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Bøger udgivet af Rudolf Steiner Press

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  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    152,95 kr.

    The origins and nature of architecture; The formative influence of architectural forms; The history of architecture in the light of mankind's spiritual evolution; A new architecture as a means of uniting with spiritual forces; Art and architecture as manifestations of spiritual realities; Metamorphosis in architecture; Aspects of a new architecture; Rudolf Steiner on the first Goetheanum building; The second Goetheanum building; The architecture of a community in Dornach; The temple is the human being; The restoration of the lost temple.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    117,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Michaelmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Sinking Earth, Rising Spirit; Michael and the Dragon; Michael, Spirit of Our Age; Towards a Michael Festival.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    152,95 kr.

    Understanding man's true nature as a basis for medical practice; The science of knowing; The mission of reverence; The four temperaments; The bridge between universal spirituality and the physical; The constellation of the supersensible bodies; The invisible human within us: the pathology underlying therapy; Cancer and mistletoe, and aspects of psychiatry; Case history questions: diagnosis and therapy; Anthroposophical medicine in practice: three case histories.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    127,95 kr.

    A social basis for education; The spirit of the Waldorf school; Educational methods based on anthroposophy; The child at play; Teaching from a foundation of spiritual insight and education in the light of spiritual science; The adolescent after the fourteenth year; Science, art, religion and morality; The spiritual grounds of education; The role of caring in education; The roots of education and the kingdom of childhood; Address at a parents' evening; Education in the wider social context.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    83,94 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts.Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life.Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Easter. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Can we Celebrate Easter?; The Earth and the Cosmos; Rising Sun: Nature and Resurrection; Golgotha, the Central Deed of Evolution; Easter, a Festival for the Future.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    192,95 kr.

    Mysticism and beyond: the importance of prayer; The meaning of sin and grace; Rediscovering the Bible; What is true communion?; Rediscovering the festivals and the life of the earth; Finding one's destiny: walking with Christ; The significance of religion in life and death; Christ's second coming: the truth for our time; Universal religion: the meaning of love.

  • - An Introductory Reader
    af Rudolf Steiner
    142,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Christmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Christmas in a Grevious Age; Christmas and the Earth; Delving to the Core; The Child and the Tree; Towards a New Christmas.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    62,95 kr.

    The Foundation Stone Meditation holds a central place in the inner life of many students of Rudolf Steiner's work. First presented during the refounding of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, it is a powerful and penetrating meditative text which many consider to be a key to the spiritual mysteries of our time. This version features three alternative translations (by George Adams, Pauline Wehrle and Richard Seddon), together with the original German verses and an introduction by Michael Wilson.

  • - The Year Participated
    af Rudolf Steiner
    62,95 kr.

    In listening to the changing language of the year, said Rudolf Steiner, we can rediscover our individual nature. These meditative verses, one for each week of the year, help to awaken a feeling of unity with nature while simultaneously stimulating a discovery of the self. Through intensive work, Steiner's unique meditations can lead to a feeling of oneness with the world. This budget-priced pocket version features Owen Barfield's pioneering translation - 'paraphrased for an English ear' - based on more than 50 years studying the text. As Barfield argues, no simple translation can convey the 'thrust' of the verses. In his words: 'It is this quality which the version that follows especially aims to suggest - at the expense, where necessary, of close reproduction.'

  • - The Biodynamic Approach to Agriculture
    af Richard Thornton Smith
    172,95 kr.

    In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in organic and biodynamic produce. Although once marginal and 'alternative', escalating concerns about the environment, health, food quality and animal welfare have brought organics into mainstream consciousness. Biodynamics, a unique development of the organic approach, does not narrowly focus on agricultural techniques. It was conceived as a new way of thinking about farming, nutrition and the world of nature, allowing for a revitalized relationship with the living soil, the elemental world and the cosmos. Originating from a series of eight lectures given by Dr Rudolf Steiner in 1924, biodynamics broadens the outlook of agriculture and the science behind it, leading to a holistic perspective that incorporates astronomical rhythms and unique preparations for plants and earth. The author describes the foundations on which not only biodynamics but also the wider organic movement is based. He builds bridges between mainstream science and Steiner's insights, making it easier for the wider organic and ecological movement to approach biodynamic concepts and practise. This book has much to offer to the beginner as well as to those already involved with biodynamics. Its broad range of topics - including the ecology of the farm organism, food quality and nutrition, community supported agriculture, planetary influences, seed quality, and the vitality of water - contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject. The author is also concerned to promote innovation so that biodynamics moves with the times. An appendix includes details for contacting various elements of the biodynamic world. DR RICHARD THORNTON SMITH was formerly a geography professor at the University of Leeds, specializing in soil science, environment and conservation. Widely travelled, he has a long-standing interest in indigenous and sustainable farming. He was introduced to the work of Rudolf Steiner at an early age, although his full involvement with biodynamics dates from 1990 when he began to participate in training programmes and workshops at Emerson College, Sussex. In 1996 he began a biodynamic extension programme in Sri Lanka, for which he published a book, most recently updated in 2007. Since 2001 he has been an inspector for the Biodynamic Association's Demeter and Organic Certification in the UK. In 2003 he produced an edited selection of Steiner's work relating to agriculture. He is currently a council member of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association, and lives in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.

  • - Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements from the Contents of the Esoteric School
    af Rudolf Steiner
    195,95 kr.

    In these unique lectures, given to members of his Esoteric School (1904-14), Rudolf Steiner's main intention is to throw light on the hidden content of the picture-language of myths, sagas and legends. Pictures, he explains, are the real origin of all things - the primeval spiritual causes. In order to work in a healthy way with pictures or symbols today, however, it is necessary that one should first become acquainted with their esoteric content - to understand them. At the time of these lectures Steiner was planning to inaugurate the second section of the Esoteric School, which was to deal in a direct way with a renewal - out of his own spiritual research - of ritual and symbolism. He gave these lectures as a necessary preparation, to clarify the history and nature of the cultic tradition. He thus discusses principally Freemasonry and its background, but also the Rosicrucians, Manichaeism, the Druids, the Prometheus Saga, the Lost Temple, Cain and Abel - and much else besides.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    162,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner gives a penetrating description - from his spiritual research into the evolution and history of the human being, earth and cosmos - of the experiences people gained through the ancient mysteries. With an Introduction by Dr A. Welburn

  • - As Revealed Through Initiation Knowledge
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    According to the initiate-research of Rudolf Steiner, humanity is in a continual process of transformation and evolution. Modern-day consciousness, based as it is on sense perception and abstract logic, differs considerably from the consciousness of ancient humanity. At that time, says Steiner, the human being was seen to be a microcosm, a concentration of the laws and activities of the cosmos. The loss of such knowledge today has led to the existential quest for meaning, and even the cul-de-sac of atheism.In these comprehensive lectures, delivered to an English audience, Rudolf Steiner indicates how it is possible for people to rediscover their connection to the cosmos. He describes how one develops higher faculties of consciousness - what he calls Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition - and gives a vivid description of life after death and the individual's progress through the planetary spheres. It is in these spheres, he explains, where tasks and goals for future incarnations are prepared in cooperation with the spiritual beings of the heavenly hierarchies.The lectures culminate in a call for mankind to take its own destiny in hand through conscious and free development of spiritual capacities.The edition of this fundamental work features a revised translation as well as previously-unavailable addresses and question-and-answer sessions.

  • - From the Akashic Records
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    From his clairvoyant reading of the supersensible Akashic Record - the cosmic memory of all events, actions and thoughts - Rudolf Steiner was able to speak of aspects of the life of Jesus Christ which are not contained in the four biblical Gospels. Such research, in that it is not based on historical records or extant documents, can be spoken of as a 'Fifth Gospel'.Steiner speaks, for example, of Jesus' life in the community of the Essenes, the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, and of a significant conversation between Jesus and Mary.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    Within the Mystery cultures of ancient history, art, science and religion formed a unity that offered direction and spiritual nourishment to the broader society. Today, art, science and religion can again be reunited. However, as Marie Steiner indicates in her introduction to these lectures, these aspects of our culture need rejuvenation through fresh spiritual understanding and knowledge. Art cannot be renewed through compromise, but only by returning to the spiritual foundations of life. As she says: "e;The remedy lies in unlocking the wisdom of the Mysteries and presenting it to humanity in a form adapted to contemporary needs."e; In these wide-ranging lectures, Rudolf Steiner offers spiritual insight for the modern day into a revitalised world of the arts. His themes include: the relation of art to technology, the moral experience of the worlds of colour and music, the legendary Norwegian Dream Song of Olaf Asteson, and the relationship between the various arts of architecture, sculpture, painting, music, poetry, eurythmy and the human being.

  • - From the Esoteric School
    af Rudolf Steiner
    162,95 kr.

    Selected from material given by Rudolf Steiner to members of his Esoteric School (1904-14), this volume features exercises, meditations and practices for spiritual self-development. In contrast to oriental methods of spiritual training, they derive from the western, Rosicrucian stream and are fully adapted to modern consciousness.Various exercises are given - for morning and evening, for the days of the week and the months of the year. In addition, there is much explanatory material to deepen and enhance meditative work, including several articles on the path of inner development and the obstacles to be faced on the way to attaining true consciousness of the self.This enlarged edition contains further clarification of the exercises, descriptions of the future evolution of the world and humanity, plus later advice given by Steiner on the nature of breathing exercises and ancient and modern methods of initiation.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    147,95 kr.

    Why do people have such differing events and circumstances to deal with in their lives? What are the meanings of diseases, illnesses, accidents and natural disasters? From his clairvoyant spiritual research, Rudolf Steiner speaks of karma, or destiny, as a reality - an actual scientific phenomenon which can and should be understood today. We create our own karma in all areas of existence, says Steiner, laying the foundation in one incarnation for the following one. We cannot seek for a complete pattern or meaning in one earthly life, but must begin to take into account many lives on earth. He indicates that although we may not be aware of particular causes, the knowlege that a resolution of our own self-induced karma is in process can help to bring both an acceptance and a sense of purpose into our present lives./

  • - The Human Being and the Elemental, Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms
    af Rudolf Steiner
    147,95 kr.

    In one of his most popular lecture courses - formerly published as Man as Symphony of the Creative Word - Rudolf Steiner presents an extraordinary panorama of spiritual knowledge centring on the human being. We are the harmony of creation - a microcosm - containing within us 'all the laws and secrets of the world'.Steiner begins by speaking about our inner relationship to three ancient and sacred representatives of the animal kingdom - eagle, lion and bull - and to the forces of the cosmos that form them. He goes on to deepen these themes by approaching the plant and animal worlds in the context of planetary and cosmic evolution. A new category is then introduced: the elemental nature spirits - the metaphysical beings who work with plants and animals. Steiner gives a unique and intimate description of them and describes the cooperation they offer to mankind. Finally, the human being - the 'harmony of the Creative Word' - is placed at the heart of this spiritual celebration of life.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    173,95 kr.

    In addition to the outer manifestation of Christianity as we know it from history, there exists a second, hidden stream of Christian thought and development, sometimes referred to as 'esoteric Christianity' or 'Rosicrucian Christianity'. Displaying an intimate knowledge of his subject, Rudolf Steiner throws light on this once secret, spiritual movement. But rather than relying on historical tradition or teaching, he presents wisdom and insight directly from the original metaphysical sources of esoteric Christianity.In these dynamic lectures, Steiner describes the influence of Christ's power throughout history, the workings of karma, the role of the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, as well as the vital work of Christian Rosenkreutz, Jeshu ben Pandira and other key historical figures.This new edition - indispensable for serious students of esotericism - contains all 23 lectures and addresses of the original German collection. It features previously scattered, classic lectures such as 'The Etherisation of the Blood', 'Faith, Love, Hope' and 'Cosmic Ego and Human Ego'.

  • - Finding a Relationship to the Cosmos
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    In the Middle Ages, Astronomia - one of the Seven Liberal Arts - was as much about astrology as astronomy. In fact the two disciplines only parted company in the seventeenth century, as the materialistic world-view gained greater prominence. Where once human destiny was connected to stars and planets, and spiritual or soul qualities were associated with the natural world, now the cosmos was seen as consisting of gases, fire and dead rock. Rudolf Steiner brings a new spiritual perspective to our study of the heavens. Humanity, he says, is intimately connected to cosmic beings, who in turn are related to planets and stars. There is meaning in the cosmos. Although Steiner rejects the simplistic notion of the planets determining our lives and behaviour, he makes a clear connection between the heavenly bodies and human beings. Whilst criticizing the superficial nature of much astrology, Steiner shows that as individuals, and with the guidance of spiritual beings, we choose an appropriate time of birth to match the destiny we are to live. This enlightening anthology, expertly collated by Margaret Jonas, features excerpts of Steiner's work on the spiritual individualities of the planets, the determination of human characteristics by the constellation at birth, the cultural epochs and the passage of the equinox, cosmic influences on the individual and humanity, life in the planetary spheres between death and rebirth, solar and lunar eclipses, comets, and much more.

  • - Reading the Book of Nature and Reconnecting with the World
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    Today we face an increasing number of challenges connected to our environment - from climate change and extreme weather patterns to deforestation, threats to animal species and ongoing crises in farming. Hardly a day goes by without further alarming reports. How are we to respond - particularly if we wish to take a broader, spiritual view of these events? Today we face an increasing number of challenges connected to our environment - from climate change and extreme weather patterns to deforestation, threats to animal species and ongoing crises in farming. Hardly a day goes by without further alarming reports. How are we to respond - particularly if we wish to take a broader, spiritual view of these events? In the extracts compiled in this volume, presented here with commentary and notes by Matthew Barton, Steiner speaks about human perception, the earth, water, plants, animals, insects, agriculture and natural catastrophes. Spiritual Ecology offers a wealth of original thought and spiritual insight for anyone who cares about the future of the earth and humanity.

  • - from Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation
    af Rudolf Steiner
    197,95 kr.

    From the ancient British tales of King Arthur and his knights through the medieval Central European sagas of Parzival, right up to modern-day blockbuster novels and films, the Grail has long maintained its enigmatic presence in western culture. It is said to be many things: a lost and priceless treasure, the chalice cup of the Last Supper, the cup that caught Jesus Christ's blood from the cross on Golgotha, or even a secret royal bloodline...Basing his presentations on far-reaching spiritual research, Rudolf Steiner gave profoundly esoteric, multifaceted insights into the mysteries of the Holy Grail. Collected together for the first time in a single volume, together with commentary and notes, these passages offer vivid tableaux with a multiplicity of meanings: a story that speaks to the human soul with a depth and complexity that intellectual interpretations alone cannot begin to fathom. Just as Parzival had to encounter and engage with veils of illusion and valleys of shadow and doubt, Rudolf Steiner presents us with a similarly challenging path. This book is more than a treasure of thought and insight: it invites us to embark on a personal quest to develop the abilities and vision required for grasping the elusive Grail itself. As editor Matthew Barton writes: "e;The vessel of the Grail gradually descends towards us and comes into focus as we raise ourselves individually to it by piercing through the illusions of materialism, acknowledging that we ourselves can ultimately become true vessels for the spirit."e;

  • - And the Mystery of the Humandouble
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    In the age of the internet and the proliferation of 'conspiracy theories', the idea that secret groups are seeking to gain control over humanity is no longer uncommon. This was not the case in 1917, however, when Rudolf Steiner spoke on this theme in these extraordinary lectures. His unique contribution to this controversial topic is no abstract theory, but arose from his specific research methodology involving the use of advanced forms of perception and cognition. With the firsthand knowledge available to him, Steiner takes us behind the scenes of external events, revealing the dark world of secret, elitist brotherhoods working to control the masses through the forces of economics, technology and political assassinations. These hidden groups, he explains, seek to gain power through the use of ritual magic and suggestion. Among the many other topics tackled here, Steiner speaks on the geographical quality of the American continent and the forces that proceed from it; the nature of the double (doppelganger) and the dangers of psychoanalysis; the spiritual origin of electromagnetism; the abuse of inoculations and vaccinations; the meaning of Ireland for world development; the confusion of angels with higher beings and the divinity; and, above all, the need for clear insight into world events based on spiritual knowledge. Never before available in English as a complete volume, the text of this book has been freshly translated for this edition.

  • - Basic Issues of the Social Question
    af Rudolf Steiner
    117,95 kr.

    Although this book was first published in 1919, it remains highly relevant to social problems encountered today. Uniquely, Steiner's social thinking is not based on intellectual theory, but on a profound perception of the archetypal spiritual nature of social life. As he suggests in this classic work, society has three distinct realms - the economic, the political (individual human rights), and the cultural (spiritual). While social life as a whole is a unity, the autonomy of these three sectors should be respected if our increasing social problems are to be resolved. Steiner relates the ideals of 'liberty, equality and fraternity' to modern society. Economics calls for fraternity (brotherhood), political rights require equality, while culture should be characterised by liberty (freedom). The slogans of the French Revolution, he suggests, can only become truly manifest if our social thinking is transformed to correspond to the spiritual reality.

  • - Enlightening the Path of Human Life
    af Rudolf Steiner
    172,95 kr.

    The path of an individual human life - our biography - is something of a mystery. Despite the abundance of published biographies and autobiographies of celebrities and historical figures, the scientific study of human biography remains in its infancy, with little understanding of the inherent laws in the path of an individual's life. Yet as Rudolf Steiner shows here, every biography, regardless of the individual's fame, perceived importance or outer success, is ruled by archetypal influences, patterns and laws. This broad-ranging anthology addresses some critical and as yet unanswered questions: What effects do education - and in particular contrasting education methods - have on later life? How do the various periods of life relate to each other? Do the effects of events on the individual become evident immediately, or is their true impact delayed - perhaps by decades? To what extent can an individual shape the stages of his or her biography? How much freedom of choice do we have, and how much of life is predetermined? Out of the higher knowledge Rudolf Steiner acquired from his spiritual research, he described the human individuality as a being with a continuing existence - before birth and beyond death. This eternal being experiences many varied conditions and situations, the effects of which are observable in our biography. This book addresses these and other issues such as freedom and destiny, the effects of heredity, illness, and the impact of education, offering answers based on a profound knowledge of the human being.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    127,95 kr.

    What is the meaning of life? This most fundamental of all questions has challenged human beings for millennia. Rudolf Steiner addresses the eternal enigma with a refreshing directness, giving profound and enlightening answers. In the other lectures which make up this inspiring collection, Steiner addresses themes related to illness and health, reincarnation, destiny, luck and the trials of modern life. The varied subject matter is united by the fact that all the lectures address practical and fundamental issues connected to modern life. The richness and wisdom of their content provides ample stimulation for any individual earnestly seeking a deeper understanding of life. Originally published separately in various booklets, these seven lectures have now been brought together under one cover.

  • - Experience of the Course of the Year in Four Cosmic Imaginations
    af Rudolf Steiner
    127,95 kr.

    These profound studies of the cosmic forces behind the four great festivals of the year provide a wealth of material for fruitful meditation. Rudolf Steiner presents great imaginative pictures which unite the heavens and the earth through a portrayal of the activities of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. In the course of the lectures he offers spiritual wisdom on subjects which include the alchemical processes of sulphur, mercury and salt in the cosmos, man and the plant, spiritual combustion processes, crystals, clouds, meteors, the movement of elemental beings in nature, and the conflicting efforts of the two great adversaries to divert the earth from its true goal.

  • - An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man
    af Rudolf Steiner
    117,95 kr.

    Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write - belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work - four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Occult Science, The Philosophy of Freedom and Theosophy. Theosophy focuses on a psychology based not on the usual duality of body and mind, but on the more ancient division of body, soul and spirit. Steiner describes in detail the functions and organs of these three aspects of the human being, and the objective realms to which they belong. Just as the body derives from and belongs to the material world, so do the human soul and spirit belong to their own specific realms. These are the dimensions through which all human beings travel in the life after death, and in which - after passing the 'midnight hour' - we prepare to seek our destiny, or karma, in a new life. Theosophy features one of the most comprehensive and condensed of all Steiner's accounts of these realms, and of the experiences which our immortal being undergoes in passing through them. The book ends with a chapter on the modern 'path of knowledge', in which Steiner describes the exercises through which every person may develop the latent powers of perception which are necessary for a knowledge of metaphysical worlds.

  • - How is it Achieved?
    af Rudolf Steiner
    73,94 - 245,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner's fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern as time has passed, although his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now in circulation. For one thing, Steiner's path of spiritual growth is based on the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. Rather than denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present limitations. Secondly, Steiner recognizes - as all genuine disciplines always have - that the path to spiritual experience is an arduous and dangerous one, calling for self-control in thought, word and deed. Human beings comprise a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a corresponding development in feeling and will. Rudolf Steiner foretold that humanity would begin to experience a longing for forms of experience that transcended intellectual, materialistic thinking. More than one hundred years after the first publication of this book in 1904, there are countless means to achieve such experience, such as eastern meditation, channelling, remote viewing and astral projection. In addition, there has been a huge growth in people reporting extrasensory perceptions of various kinds, such as near-death experiences and meetings with angels. In this context, Steiner's key spiritual workbook - reproduced here in the classic Osmond/Davy translation - is needed more than ever, given its unique, precise instructions for inner training, its protective exercises, and its indications for grounding and centring. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds begins with the conditions required for personal development, and guides us through the stages of initiation, its practical aspects and its effects.

  • - Spiritual Perspectives
    af Rudolf Steiner
    162,95 kr.

    Meditating is a totally free undertaking; it is the epitome of an autonomous deed.' - Rudolf Steiner. Based on brief, pithy quotations from Rudolf Steiner's collected works, the 'spiritual perspectives' in this volume present core concepts on the subject of meditation. These brief extracts do not claim to provide exhaustive treatment of the subject, but open up approaches to the complexity of Steiner's extraordinary world of ideas. Some readers will find these fragments sufficient stimulus in themselves, whilst others will use the source references as signposts towards deeper study and understanding.

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