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  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda''s life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda''s life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    282,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda''s Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    132,95 kr.

    Merkittävässä uutuusteoksessa Paramahansa Yogananda, hengellisen klassikon Joogin omaelämäkerta kirjoittaja, avaa käänteentekevän näkökulman evankeliumien kätkettyyn joogaan. Yogananda tutkii Jeesuksen roolia joogina ja jumalallisena inkarnaationa. Hän puhdistaa Kristuksen alkuperäiset opetukset niitä vuosisatojen ajan hämärtäneistä dogmeista ja väärinkäsityksistä. Hän osoittaa, että Jeesuksen sanomassa ei ole kyse ahtaasta ryhmäkuntalaisuudesta vaan yhteisestä hengellisestä tiestä, jota pitkin kaikkiin uskontokuntiin kuuluvat etsijät voivat kulkea Jumalan valtakuntaan. Kirjan aiheita: Jeesuksen tuntemattomat vuodet Intiassa Kasteen todellinen merkitys "Uudelleensyntyminen" suhteessa karmaan ja jälleensyntymään Chakrat ja Johanneksen Ilmestyskirjan "seitsemän sinettiä"

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    307,95 kr.

    For all who have ever sought to understand the enigmas of life, for those who have held within their hearts an uncertain hope about the reality of God, and for seekers who have already turned toward the Supreme in their quest, this anthology of talks by the author of Autobiography of a Yogi offers illuminating insights and encouragement. In its pagese, Paramahansa Yogananda explores little-known and rarely explained aspects of such subjects as meditation, life after death, health and healing, the unlimited powers of the human mind, the equality of man and woman, and the interrelatedness of all life. Topics include: * Making Religion Scientific * Will Jesus Reincarnate? * Three Paths to Cosmic Consciousness * The Dream Nature of the World

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    This collection of informal counsel provides intimate glimpses into the mind of Paramahansa Yogananda, acclaimed author of Autobiography of a Yogi. In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    227,95 kr.

    Daily inspiration drawn primarily from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Covers more than 30 spiritual topics, including introspection, humility, will power, compassion, simplicity, prayer, discrimination, and divine love. A great way to begin each day of the year, and a wonderful tool that enables us to supercharge our activities with the power of the Divine. Includes ample space for personal notes and daily reflection.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    297,95 kr.

    "Paramahansa Yogananda''s Collected Talks and Essays present in-depth discussions of the vast range of inspiring and universal truths that have captivated millions in his Autobiography of a Yogi.The Divine Romance includes nearly fifty talks and essays by Paramahansa Yogananda. Readers will find these talks alive with the unique blend of all-embracing wisdom, encouragement, and love for humanity that have made the author one of our era''s most trusted guides to the spiritual life.The second book in a trilogy, which includes, Man''s Eternal Quest and Journey to Self-realization - each of which are packed with information covering a vast range of spiritual topics - The Divine Romancespeaks to the deepest needs of the human soul. The great master reveals how we can meet the daily challenges to our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being - by awakening our divine nature, the neglected reality at the core of our being.Yogananda said, "The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God....He is the Lover and our souls are the beloved, and when the soul meets the greatest Lover of the universe, then the eternal romance begins. The love that you have been seeking for incarnations through all human loves is at last yours."Contents Include:ΓÇó How to Cultivate Divine LoveΓÇó Practicing Religion ScientificallyΓÇó The Mind: Repository of Infinite PowerΓÇó How to Free Yourself From Bad HabitsΓÇó The Cosmic LoverΓÇó How to Work Without FatigueΓÇó Where Are Our Departed Loved Ones?ΓÇó Controlling Your DestinyΓÇó Why Evil Is a Part of God''s Creation"

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    In these pages Paramahansa Yogananda provides strength and solace for times of adversity by explaining the mysteries of God's lila, or divine drama. Readers will come to understand the reason for the dualistic nature of creation - God's interplay of good and evil - and receive guidance on how to rise above their most challenging circumstances.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    97,95 kr.

    In this powerful book Paramahansa Yogananda provides positive affirmations for achieving success, outlines definite methods of creating lasting happiness, and tell us how to overcome negativity and inertia by harnessing the dynamic power of our own will.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    96,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    127,95 kr.

    Albert Einstein once declared: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life. With compelling logic, he explores the relative effectiveness of various approaches to this goal - from traditional intellectual and religious disciplines to metaphysical practices that lead beyond the conscious and subconscious mind to a superconscious awareness. Stripping away the cloaks of dogma and doctrine, he redefines religion on a basis at once universal and intensely personal.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    122,95 kr.

    This collection of informal counsel provides intimate glimpses into the mind of Paramahansa Yogananda, acclaimed author of Autobiography of a Yogi. In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    Albert Einstein once declared: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life. With compelling logic, he explores the relative effectiveness of various approaches to this goal - from traditional intellectual and religious disciplines to metaphysical practices that lead beyond the conscious and subconscious mind to a superconscious awareness. Stripping away the cloaks of dogma and doctrine, he redefines religion on a basis at once universal and intensely personal.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    78,95 kr.

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • - Hengellinen Elama Muuttuvassa Maailmassa - Only Love (Finnish)
    af Sri Daya Mata
    212,95 kr.

    Ote C.V. Narasimhanin, YhdistyneidenKansakuntien alipääsihteerin, esipuheesta: "Minulla on ollut etuoikeus tavata useita kertoja Sri Daya Mata - - Hänen läsnä ollessaan kukaan ei voi välttyä tuntemasta sitä hengellisen rauhan ja seesteisyyden auraa, joka hänestä säteilee. Hän lähti jo hyvin nuorena seuraamaan Paramahansa Yoganandan opetuksia. Sri Yoganandasta huokuvan valaistumisen jumalallinen kipinä oli ilmeisesti koskettanut häntä jo silloin. Hänestä tuli Paramahansa Yoganandan ensimmäisiä seuraajia tämän elinaikana, ja - - Sri Yoganandan hengellisen työn ansiokas jatkaja ja sanoman eteenpäin viejä tässä maassa, omassa maassani [Intiassa] ja kaikkialla maailmassa.""Tämä rauhan ja sisäisen tyyneyden sekä ehyen ihmispersoonan sanoma on omalle ajallemme mitä tärkein. Elämme kuohunnan aikaa - -. Tarvitsemme kipeämmin kuin koskaan ehyitä yksilöitä - -. Sri Daya Matan sanoma on siis erittäin tärkeä ja olennainen epäilyn ja skeptisyyden aikanamme. Hänen tässä kirjassa julkaistut puheensa ovat kuin toivon ja uskon majakka. Ne julistavat sekä ihmiskunnan ykseyttä että ihmisen ykseyttä Jumalan kanssa."Kirjan aiheita ovat muun muassa: Miten voit ymmärtää itseäsi ja toisia Meditaation merkitys Lasten kasvattamisen hengelliset näkökohdat Maailman ykseyden perusteet Terveys ja parantaminen Rukouksen voima Menestyminen perhe- ja liike-elämässä Oikea asennoituminen maailman tilanteeseen Kuinka luoda henkilökohtainen suhde Jumalaan

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    Teos on laajennettu versio ensimmäisestä puheesta, jonka Paramahansa Yogananda piti Amerikan mantereella. Tässä historiallisessa puheessa Yogananda tekee opetuksiaan ensi kertaa tunnetuksi länsimaiselle yleisölle. Hän korostaa maailmanuskontojen yhteistä universaalia perustaa ja osoittaa, että vastaukset elämän perimmäisiin kysymyksiin ovat löydettävissä vain, jos meillä on välitön, henkilökohtainen kokemus korkeammasta todellisuudesta. Kirja esittelee myös yksityiskohtaisesti joogameditaation tieteellistä perustaa.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    122,95 kr.

    This collection of informal counsel provides intimate glimpses into the mind of Paramahansa Yogananda, acclaimed author of Autobiography of a Yogi. In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    122,95 kr.

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda''s life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    237,95 kr.

    Selected as "One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century," Yogananda''s Autobiography of a Yogi has been translated into over 33 languages, and is regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    117,95 kr.

    Albert Einstein once declared: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life. With compelling logic, he explores the relative effectiveness of various approaches to this goal - from traditional intellectual and religious disciplines to metaphysical practices that lead beyond the conscious and subconscious mind to a superconscious awareness. Stripping away the cloaks of dogma and doctrine, he redefines religion on a basis at once universal and intensely personal.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    92,95 kr.

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    107,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    122,95 kr.

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    87,95 kr.

    Paramahansa Yogananda's life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

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