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  • af Patricia Kloehn
    217,95 kr.

  • af Tony J. Stafford
    132,95 kr.

  • af Miss Jerry Lee Schock
    97,95 kr.

  • af Anne Ragan & M. I. McCall
    117,95 kr.

  • af Roger Fleming
    132,95 kr.

  • af Timothy C. Kearns
    247,95 kr.

  • af Shirley Hassen
    192,95 kr.

    Evil in The HeartEight years old Lance, having lived in England all his young life, was assembled with his family in their spacious and immaculately clean drawing room.His father informing the family they are moving to New Zealand. Lance, at first, not able to understand his father's words, realised he would be leavingthe only home he knew. His father's announcement was to change his young life. Lance adapts to his new school, especially when he meets Gloria.Become an item. Several years after leaving school, they marry. Gloria becoming sick, she is pregnant. Cindy-lee is welcomed by both.A year later, Gloria again being sick, the doctor tells her she has advance cancer. Several years after Gloria's funeral, Lance meets the beautiful Jillianand knowing Gloria would have approved of Jillian, proposes to Jillian.Jillian's seven years old daughter, from her first meeting Cindy-lee dislikes Cindy-lee. Cindy-lee is just happy there is going to be a party...

  • af Peter Hurdwell
    132,95 kr.

  • af George Lockie
    142,95 kr.

    Miracle CureA miracle drug hits the British market, promising amazing new progress in the treatment of difficult skin disorders. The source and supplier of this mysterious drug is unknown; what is known is that whoever's behind it has a lot of cash and clout. When a train derailment leads to the disappearance of a shipment, authorities get involved. Rory Glassen and MI5 are on the trail of who might want to steal the skin treatment-and the theft is getting more suspicious by the second.

  • af Jerry Lee Schock
    97,95 kr.

    My heartfelt thanks to all who have encouraged this publishing. Through the years, my desire was to publish and share with others who may need encouragement. Many poems have been emailed and handed to those in need along the way. As friends and loved ones were in valleys and going through trials, God would give me words of encouragement for them. Every poem was written out of a need someone had that the Lord sent my way. The poems span many years of writing and are from the heart, as the Holy Spirit led. May the words continue to bless and encourage those who read. God has answered so many prayers through the years, and with the publishing of this the poetry, yet another is answered. May God bless each of you.

  • af Robert Ethier
    177,95 kr.

    I found Angels to Aliens to be great collection of firsthand accounts. The author made a very enjoyable and easily readable selection from the vast number of accounts that had been given to him. Countless times I was struck by the common threads to many of the cases in his collection that are also found in the literature of each topic. His work drives home the point that if you just take the time to simply and politely ask, many will tell you their story. As the reader goes through these stories, many will hear much of the thoughts and feelings of those whom had these strange happenings and most will relate thoughts and feelings of those whom had these strange happenings and most will relate to then. This is more than just a mere collection of "Campfire Ghost Stories", as it brings home the human element and personal connection that cannot be shared by a second hand telling. The reader will be thrilled, humbled and amazed by the courage and bravery that each of his storytellers bring to life with their accounts of experiencing the unexplained. I have read and actually have been in parts of many books of all aspects of the unexplained in my decades of my work in the field, but I can say that this book is well worth the time to invest in reading if you like to hear from the horse's mouth. Matthew Moniz

  • af Nmd Otolorin Bell
    162,95 kr.

    Observing and Diagnosing America is an attempt to focus the attention of Americans to the problem they pose for themselves and other immigrants in their midst, it highlights the alienation usually felt by naturalized citizens of the United States and the cycle of vicious behaviors toward an innocent population. The book shows that the racist attitudes that were the bases of the founding of the American nation must be discarded, making all immigrants welcome both naturally and psychologically and eliminating discord between races in the country. Unless immigrants come to grip with the situation at hand and start treating one another with respect, the fabrics holding the nation together may break apart at the seams.

  • af James Pierce
    162,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Robert M. Ethier
    247,95 kr.

    All the children love to go to their Uncle Bob's house every Friday night to hear him tell ghost stories around his fire pit.One night when Uncle Bob decides to host a marshmallow pig roast, the kids are excited, even when though they have no idea what a marshmallow pig roast is! After Uncle Bob carves big marshmallows into pigs to roast on a stick in the fire pit, he begins telling chilling tales of monsters and aliens, ghouls, and ghosts that lurk in the darkness. Even though the stories are scary, they also help make lasting memories for all the children as they listen intently and learn how to use their own imaginations.In this fun tale, an uncle tells entertaining ghost stories around the fire pit to a group of enraptured children.

  • af Zachary Schertz
    287,95 kr.

  • af Gabriel Anthony Lopez
    132,95 kr.

    On the world of Charybdis II, Byeolsu seeks the love of his life. However, unknown to him lurks and enemy. Discovering the enemy only puts Byeolsu on a path to meet who the enemy actually is.

  • af Carletta D Pierce
    162,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hurdwell
    117,95 kr.

    Overland on A ShoestringIn 1960 a young Englishman decided to invest ten pounds for the opportunity to travel to the other side of the world on a cruise liner, the trip being heavily subsidised by the Australian Government. He was to become one of the many 'Ten pound Tourists' to migrate from Britain to Australia following the Second World War. Within a week of his arrival in Australia he had managed to secure a flat at Bondi Beach, a job in Sydney's business district and had also met the girl he was to marry two years later. Little could he have foreseen at that time that these events would prove to have such a profound effect not only on their lives but also those of other family members. Shortly after he and his fiancée had married they decided to travel to England to meet his family and enjoy a two year stay before returning to Australia. However, after a few months in England, whilst enjoying a few drinks in a local pub with friends, his younger brother mentioned the idea of an overland trip back to the Land Down Under. The idea of 'Overland on a Shoestring' was born. It took over two years to prepare for the journey, during which time the party of eight purchased two 1942 vintage ex World War II Willys Jeeps and an old Bedford van that cost fifty pounds. Thus, in June, 1964 they set off on a journey which would take them through Scandinavia, Europe and Asia where their adventure would be punctuated by numerous vehicle breakdowns. There were also other surprises including waking up one morning in the desert to behold vultures circling above them and on another occasion, having set up camp one evening, they found that the field that they had chosen was in fact a Turkish artillery range that was to be bombarded minutes later. They eventually arrived in Australia in December, 1964, fit and well in spite of having shed almost a third of their bodyweight. Every member of the party remained in Australia to become Australian citizens.

  • af Gary Atkins
    129,95 kr.

    Thank You, LordThe government stole my children after my wife left me. Then I lost my life's earnings when a mortgagor sold me up. Although alone and homeless, God comforted me and the Bible inspired me to fight back to eventually become re-united with my children and regain financial stability.

  • af Russell Sea
    132,95 kr.

    Head RockingIn the deepest darkest depths of depression creativity is born.This is a story about life experiences that make you question reality.From the torment and torture of feeling judged and rejected too thefreedom and liberation of expression without's a story about a young man trying to leave his past behind him.He metaphorically builds a rocket too create a space where he canBe free and escape the day to day bullshit and survival of living life

  • af Rob Norman
    117,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af Dennis Flannery
    187,95 kr.

    This is the epic story of Alexander Gabriel, a brilliant 43-year-old investment broker, who, following a skiing accident, finds himself inexplicably hurled back thirty-five years in time and forced to begin his life over as an eight-year-old. Being fore-armed with an immense knowledge of the future investment world, Alex soon recognizes his incredible potential for amassing a vast fortune. His new life proceeds with few difficulties for over 2 decades.Then things start to go horribly wrong. Acts of betrayal, murder and Islamic terror shatter Alex Gabriel's world and thrust him toward his ultimate destiny. He begins using his infinite wealth to radically alter the world. He and his council of intellectuals, using economic manipulation and extraordinary weapons, take over the world's governments. The newly formed World Guidance Council's goal is to forge a world devoid of the multitude of horrors that are rapidly consuming this planet.THE GABRIEL CHRONICLES is a fascinating topical story with unusual and thought-provoking solutions for today's major problems of terrorism, worldwide corruption, crime and over population.

  • af K. T. Fann
    117,95 kr.

    Abort forty years ago, while I was going through a painful divorce, I decided to teach a course called "Philosophy of Sex" at my university. My favorite philosopher Wittgenstein once said to his student: "What is the use of studying philosophy if all that does for you is to enable you to talk with some plausibility about some abstruse questions of logic, etc., and if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of everyday life?" Other than the food, is there anything more important to everyday life than sex? Yet philosophers rarely discuss sex as a philosophical topic. I tried to apply my philosophical skills to help myself think clearly about the male-female relationships while living them. Over the years I have formed my own philosophy of sex, but this is not a regular philosophy book. I let my thoughts range freely, and do not try to organize them into a set form. So there won't be a table of contents or chapter divisions in this book. What follows are my sexual reminiscences interjected with my philosophizing about them. The events described are real 14 and the persons involved are real, but with names changed. Some parts of it may sound to some people like pornography, but it is actually a philosophy book. A great contemporary philosopher Noam Chomsky said, "The job of a philosopher is to tell the truth and to expose lies." That's what I am trying to do. Another great philosopher Karl Marx said, "Philosophers hitherto have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point, however, is to change it." I am also trying to do that. This is not just a memoir, but I meant it to be a subversive track. I wish to subvert the status quo of our sexual mores. In fact, I meant this to be a Manifesto of Sexual Liberation!

  • af Jose F Lucero
    147,95 kr.

  • af John Henry Dam
    97,95 kr.

    A parable concerning love and integrity, infidelity and death, soon afterward devastation the forerunner for a new life. Revolving to show a fable of heart-wrenching determination. Rudy, being a man of substance and loyalty. Compassion his poorest tribute.A story illustrating:For marriage, loyalty and truth are relative but quite sadly not simultaneous. This allegation including that conception at times misdirects happiness when commitment is not adhered to. Demented but laughable, finding infidelity a seedling of joy? With discovery inducing devastation, birthing life after death.

  • af Jiang Shan Yu Ping
    117,95 kr.

    This book major contains 27 courses and the author comments about courses.This book is intended to Enlighten people. Human consciousness is like acomputer system, and the faith system is the foundation program forsustaining the whole system. Truth is like a bug to smash all programs. When the bug makes the wholesystem break down, enlightenment is reached. There will be a non-systemhuman.When one person unloads the system, wisdom may appear.Course 1Are there really eyeballs? Why is it not the information from touchand images that returns to the brain and then is perceived? Whynot? Why no?Are there really noses? Why is it not the information from touchand images that returns to the brain and then is perceived? Whynot? Why no?Are there really mouths? Why is it not the information from touchand images that returns to the brain and then is perceived? Whynot? Why no?Are there really ears? Why is it not the information from touch, voice, and images that returns to the brain and then is perceived?Why not? Why no?Are there really tongues? Why is it not the information from touchand images that returns to the brain and then is perceived? Whynot? Why no? You may use them every day, but do you know what they really are?Stay piece and alone.The first course helps people thinks through five senses. Humansconnect this world through five senses, make effort through fivesenses. It is the persistence to five senses which makes one personbelieve that the authenticity of everything. Course 1 requires a handwriting or typing. It is not that importantfor one to think how the course processing in one's mind. Thecourse processing in one's subconscious. Once finish the course, the feeling back inside will be altered. It is the persistence of one'sego block the inner peace. This peace leads to mental relaxationand freedom

  • af Janey Marvin
    117,95 - 182,95 kr.

  • af Henrik Flørenes
    177,95 kr.

    Henrik Flørenes is a spiritual master from Norway.He had his awakening to Being, after an out-of-body experience. And he became aware of this simplicity of Being and the ¿ow of Ease...This led him to investigate this path... Through his growing faith, understanding and relaxation.He now teaches this simplicity of Ease, Life and Body-Being,throughout the world.

  • af Miljan Peter Ilich
    332,95 kr.

    Bosnia-Herzegovina is a small country chat's had an amazing inJluence onthe history of Europe a11d the world. le formed the heart of Shakespeare's Illyria.For centuries, its people were a mainstay of the Roman Empire,providing it with elite troops and several of its greatest emperors.In Bosnian Phoenix, author Miljan Peter Ilich offers a novel and enlighteningperspective on the astounding historical importance of Bosnia.He emphasizes the resilience of the country throughout its evolution from itsancient historical roots. Its territory has fluctuated, but the basic geographicalextent of what is defined as Bosnia and Herzegovina has been remarkablystable for a long rime. Ilich offers an understanding of the conflictualrelations in Bosnia by analyzing the inadequately recognized centuries-long significance of that nationin regional and European affairs. For about a century, Bosnia took the lead in defending Europe fromTurkish invasions and was a champion of religious liberty within the Christian world.llich maintains chat since Bosnia and Herzegovina haslong been a multiethnic society, its history aids in theunderstanding of social evolution in ocher mulciechnic societies.The Bosnian story will be meaningful co peoplein other countries since, with increased globalization,the entire world is fast becoming one huge, complex,multierhnic society. Bosnian Phoenix addresses a hostof myths about Bosnia and presents insight into this country and what it offers co the world.¿

  • af Michael Herbert
    167,95 kr.

    Dragon Diary Saga: Extracts of a Witch Finder's DiaryJake and his brothers first must deal with the end of the world, before traveling back in time to the Sofala gold rush, and then back to a new life on a new world. Along the way, they must conquer their fears and battle dark forces intent on blocking their way. But everyone is not what they appear to be, and life can change in the blink of an eye.Dragons, witches, wizards, goblins, ogres, trolls, fairies, druids, dwarves, elves, gods, and flying pigs all play a part in this story that covers ten thousand years of history.

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