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  • af Mark Hansen
    137,95 kr.

    Venite a fare un viaggio divertente con Hope il riccio, Mike l'ara, Leroy il lama e Tia la tartaruga mentre la loro insegnante Ms Pinguina mostra loro la bellezza della matematica. Unisciti a loro mentre lei dissipa i loro convinzioni sulla matematica e leggi mentre ogni studente scopre il loro perduto amore per l'apprendimento. Cambieranno le loro convinzioni sulla matematica? Possono innamorarsi di nuovo della matematica e aiutare gli altri a fare lo stesso? Le risposte sono rivelate dentro!

  • af Fabrice Jaumont
    257,95 kr.

  • af Christine Hélot
    137,95 kr.

    Marimba is based on the true story of a family from Chiapas, in Mexico, who migrated to the United States. When people move from country to country, musical instruments sometimes accompany them on their journey and help them to find a new and better life. A bilingual book in Spanish and English for children aged 6 to 10.

  • af Valérie Sun
    207,95 kr.

  • af Fabrice Jaumont
    207,95 kr.

    In Conversations on Bilingualism, Fabrice Jaumont delves deeper into the topics of bilingualism, bilingual education, and cognitive development through a series of conversations with worldrenown experts from the Americas, Europe, and Africa: Ana Ines Ansaldo, Ellen Bialystok, Mbacké Diagne, Ofelia García, François Grosjean, and Christine Hélot. Written as a follow up to The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages, this book expands on the work of the author to advance multilingualism, empower multilingual families and linguistic communities, and foster crosscultural understanding. This book also advocates for language as a critical life skill through the development and the implementation of strong education programs, the promotion of diversity, and a decided battle against inequality.

  • af Vickie Frémont
    257,95 kr.

    Le Projet Colibri : Créer à partir de "rien" vient de la légende Amérindienne du colibri qui a inspiré Wangari Maathai, première femme africaine à recevoir le prix Nobel de la paix. Elle a lancé le mouvement Green Belt qui a replanté des millions d'arbres afin de mettre un terme à la désertification du Kenya. Le Colibri se bat seul contre un énorme feu de forêt, les autres animaux le regardent voler de la rivière à la forêt avec une goutte d'eau dans son petit bec. Aux animaux qui le rallient, le colibri répond... "je fais de mon mieux". L'ambition du Projet Colibri est similaire : créer à partir d'un objet à recycler, faire de son mieux, s'offrir une pause pendant laquelle les mains retrouvent leur rôle premier de création.

  • af Mark Hansen
    137,95 kr.

    Ven en este viaje lleno de diversión con Hope el enrizo, Mike el guacamayo, Leroy la llama, y Tia la tortuga y mira como su profesora Señorita Pingüino los muestra la belleza de la matemática. Síguelos mientras ella disipa sus mitos en la matemática, y lee con asombro mientras cada estudiante descubre su amor perdido del aprendizaje. ¿Van a cambiar sus ideas de la matemática? ¿Pueden enamorarse con la matemática otra vez y ayudar a los otros hacer el mismo? ¡Las respuestas están adentro!

  • af Dounia Stewart-McMeel
    137,95 kr.

    Écrit et illustré pour les enfants de 5 à 7 ans, le livre L' immunité en s'amusant célèbre la découverte scientifique et le corps humain à travers les yeux de Fatima, une jeune inventrice et de Z82, sa boule de zorb qui rétrécit. Le plan de Fatima est de se faire rétrécir pour pouvoir remonter dans le nez de quelqu'un et comprendre comment notre corps nous protège lorsque nous tombons malades. Découvrez d'autres livres de la série : La digestion en s'amusant et La respiration en s'amusant.

  • af Dounia Stewart-McMeel
    137,95 kr.

    IMMUNITY FUN! celebrates scientific discovery, and the human body through the eyes of Fatima, a young inventor and Z82, her shrinking zorb ball. Fatima's plan is to get shrunk and then go up someone's nose as she wants to find out what our body does to protect us when we get sick from bad germs. Other books in the series include: Respiration Fun! and Digestive Fun!

  • af Dounia Stewart-McMeel
    137,95 kr.

    RESPIRATION FUN! celebrates scientific discovery, and the human body through the eyes of Fatima, a young inventor and Z82, her shrinking zorb ball. Fatima's plan is to get shrunk and then go up someone's nose as she wants to find out what our body does to breathe the air around us. Other books in the series include: Immunity Fun! and Digestive Fun!

  • af Teboho Moja
    157,95 kr.

  • af Linda Phillips Ashour & Claire Lerognon
    207,95 kr.

  • af Sheila Flynn Decosse
    182,95 kr.

    After the Great Exile of her entire Acadian community from Canada in 1755, half of Rose''s family and her boyfriend disappear. As part of their forced resettlement in colonial East Hampton, New York, the English government begins it''s work to turn Rose and her Acadian family into "proper English citizens". Lonely and unable to speak her native French, Rose''s situation is made worse by a vindictive Master who blames her as a French speaker for the capture and perhaps death of his son by French military forces in upstate New York. Read Rose Alone to follow Rose''s journey as she struggles to find her place and family in the new world of battling French and English Empires in America. 

  • af Mark Hansen
    137,95 kr.

  • af Deana Sobel Lederman
    137,95 kr.

    Las familias les han explicado a los peque├▒os protagonistas de esta historia que a partir de ahora todo mundo tendr├í que usar una m├íscara protectora, y que se les pedir├í que mantengan su distancia entre s├¡. A medida que las m├íscaras se compran y se entregan, los peque├▒os van a la helader├¡a, cada uno acompa├▒ado de su madre o su padre. Se divierten al ver a los adultos usando sombreros graciosos como un recordatorio de esta nueva regla. Sin embargo, el distanciamiento social y las m├íscaras no debilitar├ín su esp├¡ritu, al contrario: su entusiasmo se fortalecer├í al verse y saludarse entre s├¡ mientras hacen fila afuera de la helader├¡a. Despu├⌐s de que, uno por uno, entran y compran su helado, todos regresan a sus respectivos hogares para disfrutarlo.

  • - O futuro da educacao escreve-se em dois idiomas
    af Fabrice Jaumont
    177,95 - 257,95 kr.

    af Fabrice Jaumont, &#1072, &#1080, mfl.
    163,95 kr.

    , , - .

  • af &#1072, &#1076, &#1080, mfl.
    104,95 kr.

    Родители рассказывают юным героям о причинах по которым нам нужно носить маски.

  • af Maristella Lorch
    257,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Maristella Panizza Lorch
    157,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Mary Chi-Whi Kim
    137,95 kr.

  • - A Memoir
    af Barbara Goldowsky
    257,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • - The Role of Schools in Cultural Diplomacy
    af Flatau Ross Jane
    207,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Landolt & Agathe Laurent
    228,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Deana Sobel Lederman
    137,95 kr.

    The young protagonists of this story are told by their families that from now on everybody will have to wear a protective mask, and that they will be asked to keep their distance from each other. As the masks are purchased and delivered, the young people set out to the ice-cream shop, each one accompanied by a parent. They are amused to see adults wearing funny hats as a reminder of this new rule. However, social distancing and masks will not turn their spirit off and their enthusiasm is further reinforced by seeing and waiving at each other as they queue up. Once everyone has walked into the shop in turn, and bought their ice cream, they all go back to their respective homes to enjoy their gelato.

  • af Deana Sobel Lederman
    137,95 kr.

    The mysterious humming noise and the light coming from the living room are keeping the young protagonist of this story awake. To understand what is going on, she reaches the room where her mother is and realizes that she''s busy sewing protective masks. She also finds out that from now on all essential workers and all those who have to commute to go to work, must wear a mask. Once the young lady''s reluctance is won, and she resolves to wear a colorful mask made by her mother, she asks her to teach her how to sew. She wants to make a mask for her grandfather, who, touched by her gesture, hugs her tight as he walks in after his tiring shift at the hospital.

  • - Zweisprachigkeit und die Zukunft der Bildung
    af Fabrice Jaumont
    207,95 kr.

  • - The Future of Education Is in Two Languages
    af Fabrice Jaumont
    207,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • - Le futur de l'education s'ecrit en deux langues
    af Fabrice Jaumont
    207,95 - 407,95 kr.

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