Bag om In Their Prime
In Their Prime, a 90,000 word gay romance novel, follows the lives and loves of two talented gay men who meet at the storied Iowa Writers' Workshop in their early 20's. They start out as accidental roommates and passionate lovers, and move through the beginning of their lives as haplessly as everyone else. Ethan is the ambitious, aggressive writer whose only goal is to write trashy fiction that he can sell to the masses, while Travis spends his time working on gay literary novels that give him prestige, but little money and fame. And when both men clash, the heartache is almost too much to handle. Over the course of two decades they both choose different paths, but their bond is never broken. It takes years to realize what they've won and lost, and they finally reach a point where they both have to face reality in ways neither of them expected. As some of their brightest dreams are realized, and some are painfully lost, will they ever find a way to come together? Or will they continue to ignore the only thing that's kept them going all this time?
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