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Bøger udgivet af Whitford Press,U.S.

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  • af Leonard Cataldo
    175,95 kr.

    In this compelling and fascinating study, authors Cataldo and Pelletier invite the reader to search himself to find and utilize the vast riches within. Through fourteen chapters the value of astrology and its influence on human behavior is explored and discussed through text and charts. Helpful topics covered include how the dynamics of behavior work; how others view you in relation to self-assessment; discovering potentials and weaknesses and how to handle them; how to determine the causes and solutions to stress problems, depressions, diseases, and so forth; how to detect the passionate from the frigid and the liar from the honest person; exploring your uniqueness; and looking ahead to developing life cycles for the coming days, weeks, months, and years. The reader will discover that not only is he a constituent of one of the twelve zodiacal signs, but also what that means and how it influences his life and behavior.

  • af Stephen Kravette
    137,95 kr.

    Until now, for most of us, each passing year brings diminished vitality and energy losses in efficacy, and a sense of shutting down that usually ends in retirement, illness, accidents, or bedridden senility. What is needed are clear alternatives to the process of aging itself. After twelve years of research, direct involvement, and interviews with thousands of aging individuals, I have discovered the many such alternatives do exist. How can we extend our lives? How can we add years of health, physical energy, mental clarity, and sexual vitality? How can we live to be 120, 130, 140 or more without losing our beauty, grace, perceptiveness, and income-producing skills? If you have ever had questions like these, I promise you will find the answers in this book.

  • af Kelynda
    135,95 kr.

    Travel on an extraordinary journey to discover the inner grail - the inner self. "Like the light, the grail itself is hard to define and impossible to hold in your hand. The inner grail balances your life and the universe. It fulfills your individuality by showing where you fit in the shimmering dance of a meaningful, created universe." Discovery and understanding of the grail will lead to knowledge of one's true values, forgiveness of self and others, and to joy in daily life. On the quest for the grail, the reader will find and fulfill his or her destiny, deal with karma, and learn to live well. Chapters cover defining the inner grail, discovering the hidden self, using the four elements to find balance, understanding karma, awakening your senses for creativity and renewal, exploring divination, finding a spiritual perspective, and more.

  • af Gini Graham Scott
    135,95 kr.

    Throughout history, the shaman has been an important figure in many cultures, including most Native American tribes, the Ainu of Japan, The Northern Aranda of Australia, and much of pre-Roman Europe. The shaman state is one involving special insight and magical powers. In Shamanism for Everyone, Gini Graham Scott shows you how to gain shamanistic wisdom safely and easily, and how to use it in your daily life. Her techniques include rituals, "seeing" into other realities, working with the forces of nature, mental projection, and much more.

  • af Brad and Francie Steiger
    187,95 kr.

    Discover Your Past Lives contains dozens of exercises and techniques that you can do alone or with friends, as well as case studies of people just like you who have benefited from past-life recall. Its easy, fun and enlightening. Through reliving previous existences you can awaken talent you haven't used for centuries, find relief from physical or emotional pain, improve your relationships, visit exotic places and gain insight into your present-day problems. By unlocking the secrets of the past you can make your life better today.

  • af Enid Hoffman
    115,95 kr.

    According to Enid Hoffman, we are all psychic. Psychic skills are simply an extension of natural, metal skills, and learning to use them is both easy and fun. Dozens of techniques, exercises, games and meditations - to do alone or with friends - are provided to help you develop and use your inner resources. These practices can enable you to heighten your awareness, get in touch with your higher self, communicate telepathically with people, animals and plants, use crystals and gemstones, heal yourself and others, improve your sensory abilities, enhance creativity, and erase old programming and behaviors that are interfering with your personal growth.

  • af Annette Thornhill
    117,95 kr.

    Combining technical expertise with common sense, Ask Your Doctor, Ask Yourself empowers the medical consumer to actively choose and use medical care. Ms. Thornhill provides solid information on choosing a supportive physician; clear explanations of commonly ordered laboratory and home tests and advice on documenting symptoms and safe use of medications. It also explores second opinions, patient's rights and includes a glossary of medical terms and a listing of organizations and publications.

  • - 20th Century, Noon
    af Robert Hand
    307,95 kr.

    The World Ephemeris is the first computer calculated and typeset ephemeris with letter-quality printing. Now ease and clarity in reading is combined with accuracy and precision of data to provide the most complete and convenient ephemeris available for astrological calculation and analysis. The Sun's position is accurate to the second of arc; the Moon's mean Node and nine planetary positions are given to the minute of arc for every day of the 21st Century. One hundred and one years in all.

  • af Rose Lineman
    225,95 kr.

    The Compendium of Astrology is the most comprehensive astrology book over published. The Compendium contains the basic information needed to build a horoscope. It provides a step-by-step guide that will lead beginning astrologers to in-depth knowledge of principles and calculations. It also encourages them to pursue further study and research.

  • af Tamise Van Pelt
    157,95 kr.

  • af Enid Hoffman
    137,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Kravette
    165,95 kr.

    To meditate, you really don't have to learn to do anything. You simply have to be. In fact, the whole idea of Complete Meditation is to stop doing whatever you are already doing, and focus completely on the subject of your meditation. Whether you've meditated before or not, this is the book that simplifies all the techniques, from the easiest to the most advanced. It's the book that removes the blocks whiles dissolving resistance and obstacles, making meditation the most natural thing in the world. This is Complete Meditation. And you have already begun.

  • af Sandor Konraad
    135,95 kr.

  • - The Healing Power of Herbs, Talismans, & Stones
    af Morwyn
    177,95 kr.

  • af Dusty Bunker
    137,95 kr.

    In Quintiles and Tredeciles, the author explores the little-known 72-degree and 108-degree aspects and explains their cosmic significance in the individual chart. The true meaning of these aspects was said to have been known only to initiates of the Chaldean mysteries. The numerological and astrological relevance of quintiles and tredeciles unfolds in four chapters and a wealth of diagrams and charts. Historical details on the meanings of numbers - taken from numerology; sacred geometry; masonic, religious, and Egyptian symbology; and astrology - transport the reader to times when numbers did not simply designate quantities but were an "extreme reduction of philosophic thought" and "concrete definitions of energetic formative principles of nature." This fascinating work is necessary reading for novice and experienced astrologers and provides a wonderful and tempting introduction to those with a budding interest in astrology and numerology.

  • af Brad Steiger
    187,95 kr.

    Far more than just a scholarly dissertation on out-of-body experiences, Astral Projections examines the scientific and non-scientific evidence of this amazing occurrence. You'll find everything from controlled laboratory experiments to Steiger's work with color and Peruvian whistling vessels as means of controlling your out-of-body experiences.Take part in experiments that will tell you about your past life. Maybe you were a peasant, a soldier or even an aristocrat. Discover how these past lives affect the way you are now. Imagine being able to contact long-dead relatives. What could you do with the knowledge they can pass on to you? Learn a variety of techniques that will allow you to project your spirit out of your physical body and find out why those who have mastered astral travel have no fear of death.

  • af Dr. J. Lee Lehman
    157,95 kr.

    In this exciting new book, Dr. Lehman recovers an important ancient aspect of astrology which has become misunderstood and diluted; rulerships. By attempting to simplify astrology, contemporary sources have completely obscured the essential differences between planet, sign, and house. While the novice may benefit from this simplification, much of the old logic of the rulership system is covered up. By researching ancient manuscripts and sources, the ancient system of essential dignities or planetary rulerships is recovered and made available once again to the contemporary astrologer. What was nearly lost is given new power and the potential for understanding. A wealth of information is presented in a clear and concise way with many accurate charts.

  • af Skye Alexander
    175,95 kr.

    What''s your sign? Here''s the complete picture - not just the Sun, but also the Moon and the planets through all twelve signs of the zodiac. Alexander describes each of these heavenly bodies and its significance in the birth chart, then shows how the different signs color and shape the energies of the planets and lights. Each lucid analysis includes examples of famous people whose charts contain that particular planet-sign combination so you can see how others have utilized the energies.

  • af Ph.D. Lazewnik
    137,95 kr.

  • af Olivia Barclay
    225,95 kr.

    Through 25 chapters Ms. Barclay guides the reader in understanding how to make and judge a chart, grasp the terminology and aspects of a chart, find answers to questions through a chart, and appreciate the ancient and modern history of horary astrology. Horary Astrology Rediscovered is a captivating and beautifully written survey of horary astrology and its relationship with other forms of the science. The work of noted experts throughout history, such as Manilus, Al Biruni, Cardan, Antigonus, and William Lilly, among others, perfectly compliments Barclay's text. More than 25 charts and graphs illustrate planetary rulerships, planetary movements, fortitude's and debilities of planets, and answers to questions.

  • - Rites for Witches in the New Age
    af Morwyn
    185,95 kr.

    Web of Light describes in vivid detail the secret rituals performed in the witch's coven. Rituals of psychic development, spells, enchantments and celebrations, to name a few, are explored. This is the second volume of a trilogy in progress by the High Priestess Morwyn designed to provide detailed information while dispelling myths surrounding modern day witchcraft or Wicca. Learn to create the magic circle and perform Wicca rituals designed to enhance your life and help you achieve your heart's desires. These rituals have never been offered to the public before. They have been handed down and performed by High Priestesses over many generations.Now you have the tool in your hands which will allow you to understand and perform them for yourself.

  • af William Earl Valentine Key-nee
    95,95 kr.

    In Origin and Destiny of Humanity, William Key-nee explores our physical, intellectual, and spiritual connections with the universe. The author discusses our development from the first man and woman to the people of the future; the physical development of Earth; the life mastery achieved by the avatars (Pythagoras, Confucius, Christ, and other); the New Age movement and its future goals; social, human, and scientific cycles; UFOs; and other fascinating and informative topics. Envision humanity's future as we embrace the advances and changes in technology, religion, science, and mind science. By challenging our traditional beliefs and broadening our perspectives, Mr. Key-nee believes we can greatly enhance our quality of life and peacefully move into the twenty-first century.

  • af Robert Pelletier
    225,95 kr.

    What Robert Pelletier does in Planets in Houses has never been done before in the history of astrology. He discusses the meaning of each planet in each house as derived by counting from each of the other eleven houses, and he discusses the meaning of each house position in relation to the other houses with which it forms trines, sextiles, squares and oppositions, inconjuncts and semi-sextiles. In each chapter, wheel symbols graphically show the seventeen different house relationships delineated for each planet. Finally, Pelletier delineates the Sun-Moon polarities in terms of the wheel of houses: for each house position of the Sun, he interprets each of the twelve possible related house positions of the Moon. Each chapter presents the traditional meaning of the house and explains how the derivative house system applies to it.

  • af Robert Hand
    187,95 kr.

    Planets in Composite contains an explanation of the composite technique, chapters on casting and reading the horoscope, five case studies illustrating the use and validity of composite charts, plus twelve chapters of delineations. There are delineations for all the planets (including Sun and Moon) in each house and every major aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition). 374 interpretations in all, 300 words each, thumb-indexed for easy reference. And there are 41 delineations of the Moon's nodes as well.

  • af Stephen Kravette
    185,95 kr.

    Relax every part of your body and your life with a soothing series of explorations in awareness that activate your natural ability to release tension. Learn how to stay relaxed using the Relaxation Reflex, a simple instantaneous technique that reduces stress anytime, anyplace, automatically. This is a book the world has been tensely, nervously, anxiously waiting for. Here it is. So relax.

  • af Robert Hand
    185,95 kr.

    Here at last are the collected essays of the world's leading astrologer. In one comprehensive volume, Essays on Astrology makes a cross section of Robert Hand's writings available to both the beginning and advanced astrologer. Robert Hand is one of the few astrologers to successfully work and publish in both the technical and humanistic dimensions of astrology. Because of this, his work is read, reread and respected by all serious astrologers. And this book presents a comprehensive look at the various essays of this very important author. As a reference book, Essays on Astrology is an invaluable resource. Some articles written several years ago, such as The Ascendant, Midheaven and Vertex in Extreme Latitudes, have been extremely hard to find. Still others are printed here for the very first time making this not only a reprint of Robert Hand's previous works, but an important addition to the study of astrology.

  • af E.W. Neville
    187,95 kr.

  • af John Townley
    185,95 kr.

    Planets in Love is the first astrology book to take an unabashed look at human sexuality and the variety of relationships people form to meet emotional sexual needs. With unusual depth and insight, author John Townley delineates each traditional horoscope factor in terms of love and sex. Planets in Love contains a 300-word delineation of every planet and the Ascendant in every sign, every planet in every major house and planetary aspect. In all, there are 550 delineations written in terms of your sexual behavior and relationships. This book provides a catalyst for couples to open up their communication about sexual and emotional issues. Moreover, it gives you a valuable guide for an ongoing process of discovery and exploration.

  • - From Ptolemy to Psychology & Back Again
    af Dr. J. Lee Lehman
    185,95 kr.

    Using methods developed by ancient Astrologers, Lee Lehman works to strengthen techniques used by Astrologers today. The task of Classical Astrology today is twofold: to recover these techniques and to evaluate and understand them within a modern context. She presents both techniques and the logic behind them to radically improve all Astrology, regardless of whether the practitioner chooses to adopt a Classical or Neo-Classical approach. She analyzes the charts of several famous people and events to demonstrate the techniques and their effectiveness.

  • af McCarty, Elkins & Rueckert
    135,95 kr.

    Book Four of the Law of One is the last of the books in the Law of One series. Book Four explores in great detail the archetypical mind which is the framework provided by our Logos or sun body to aid each of us in the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. Tarot, astrology, and ritual magic are three paths offering the study of the archetypical mind, and in Book Four a study of that rich resource is undertaken using the tarot, also uncovered on the nature and purpose of the veil that we experience between the conscious and the unconscious minds and the process of "forgetting" that occurs during each incarnation in our third-density experience. In Book Four the path of the adept becomes more clear as Ra elucidates the adept's use of experience to balance its energy centers and penetrate the veil of forgetting.

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