Bag om Gealstone Identity
Grand in its scope and vision, The Gealstone Saga follows the adventures of a twin brother and sister, Prince Adlin and Princess Adelina, as they struggle through three worlds to reclaim the kingdom of Palatia from their usurping uncle, Dunolt, who has stolen from them their birthright, the powerful magic gem, the Gealstone. Along the way they are aided by their guardian uncle Saulin but betrayed by their younger brother Belin, who has his own designs on the throne of Palatia. In Gealstone Identity, the first book of the saga, Adlin and Adelina, caught trying to steal the Gealstone from Dunolt, are banished from Palatia through the Well, a hole between the worlds that deposits them in a land completely alien and yet increasingly familiar as they journey to its center in hopes of finding the means to return home. They meet the helpful Treeguards, the dangerous Rockguards, and a runaway who may or may not be from their home world-and who may or may not be trying to kill them.
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