Bag om God's Inheritance in You!
Man's first experience, when he awoke in creation, was the overwhelming display of God's love ...God's very favor and adoration!God is love ...and this love could only rest an encounter ...with a being of the same kind and likeness! God can only find His rest in a being of the same image and likeness as Himself ...a being with the same love as His ...a love of the same kind as His own. Love can only find its rest in love! Love can only be satisfied by love! Love desires someone else to love ...and love desires a response of the exact same kind and quality! God, in His creation of mankind, designed a being with whom He could share equality! In His creation of mankind, God desired and designed a being upon whom He could lavish His love! See, Man alone can appreciate and respond to God's love on a level of worship. The desire in Man for some kind of relationship with God was birthed by that first encounter and experience of God's adoration in the garden. To reflect back in love, the adoration He gives, is the only appropriate response to His love!1 John 4:19, "We love Him because He first loved us."
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