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  • - Book 2
    197,95 kr.

    Sometimes it pays to get up early... For reasons he refuses to admit, bad boy Kane McCassey has a soft spot for women who need help. Those familiar with his reputation say that he doesn't take anything seriously. But his family knows the truth, and isn't surprised when Kane risks everything to save the woman who literally drops into his life. Nothing prepared Lizzie Barnes to handle the whirlwind of trouble that comes calling out of the blue. Desperate to save herself, she resorts to drastic measures...only to find she's traded one dangerous situation for another. They met by coincidence. Lizzie doesn't understand Kane's desire to help her, but she does trust him. With no other choice, she accepts his offer. When Kane discovers Lizzie isn't the only one in danger, he must find and confront the one who betrayed him, or lose everything he loves...including Lizzie.

  • af Dave Field
    197,95 kr.

    Alec Gavins' first summer job results in love, magic, and adventure. He comes into possession of an ancient golden amulet which grants his wishes, although never in the way he expects. Alec and friends Marina and her uncle Zack begin researching the pendant, discovering it's linked with the lost tomb of Alexander the Great. They've no idea a malevolent group, also looking for the tomb, are determined to get hold of the amulet-at any price. Alec's life becomes a roller-coaster ride when Alexander's spirit attempts to control him-at a time when Alec's going to need his wits about him just to survive...

    197,95 kr.

    Dazzled by the dream of exploring an ancient city steeped in centuries of exotic tradition, Lady Sarah Stewart instead finds herself facing death for a crime she never intended to commit. Luckily, she has a connection to the royal family that just might save her life. Prince Ahmed has never gotten over his sexual infatuation with the sister of his English friend, William Stewart. When the beauteous Sarah needs rescue, he offers a solution that will both solve her dilemma and slake his undeniable lust. Marrying an Englishwoman is an unorthodox step, but the satisfaction he finds when she is in his bed is well-worth it, for his lovely bride proves as passionate as she is spirited. Delighted in their unexpected union, Ahmed and Sarah find paradise in each other's arms...and darkness on the horizon. For an enemy plots diabolical revenge under the breath of a Hot Sahara Wind...

    197,95 kr.

    Victoria Rose Haslett has a dilemma. Her father's chance for freedom and a tender heart force Victoria to marry a hideous billionaire. A woman of her word, Victoria sets out to fulfill her bargain and discovers a humorous, intelligent, loving man beneath the monstrous shell. Judd Huntington has only months to live and nothing except work to sustain him, but he needs a helpmate he trusts completely. He already loves his accountant's beautiful daughter from afar and conceives the plan to marry her and leave her his billions. He believes his appearance won't win her undying devotion, so considers force necessary. Judd recognizes his mistake as feisty, willful Victoria works with his adopted family to make his last days bearable-her way. Will he die of the rare mutilating disease, or will they live happily ever after?

  • - [The Travis Pass Series Book 4]
    197,95 kr.

    Lindsay Pass is left without choices after her mother's murder. Forced into a life with a father she doesn't know, Lindsay has to start fresh. Luc Fricke loves Lindsay the first time he sees her. He knows she has a new life with a new family. He vows to be part of it all. Ernie Atkins wants Lindsay for himself. He'll get her no matter what, even if he has to steal her, even if it kills him. When the worst occurs, Lindsay is again without choice and must rely on instinct to protect everyone she loves. Is hiding her only recourse? Can Luc's devotion transcend a thousand miles to find Lindsay and bring her home? Can his inner strength help Lindsay face the circumstance thrust upon her? Can Lindsay make the choice and seize the chance of love along the banks of Rock Creek?

    197,95 kr.

    A serial killer is loose on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania, killing couples in their tents, and the local jurisdictions have asked the FBI for help. Hot shot Special Agent Braden Powell is anxious to hit the Trail and start camping. He hopes that the high profile case will boost his standing at the Agency, proving that he deserved the assignment after leaving the Air Force. He's even more anxious to spend time in close quarters with his sexy new partner. Special Agent Katrina Boyd is anything but pleased to be on a remote assignment with a loose cannon. Eight young people are dead and she's stuck with a maverick for a partner on a case that could propel her FBI career to the next level. Compounding the disaster is the fact that her traitorous body is more than excited at the thought of sleeping next to the handsome Agent night after night.

    197,95 kr.

    Lord Adam Trevor is in a hellish situation. Married to the woman of his dreams, he finds that he is unable to actually consummate the union he has looked forward to for so long due to a recent accident. The doctors tell Adam he will heal, but in the meantime, he does not want to admit to his bride-to-be that he is less than a man. If only his twin brother, Alex, a notorious rake with an appetite for beautiful women, will stand in for him, maybe his lovely wife will never have to know ... Jacqueline is the luckiest woman on earth. Married to a man she adores, her life is a fairy tale ... except her husband is much different during the day than the sensual, hot-blooded lover who comes to her at night. Puzzled and off-balance, it isn't until one evening at a social function that she dances with her charming, seductive brother-in-law and suddenly wonders if there has been a switch..

    197,95 kr.

    Sight unseen, Jason Conrad hires a replacement truck driver during a blizzard in New Mexico. Dressed in her brother's heavy hunting jacket and cap, it doesn't take Billy Jo Jack but a few minutes to realize Mr. Conrad thinks he hired a man. When he discovers his mistake, will the blizzard become a spring thaw or will hell freeze over?

    197,95 kr.

    A Minoan artifact, contact with an ancient spirit, a case of mistaken identity, plus falling in love with sexy photographer Nikolas Tyler, add up to a thrill a minute for astrology buff Adriane Ducote during her trip to the Greek island of Crete. Several factions want the golden labrys, a ceremonial double-headed axe, and attempt to gain possession of the artifact which was sold to Adriane by mistake. She gets help from a Minoan priestess, but the lovely spirit has her own agenda regarding the labrys. Although strongly attracted to Adriane, Nikolas believes she is the mysterious relic smuggler his brother's artifacts recovery agency ARPA is trying to locate. He's fallen in love with her, yet he feels duty bound to stop her and return the labrys which was stolen years ago from a Washington DC museum. He soon discovers she's not the only player in this dangerous game.

    197,95 kr.

    Chet Hargraves hadn't planned on staying long when he rode into the small Montana town of Dead Horse Creek. He was just a ranch hand, line rider with no work between seasons, trapped by a pending blizzard before he could leave. But even before he had arrived his past had caught up with him. Perhaps he should have braved the blizzard and left as he was told to do. Chet Hargraves hated to be told what to do. It became even tougher to leave when he saw Beth again. She was the woman he's loved for so long, though she had said she could not love a gunfighter. These weren't the best reasons to stay around yet they were all he had. Chet did not realize - yet - that the reason he was told to leave was a big range war was brewing. The war was to be fought with hired guns and killers, some of the best and worst the West had seen. Chet was one of them, albeit knowingly. Before long Chet was going to see to it that this war was ended. It would be fought here in a small Montana town along the Dead Horse Creek.

  • - Family Business
    af Dave Field
    197,95 kr.

    When a luxury spaceliner is hijacked in the Bishti sector, sets in motion are a series of events that could well lead to interstellar war. A Senator from the Confederation, along with his wife, are among the passengers taken hostage. Jason Hawke, former Confederation Marine, is awakened from an alcoholic cycle of self-destruction and spurred to go to the rescue of the woman he once loved, Kristin Baird, the wife of the Senator. Meanwhile, agencies within the Confederation and the Confed Navy are making plans to go to the rescue of the hostages, little knowing that the rival DeSotoan Empire is laying an ambush for them, using the hostages as bait. But when Jason is joined by his three brothers and a beautiful fighter pilot, the hostage takers may find out that they've bitten off much more than they can chew. After all, violence is the Hawke clan's family business!

    197,95 kr.

    Callie Maxwell wants nothing more than to find the men responsible for the violence committed against her family and bring them to justice. She isn't about to let Austin Kincaide, the by-the-book U.S. Marshal sent to solve the murders, stop her. Nor can she stop herself from falling in love with him even as she defies his orders not to interfere with his investigation. As the Angel of Justice, Callie's alter-ego, she rides in the moonlight, daring the killers to try again. Haunted by the memory of the woman he lost not once, but twice - first to the love of another man then to a tragic mistake which led to her death - Austin in a man shackled by the self-imposed rules he uses to protect his fragile heart. Is Callie the woman with enough love in her heart to shatter Austin's rules and let him love again?

    197,95 kr.

    Queen Morgiana is faced with the worst possible of fates. Once she takes the throne, her world will be destroyed. In order to save her people she must marry a man whom she considers beneath her and travel to a new world, a thousand years away. Sorento has always known who will be his wife. When the Man Gods declare it will be Queen Morgiana, he is beside himself. Even knowing that their union is the only hope for his people, he is concerned for his future with a woman he does not love. Once in the new world, their love is given the opportunity to grow, but can it take root when two strong willed people occupy the same dwelling? His lack of interest in her and her limited skills where housekeeping are concerned threaten to tear them apart.

    197,95 kr.

    Dance of the Bull Rider is the story of a young cowboy's determination to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and realize his dream of being a champion bull rider through hard work, doing the right thing, and learning that you can still love someone even when you don't like them very much. When his uncle is killed in a bull riding accident, sixteen-year-old Colt Murray's father forbids him to ride for the Texas Championship Buckle. But a wise old fisherman teaches Colt to win his father's approval through respect and honor instead of confrontation. Colt rides for the buckle, but an accident during the qualifying rounds puts Colt in the hospital and his dreams of the Championship Buckle in jeopardy.

  • af Sue Vetter
    197,95 kr.

    Jonas Hornville is issued an ultimatum: Sacrifice his soul mate's love or his mother's life. Jonas grew up hard and fast. He longs for a life of peace and contentment. When his search ends in the arms of his boss's daughter, Nikki Dugas, Jonas is determined to make her is wife. When faced with the prospect of his mother's impending death, he is given the unholy ultimatum that leads to an unforgivable betrayal. Two years later, Nikki Dugas, back in Harrisburg, Louisiana to bury her past and reclaim her life. Just one more meeting with her former lover and Nikki's long denied desire to be sexually dominated resurfaces. Jonas and Nikki desperately want to salvage their love and passion; but first they must overcome the perverted obstacles set in place by a trusted family member. Love, bondage, and a hint of menage-a-trois light the spark that fuels this Cajun inferno.

    197,95 kr.

    Jovanna Darling knows exactly what she wants from life--excitement and adventure. With her flair for accents and disguises, she hoodwinks her brother, who runs the Darling Security Agency in Galveston, into letting her become one of his agents. Against his better judgment, and behind their father's back, she becomes one of his best operatives. After his newly purchased and renovated railroad is robbed four times in two months, Braeden MacAllister thinks someone may be out to ruin him financially. The morning he decides to hire Darling Security, he is almost run down in the street by an out of control wagon. Now he thinks someone may want him dead. When Braeden meets the charming Jovanna Darling, he has no idea she will be the woman who not only solves the mysteries, but changes his whole idea about love.

  • af Marsha Briscoe
    197,95 kr.

    Gideon, a half-breed mutant with a surly temper and rotten luck, struggles to scrape a living as a tracker in the desolate territory near the gateway to the human world. Business seems to be picking up when Gideon is approached by a powerful dark elf with deep pockets and a serious problem. Human miners at the dark elf's plant are being taken by an elusive predator. Gideon is pressured to find the killer before word of the disappearances reaches the human world, endangering the tense relationship between their two races. But, nothing is simple this close to the conduit between worlds. Archangel, a ruthless mercenary operating in the secret sectors of mutant society, has set his own deadly game in motion. Surrounded by savage wilderness and cut off from contact with civilization, Gideon must find a way to protect his friends and survive to collect his bounty.

    197,95 kr.

    Emma's 18th birthday is quickly approaching. Her decision to side with the Council or the Wicked grows more and more dangerous. In her continued attempts to keep those she loves safe, she is injured. Simon, Peter and those who believe in the Amulet must find a way to save her. But time is running out for Emma and pushes them to risk it all. Their journey will lead them to a new power, a reunited love and dangers at every step. Will the Talisman be enough to save Simon's love? Or will it be the end of the Amulet?

    197,95 kr.

    It began as an innocent prank by four Texas teens to get out of the North Texas Children's Home for a short while on a Saturday night. The plan goes terribly wrong. Samantha, Rebecca, Amanda and Aaron suddenly find themselves on the run from the law. Convinced blame of a horrendous crime will be on their heads, eluding the law is the only way. But, as the week passes they, each in their own way, come to realize that getting away wasn't the ultimate reason. Flight from the law transforms into an October odyssey of discovery for four teens searching.

    197,95 kr.

    Award-winning photographer, Sabrina Perry, returns to the scene of her childhood misery after a ten-year, self-imposed exile. Her step-siblings, Cord, Angela, and Steve Prichard wait at the seventy-million dollar Kentucky stud farm they call home. Sabrina's beloved step-father left her half ownership of the farm-but in order to inherit, she must live on the family estate for three months. Almost from the moment of her arrival, accidents threaten Sabrina with harm, perhaps even death. Can her desire for a family and a lifetime with Cord overcome the fear that one, or all, of the steps want her dead?

  • - [A Daniel 'sticks' Hetrick Murder Mystery Book 5]
    af Dave Field
    197,95 kr.

    Trouble follows Sticks Hetrick when he and Anita Bailey, the new woman in his life, go on a Caribbean cruise. Though he has no jurisdiction, Hetrick assists a Jamaican police inspector investigate two murders which have roots back home in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, Officer Flora Vastine, Hetrick's protégé and the team in Swatara Creek, are probing mysterious assaults on young women which will put Flora's life in jeopardy. Both Hetrick and Flora will learn the past has consequences which can't be denied.

    197,95 kr.

    Captain Ben Handler is on a mission. Find the gang responsible for the recent burglaries in Hunter's Mills and put them behind bars where they belong. When he receives a tip that one of the culprits might be hiding out at his best friend's summer cottage, he stakes out the place. He isn't prepared to meet Eddie Van Camp, his best friend's sister and aunt of the chief suspect. While he needs to find and arrest whoever is responsible for terrorizing his small town, he finds himself attracted to the number one suspect's lovely aunt. Eddie Van Camp has come to Hunter's Mills to find her nephew. As a counselor at a high school in the city, she has tried to keep her nephew on the straight and narrow. When he gets involved with the wrong crowd and suddenly disappears, she is certain she will find him in Hunter's Mills. When Ben Handler literally floors her, she finds herself struggling between her head and her heart. After all, Ben is another cop set on ruining a young man's life, not unlike the man she once loved and trusted. Ben implores her to trust him and while her body betrays her, her mind is set on saving her nephew no matter what the consequences are, even if the price is a broken heart.

    197,95 kr.

    Sell beloved Eden to a developer? Watch the apple trees bulldozed for hobby farms? 'You'll have to sell, it's inevitable, ' states charming and persuasive Adam Henderson. 'I'll give you a good price.' 'Over my dead body, ' cries owner, Eve McGregor. Eden was her father's dream and now, all she has in the world. Since his death Eve has struggled to keep the orchard going but the bank is threatening foreclosure and Adam, wealthy, determined and far too attractive, won't take no for an answer. Besieged on all sides how can Eve save Eden? Will Adam convince her the future is more important than the past?

    197,95 kr.

    An archeology professor, Edward Stone, and a friend stumble onto Aztec tablets in the Alaskan Wilderness that have the potential to lead to a vast treasure. They pay for it with their lives. Sable and his team are assigned the case, which becomes dangerous immediately. Sable finds corrupt elements of the Mexican government who will use any method to get to the gold first, killing anyone in their path. Sable and his team must bend the law by using extraordinary measures to stop the killers.

    197,95 kr.

    When my mother remarried after thirteen years of being a widow, I had to move to a new town and enroll in a new school. Suddenly thrust into an entirely different kind of life, I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to meet new people, didn't want to leave my old friends, didn't want to become a third wheel to my mom and her husband....and I really didn't want to see Ryder Yates again. Ugh, I still don't know why I turned down that too-good-to-be-true boy who flirted with me when we were attending separate schools. But honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was worse. Who knew becoming lost in a new life could help a girl find her true colors?

  • af Dave Field
    197,95 kr.

    Everybody seems to want something from Alec Gavins! A beautiful and ruthless CEO wants his amulet; a well-known TV evangelist wants a mystical staff; and a German industrialist wants to gain the secret to a new antigravity technology. In the midst of all of this, Alec is afraid he's losing his girlfriend, Marina Torres, to a rock and roll star. He's going to have to foil the bad guys and win her back, while not getting killed in the process.

    197,95 kr.

    Womanizer and pirate hunter, Dulac fights tooth and nail against the attraction he feels for the young pirate lad named Jesse. Unfortunately, even when they are apart, he can't stop thinking about the little imp. Tormented by his unexplainable, unnatural attraction to the lad, Dulac does his best to keep as much distance between them as possible. Raised on a pirate ship from the age of eight, Jesse wants the one man she cannot have- a pirate hunter. As luck would have it, Dulac wants her too, but he is very resistant. For Jesse is known to everyone not only as a pirate, but also as a boy, and how can she have her man without exposing her secret to the world?

    197,95 kr.

    For Flora a marriage to Mars would save her from her father's machinations - for Mars it would be sweet revenge on the man who had ruined his family. However, even the best laid plans can go wrong!

    197,95 kr.

    A relationship with an unsavory criminal was only the beginning of Virginia Seidle's terrible run with men. Would her life always be shadowed by previous mistakes? Would a career change turn bad luck around or was this boss just another man to avoid? As a husband, Nolan promised to love in sickness and health. As a father, his mission is to protect his son. An affair? What woman deserved the backyard gossip that surrounded a secret relationship? A pact of friendship and a secret love-was that all Virgie and Nolan had? Was protecting the future of a boy and a madwoman the most important? Could two people in love sacrifice everything to keep an affair respectable for the sake of family?

  • - [The McCassey Cousins Book 4]
    197,95 kr.

    The women in Jay McCassey's life joke that he was born with an 'S' on his chest. Strong and always in control, he guards those he loves with unshakable strength. A shy, quiet farm girl, Sadie lost her heart to Jay when she was ten years old. Without the confidence to express her feelings, she resigns herself to loving the wildly popular member of the notorious McCassey family from afar. Although one night's events link them together forever, it isn't until Sadie's desperate and alone-and in trouble-that she gathers enough courage to go to Jay with the truth...a truth he initially refuses to accept. Jay's prepared to protect Sadie any way he can, but she knows he's in danger, too. When her attempt to save him before he can save her backfires, the risk he takes to rescue her could end their story before it has a chance to begin.

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