Bag om Igbo Di Nfe
IGBO DI NFE ka mụ dere maka asụsụ-igbo. Ọga-enyere ndi-nkụzi aka ikụzi asụsụ anyi.
Nkpụrụ-okwu n'asụsụ-igbo bara-ụba nime ya. Aha di iche iche jupụtara nime ya. Ihe esere-ese di otụtụ nime ya. Ilụ-igbo na akụko di iche iche bara ụba nime akwụkwọ nkea.
Na-ezie, akwụkwọ nkea ga-akuziri ụmụ-akwụkwo ihe di iche iche, bu nke eji mara ndi-igbo.
I wrote IGBO IS EASY for those who want to learn our igbo language. It is a teaching manual for the teachers of the language.
Our igbo alphabets are in there. So are the igbo numerals. Names of things and their pictures are in this book.
The great igbo proverbs and lovely stories are in the book, too. This book will teach the students, not only the language, but also what it really means to be an Igbo.
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