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Bøger udgivet af Self-Realization Fellowship

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  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    172,95 kr.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    122,95 kr.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    222,95 kr.

    Daily inspiration drawn primarily from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Covers more than 30 spiritual topics, including introspection, humility, will power, compassion, simplicity, prayer, discrimination, and divine love. A great way to begin each day of the year, and a wonderful tool that enables us to supercharge our activities with the power of the Divine. Includes ample space for personal notes and daily reflection.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    277,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda's Collected Talks and Essays present in-depth discussions of the vast range of inspiring and universal truths that have captivated millions in his Autobiography of a Yogi. Readers will find these talks alive with the unique blend of all-embracing wisdom, practical encouragement, and love for humanity that have made the author one of our era's most revered and trusted guides to the spiritual life. In this anthology, Paramahansa Yogananda shows us how we can experience the Divine Presence within us and in all life - not just as a passing inspiration but as a constant inner realization. Through this expanded awareness, we receive the gifts of the soul: peace, divine love, ever new joy, intuitive guidance for every question and crossroads we encounter in the amazing adventure of human life. Contents include: - Why God Created the World - Acquiring Attunement With the Source of Success - Remolding Your Life - How to Quicken Your Spiritual Progress - The Wisdom Way to Overcome Karma

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    287,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) oli ensimmäisiä intialaisia guruja, joka teki itämaista filosofiaa tunnetuksi länsimaissa. Joogin omaelämäkerta on paitsi ainutlaatuisen henkilön lumoava elämäntarina, myös syvällinen johdatus joogafilosofiaan. Kirja on innoittavaa ja antoisaa luettavaa kaikille, maailmankatsomuksesta riippumatta.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    127,95 kr.

    This collection of informal counsel provides intimate glimpses into the mind of Paramahansa Yogananda, acclaimed author of Autobiography of a Yogi. In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    317,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    312,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    Gurun ja oppilaan suhde kuuluu sarjaan taskukirjoja, jotka perustuvat Paramahansa Yoganandan, Joogin omaelämäkerran kirjoittajan, opetuksiin. Nämä epämuodolliset puheet ja kirjoitukset tarjoavat innoittavaa käytännön ohjausta. Ne opettavat meitä elämään hengellisesti tasapainoisella tavalla, jalosti ja yksinkertaisesti. Voimme kohdata elämän näennäiset ristiriitaisuudet sisäisesti tyyninä ja ennen kaikkea iloisin mielin tietäen, että Jumalan rakastava voima aina ympäröi meitä.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    237,95 kr.

    Based on a fable told by Paramahansa YoganandaA charming illustrated children''s book.Two frogs fall into a vat of milk and find themselvesin a world of trouble. At first, the largerfrog would seem to have the advantage, butthe smaller frog possesses hidden inner resources.This tale of courage and determination- often recounted by Paramahansa Yogananda - is filled with delightful picturesthat bring the story vividly to life, and showschildren that nothing is impossible when theycall upon their God-given inner strength.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    132,95 kr.

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    292,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been published in more than 45 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Swami Sri Yukteswar
    122,95 kr.

    This extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar is renowned as the revered guru of the great pioneer of yoga in the West, Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi). In this remarkable work - composed in the year 1894 at the request of the great Indian sage, Mahavatar Babaji - Sri Yukteswar outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. He also explains the vast recurring cycles of history - the yugas that mark the upward ascent of human consciousness over millenniums - amid the ever-changing panorama of turbulent world events.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    177,95 kr.

    Where There is Light is a wisdom-filled volume of selections from the writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. It has been received as a popular overview and introduction to the spiritual writings and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. This New Expanded Edition includes two new chapters, beginner's meditation instructions, and additional quotations from works by Yogananda that had not yet been published when Where There is Light was first released in 1988. Topics include: -Finding wisdom and strength to make life's decisions -The antidote for stress, worry, and fear -Transforming our failures into success -Security in an uncertain world -Understanding death

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    322,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • - Paramahansa Yoganandan Varhaiset Vuodet (Finnish)
    af Sananda Lal Gosh
    212,95 kr.

    Mejda on kiehtova ja ihastuttava elämäkerta. Sen kirjoittaja pääsi nuorempana veljenä seuraamaan ainutlaatuisen läheltä Paramahansa Yoganandan elämää. Hän nimittää tätä kiintymystä kuvaavalla sanalla Mejda, mikä bengalin kielessä tarkoittaa toiseksi vanhinta veljeä. Kirja tarjoaa hyvin henkilökohtaisia muistiinmerkintöjä erään aikamme tärkeimmän hengellisen vaikuttajan varhaisista vuosista. Niille miljoonille lukijoille, joita hengellinen klassikko Joogin omaelämäkerta on koskettanut, teos tarjoaa uusia näkökulmia Yoganandan hämmästyttäviin elämänvaiheisiin. Lumoava kirja sisältää monia aiemmin julkaisemattomia tarinoita, jotka tuovat uutta valoa Joogin omaelämäkerrassa kerrottuihin tapahtumiin. Sananda Lal Ghosh toteaa, että Paramahansaji ei ymmärrettävästi halunnut korostaa omia hengellisiä saavutuksiaan, kun hän kirjoitti omaelämäkertaansa. Mejda tarjoaa lukijalle elävän, aitiopaikalta nähdyn kuvauksen Yoganandan tärkeistä Intian vuosista. Kirjan valloittavista kertomuksista välittyy uudenlainen kuva tästä rakastetusta maailman opettajasta: säteilevä hengellinen persoonallisuus, jonka elämä todistaa Intian universaalista Jumalan tuntemisen tieteestä, sen ajattomasta totuudesta ja elinvoimasta.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    147,95 kr.

    This collection of informal counsel provides intimate glimpses into the mind of Paramahansa Yogananda, acclaimed author of Autobiography of a Yogi. In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.

  • af Sri Daya Mata
    122,95 kr.

    In this warm and compassionate book, Sri Daya Mata shows how each one of us can bring a rich new intimacy to our relationship with the Divine -- by weaving awareness of God into the fabric of our daily lives. Blending the wisdom of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with her own direct experience garnered from more than 75 years of seeking and loving God, Sri Daya Mata reveals practical and deeply motivating insights on personalizing the spiritual life, showing how each one of us can create an inner quietude that opens our hearts to God. Compassionate and inviting, this book makes an ideal devotional companion to read, reflect on, and share with others.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    297,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda's life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • - French Spiritual Diary
    af Paramahansa Yogananda
    222,95 kr.

    Daily inspiration drawn primarily from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Covers more than 30 spiritual topics, including introspection, humility, will power, compassion, simplicity, prayer, discrimination, and divine love.  A great way to begin each day of the year, and a wonderful tool that enables us to supercharge our activities with the power of the Divine. Includes ample space for personal notes and daily reflection.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    277,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    73,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda's life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    132,95 kr.

    "In this remarkable book, Paramahansa Yogananda reveals the hidden yoga of the Gospels and confirms that Jesus, like the ancient sages and masters of the East, not only knew yoga but taught this universal science of God-realization to his closest disciples. Compiled from the author's highly praised two-volume work, The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You, this insightful and compact book transcends the centuries of dogma and misunderstanding that have obscured the original teachings of Jesus, showing that he taught a unifying path by which seekers of all faiths can enter the kingdom of God. Topics include: - The lost years of Jesus in India - The ancient science of meditation: how to become a Christ - The true meaning of baptism - How the principles and methods of yoga parallel the teachings of the greatest Christian saints and mystics"

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    277,95 kr.

    "For all who have ever sought to understand the enigmas of life, for those who have held within their hearts an uncertain hope about the reality of God, and for seekers who have already turned toward the Supreme in their quest, this anthology of talks by the author of Autobiography of a Yogi offers illuminating insights and encouragement. In its pagese, Paramahansa Yogananda explores little-known and rarely explained aspects of such subjects as meditation, life after death, health and healing, the unlimited powers of the human mind, the equality of man and woman, and the interrelatedness of all life. Topics include: * Making Religion Scientific

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    277,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda''s Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

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