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  • af Meredith Justin Sprunger
    232,95 kr.

    An abridgment of the 2097-page Urantia Book. Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? No book offers such a comprehensive and detailed set of answers as the Urantia Book, a revelation of truth first published in 1955 and now available worldwide in several languages. But its size and complexity have delayed the widespread discovery of its uplifting and empowering teachings. Dr. Sprunger's abridgment contains all the major concepts and captures the essential teachings of the 2097-page original, and closely follows the book's format and wording. It has has been written to introduce a wider audience to the teachings of the Urantia Book, paving the way for the study of the original text.

    182,95 kr.

    Is there really such a thing as heaven, where God has "prepared a place for us"? Or does life for us begin and end on planet Earth? Are all those orbs in the seemingly infinite universe just there for us to admire as we gaze up into the night sky? Or is there life on those other worlds?When we die our body remains behind on this planet, but where does the real us-soul, spirit, consciousness-go? Can something so vital one minute disappear into nothingness the next? Some say that we cannot know, that nobody has ever come back to tell us. But is this true? Many believe that angelic beings as well as "the dead" can transmit information to us telepathically via gifted human receivers, and many accounts brought through from "the other side" indicatethat the universe is teeming with life. This compilation of three popular books channeled though Anthony Borgia-Life in the World Unseen, More About Life in the World Unseen, and Here and Hereafter-will give you a glimpse of the places we are destined to inhabit when our lives on earth are over. The World Unseen is the first volume in the LIFE ON OTHER WORLDS SERIES, comprising classic accounts of the afterlife, collected from many sources. Descriptions vary, yet a thread of similiarity runs through them all, just as descriptions of life on Earth by a New Yorker, a Tahitian, and an ancient Egyptian would bear likenessess to one another. Would you get on a plane to China without first learning something about the country and its inhabitants? Probably not! Yet most of us do just this when we approach the end of our lives on earth. It is hoped that these books will serve as a travel guide as we embark on our greatest adventure-the journey into the mysterious realm beyond this world, told by those who are already there.Are these accounts true? Only you can judge that for yourself.

  • - A Compilation of Four Classic Books
    af G Vale Owen
    287,95 kr.

    The Life Beyond the Veil contains a series of communications from various personalities "on the other side," received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Orford, Lancashire, England. It was first published as four separate books: The Lowlands of Heaven (1920), The Highlands of Heaven (1920), The Ministry of Heaven (1921), and The Battalions of Heaven (1921). This volume combines all four works, and includes revised and standardized introductory pages. As described by Editor H. W. Engholm in his introduction to Book I, The Life Beyond the Veil brings us "face to face with a Spiritual Universe of unimaginable immensity and grandeur, with sphere upon sphere of the realms of light which stretch away into infinity. We are told that those who have passed from our earth life inhabit the nearer spheres, amid surroundings not wholly dissimilar from those they have known in this world; that at death we shall enter the sphere for which our spiritual development fits us. There is to be no sudden change in our personality. We shall not be plunged into forgetfulness. A human being is not transformed into another being. . . . So small a thing is the change which we call death . . . that many do not realize it. They have to be taught that they are in another world, the world of reunion. . . ." Books II, III and IV cover a wider range than the first book, more fully explaining the afterlife and giving, in H.W.E.'s words, "a little more of those 'many things' designed to broaden our vision, strengthen our faith, and help us to realize more fully the wonderful things which God has in store for all those that love Him." * * * "Is it subversive of old beliefs? A thousand times No. It broadens them, it defines them, it beautifies them, it fills in the empty voids which have bewildered us . . . it is infinitely reassuring and illuminating."-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

  • - and Other Spiritualist Writings
    af Estelle Stead
    177,95 kr.

    This volume contains four classic spiritualist works, three by W. T. Stead and one by his daughter, Estelle. William T. Stead (1849-1912) was a well-known British investigative journalist who became interested in Spiritualism in the 1890s. In 1892, through the gift of automatic writing, he began receiving spirit communications from the recently deceased American temperance reformer and newspaperwoman Julia T. Ames, describing conditions in the next world. He published her messages in Borderland, the spiritualist quarterly he founded in 1893, and later in book form under the title After Death, or Letters From Julia. In 1909, following Julia's suggestions from beyond, Stead established Julia's Bureau in London, where inquirers could obtain information about the spirit world from a group of resident mediums. During this time he wrote his personal account, How I Know that the Dead Return. On April 10, 1912, Stead boarded the S.S. Titanic bound from Southampton to New York, to take part in a peace congress at Carnegie Hall. On the morning of April 15 the ship struck an iceberg and Stead, along with hundreds of others, drowned. At that time his daughter, Estelle, an actress and also a spiritualist, was on tour with her own Shakespearean company. Amongst its members was a psychically gifted man named Pardoe Woodman, who foretold the disaster as they sat talking after tea. Through Woodman's clairvoyant powers W. T. Stead was able to communicate the messages contained in The Blue Island, "experiences of a new arrival beyond the veil." Estelle Stead carried on her father's work after his death. In When We Speak with the Dead she explained the possibilities and limitations of communication as viewed from her own experience, which included messages from her father "across the border."

  • - and Celestion Study of Man
    af Charles Samson
    132,95 kr.

    Where do we go after we die? Is there really such a thing as heaven, where God has "prepared a place for us"? When we die our body remains behind on this planet, but where does the real us-soul, spirit, consciousness-go? Some say that we cannot know, that nobody has ever come back to tell us. Yet many believe that "the dead"-as well as angelic beings who have never been human-can convey information telepathically to gifted human receivers about the afterlife and the worlds beyond, and that these accounts from "the other side" indicate that the universe is teeming with life. The Angels' Diary is one such account. First published in 1903, the instructive messages contained in this little volume, transmitted through the hand of Elizabeth Maud Weatherhead, have given comfort to many. The authors say, "We pray that the teachings of this book may furnish food for thought to all men, that it may lift the shadow from troubled hearts, that it may sow good seed in the soul of the unbeliever, that it may give new encouragement and hope to the discouraged, and the promise of eternal health to those who have become weakened in mind and body. May it go forth and bear good results." The Life on Other Worlds Series is a selection of classic accounts of the afterlife and otherworldly life, told by those who are already there or who have been shown glimpses of what awaits us when our lives on earth are over. Descriptions vary, yet a thread of similarity runs through them all. May this collection serve as a travel guide as we embark on the greatest adventure of all-the journey into the mysterious realm beyond this world.

  • af Harold Sherman
    122,95 kr.

    A self-help classic since 1935, this book will help you unlock the secrets to a happy and rewarding life! What is wrong with your thinking? Do you worry about the future-your health, your family, your finances? Do you take life too seriously? Do you lack confidence in yourself and find it difficult to make decisions? In this little volume Harold Sherman answers these questions and many more. Your Key to Happiness is a working manual of creative principles which show you how to operate the great creative power within you, your Subconscious Mind, in order that you may inherit the good things of earth-Health, Happiness and Prosperity. When you know how to control the actions of your Subconcious Mind you are able to solve your problems, overcome your worries and assume a new and optimistic attitude toward life, thus attracting better conditions to yourself. This great Law of Mind-the conviction that "the Kingdom of God is within you"-is older than Creation. But until you can consciously control the action of your Subconscious Mind you may, unwittingly, be operating it against yourself. As a result you are fundamentally responsible for the troubles that beset you. Harold Sherman gives you a definite method by which the Key to Your Inner Self can open to you a vast reservoir of creative power-power you may never have suspected exists within you. Your Key to Happiness was Harold Sherman's first self-help book and it enjoyed many printings through the years. Endorsements: "Harold Sherman has a sound philosophy and understanding of life and people."-Dr. Norman Vincent Peale "I can wholeheartedly well recommend Harold Sherman's books to all who are in search of self-development." -Dr. Ernest Holmes, author of Science of Mind "Harold Sherman gives you the keys to Universal Power. He opens up areas in your consciousness and reveals secret powers you never dreamed you had." -Rev. Paul Martin Brunet, author of Master Meditations for Life, Health, Success

  • - Een bundeltje korte verhalen naar het leven
    af Siem Praamsma
    122,95 kr.

    23 korte verhalen naar het leven door SIEM PRAAMSMA, die werd bekend in de jaren 1945-49 als striptekenaar. Hij tekende o.a. de strip Jochem Jofel, die dagelijks verscheen in de krant De Waarheid. Hij bedacht alle verhalen zelf en vond zichzelf meer schrijver dan tekenaar. Siem werd in 1921 in Amsterdam geboren en wilde aanvankelijk jazz trompettist worden, maar na een opleiding aan de reclameafdeling van de Kunstnijverheidschool voelde hij zich het meest aangetrokken tot animatie en begon hij zijn tekencarrière in 1942 bij de Marten Toonder Studio's in Amsterdam. Na Jochem Jofel publiceerde hij Humpo Hotsflots in Nederland en België; gevolgd door een serie beeldromans: De Tweede Pimpernel en in 1949 Ootje Teur. Siems stripverhalen staan op zijn website: In 1950 emigreerde hij met zijn vrouw Loeki en drie jonge kinderen naar Australië, waar hij eerst werkzaam was als "special staff artist" voor The Courier Mail in Brisbane en daarna jarenlang in Sydney als tekenaar in de reclame. In 1957, toen Australië televisie kreeg, ging hij werken als animator bij Eric Porter Productions, die filmpjes voor TV reclame maakte. In 1959 verhuisde de familie naar Los Angeles in de Verenigde Staten. Hier begon Siem bij Hanna-Barbera eerst als titelontwerper en daarna als assistant-animator voor The Flintstones, Tom en Jerry, Johnny Quest, The Jetsons, Superman, Batman, The Smurfs en vele andere tekenfilms. In 1983 ging hij met pensioen en sindsdien besteden hij zijn tijd aan reizen, aquarelleren, muziek maken, en schrijven. Dit boekje, Geschrijf-Korte verhalen naar het leven, is een voorbeeld van waar hij zich mee bezig hield. Siem Praamsma is in 2016 overleden.

  • - Within the Walls of Heaven
    af Rebecca Ruter Springer
    152,95 kr.

    Rebecca Ruter Springer's 1898 vision of heaven was received as she lay unconscious suffering from a near-fatal illness. For well over a hundred years her inspiring descriptions of reunions with her family and friends on the other side have given hope to many who believed their loved ones to be lost forever. Her story is told through a Christian lens and uses biblical terminology, but the truths it contains are universal and reflect the Christ teachings rather than particular interpretations or practices associated with them. Concerning heavenly churches, Mrs. Springer writes: "But I saw no churches of any kind. At first this somewhat confused me, until I remembered that there are no creeds in heaven, but that all worship together in harmony and love-the children of one and the same loving Father. "Ah," I thought, "what a pity that that fact, if no other in the great economy of heaven, could not be proclaimed to the inhabitants of earth! How it would do away with the petty contentions, jealousies and rivalries of the church militant! No creeds in heaven! No controverted points of doctrine! No charges of heresy brought by one professed Christian against another! No building up of one denomination upon the ruins or downfall of a different sect! But one great universal brotherhood whose head is Christ, and whose cornerstone is Love." Do our souls survive death? Spiritualist literature is replete with affirmations transmitted to us through the minds and pens of those who have the ability to receive such information. In addition, we have countless near-death testimonies, among which Intra Muros can be categorized. It is hoped that this little book will provide the reader a satisfying glimpse of the joys and wonders that lie in store for us the next world. * * * The Life on Other Worlds Series is a selection of classic accounts of the afterlife and otherworldly life. Descriptions vary, yet a thread of similarity runs through them all. May they serve as a travel guide as we embark on the greatest adventure of all-the journey into the mysterious realms beyond this world.

  • af Andrew Jackson Davis
    107,95 kr.

    First published in 1865, Death and the Afterlife contains eight evening lectures given by Davis. He begins with the phenomenon of death and goes on to describe the conditions of life and society in the Summerland (also called the Spirit-land) and its seven planes. He also brings through a "voice"-a James Victor Wilson-who gives an account of his ten years' experience in Summerland. In this edition footnotes have been added to clarify some of the names and places mentioned, which were familiar to readers in 1865 but are not so today. * * * Known as the Seer of Poughkeepsie and the Father of Spiritualism, Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) was born in the small town of Blooming Grove, New York, the son of an alcoholic father and an illiterate, strongly religious mother. He had little education. The family moved to Poughkeepsie when Davis was twelve, and soon afterward he began experimenting with hypnotism. He discovered, in his trances, that he was a seer: divine truths and the laws of the universe were revealed to him. He could "see" the future development of astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, philosophy, psychology, education and government. In his trance state the human body was transparent to him, and he successfully diagnosed illnesses and prescribed treatments. He explained spiritualism and other metaphysical phenomena, describing in detail what happens to the soul at death. He also visited at will the seven-planed spirit world, which he called "the Summerland." While in a trance he dictated a voluminous manuscript of revelations to his scribe, William Fishbough. This work, The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind, was published in 1847. In it he predicted the coming age of spiritualism: "It is a truth that spirits commune with one another while one is in the body and the other in the higher spheres . . . and this truth will ere long present itself in the form of a living demonstration. And the world will hail with delight the ushering in of that era when the interiors of men will be opened, and the spiritual communion will be established." In The Great Harmonia (1850), Davis described evolution from plants to animals up to man, nine years before Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. He wrote and published over thirty books, many on the afterlife, with the aim of helping people advance spiritually. At the age of sixty Davis earned a degree in medicine and retired to Boston where he opened a small bookshop and prescribed herbal remedies to his patients. He died in 1910.

  • - Their Spirits and Inhabitants
    af Emanuel Swedenborg
    152,95 kr.

    Is there life on other worlds?Emanuel Swedenborg, after claiming to converse with spirits from planets both within and without our solar system, concluded that the Infinite God would not create such an enormous undertaking for one world alone, with only one heaven for one race of people. He said: "That there are many worlds, may be evident to every one, from there being so many constellations visible in the universe; and it is known in the learned world that every fixed star is like a sun in its place; for it remains fixed like the sun of our earth in its place . . . Consequently that like the sun of our world, it has round it planets, which are earths; and the reason that these do not appear to our eyes, is their being at such an immense distance, and having only the light of their star, which cannot be reflected again as far as here. For what other purpose is there so great a heaven with so many stars? For the end of the creation of the universe is man, that from man there may be an angelic heaven." [n.126]Born in Sweden in 1688, Swedenborg was a scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic best known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell, and his magnum opus, Arcana Coelestia. He devoted the last twenty-five years of his life to writing works of a spiritual nature and died in 1772.***The Life on Other Worlds Series is a selection of classic accounts of the afterlife and otherworldly life, told by those who are already there or who have been shown glimpses of what awaits us when our lives on earth are over. Descriptions vary, yet a thread of similarity runs through them all. May this collection serve as a travel guide as we embark on the greatest adventure of all-the journey into the mysterious realms beyond this world.

  • - Selected Papers from the Urantia Revelation
    af Saskia Praamsma
    152,95 kr.

    THE URANTIA REVELATION was presented by celestial authors through an anonymous human receiver. It was published in 1955 as The Urantia Book, a 2097-page volume divided into 196 papers. These papers describe God, the grand universe and its many inhabitants, the origin and history of our planet, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the glorious destiny God has planned for every creature throughout his vast domains-an endless life of boundless opportunity and unlimited progress. The Inhabited Universe consists of sixteen papers from the Urantia revelation. It focuses on the many worlds we will encounter as we journey through the universe, worlds teeming with life, both human and superhuman."* 'God is spirit, ' but Paradise is not. The material universe is always the arena wherein take place all spiritual activities; spirit beings and spirit ascenders live and work on physical spheres of material reality." (Paper 12, "The Universe of Universes")* "Spirit beings do not dwell in nebulous space; they do not inhabit ethereal worlds; they are domiciled on actual spheres of a material nature, worlds just as real as those on which mortals live. The Havona worlds are actual and literal, albeit their literal substance differs from the material organization of the planets of the seven superuniverses." (Paper 14, "The Central and Divine Universe")* "There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. We are all part of an immense plan, a gigantic enterprise, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all a part of an eternal project which the Gods are supervising and outworking. The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the meter of the infinite thought and the eternal purpose of the First Great Source and Center." (Paper 32, "The Evolution of Local Universes")

  • - An Amazing Revelation of Your Inner Consciousness
    af Harold Sherman
    127,95 kr.

    In this book, first published in 1953, Harold Sherman makes clear how we can attune our minds to the God Consciousness within through proper exercise of meditation, faith, prayer and intuition. By learning how to develop these faculties, we can help to rid ourselves of the loneliness and insecurity we feel. This makes us strong within, and with this new strength we can at last begin to know the joy of living a full life!*The book contains many highly interesting case histories of men and women who have had unusual, supernormal experiences. For those who are skeptical of the extrasensory powers of the mind, Harold Sherman gives many fascinating illustrations of his own adventures in the realm of mind.*He also reveals how to relax body and mind, how to picture in consciousness what is desired, how to cause the creative power within to bring this picture to pass in real life through right use of the power of prayer supported by faith. Five basic prayers are presented, designed to reach the God Consciousness and to place the individual in such attunement that he can attract anything to him.*The reader of this book will also find a technique of healing so clearly set forth that he will immediately begin using its methods in his own life.*From Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking: "I have just read your book, Know Your Own Mind. It is in the best tradition of the Harold Sherman books, and I find it enlightening, interesting, and helpful. You have a sound philosophy and understand of life and people."*From Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind: "Know Your Own Mind is really a wonderful book. It very understandingly presents the high workings of the mind and the functioning of the intuition. I particularly like your idea that God speaks to man through the intuition. I can wholeheartedly well recommend Know Your Own Mind to all who are in search of self-development through coming better to understand its mental and spiritual truths. No one could study your book without deriving great benefit and self-advancement." -ERNEST HOLMES, founder of Science of Mind

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