den Pflichtteilsergänzungsanspruch.In den Fällen des § 2306 wird eine ärgerliche Fehlleistung des BGB endlich beseitigt, indem dem Erben bei wirksamer Ausschlagung stets der Pflichtteilsanspruch gewährt wird. Die Kommentierung geht auf ganz praktische Fragen ein, die der Gesetzgeber immer noch nicht geklärt hat, etwa die Schwierigkeit, den wirtschaftlichen Wert von Beschwerungen oder den Wert des Zugewinnausgleichsanspruchs innerhalb der 6-Wochen-Frist des § 1944 Abs. 1 zu bestimmen, um eine vernünftige Entscheidung über die Annahme der Zuwendung oder Ausschlagung zwecks Geltendmachung des Pflichtteils (und ggf. Zugewinnausgleichs) zu treffen, bleibt bestehen. Die Literatur und Rechtsprechung zu diesem in der Praxis schwierigen Rechtsgebiet wird umfassend analysiert. Von der Kompetenz der Staudinger-Kommentatoren derartiger (noch) nicht geklärter Rechtsfragen profitieren: Notare, Anwaltsnotare, Fachanwälte im Familien- und Erbrecht, in diesen Bereichen tätige Anwälte, und Richter.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die letztmals 2011 erschienene Bearbeitung des Stiftungsrechts im Staudinger hat die dogmatische und rechtspolitische Diskussion maÃgeblich beeinflusst. Derzeit prüfen Bund und Länder, ob in der kommenden Legislaturperiode weitere Reformen des Stiftungsrechts erfolgen. Die Kommentierung greift Rechtsprechung und Literatur der vergangenen Jahre auf, erläutert neue Erscheinungsformen der Stiftung wie z.B. die Verbrauchsstiftung und nimmt die gegenwärtige Reformdebatte anhand konkreter Einzelfragen aus der Sicht des geltenden Rechts auf. Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Niedrigzinspolitik befasst sich die Kommentierung intensiv mit dem rechtlichen Rahmen der Vermögenserhaltung und -verwaltung bei rechtsfähigen Stiftungen des Privatrechts. Ãberdies trägt die Kommentierung der im Stiftungswesen signifikanten Verzahnung des Zivilrechts mit dem steuerlichen Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht Rechnung.
Die WEG-Reform 2007 hat das Wohnungseigentumsrecht vor allem durch die Anerkennung der rechtsfähigen Gemeinschaft der Wohnungseigentümer, aber auch durch die Schaffung neuer Beschlusskompetenzen und den Wechsel von der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit in die Zivilprozessordnung grundlegend verändert. Das Wohnungseigentumsrecht wird von den Autoren nicht als Spezialmaterie empfunden, sondern die Lösungen werden mit dem sonstigen BGB, aber auch dem Recht anderer Personenmehrheiten einschlieÃlich des Verbandsrechts abgeglichen.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die WEG-Reform 2007 hat das Wohnungseigentumsrecht vor allem durch die Anerkennung der rechtsfähigen Gemeinschaft der Wohnungseigentümer, aber auch durch die Schaffung neuer Beschlusskompetenzen und den Wechsel von der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit in die Zivilprozessordnung grundlegend verändert. Die tragenden Wertungen, an denen sich die Lösung der Rechtsfragen zu orientieren hat, werden offengelegt und in ein dogmatisch stringentes Konzept eingepasst. Dadurch erhält die Praxis Orientierung durch Leitlinien, die angesichts einer ständig zunehmenden Zahl von sich zum Teil widersprechenden Entscheidungen und Literaturbeiträgen Hilfe geben.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die Neubearbeitung des internationalen Eherechts berücksichtigt die aktuellen Entwicklungen zu EheschlieÃung, Verlöbnis, Ehewirkungen, Ehegüterrecht, Auflösung der Ehe und eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft. Dabei werden auch ganz konkrete Problemfälle thematisiert, so z.B. die Abgrenzung der Inlands- von der Auslandsscheidung für den Fall, dass der inländische Wohnsitz oder der gewöhnliche Inlandsaufenthalt einen Inlandsbezug herstellt und der (Erklärungs-)Akt, welcher die Ehe endgültig auflöst, im Ausland erfolgt. Unentbehrlich für Richter und Anwälte.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die Neubearbeitung analysiert die aktuelle höchst- und instanzgerichtliche Rechtsprechung und entwickelt, soweit erforderlich, eigenständige Lösungen. Schwerpunkte bei den kündigungsrechtlichen Vorschriften bilden u.a. die Kündigung wegen Eigenbedarfs, die Anbietpflicht des Vermieters sowie das Vorkaufsrecht des Mieters bei der Umwandlung in Eigentumswohnungen. Die Ãnderungen durch das Gesetz zur Bereinigung des Rechts der Lebenspartner sind ebenfalls berücksichtigt.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rechtsprechung, aktueller Literatur und europäischer Rechtsentwicklung zur auÃerordentlichen Kündigung und zum Befristungsrecht wird in der Neubearbeitung 2019 der §§ 620-630 BGB die Beendigung des Dienstverhältnisses systematisch erläutert. U.a. wird die schwierige jüngst vom EuGH entschiedene Frage, anhand welcher Kriterien das staatliche Gericht das Verlangen nach loyalem Verhalten bewerten könne, oder etwa das Vorliegen von sehr langen Beschäftigungszeiten in Fällen der Sachgrundbefristungen eingehend erörtert.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Testamentsvollstreckungen haben in Deutschland bei den gröÃer gewordenen, aber auch komplexeren Vermögen eine immer stärkere Bedeutung Gerade bei komplexen Nachlässen wird verstärkt Testamentsvollstreckung angeordnet. Diese birgt ein hohes Streitpotential, etwa bei der Kontrolle der Machtfülle des Testamentsvollstreckers, der Dauer der Testamentsvollstreckung, der möglichen Haftung des Testamentsvollstreckers und seiner Vergütung. Neu behandelt werden in diesem Kontext u.a. das Verhältnis zwischen Vollmacht und Testamentsvollstreckung und die Einbringung von Nachlassgrundbesitz durch den Testamentsvollstrecker in Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften sowie die Funktionen des Testamentsvollstreckers bei Zugehörigkeit von Gesellschaften zum Nachlass. Internationale Testamentsvollstreckungen werden nach Inkrafttreten der EUErbVO noch stärkere Bedeutung erlangen, die Neubearbeitung enthält daher Länderberichte und Eventuallösungen für den Fall, dass die deutsche Testamentsvollstreckung im Ausland nicht anerkannt wird. Sie geht zudem ausführlich auf die schwierigen Rechtsfragen einer Testamentsvollstreckung, vor allem in Bezug auf die besonders neuralgischen Positionen, ein, um in einem wichtigen Bereich des Zivilrechts Rechtssicherheit schaffen zu helfen.
Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris
Die Neubearbeitung enthält mit der aktuellen Kommentierung des Betriebsübergangs, der in § 613a BGB geregelt ist, vorausschauende Lösungen zu einer der schwierigsten echten Arbeitsrechtsnormen innerhalb des BGB, u.a. mit eingehender Auseinandersetzung mit der aktuellen EuGH- und BAG-Rechtsprechung, die in der vorliegenden Neubearbeitung fundiert analysiert wird. Auf weitere wichtige Aspekte, wie die Bedeutung der Verzugskostenpauschale des § 288 Abs 5 BGB im Arbeitsverhältnis (in der Kommentierung des § 614 BGB), die Auswirkungen von Hausverboten für Arbeitnehmer durch Kunden des Arbeitgebers (s. § 615 BGB) oder die Haftungsbeschränkung bei Schädigung externer Betriebsmittelgeber eingegangen (s. § 619a BGB ) wird unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten Rechtsprechung fundiert eingegangen. In § 619a wurden überdies die Ausführungen zur Abdingbarkeit der Grundsätze beschränkter Arbeitnehmerhaftung ausgeweitet.
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